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Reasonable Insanity

Page 19

by Cynthia Freeman Gibbs

  “Girl, stop sounding all sentimental. Sometimes, you think too much about things. Now get out of here and get home to that husband of yours.” Olivia walked to her car laughing and blowing kisses to Savvy.


  “Hey, Liv. I’m in the back,” Malcolm called from the backyard. Olivia headed through the kitchen and out the sliding door to the covered patio.

  Malcolm wore an apron on top of his Michigan State University T-shirt. She could see his clothes perfectly matched with green shorts, and green and white sneakers. The grill appeared overloaded with steaks, chicken, ribs, and vegetables. He was cooking enough food for a football team.

  She loved his handsomeness with his MSU baseball hat turned around backward. He expertly flipped the steaks and closed the lid on the grill. He walked to Olivia to give her a tight bear hug and a juicy kiss on her lips.

  “Hi, baby. You smell like smoke. Good enough to eat.” Olivia kissed him back.

  “Call me Chef Malcolm. I’m making a gourmet dinner for my baby mama.”

  “Boy. You’re too crazy,” Olivia laughed. “I know those steaks are going to melt in my mouth. I can’t wait and neither can this bundle in here.”

  “How’s my little one doing?” Malcolm rubbed her stomach with his big hands. His eyes sparkled with joy. He leaned toward her and planted a kiss on the top of her belly.”

  “From what I can tell, Mama and baby are doing fine. By the way, Savvy said to tell you hi.” Olivia sat on the outdoor sofa and raised her feet onto the glass coffee table. Her ankles were swollen and tight in her shoes. She slipped them off to get comfortable.

  “What’s my girl Savvy up to? You should call and tell her to come by for some of my famous BBQ.”

  “She said she’s heading to the gym to get her workout in. I’m sure she’ll be interested next time if we let her know earlier. By the way, you sure are cooking a lot of meat. Are we having company over?” Olivia asked when Malcolm headed back to the grill to check on the food.

  “Yeah. You know Michigan State is playing Ohio State today. I invited a few of my Frat Brothers to hang out to see the game. Sorry, I didn’t mention it earlier. Joe’s wife put him out of the house for a bridal shower she’s hosting. He and Rodger planned to watch the game there. He called and asked if they could come here instead. I hope you don’t mind baby.”

  Even though she wasn’t really in the mood for company, she said, “No, not at all. I know how you are about your football. I’ll get my plate and will stay out of the way. I don’t think me and the baby want to be around all of you screaming at the TV,” Olivia laughed and stood to go into the house.

  One thing she knew about Malcolm, was the fact he had to see every sport in existence. He started watching players and keeping stats from their high school years all the way through their professional careers.

  Football, basketball, soccer, and baseball kept him glued to the TV most days. Since he completely absorbed himself with the games, there were times Olivia existed like a sports widow.

  She did her best not to complain. The times when she joined him to check out a game, he got extremely intense and frustrated about the players. It wasn’t fun anymore for her. It would be better for him to watch with his friends instead.

  “I’m going to relax upstairs. Let me know when I can come to get a plate. By the way, there’s beer in the refrigerator in the garage for you and the guys.”

  “Thanks, babe. You’re the greatest,” Malcolm said. They heard the doorbell ring. “Can you get that for me?”

  “Sure, no problem.” Olivia headed to the front. She peeped through the window and opened the door with a smile. Joe and Rodger stood on the welcome mat loaded with bags of chips and cans of beer.

  Rodger was tall and lanky like a basketball player. Because of his baby face, you would never know he was in his late 40’s. Joe was short and had to look upward at Olivia.

  “Hey, Liv. Penny says hi. She said y’all need to get together soon,” Joe informed her when she bent to hug him.

  “It’s been a while since we’ve gone out. Please tell her hello for me,” Olivia replied.

  Their wives were good friends of hers. They didn’t get together much since they had active teenagers. The parents stayed busy juggling their crazy schedules.

  “Liv. Whassup girl.” Rodger followed Joe to a table to place the food and beer on, before giving her a hug. “Thank you for letting us watch the game here.”

  “Oh, no problem. Malcolm is out back. You know the way. He’s burning up the grill getting ready for y’all and the game. You know Michigan State is gonna win this one.” Olivia teased him and tapped his Ohio State hat on the rim.

  “Girl, please. And by the way, it is The Ohio State University winning the game today,” Rodger declared and straightened his hat.

  “Naw, man. She said it right,” Joe chimed in. “MSU is about to put a whuppin’ on you Buckeyes.”

  “You wanna put some money with that trash you talkin’ man?” Rodger gathered the chips and beer and headed toward the patio.

  “You know it, my brotha,” Joe laughed and followed him outside.

  Olivia chuckled at their banter. The trash talking continued with Malcolm when she headed upstairs.

  Olivia stopped in her tracks when she walked into the bedroom. There were several shoeboxes and shopping bags on the floor. Looking closer, there were six pairs of new sneakers, four baseball hats, and three T-shirts for Malcolm’s favorite college and professional teams.

  Malcolm was spending too much money on sports gear. He wasn’t even making enough to shop like this. I’m the one footing most of the bills. He knows his income isn’t steady for him to buy this crap. She stared in disbelief at each item and her neck warmed with anger. She had to talk to him about this or he was going to drive them into the poor house.

  She blocked out Savvy’s voice in her head, warning her about not nagging him about his job. Something had to change, especially with this baby on the way. I’ll give him a few months to kick this habit. Otherwise, I’m going to put my foot down and get him straightened out.


  “Olivia, are you seriously interrupting my game right now to say this mess to me?” Malcolm snapped. He reclined in his stadium chair in front of the TV in the man cave. He was dressed from head to toe in San Antonio Spurs paraphernalia to watch them play the Chicago Bulls.

  “Yes, I am. There’s never a good time to discuss this with you.” Olivia stood firmly in front of the TV with her swollen belly blocking the screen.

  “Woman. You’re about to get yourself hurt if you don’t move from in front of this TV. You see I’m watching the game. You made me miss an important play. Move out the way,” Malcolm yelled and tried to look around her to see the television.

  “I know you didn’t raise your voice at me, Malcolm.” Olivia squatted to snatch the remote control from the table and turned the TV off.

  “Noooooo,” Malcolm screamed and jumped from his chair. “Woman. You’ve lost your frickin’ mind. I can’t believe you turned the game off. Give me the remote.” Malcolm lunged to grab it from her hand.

  Olivia waddled away from him and swung her arm behind her back. “You better step away from me and have a seat. We’re going to have a conversation about all the money you’re spending on sports paraphernalia right now. You’re always glued to the TV. I need peace of mind about what’s going on. The sooner you calm down, the sooner you can get back to your stupid game.”

  Malcolm glared at her and reluctantly sat back in his chair. He poked his lip out and pouted like a kid who lost his dog.

  Olivia took a deep breath and stared at Malcolm squarely in the eyes. “Now, like I said, we need to talk about all of the money you’ve been spending on clothing and shoes. Malcolm, you have T-shirts, sweatshirts, jerseys, jackets, hats, shoes, you name it, for all your favorite teams. We don’t have room in our closet or drawers for anything else. I can appreciate your passion for sports, however, you’ve be
en ordering new stuff every week.

  “Olivia, you’re exaggerating. I’m not buying stuff every week,” Malcolm snapped.

  “Oh, yes you are. I’ve seen the credit card statements and every single dime you’re spending. It’s ridiculous, Malcolm,” Olivia snapped back.

  “Are you spying on what I’m spending?” Malcolm asked. His brow furrowed in anger.

  “I don’t have to spy. I can see everything you bring in this house and all the deliveries for this crap. It’s too much money and too much stuff. Considering you aren’t bringing in a decent paycheck, I pay for all of this. I’m sick and tired of it.” The baby kicked in her stomach and her heart began pounding rapidly. It took her breath away and she steadied herself by hanging onto the back of a chair.

  “Really, Olivia? Do you want to play that card? You think you’re better than me cause you’re earning more money?” Malcolm stood and started pacing the carpeted floor. “You knew when we got married, this business is extremely hard. I put a lot of effort into my work.”

  “Malcolm, I’m not saying I’m better than you. We’re not in competition with each other. We must start thinking about our future together financially. We’re going to need our money for the baby. We only have one more month to go before the baby gets here, and we still have a ton of things we need to buy for her.” Olivia tried to soften her tone to diffuse Malcolm’s anger.

  “Okay, fine. Be like that. I can never do enough for you. You make it seem like I’m not contributing anything to this household. Do you think you’re the only one paying the bills in here? I mean, what else do you want from me Liv?” Malcolm scowled.

  “Look, Malcolm, this hasn’t been easy for me to bring up. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to say this to you for months. It’s been impossible since you always have a game on. I didn’t want this to turn into an argument. We need to do some planning. Perhaps we need to consult with a Financial Advisor to help. Savvy told me about a reputable company called J Maur Wealth Advisors. Let’s simply schedule a consultation to see what we can do.”

  “I ain’t talking to any kind of Financial Advisor, Liv. We don’t need anyone in our business looking at our money. We don’t have a money problem and that’s that. Now, I’m done talking and you need to give me the remote.” Malcolm glared at her and stuck his hand out.

  Olivia froze and stared in disbelief at the man she loved. He glared back at her and they locked eyes in competition with each other. The baby began shifting positions and brought about a sense of anxiety.

  Suddenly, Olivia screamed and threw the remote on the wall causing the back to pop off and the batteries to fall out. Malcolm scrambled to put it together to turn the TV on. Without another word, he plopped onto the recliner and started cursing at the basketball players since he missed the Bulls scoring several more points over the Spurs.

  Olivia’s back tightened when she left the theater room in the agony of defeat. She placed both hands on her hips to ease the pain. The baby began punching and kicking around in her stomach like a boxer, which took her breath away.

  She stopped in the hallway to inhale and exhale slowly. She rubbed her stomach to try to calm the baby down. Taking deep, calculated breaths, she slowly treaded downstairs and gripped the handrail to stay balanced.

  In a daze, standing on the last step, something wet trickled down her legs. She looked down and saw a puddle of water pooled around her slippered feet. No. No. It’s too soon. She’s not due yet. This can’t be happening. I’m not ready.

  “Malcolm. Come help me. I think my water broke,” she yelled up the stairs. She clung to the stairwell and sunk to the second step in pain. One last scream brought Malcolm running downstairs to her with concern spread over his face.

  “I got you, baby. It’s gonna be okay. I got you,” Malcolm comforted her and helped her stand.

  “We’ve to go now, Malcolm. Our baby is on the way. It’s too soon. I’m scared. I’m so afraid,” Olivia cried.


  Savvy inhaled the delightful fragrance of the bouquet of twelve pink roses. She knocked gently on the door. Once she heard Malcolm’s voice calling out for her to come in, she slowly entered the room.

  In the dimly lit room, Savvy saw Olivia holding a tiny bundle wrapped tightly like a burrito against her chest. She squealed with joy.

  Savvy hugged Malcolm and handed the flowers to him before tip-toeing to the bed with tears of happiness gathering in her eyes.

  Olivia’s face appeared radiant despite any pain she experienced from giving birth. She adjusted the bundle in her arms for Savvy to see the baby’s sweet face.

  Savvy gasped and peered at the most angelic, baby girl she’d ever seen. Her skin is the color of mahogany. Curly, mink black hair framed her face. Tiny, perfect bow lips opened in a yawn. Her beauty overwhelmed Savvy when her light brown eyes fluttered open.

  “Oh, Olivia and Malcolm. She is gorgeous.” Savvy exclaimed, wiping tears from her face. “How are you doing, Mama?”

  “Savvy, I can’t express how happy I am right now. I’ve totally forgotten about the pain. She’s perfect in every way. You know, I already counted every toe and finger.” Olivia placed a tiny, pink, cap which had fallen off the baby’s head, back on. She lifted her toward Savvy. “Come on, Auntie. Come hold your niece, Simone Imani Turnipseed.”

  “Me? Hold her right now? She’s tiny. I’m afraid I’ll hurt her.” Savvy backed away from the bed.

  “Girl, please. She clearly survived being squeezed like a tube of toothpaste coming into this world. You won’t hurt her. Hold the back of her head with one hand and her body with the other. You’ll do fine. You need to get used to it since you’ll be babysitting for us.”

  “Okay, okay. Let me wash my hands first,” Savvy said nervously and walked to the sink. After drying off, she headed toward the bed and reached to gently hold Simone. The baby began cooing and settled into the crook of her elbow. One of her tiny arms popped through the top of the bundle. A pink mitt covered her hand, which started punching into the air like a boxer.

  “I’m going to nickname her Laila Ali since she’s throwing these punches,” Savvy laughed. She sat on the leather love seat and cuddled Simone.

  “I’ll be the one doing the boxing on any knuckleheads trying to date her.” Malcolm turned from watching the TV above the bed to gaze at Simone with love in his eyes. “They’ll wish they’d never laid eyes on her once I get my hands on them.”

  “Well, aren’t you planning way ahead for her future boyfriends?” Savvy laughed and adjusted the cap on Simone’s head, which kept falling off her silky hair.

  “You got that right. They better think twice before they come her way. I ain’t taking no mess,” Malcolm replied.

  “Baby, you have plenty of time to get ready for that since we’re only on day one,” Olivia teased.

  “So, give me details. How much does she weigh? How long did it take?” Savvy asked. “I sure hope you got here in time to get an epidural. Forget all-natural births.”

  “You better believe it. I screamed for it by the time they got me checked in. There’s no way I could’ve had this baby without it. I would’ve locked my legs together and kept her inside,” Olivia laughed.

  “Our baby girl weighs 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and is 17 inches long. She came out right on time to make me miss the end of the Spurs game,” Malcolm joked.

  “Savvy. He would’ve put a TV on top of my forehead if he could have. He wanted to name her Donovan after the former Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback. Can you believe that nonsense?” Olivia joked back.

  “That would’ve been a perfect name for a girl or boy and you know it. Donovan Imani Turnipseed,” Malcolm defended his idea.

  “Boy. You need to stop playing. She’s too adorable to be called Donovan,” Savvy chimed in. “Simone Imani is a perfect name for this princess of a baby.

  “I wasn’t expecting her to come out when she did. I became nauseated and asked for Malcolm to bring me a trashcan. When I t
hought I needed to throw up, she shot out like a torpedo instead. Thankfully, the nurse stood in front of my legs. She had to catch her in her arms like a football,” Olivia exclaimed.

  “We already know she’ll have the energy of her mama. That’s for sure. She’s beautiful like her too.” Malcolm smoothed Olivia’s hair back from her forehead before kissing her softly on the lips. Anyone could see how happy they were about the birth of their first child.

  “I’m happy for both of you. I can’t believe she’s here already. We haven’t even had the baby shower yet. She wasn’t due for another four weeks, right?” Savvy asked.

  “Right. She couldn’t wait to get here. She kicked around in my stomach a lot throughout my pregnancy. I must admit, I was extremely scared when my water broke. I wasn’t expecting everything to happen fast like it did. Now, I’m glad she arrived early. It seemed like she did aerobics in my belly every night once I laid in bed to go to sleep.” Olivia shook her head.

  A woman wearing pink scrubs with brightly colored clogs knocked twice and entered the room. She smiled and greeted Savvy, “Hello there, I’m Kathleen, the lactation consultant.”

  “Hi there, I’m Savvy, Olivia’s best friend.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” She turned to Olivia. “Olivia, it’s time for you to nurse Simone again.”

  “Well. That’s my cue to leave. I’m going to get out of the way and let you nurse my niece.” Savvy stood slowly and cradled Simone on one arm to pass her back to Olivia.

  “Savvy, thank you for coming by and thank you for the lovely flowers. Malcolm had you on speed dial. We knew you’d want to be here right away.”

  Savvy hugged Olivia and Malcolm before kissing Simone on the forehead. “Congratulations and I love all of you. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do. Don’t hesitate to call me to help. Welcome to the world, Simone Imani.” Savvy glided out the door like she’d seen heaven.


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