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Fate Fixed

Page 18

by Bonnie Erina Wheeler

  in the thick oozing substance. “The blood is from the same person,” he stood, drying his hands on his pants.

  Torin studied Cian as his cousin talked quietly into his cel phone. As he dragged his free hand through his tousled hair, his shoulders were visibly more relaxed. From the soothing tone of his words, it was apparent that Brooke was unharmed. Torin was thankful; he didn’t think Cian could survive that kind of loss. I couldn’t if it were Lexie.

  He closed his eyes, focusing on the area al around them.

  Awareness streamed through his senses: he felt motion as it vibrated across the ground, he could taste the musk on the air, and heard the rain slowing to a mere drizzle. Torin tipped his head back, sniffing the scents floating past on the breeze. Giving himself over completely, the hunter within him charged into the tree line. The overwhelming potency of blood cal ed to him.

  He could feel the others behind him, dodging trees and gliding over the fal en limbs and ruts with ease. His speed built rapidly, blood was out there in great quantities: pooling, dripping and waiting. He broke into a clearing ful of long grass and smal brush and came to a complete stop – it was once their favored place to build forts as smal children. Now, splayed out like Michelangelo’s Man, the naked body of Courtney Parsons sat decomposing in the



  As Torin approached, Braden flanked his left side. The predator’s scent was hours old, but from the look of her body – Courtney had been dead for at least a day. Her platinum blond hair was now colored rust from the staining of dried blood, her eyes stil open and hazy. Her once slender body was covered in bruises and jagged claw marks. Missing

  one foot and both hands, her chest sustained the worst of the damage. The creature had eaten her heart.

  Cian spil ed into the clearing, fol owed by Teagan. Both halted as soon as they spotted Torin and Braden standing motionless. Cian shook his head in disbelief, “How could she have been out here without me smel ing it?”

  Braden turned his head from her broken form. “She didn’t die here. I think he kil ed her somewhere else. Judging from the marks, he raped her first – then finished her. I think she’s only been here since the rain eased up.”

  Torin felt ashamed. Courtney real y liked him, but he didn’t even try to be her friend. He had always been turned off by her overtly sexual behavior. Now he wished he could have been there for her in her time of need. No one deserves to die like that.

  “But, why Courtney and why in my backyard?” Cian asked.

  Torin’s bond with Lexie tugged. She’s nervous. A shooting pain began to radiate down his arm. Wondering what she was doing, he took a ful breath and focused harder on her.

  It jerked again, this time he could feel her growing sense of panic.

  She’s in trouble. He stepped back from Courtney’s body, a pressure burned in the center of his chest. His stomach rumbled with nausea and a cold sweat broke out over his skin.

  Braden shook his head unsure, “I don’t know, I’m guessing he’s letting you know it can be Brooke next time.”

  Torin tried to move, his body only wobbled. The pain was rapidly spreading – his neck and jaw grew so stiff he

  couldn’t swal ow. His hands shook as he grasped Teagan’s shoulder. I have to get to Lexie… No longer able to support himself, his knees buckled and he pitched forward shuddering.

  His cousins stopped talking and glanced down at him


  The burning pain in his chest roared up into the back of his throat, setting the soft tissue in his face on fire. His spine arched, every disc in his back stretching and cracking, before knitting back together, fol owed by his ribs. Torin’s pounding head flipped back, his eyes and teeth changing as a grating scream forced its way through his esophagus.

  Lexie needs me…


  Teagan eyes revealed his panic. “Oh hel – he’s changing!”

  “It’s al of the blood – we have to keep him away from it.”

  Braden seized Torin under the arms. “We need to confine him. Cian, go get your father.”

  No, I have to get to Lexie.

  Words wouldn’t come, just relentless agony. Another

  rasping cry pitched past his lips as the bones and tendons in his arms and legs swel ed before shattering. The pain in his chest reached al the way down into his intestines, his organs squeezing and shutting down. Braden’s grip

  tightened as Torin’s body began seizing. With one last desperate gulp of air – he could feel his heart stop beating.

  His cousins stood over him. As they looked down at his pale form, they waited for it – One, two, three… Both hearts came online.

  Bursting upward, the most thril ing sensation flooded over him. Warmth started in his chest and spread down to his fingers and legs, wrapping around his skin and fil ing every cel with pleasure. His muscles were stronger, utilizing the oxygen he inhaled as pure fuel. Like being reborn, his body no longer felt any pain only thirst. His throat burned – his teeth sharp and ready to feed.

  He could only think of blood. He wanted to be showered in it, having it pour past his lips, fil ing him completely. Part of his mind raced to awaken. He wanted to ignore it – scream at it to shut up and let him desire his blood. Like daggers, the second voice demanded to be heard – pul ing him from his one desire.

  Lexie… Their bond shook him – stunning his

  consciousness into the present. One side of him only

  wanted blood, but he forced it back down. Go to hell, I only want Lexie.

  Frantic to find her, he kicked Teagan off his legs.

  Braden’s hold on his torso was taut, like a boa constrictor winding its body around its prey.

  “Not so fast big guy,” Braden grunted as he held on tight.

  “You need lockdown until you can manage your thirst.” He pinned Torin with a choke hold.

  “Get off me!” He rammed his elbow up, fracturing Braden’s cheek bone. “Lexie’s in trouble.”

  Braden let go, glaring at Torin with suspicion. “You mean to tel me you can feel anything besides the need to feed right now?” His hand rubbed his sore face. “Because when I

  went through the final phase, it took me two long days.”

  “Yes,” he said panting. “Our bond – I can feel her through our bond. She’s in trouble.” Torin pushed to his feet, unwil ing to waste time.


  “Go to her then,” Braden said, his eyes revealing his

  distrust. “But know that if you give in – I’m going to hunt you down and kil you.”

  Torin stared back at his cousin. “I know.”

  Without hesitating, Lexie ran. With eyes wide, she bolted up the basement steps and out the demolished hatchway into the soggy back yard. As her body rocketed up the trail behind the house, she didn’t think of the murders she just witnessed – only of finding a place to hide.

  She heard Alik’s sinister laughter behind her, taunting her to come out and play. After a distance, her shortness of breath was making her gate slower. She couldn’t see wel enough in the moonlight and was unsure how much further she could go. As she rounded the corner, the shed stood as an ominous reminder of her dream’s fatal ending.

  Panic fil ed her. What did she learn in self-defense class?

  Her mind went blank, her fear paralyzing her. Trying to evade him, she slipped behind the building. Scanning the ground for a

  weapon, she noticed the deep ditch running under the

  foundation of the shed. Big enough to fit into, it resembled a smal cave.

  She dropped down in, pressing her back to the shadowed embankment. Although shaking with terror, she struggled to hold stil in hopes he would pass by on the trail.

  Something slick dripped down her forehead from inside the sheds floorboards. Touching it with her fingertips, she could smel the coppery scent of blood. She clenched her teeth, refusing to scream.

  Lexie closed her eyes, focusing on her bond wi
th Torin.

  She sensed his fear as he fought to get to her. He’s coming.

  Alik sprang down in front of her, cornering her against the damp earth. “Sweetie, you found the den already? It was supposed to be a surprise.” Standing stark nude and

  glistening with sweat, his yel ow eyes bore into hers.

  Lexie swung her fist, aiming for Alik’s chin. He grabbed it midair, wound back and cracked her across the jaw. The pain from his blow soared through her, bringing instant tears to her eyes. She writhed to free her hand, but he squeezed until she cried out in pain. With a flick of his wrist, he rammed her backwards, forcing her to hit the ground so hard it snapped her jaw shut. Her legs flew up and she kicked him as hard as she could in the groin.

  Alik laughed, grabbed her ankle and began hauling her out of the ditch. Digging her nails into the muddy soil, she twisted as much as possible but couldn’t break his hold.

  “Oh baby, you are a fighter. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint,”

  he said with a smug grin.

  Once out in the open, he grabbed a handful of her hair and towed her to the front of the shed. She tried resisting him, but the stinging pain in her scalp was too much. She

  couldn’t gain any footing and fel to her knees. “Please Alik,” she cried.

  He pried the padlock off the door, “You’re begging for it?”

  He laughed, twisting the meaning of her words. “That whore Courtney begged me for it, she wanted me so badly. I gave it to her the way she deserved it.” Each word exuded

  cruelty. “But, afterwards I realized she would have the virus then, wouldn’t she? She wasn’t worthy of my gift.” Kneeling down, his bitter breath stung her nose. She strained to turn her face, but he grated his hard mouth against hers. Before pul ing away, he bit her lower lip – a trickle of blood spil ed down her chin. “But you,”

  he licked the crimson fluid, “are my perfect match.”

  Piercing his nails into the sensitive flesh of her arms, he hauled Lexie up and shoved her into the dark shed. As

  soon as her feet hit the slick floor, she fel forward col apsing on her elbows. Alik flicked on a flashlight dangling from the ceiling.

  As her eyes adjusted to the light, she could see chains with

  shackles bolted to the back wal . Against the one corner, a heap of soiled blankets covered a narrow mat. Like

  Maxim’s room, the smal space was ful of flies and reeked with the stench of death. “What have you done in here?” she whimpered.

  “Wel , I don’t like to kiss and tel ,” he fussed with one of the shackles attached to the wal . “But, some of my time in here hasn’t been al fun and games.” His mouth pursed, “Dragos was always forcing me to submit to him. Always trying to teach me to fal in line.” The hinge clinked open on the restraint. Turning, he gave Lexie a devilish grin, “Just like I wil do with our litter...and you.”

  As he darted for her, she screamed. Her face slid into a nasty brown substance as he forced her on the floor. His fingers dug into the smal of her back, attempting to drive her pants down. “Of course, I can smel that freak al over you. Hopeful y that wil wear off in time,” he growled into her ear.

  Her arms flailed, desperate to grasp anything she could find. Her fingers wrapped around a coiled chain. Alik’s knees pinned her calves to the floor, his weight making her legs burn.

  Twisting to her side, she swung the chain through the air, whipping it across his face. Stunned, he sat back spitting blood.

  Her heart pounded as she sprinted for the door. Alik did a sweeping kick, snapping her ankle with the blow. The


  shot up her leg, taking her breath away. She tumbled

  through the opening, her torso out the door.

  Cradling her broken ankle, Lexie spun onto her back. As despair sank in, her eyes lost focus as they fil ed with burning tears. She blinked them back so she could see the night sky one last time.

  Overhead, a dark object surfaced as it hurtled towards her through the air. Torin found me. Love swel ed from deep within her being as a loud cry erupted from her chest.

  The dirt beneath her vibrated from the impact of Torin’s perfect landing. With knees bent, and one hand touching the ground, he was poised to attack in a sprinter’s starting position.

  Even crouching, Lexie could see his visible physical

  change. His muscular frame was thicker and more defined; his movements precise and sharp while his gentle mouth showed the pointed teeth of a hunter. He’s gone through the change…

  His searing white eyes, met hers and she couldn’t look away. The power they held mesmerized her, never could

  she find them terrifying again. Through their bond she could feel Torin’s relief, his love for her overflowing.

  Lexie tried to speak coherently through her sobs when a fierce pain dug into her legs and abdomen. Crushing her under his massive weight, Alik’s claws tore her flesh as he emerged

  from the terrible shed. Like at the house, he no longer had the form of a teen boy, he was a pure monster.

  Gasping for breath, she rol ed into the fetal position. Her wounds weren’t deep – but they hurt like hel . Pressing her hands to her stomach to stop the bleeding, she craned her neck in Torin’s direction. She would be damned if she was going to al ow her dream’s ending to come true. Afraid or not, she would fight for Torin.

  Without hesitating, Lexie ran. With eyes wide, she bolted up the basement steps and out the demolished hatchway into the soggy back yard. As her body rocketed up the trail behind the house, she didn’t think of the murders she just witnessed – only of finding a place to hide.

  She heard Alik’s sinister laughter behind her, taunting her to come out and play. After a distance, her shortness of breath was making her gate slower. She couldn’t see wel enough in the moonlight and was unsure how much further she could go. As she rounded the corner, the shed stood as an ominous reminder of her dream’s fatal ending.

  Panic fil ed her. What did she learn in self-defense class?

  Her mind went blank, her fear paralyzing her. Trying to evade

  him, she slipped behind the building. Scanning the ground for a weapon, she noticed the deep ditch running under the foundation of the shed. Big enough to fit into, it resembled a smal cave.

  She dropped down in, pressing her back to the shadowed embankment. Although shaking with terror, she struggled to hold stil in hopes he would pass by on the trail.

  Something slick dripped down her forehead from inside the sheds floorboards. Touching it with her fingertips, she could smel the coppery scent of blood. She clenched her teeth, refusing to scream.

  Lexie closed her eyes, focusing on her bond with Torin.

  She sensed his fear as he fought to get to her. He’s coming.

  Alik sprang down in front of her, cornering her against the damp earth. “Sweetie, you found the den already? It was supposed to be a surprise.” Standing stark nude and

  glistening with sweat, his yel ow eyes bore into hers.

  Lexie swung her fist, aiming for Alik’s chin. He grabbed it midair, wound back and cracked her across the jaw. The pain from his blow soared through her, bringing instant tears to her eyes. She writhed to free her hand, but he squeezed until she cried out in pain. With a flick of his wrist, he rammed her backwards, forcing her to hit the ground so hard it snapped her jaw shut. Her legs flew up and she kicked him as hard as she could in the groin.

  Alik laughed, grabbed her ankle and began hauling her out of the ditch. Digging her nails into the muddy soil, she twisted as much as possible but couldn’t break his hold.

  “Oh baby, you are a fighter. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint,”

  he said with a smug grin.

  Once out in the open, he grabbed a handful of her hair and towed her to the front of the shed. She tried resisting him, but the stinging pain in her scalp was too much. She

  couldn’t gain any footing and fel to her knees. “Please Alik,” she cried.

He pried the padlock off the door, “You’re begging for it?”

  He laughed, twisting the meaning of her words. “That whore Courtney begged me for it, she wanted me so badly. I gave it to her the way she deserved it.” Each word exuded

  cruelty. “But, afterwards I realized she would have the virus then, wouldn’t she? She wasn’t worthy of my gift.” Kneeling down, his bitter breath stung her nose. She strained to turn her face, but he grated his hard mouth against hers. Before pul ing away, he bit her lower lip – a trickle of blood spil ed down her chin. “But you,”

  he licked the crimson fluid, “are my perfect match.”

  Piercing his nails into the sensitive flesh of her arms, he hauled Lexie up and shoved her into the dark shed. As

  soon as her feet hit the slick floor, she fel forward col apsing on her elbows. Alik flicked on a flashlight dangling from the ceiling.

  As her eyes adjusted to the light, she could see chains with shackles bolted to the back wal . Against the one corner, a heap of soiled blankets covered a narrow mat. Like

  Maxim’s room, the smal space was ful of flies and reeked with the stench of death. “What have you done in here?” she whimpered.

  “Wel , I don’t like to kiss and tel ,” he fussed with one of the shackles attached to the wal . “But, some of my time in here hasn’t been al fun and games.” His mouth pursed, “Dragos was always forcing me to submit to him. Always trying to teach me to fal in line.” The hinge clinked open on the restraint. Turning, he gave Lexie a devilish grin, “Just like I wil do with our litter...and you.”

  As he darted for her, she screamed. Her face slid into a nasty brown substance as he forced her on the floor. His fingers dug into the smal of her back, attempting to drive her pants down. “Of course, I can smel that freak al over you. Hopeful y that wil wear off in time,” he growled into her ear.

  Her arms flailed, desperate to grasp anything she could find. Her fingers wrapped around a coiled chain. Alik’s knees pinned her calves to the floor, his weight making her legs burn.


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