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Fate Fixed

Page 19

by Bonnie Erina Wheeler

  Twisting to her side, she swung the chain through the air, whipping it across his face. Stunned, he sat back spitting blood.

  Her heart pounded as she sprinted for the door. Alik did a sweeping kick, snapping her ankle with the blow. The


  shot up her leg, taking her breath away. She tumbled

  through the opening, her torso out the door.

  Cradling her broken ankle, Lexie spun onto her back. As despair sank in, her eyes lost focus as they fil ed with burning tears. She blinked them back so she could see the night sky one last time.

  Overhead, a dark object surfaced as it hurtled towards her through the air. Torin found me. Love swel ed from deep within her being as a loud cry erupted from her chest.

  The dirt beneath her vibrated from the impact of Torin’s perfect landing. With knees bent, and one hand touching the ground, he was poised to attack in a sprinter’s starting position.

  Even crouching, Lexie could see his visible physical

  change. His muscular frame was thicker and more defined; his movements precise and sharp while his gentle mouth showed the pointed teeth of a hunter. He’s gone through the change…

  His searing white eyes, met hers and she couldn’t look away. The power they held mesmerized her, never could

  she find them terrifying again. Through their bond she could feel Torin’s relief, his love for her overflowing.

  Lexie tried to speak coherently through her sobs when a fierce pain dug into her legs and abdomen. Crushing her under his massive weight, Alik’s claws tore her flesh as he emerged

  from the terrible shed. Like at the house, he no longer had the form of a teen boy, he was a pure monster.

  Gasping for breath, she rol ed into the fetal position. Her wounds weren’t deep – but they hurt like hel . Pressing her hands to her stomach to stop the bleeding, she craned her neck in Torin’s direction. She would be damned if she was going to al ow her dream’s ending to come true. Afraid or not, she would fight for Torin.


  Torin’s body tensed as he circled Alik. His eyes locked on the werewolf, tracking his movements, looking for


  Never staying stil – Torin moved in and out, up and down, keeping his knees slightly bent and feet ready to jump. With each swing of Alik’s arm, Torin deflected his blow.

  From the corner of his eye, he watched over his fate-partner. Lexie’s face twisted in pain; her fear for him flowed through their bond. He wanted to run his fingers over her; check her wounds and bring her home. If he were to leave Alik now, the young wolf would continue his kil ing spree.

  There was no escape – Torin had to fight him, even if it was to their death.


  In his monstrous form, Alik was a hostile threat. Torin knew the beast’s teeth and claws were his biggest danger. His jaws could crush his bones, slowing his defense.

  A twisted grin crossed Alik’s muzzle. “I’m going to love it when she’s in heat.” His muscles moved beneath the coils of hair that covered his shoulders and chest.

  Torin’s jaw clenched. Knowing Alik hurt Lexie sent fury racing through him. Throwing the wolf off guard, Torin rol ed forward closing the distance between them and delivered a sudden kick, blowing Alik’s kneecap out. With a throaty growl, he crashed down, dragging his claws across Torin’s shoulder.

  Torin twisted away, seizing a jagged branch from the

  ground as he jumped back on his feet.

  Laughing, Alik pul ed himself up, his own flesh

  regenerating. “Now I know your weakness,” his deep voice rattled. “I hope you don’t mind her damaged.”

  With a running flip, Torin sailed the branch through Alik’s gut. Torin landed on his feet and dove between Lexie and Alik. His hearts were pumping; the change had increased both his agility and speed. Would it be enough? He must protect her, she was his life.

  I couldn’t save Shane, but I will Lexie.

  Alik looked down at the branch protruding from his flesh.

  With a grunt, he ripped it out and crushed the wood in his

  claws. “You can’t hurt me.” Blood dripped on the ground beneath him while the fur covered skin of his naval interwove until closing. “I’l just heal.”

  Torin kept his back to his lover – he couldn’t al ow Alik past him. Torin’s own ripped flesh blazed as it merged. If

  damphyrs could die, Alik could too. He needed something stronger to impale the wolf with. Surveying the area, the metal roof of the shed was the only thing close at hand.

  Reaching back, he tore off a three foot section of the grated steel. With a sudden spinning back kick, Torin drove his heel into the slab, careening the metal into Alik’s face, sending blood splattering across the dirt.

  Enraged, Alik charged. His impact slammed Torin’s back onto the ground as he pounced on top. Alik stunk of a biting odor, his blood and sweat mixing. “You’re pissing me off.

  Just for that, I’m going to make her watch while I tear your heart out.”

  From behind Torin’s head, the heel of Lexie’s hand shot forward, and smashed into Alik’s chin. A bloody welt

  formed as the wolf lurched back, letting out a high-pitched scream. His clawed fist pummeled her hand away, sending a shining object skidding across the dirt.

  Her necklace, it’s made of silver.


  With his lips curled back, Alik leaped from Torin to Lexie.

  She screamed as his body smashed into hers, opening her wounds. The smel of fresh blood was too much.

  Torin somersaulted to the side, grabbing the cross pendant firmly in his grip. He slammed into Alik’s side, launching him off Lexie. The vampire in him screamed for release as he bit down on Alik’s throat. Ripping through the carotid artery, the werewolf’s hot blood gushed into his mouth.

  Pushing off the ground, Torin launched into the sky while Alik bucked beneath him, trying to free himself from Torin’s jaws. Midair, Torin tore his mouth away and buried the cross into Alik’s gaping jugular. He struggled frantical y to rip Torin’s hand away as they slammed back onto the


  Torin glared down with gruesome satisfaction as the skin closed around the silver embedded deep within his

  opponent’s neck. Alik’s bulging yel ow eyes were stricken with terror as he grabbed uselessly at his throat. The lodged necklace seared through his poisoned flesh,

  severing the wolf’s head from his shoulders.

  Torin stared at the quivering body beneath him in its final death throws. He never kil ed before. His stomach was

  nauseated and he thought he might get sick. Alik’s features slowly morphed back into his usual teenage form. As Torin licked the last of the blood from his lips, the dawning realization

  of what he had done permeated through the craving for


  He hadn’t resisted the temptation to drink after al – he cursed himself to darkness.

  Lexie was crying behind him. Turning, he saw she was

  shivering as her body was going into shock. He dropped down beside her and tried to gauge the severity of her wounds.

  “You have to get inside,” her voice whimpered miserably.

  “The sun is coming up Torin, you’ve had his blood –

  you have to get inside.”

  He pul ed her into his arms and hushed her. “It’s okay,”

  he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  She struggled to point at the horizon; the sun glowed just behind it. It was almost dawn. “Please,” she begged. “I need you… You can’t leave me.” Tears poured from her

  miserable green eyes, her pain angry and unbearable.

  He couldn’t do it. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her, but she deserved better. Through their bond, he could feel her love for him. She was wil ing to stay by his side forever.

  If he was cursed to darkness, Lexie would be tied to the evil he would exist for.

  Torin swal owed
back his own fear. In the end, he had no regrets. Knowing she belonged to him for even the shortest while was more than he ever imagined for himself. She was


  worth dying for. He looked down into her trusting face and gently shook his head no.

  A painful sob burst from her chest, her fists pummeled against him. “Please,” she cried.

  He held as stil as he could while she rocked against him.

  His own tears began to stream from his eyes as the sun crested the horizon and poured down on him.

  Lexie hurried along the trail. With arms outstretched, her bare feet skimmed the soft surface of the pine needles while her fingertips danced along the bushes. Her heart overflowed, she would be finding her fate-partner around the next bend. He stood there like always, his beautiful blue eyes greeting her passionately. His dark chestnut hair blew in the wind, his strong arms waiting for her. He picked her up, his touch sending pleasurable sensations through her. His mouth met hers and she kissed him with all of the enthusiasm she had.

  After a moment, he scooped her up into his arms – his grin sending flutters through her. “What now?” she giggled. “We spend forever together,” he promised.

  Lexie opened her sleep fil ed eyes. Torin lay beside her, his intense blue eyes studying her expression. He careful y touched the side of her bruised face, his gentle smile reaching both eyes.

  “I liked that ending much better,” he spoke gently.

  “Me too,” she whispered. She tried to pul herself up in the bed, her body ached al over. Her casted ankle poked out from the end of the covers. He put his arms under

  shoulders, helping her sit comfortably. She looked around his sunlit room, trying to remember how she had gotten there.

  He drank Alik’s blood. The sun…

  Confused, she met his eyes. “You’re okay.”

  He brought her hand to his chest. She could feel the

  resounding double beat of his two hearts thrumming in


  “Yes,” he replied, his expression turned sheepish. “Since Alik was a werewolf, he wasn’t human. I’m stil a damphyr.”

  She could have beaten him for scaring her, but she was too relieved he was safe. Lexie pul ed him into her arms. She smothered his face with wet kisses. “Never tel me no


  she insisted. She loved him so much; she had to push from her mind what culd have happened.

  With a quick knock, the door opened. Braden’s blond head popped in, “Up for company?”

  Torin gave his cousin a sideways look. “She’s just waking up. I haven’t fil ed her in just yet.”

  As Braden entered, Lexie could see a flash of black hair coming in behind him. Her heart leaped, “Liz?” Happy tears sprang forth as she wrapped her arms around her oldest friend.

  “What on earth are you doing here?” she asked, batting her tears away.

  Liz sat beside her on the bed. “After I got your letter, I told Aunt Bev that I was coming up to stay with you until winter break, she gave me grief at first, but once I told her she can keep Dad’s monthly check, she let me come.” Pointing at Braden, Liz raised an eyebrow and smirked. “You sure

  keep interesting friends.”

  Braden looked uncomfortable with Liz’s attention. “She was at your house when I got there last night, she found your mom in the basement.”

  Recal ing everything, Lexie’s blood sank from her face.

  “And was there anyone else down there?”

  “You mean the two dead werewolves?” Liz asked.

  “Yeah, it took a while for me to believe it, but El a and Braden explained it to me.”

  Lexie smiled, it was so like Liz to not get freaked out by weirdness. “El a and Mom are okay?” She couldn’t believe the

  others were dead, that Alik kil ed his own family. What did they do with the bodies?

  “They’ve been through a great ordeal. They both need

  time.” Torin gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Your mom is stil pretty sick. Endel ion moved her to the main house.

  She’l keep her comfortable.”

  “She’s going to be okay isn’t she?” Lexie asked. As she looked back and forth, concern started to build when none of them readily agreed.

  “We’ve been making cal s to the old ones overseas.

  There might be a cure,” Braden said. “I have a contact with a promising lead. I’l be heading out soon as soon as I hear back from him.”

  “I’l come with you,” Lexie insisted. “My mom didn’t deserve this. Those monsters made her sick.” She remembered

  that Alik said it was a virus. There must be some kind of cure.

  Liz shook her head. “No way, you have a broken ankle and a dozen contusions. Ruby is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a mom. I’m going.” Lexie noticed the hint in Liz’s voice as she glanced up at Braden. She thought she could sense some chemistry brewing. “Besides, El a is taking al of this pretty hard. Nicolai ran off and I think she had a thing for him.”

  Lexie thought of her poor sister. She had already lost so much. Were the two of them going to live alone in the old

  house after what happened there? Maybe Torin’s parents would al ow them to stay over until Ruby was better.

  And what about Nick, what would happen to a fifteen year old werewolf alone in Maine? She wondered if he would

  want revenge after what had happened to his family. She didn’t have a chance to thank him for getting El a out of the house or explain why Torin had to kil Alik.

  Lexie sat back against Torin in the bed. Al of the

  adrenaline from the night’s events left more than just fuzzy holes in her memory; it left a pounding ache in her head.

  Everything was a mess.

  Braden and Liz strode to the door. As they slipped out, they promised her everything would work out in time. She cuddled closer to Torin, al owing herself the comfort of their bond. Even with head to toe bruises and lacerations, she could feel his overwhelming love and passion for her.

  She was fated to be with him forever. It was amazing she found him so young. The two of them would have lifetimes together. As his warm lips traveled down the side of her neck, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the

  wonderful sensations he sent rippling through her body.

  Tomorrow she would decide what to do about her mother

  and El a, but for today she would stay put. Torin was by her side and no matter what happened – he would help her

  through it. As a soft sigh

  escaped her lips, she relished the new ending of their dream and the promise of forever.

  Read an excerpt from the second installment in the

  Erris Coven series:

  Blood Twist – Available Fall

  Braden sat alone on his bed. His solitary existence was never easy, but lately, being lonesome was almost


  As much as he craved the comfort of companionship, it would only make what he had to do even more difficult.

  As he looked around his organized room, he questioned

  what it said about his life. He had possessions, but it was just

  “stuff.” He never truly created anything or made an impact on the world. His identity had been so preoccupied in

  preparing his cousins to protect the coven, that he missed out on going to col ege, getting his own place, or fal ing in love with an amazing girl. Now it was too late to do any of those things.

  Dedicating his life to his coven wasn’t a mistake. As the oldest of his four cousins, it was only natural for him guide them as they became loyal protectors of their families. They couldn’t let outsiders know of their existence. It required a balance of


  fitting in with the townspeople, without drawing attention to themselves or their abilities.

  Torin just completed the final phase of the change.

  Because he resisted the temptation to drink human blood, his closest friend had b
ecome a formidable damphyr. If either of them had failed, they would have become ful vampires like the draugr that inflicted their damage on his lineage centuries ago.

  Both would have found themselves cursed to an existence without the purification of sunlight.

  I would rather die.

  Torin never did embrace what they were. From the time he was a child, he wanted to escape his fate, until he found Lexie. Like their ancestors before him, he dreamed of the petite brunette first. Braden was happy for his cousin, Lexie was gentle and patient – two elements Torin desperately needed in his life. He didn’t begrudge Torin his happiness; his devotion to Lexie made him a stronger man.

  Braden’s shoulders slumped with regret. He had hoped he could stay long enough to see Cian and Teagan through

  their final phase of the change, but his time was borrowed and it was running out. They were both so close to evolving.

  He could see their increase in speed and strength daily.

  Cian was going to make a fierce opponent to anyone that threatened him or the ones he loved. Just wrestling on the lawn


  last weekend, his dark haired cousin could almost hold his own despite Braden’s advantage. He regretted being so hard on him over the last year. He wouldn’t want his cousin to live an eternity, only to remember him as being a jerk.

  Teagan, on the other hand, was probably the one he should have been toughest on. He was the baby of the family and had the luxury of using his natural charm to his advantage.

  Braden shook his head in disbelief. Teagan built himself quite a reputation with the ladies over the years. The ginger was almost eighteen but had the reputation of Hugh


  He just hoped Teagan would take the change seriously.

  When the stationary vampire heart awakens, blood thirst is al you can feel. It requires determination and discipline to fight the thirst off and gain control. Teagan had always been impulsive – Braden only hoped he wouldn’t be when it was his time to turn.


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