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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  “Kylar, I understand you are under a lot of stress and I am here for you. Do not take my understanding for stupidity or not caring. You keep the club girls away from you or I will.” I know Callie is not bitching. She is just stating a fact. I need to get a handle on this. Callie’s eyes are already closing by the time she has her say. I take the sheet off her and throw it in the floor and then I pull the blanket over her. I think she is asleep, but when I turn to get my clothes so I can get a shower, I hear her say.

  “I love you, babe. Be safe and call me when you can. Felix and I are taking Kellan to the doctor with us. I’ll come by the clubhouse on my way home to give you a kiss and so Kellan can see his dad today.” I can barely understand Callie she is so groggy.

  “Babe, that sounds good. What time is the appointment and I’ll make sure you have someone on you. Don’t forget your gun.” Callie doesn’t like being shadowed but she understands it’s necessary. She was brought up in a club. Her dad, Chief, is the President of the BlackPath MC.

  “It’s at noon and I never leave home without it. I am being cautious just like you. I’d never take a chance with Kellan’s safety.” She has moved to my side of the bed and snuggled into my pillow.

  “I know you’re careful, but I just like to remind you so I know I am doing my job. I’ll have someone here by then. It’s about six now. We have church first thing this morning. We are voting on the rest of the officers. Love you.”

  It’s hard to leave but I have responsibilities. I take my clothes and make my way into the bathroom to shower. I hit the shower and get out and do my morning routine. When I am finished, I try to quietly go back through the bedroom. I go over by Callie and kiss her forehead. She is sound asleep. I love the peaceful look on her face. I go down the hall to Kellan’s room and go in and he is sleeping. I bend down and give my son a kiss. He sleeps like Callie and he never moves. I turn and leave and go through the hall to the kitchen. I flip the coffee maker on and stick my coffee mug under it and wait. I hear someone behind me and I look around and there is Felix. He’s an early riser so I am not surprised. “You’re going to be with Callie and Kellan, today, right?” I look over at him but he is frowning. “What’s with the look?”

  “You’re not going to be there for the sonogram today? Dr. White is going to make sure Killian is turned and in position. He’s thinking it is not going to be too long before Killian makes his entrance into the world. That’s what he said last week. You know how fast Kellan came.” I forgot about the sonogram today. I want to be there, but I need to get things straight. Callie understands.

  “I will be there for the birth. I am just too busy today.” I turn and look at Felix and I know I am going to be getting attitude. Felix is as protective of Callie as I am. Since he lost Killman he has been a hell of a lot worse. Killman was his partner and it is my brother’s fault he is gone.

  “Devil, Callie is trying to be patient with you, but she is not going to put up with your shit much longer. She loves you and everything that goes with you, but the next time you come in with lipstick on your shirt and smelling like a bottle of cheap perfume even I will not be able to hold her back.” Felix hates being in the middle but he loves our girl. I am not used to explaining myself but I owe Felix for always being here for Callie and Kellan.

  “Felix, I would never betray Callie and she knows that. I am trying to get the information I need to track Stone down before we have another child to worry about. I love my woman and she knows it. I will make this all up to her. I just have too much to do today.” I missed so much with Kellan and now, because of Stone, I am missing this with Killian.

  “I know you love Callie. The hell you two have been through together is beyond what most couples could get through. You two are perfect for each other and I have come to think of you as a friend too and I am telling you this as your friend, tread lightly. Callie is tough as nails but there is no woman alive who wants to see her husband have other women or should I say woman, climb all over them. Charisma is on a mission and Callie is not known for her tact when handling anything that comes between you and her. She’s vulnerable right now being pregnant. If you let Callie find you in any kind of compromising situation she is not going to take it very well and she is not going to ask questions. I am her best friend and I know this about her. You and Charisma will both find yourselves six feet under and Callie will be holding the smoking gun. I am just warning you, plus her blood pressure is elevated and she don’t need this shit. You do remember that Callie has at least two men just waiting to take your place?” Felix backs away when he says the last part. I know all about the two men that wished they were me. I think about what Felix has said and I know what I need to do. Felix is right. Callie doesn’t need this and he is right, my woman will shoot first and ask questions later. I put the lid on my coffee. This is going to kill me to do, but I need to do it for all of us.

  “Make sure she comes by the clubhouse when she finishes at the doctor. I’ll have a prospect here by eleven. He’ll be on you all day. She’s going to need you tonight. Just know I love her and what I am going to do is for the best.” Felix rolls his eyes just like I have seen Callie do.

  “You’re going to do something stupid and this time when you lose her she won’t come back. If that’s what you need to do, then do it, but don’t come to me for help to get her back because I am going to help her. I will always be on her side and if you hurt her again then you don’t deserve her.” Felix has his stubborn look on his face and I know I need to get out of here before I say something I’ll regret.

  “Felix, don’t get on my bad side. I love Callie and my sons and will do what it takes to protect them.” Felix turns and leaves the room. The best thing I can do is get out of here before Felix wakes Callie up again. I drink my coffee standing out on our deck. Thinking about everything I need to do today. There’s no way I can rearrange things so I can be with Callie for the sonogram. She’ll be disappointed again but she’ll never complain. Most women would be bitching and moaning by now. I have made two doctor visits with her in nearly nine months. She deserves so much more. Kellan deserves more. If Callie didn’t record everything on her phone I would be missing all his firsts. Yep, I know what I need to do. I put my coffee mug on the table by the back door and walk over and mount my bike. I look at the back door one more time expecting Felix would have already woken Callie up and reported to her but he didn’t. No, he knows she needs her rest and is man enough to know to let her sleep. I start my bike and take the short ride to the Feral Steel MC clubhouse. There’s already bikes lined up outside. Today is an important day for our club. Today is the day we form the new and improved Feral Steel MC.

  As soon as I make my way inside the door I smell the stagnate cigarette smoke and stale beer from last night’s party. I make my way into the kitchen and fix myself another cup of coffee. I feel a hand making its way up my back. I smelled Charisma’s perfume before I even felt her hand. Her hand feels all wrong on my back. I only want Callie’s touch, but this woman could hold the secret of where my brother Stone is hiding. Stone gone is my family safe. Charisma is just another club whore but she was Stone’s favorite before he disappeared. If he shared with anyone else in this club it was her and I need that information. I’ll do what I need to get it. I step out of her reach but she already anticipated that move and moves with me.

  “What’s wrong, Devil? Callie’s not with you. I can take the edge off if you let me. Fucking a cow cannot be what a man like you needs. You’re the President now and my job is to keep your mind worry free. Hot sex always helps with stress. I can give you exactly what you need and how you need it. I will do everything. You can invite someone to join us or fuck my ass. Nothing is off limits. Callie is trying to carry your balls around in her purse. That’s not how a MC President works. Will you let me help?” Charisma has no idea how I would just love to choke the life right out of her for talking that way about my woman. Callie is so beautiful when she is ripe with my child. Three Charisma’s
couldn’t keep me as satisfied as Callie does. The childish voice she is using is supposed to be sexy but it grates on my nerves.

  “I told you I had to think about it. If Callie finds out she will put you to ground and me too if I don’t stay away from you. She has a damn fierce temper and she doesn’t miss what she shoots at. Do you get that? I can’t take the chance she will take off with my sons.” I say the only thing I can to stall her. I need patience to play her and this right.

  “If she finds out we can lock her down until your son is born and then give her the boot. You are making Feral Steel strong enough that you can take on the BlackPath MC any day. Are you playing me Devil? Do you have any intention of getting rid of her? I want to be your ol’ lady. I’m not hiding that. I can take care of myself and I will take Callie down if you give me the chance.” My hands are itching to get around her neck. I know my next move is wrong but I need to reassure Charisma so she thinks she is going to get exactly what she wants. My lips are on Charisma before I have time to rethink it. It feels so wrong and I know I am wrong. I feel Charisma’s hand sneak to the front of my jeans and her hand is on my cock. I hear a throat clear and I look around and in the doorway, stands Felix. Oh, shit! He doesn’t stand still. He has Charisma by her arm and her hand is torn away from my body.

  “Bitch, he has a woman! Get your fucking hands off.” Felix surprises me by backing Charisma up against the wall and has her by the throat. His eyes are set on me though and I see the hate rolling off him and I know he is going to tell Callie. I never wanted to hurt my wife, but I know now, I have. What was I thinking? “Devil, what the hell?”

  “Let her go. Charisma get the hell out of here, now.” Felix lets her go and she grabs her throat. Charisma gets out of there fast. Felix is looking at the floor shaking his head.

  “You know Callie is going to leave and this time you deserve it. I came to tell you that Hanna is here to go with us so you’d know there was three of us and try one more time to get you to go. It’s important to Callie.” I see the disappointment in Felix’s eyes but all I feel is cold. I need a hot shower to wash Charisma’s filth off me. “I hope Charisma is worth it, because I can tell you she can’t hold a candle to Callie. You’ll be miserable. You know after everything that has gone down I thought you would make every minute in your life count. I lost my man because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We had like two seconds of happiness and you take yours for granted. I will never hold him again, but here you are playing games with Callie, again. You’ve lost your sister and your dad but still you don’t know to make every day count. As soon as I can drive back to your house I am telling Callie so expect her. See if you can keep your clothes on long enough for her to get here.”

  “It’s not what it looks like but I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone. Charisma has information I need and I need to get it to keep everyone safe. That includes Callie and my sons. Keep your voice down, Charisma can’t hear any of this.” Felix laughs. I am losing my patience. I walk to the door where Charisma left and look around. She’s not anywhere around so I turn back to Felix.

  “How are you going to keep Callie and Kellan safe if they aren’t here? If Callie leaves she will take both your sons with her and then she will be vulnerable. Don’t worry, Callie has real family that will step up and keep her safe.” With that Felix leaves me there with my thoughts. I need to call Chief. I go out to the bar and everyone is waiting to go into church. I see Hacksaw and go over to have a word with my VP. Damn, what have I done?

  “I have to go back to the house and will be back within an hour. Stall for a little bit.” That’s all I tell him and I go out and get on my bike and head back to my house. The ride home is short and painful as hell thinking about what is going to happen. I am going to rip my heart out. I walk into the living room and Callie is waiting on me. Hanna and Felix are nowhere to be seen so I am guessing they are taking care of Kellan in his room or the kitchen.

  “We need to talk. I have come to a decision.” I expect to see hurt on Callie’s face but all I see is a blank expression. Felix must not have told her everything. He probably had no time and I know Callie would shut him down.

  “You think? You smell like Charisma again. I can smell that cheap perfume from over here.” Callie has an attitude; it is well deserved.

  “My life is never going to be easy, Callie. I thought I could keep you safe but I don’t know if I can keep that promise now. Right now, you are my weakness and I can’t afford any weaknesses. You are not what I need. You need to give me some time and space. I’m sending you back to Texas.” I watch Callie to see if she is going to fall apart but I see something else cross over her face, determination.

  “No, you’re not. I won’t go. What you don’t get, Devil, is you can tell me to go but I can go where I want and live how I want and if I want to leave I will. If I ever leave I will never be back either so suck that up buttercup.” Callie’s throwing her attitude so I need to let her know she will go. She will do what I damn tell her.

  “Didn’t Felix tell you what he walked in on at the clubhouse? I had my tongue down Charisma’s throat. That means it is time for you to go. I told you I would never hurt you again and I just made a liar out of myself.” That time I seen her flinch, so Felix didn’t have time. I see the hurt. “I have only been to the doctor with you twice this whole pregnancy. I wanted to see the things I missed with Kellan. I experienced more with Kellan than I have Killian and I didn’t even live with you then. Don’t call me Devil, Callie. I am only Kylar with you.”

  “Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, Devil. You can either let it make you it’s little bitch or beat the hell out of it.” She looks at me long and hard. “Do you think I don’t know what you are doing? It’s the same stupid plan my dad had with your sister Kim. It went to hell then and it’ll go to hell this time if you go through with it. The only difference this time is when it is all over you’ll be by yourself and dad had Em. Do you not remember Kim is dead?” Callie is raising her voice and she is getting pissed. That’s good. Maybe her anger will make her understand.

  “Callie, you and Kellan need to leave. I don’t get scared of a lot of things but the thought of one of you getting hurt terrifies me. If it was just me I would fight to hell and back. I can’t take the chance.” Callie moves in front of me and takes my hand and puts my hand on her and I feel my son moving.

  “That is our future Kylar. If you send me to Texas, you are playing right into Stone’s hand. Whether you are with me and Kellan, do you not still love us? Are we not still your life because you are still mine, no matter where I am? Do you not think Stone knows that? We are stronger together. If you send us away Stone will follow us. You will be putting a target on our backs. Think about it. Quit letting him fuck with your head and pull it out of your ass.” Damn, she’s right. My woman uses her head even when I don’t.

  “Where the hell did you get that mouth? My woman doesn’t talk like a damn biker.” I pull Callie to me but she is stiff and puts her hands between us and pushes me away.

  “It is not alright to have your damn tongue down anyone’s throat but mine. It is not alright for you to come home smelling of Charisma’s cheap perfume. That means she was too close to what is mine. Do you still want me Kylar? Are you tired of trying to keep me safe from your damn brother? I didn’t ask for this.” I hear the hurt in her voice. This is what I was trying to avoid.

  “Callie, you are my heart. I can’t live without you but I know no other way to get this information.” She still won’t relax.

  “So, what were you going to do? What was the big plan? Send me to Texas and then fuck it out of her? That doesn’t work for me. I will not be married to a man who cheats on me and just because you send me to Texas does not mean we are not married. We just got remarried and I do not want to be the nagging wife, but I also will not be the woman who stands by and lets her man fuck anyone else. I know as President of the Feral Steel MC you have responsibilities. I don’t ask you
questions and I will always stand beside you. Balance Kylar. Find it. I need to be able to trust you and after what you just told me, you planted the seed of doubt. That’s on you so now you’ll have to deal with it.” Callie backs away from me. “Go back to the clubhouse. I need to get to the doctor later and you have the rest of the officers to vote in. If you’re not there then people will look at me like it is my fault. I have never been a liability for you and I won’t start now. Think about it. If you want me gone, I will be gone by this weekend, but I will not be back. Ever. Get that Kylar, because I swear it.” If I send Callie away she won’t return and I know she will stand by her word. I can’t live with that.

  “I love you, Callie.” She walks to the doorway that leads down the hall and looks back at me.

  “Then act like it, Kylar. I’ll bring Kellan by the clubhouse after the doctor visit but you better keep Charisma away from me because I will send her to ground without batting an eye.” She leaves walking down the hall. I know Callie will be true to her word. I need to get this shit straight. I have let Callie down and hurt her. I have let my club down. Let my family down. That will not happen again. I keep saying it but then I end up doing it again. I get to my bike and head to the clubhouse to make this right. I ride with new determination. I know I can be a good President without losing my family. The ride is fast and I stomp into the clubhouse with my mind set.

  “Church, now!” I make my way back to our meeting room, slowing down only to knock on Tito’s control room door. He needs to join us. I see Hacksaw is right behind me. He stands by the door gathering all the phones and weapons. I take my place at the head of the table. I bang my fist on the table and everyone looks at me. “We need to get this done. I have places to be. We are going to vote on our officers and then go over everything Tito has on Stone. Every one of us has been picked apart by Tito and Oz. That includes Hacksaw and myself. They also investigated each other. If Stone has another snitch in this club, it is buried so deep we won’t find them until shit happens. We have left no stone unturned.” I see all their eyes are on me. “We all know what Stone and Kim have done to destroy this club with the help of some others we have weeded out. They made us look weak. We are not weak. Sarge is on Stone’s trail but I want his last sight to be a member of the Feral Steel MC. I want him to know the retribution he has brought down on himself. The payback should be ours.” There are murmurs among some of the members.


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