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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  “He’s your brother. Are you sure you can carry through with it?” Slick asks straight out. I know he is having a hard time with this. He was like an uncle to Stone and me when we were growing up and he sponsored Stone into the club.

  “I can. Don’t doubt it and don’t doubt me. It’s my damn job. He took from my club. He went after my woman and child. He will not take another damn thing from this club or me. If I can’t do my job, then I don’t deserve this cut on my back.” Slick nods his head.

  “I was voted in President and Hacksaw VP. Tito was voted in as treasurer and he is still one of the best damn techs we’ve ever had. Anyone have any doubts about our positions? Speak now, last chance.” I look around the room and not a word is said. “Then they stand. That leaves Sergeant at Arms next.”

  “I nominate Bowie.” Slick says. That’s a damn good choice. He’s as big as a damn tank at six foot seven and as wide as a damn door. He’s fast on his feet and I have seen him knock more than one man out with one punch. He is damn good with a gun but he is skilled with his knife and that is how he got his name.

  “I second it.” Tex speaks up.

  “Anyone opposed?” Silence. “Everyone for?” I see everyone’s hands go up. “Bowie you accept?”

  “I’ll do the job.” Bowie says simply.

  “Nomination carries.” I say. One down. “Next is Road Captain.”

  “I nominate Cowboy.” Bowie speaks up. “He’s done the job most of the time anyway.” Bowie’s right. Cowboy is good at navigations and keeping us off the law’s radar. I look at Cowboy, he doesn’t have the bulk a lot of our members have at just six feet tall but in a fight there is no better.

  “I second it. Man might as well keep his job.” Slick says. Cowboy is young but he is damn dependable. He’s always ready to lend a helping hand and he has been in Oklahoma close to all his life. His granddad was an original member.

  “Any opposed?” Once again nothing. “Everyone for?” Everyone agreed. “Cowboy, you accept?”

  “Yep.” It’s not like anyone in here will walk away from the responsibility but it must be asked. Cowboy is quiet and wiry. He has patience most of us don’t have.

  “Nomination carries.” I look around. Most of the guys are just excited that we are going to be more organized. This shows we are coming back together as a club. “Oz is going to be our new full time tech man since Tito is taking over as treasurer.” They knew that was coming and it doesn’t have to have a vote. Oz is damn good at what he does. “Hacksaw and I talked it over and we think since there has been so much shit gone down in the last year that we need to add an enforcer. Him and Bowie will be working close together. It’s just added protection. Any nominations?”

  “If I am going to be working close to him then I nominate Crockett. We have worked together for years. We already know what to expect.” Bowie speaks up. He’s right. Crockett is Bowie’s first cousin and they served together in the military. Grew up hunting in the woods together. They have both been with the club close to ten years. They are both stout as damn bulls and as stubborn as jack asses.

  “I second it.” Tito says. He likes both Bowie and Crockett.

  “Any opposed?” Nothing. “Everyone for?” All hands go up. This is going faster than I thought. “Crockett?”

  “I’ll do it for the club.” Crockett says solemnly.

  “Nomination carries. Only thing left is Secretary.” I look around and everyone is quiet. “Someone speak up?”

  “I nominate Tex . He’s the only one who keeps up with all this shit. As long as he keeps his twang out of the notes.” That gets a laugh out of everyone. Tex is at least fifty years old and has a mix of Texas accent and a Cajun accent. When he gets to drinking sometimes you can barely understand him. He talks fast and the drunker he gets the more Cajun it gets. He got his name when he was in the military and it stuck. He’s a dependable man. It doesn’t surprise me that Cowboy nominates him.

  “I second it.” Thrasher speaks up.

  “Any Opposed?” No one. “Everyone for?” All hands go up. “Tex, you accept?”

  “Sure, Prez.” Tex agrees.

  “All officer positions are filled. Pick up the patches from Gertie and get them put on or get her to do them. We have three prospects right now. Tim, Cricket, and Rix. We need to start recruiting. Right now, I would prefer it to be held to two more. That should level out their duties. No one gets in without a background check under any circumstances. We are still being vigilant on security. Now, I need to talk to my officers. Everyone can have a beer or breakfast in just a few.” Everyone gets up and makes their way out but my new officers. Picking up their phones and weapons on the way out. “Close the door, Hacksaw.” I wait until he is back at the table. “We have to get the information out of Charisma. We know Stone has been getting in contact with her but she is letting nothing out.”

  “Oz and I have tracked Stone back to Oklahoma but he just disappeared after his last siting here at the clubhouse right after Steel’s death. Someone must be helping him. We emptied all his accounts. He maxed his plastic out a long time ago. The only thing of value he owns is his bike. He ditched his truck in El Paso a few weeks ago.” Tito updates everyone. “We are tracking Sarge now to see if he has any leads. Maybe he can lead us to him.”

  “Tito, if Sarge gets eyes on him he’s dead. He swore to Diamondback he would take him out. If he does it will help solve our problem but I want the payback for us. Any which way it comes out we need to put it to an end so this club has a chance to heal.” I think about what I am going to say and it may make me sound weak but I am not going to lose my family. “I thought I could get the information out of Charisma. She wants me to get rid of Callie and take her on. I thought I could work her without hurting Callie but that’s not possible and I will not take the chance of losing Callie and my boys. We’ll have to find another way.”

  “You finally coming to your senses? I saw what was going on in the kitchen this morning. Felix walked in. Didn’t he tell Callie? Devil you’ve worked too hard at getting that woman back to fuck it up over something Charisma may not even know. Have you ever thought maybe Charisma knows nothing and she is yanking your chain to get your patch so Callie will leave and then Stone has a better shot at getting to Callie?” Oz asks. I am getting tired of people butting into my business but I know anything to do with Charisma is club business.

  “I’m with Oz. If Callie leaves, Stone is going after her and Kellan.” Tito says. That’s almost exactly what Callie said.

  “Callie said I was going to be putting a target on her back if I sent her to Texas.” Bowie sits straighter in his chair.

  “Devil, I am not trying to put my nose in your business, but Callie and Kellan are Feral Steel and we protect our own. If you’re cutting Callie loose, she’s still Feral Steel. She’s the mother of your children.” I look at Hacksaw. He likes Callie, but more than that, he respects her. All Feral Steel members respect my woman. They must think I have lost my mind.

  “I was going to try to convince Charisma I was sending Callie to Texas and we were over. I’m not fucking crazy. I won’t lose my family. It would have been temporary, but Felix tried to tell Callie what happened and she wouldn’t hear it. She saw right through my plan and called me on it. We are going to have to come up with something else. I thought we could get more out of Charisma the easy way, but looks like the hard way it is. If Callie catches Charisma’s hands on me again she will put her to ground and I don’t doubt that for a second. I may have a temper but Callie’s out does mine and she doesn’t make idle threats.” I am proud of my woman but she is headstrong.

  “Let me try first. Give me a few days. If we don’t have to put Charisma to ground it will work better for us. If she disappears it will give Stone a heads-up.” Hacksaw thinks he is a lady’s man and usually he gets what he wants. That’s just how it is with bikers. Women are drawn to the whole lifestyle and they want to work their way in. He’s never had to work any harder for pussy than the r
est of us. Being a part of a motorcycle club goes a long way when it comes to women. Especially the type of woman that wants nothing more than to be an ol’ lady.

  “Give him a crack at her. We’ll all run interference between Callie and Charisma. It’s not like Callie is at the clubhouse since she is going to drop that boy of yours any day. Felix and Kellan keep her busy.” Bowie is right. We can give Hacksaw a few days. I look at my watch.

  “Then we have a plan. I am going to the doctor with Callie. I’ll be back around two and I want everyone back in here. I am going to make some calls while we are in the waiting room. Tito, recheck with all informants at the PD. Oz, try to trace that last call on Charisma’s phone. It may be Stone. Let’s get out of here.” I need to make some shit up to my woman and I have already missed too much. I need to learn how to balance or I’ll end up like my dad. I see Charisma out of the side of my eye when I go through the main area by the bar, but Hacksaw cuts her off before she can get to me. I hear her say my name but I keep right on walking.

  Chapter 2


  I have just been focusing on Kellan this morning trying to keep my mind off the turmoil going on in the Feral Steel MC. Charisma is on my last nerve but she does what club girls do. She wants the power that comes along with being the ol’ lady of the President of the club. I think the first thing they do when they are allowed in the front doors is fixate on the highest man in the pecking order. I know Kylar loves me and I don’t doubt his loyalty but right now he is blinded by his alpha tendencies to protect his family. That family includes Kellan and myself but it also includes his club family. He feels responsible for the things Stone and Kim did because they were his blood. Kylar has a gruff exterior but when it comes to family, he has a soft spot. I should keep this all in mind before I let my temper go haywire and end up putting Charisma in her place. I would like to be able to let Kylar do what he needs to but that would break us apart and I know this.

  I look at the clock. I was hoping Kylar would make it to this doctor’s appointment. I have been having twinges in my back all day and I know I could be in labor. Back pain is all I had with Kellan until my water broke. I am ready for this pregnancy to be over but I know I should be patient. I can’t wait to hold Killian in my arms. Hopefully, he will bring peace to his dad, too. I look at the clock again and it is five minutes past the last time I looked at it. I need to get Kellan a snack before we leave. I go in and get Kellan from playing with his blocks with Hanna and we make our way in the kitchen. Felix is already making some grilled cheese. He knows what my boy likes. I am so lucky to have Felix with me all the time. He has been kind of lost since Killman was killed. Something else we can thank Stone for. Felix may be quiet but he is a fierce friend and until Stone is caught he won’t be leaving my side.

  “Did you give Devil hell over that shit with Charisma? I could have bitch slapped her if I hit women. If you ask me, I don’t care what the hell is going on, Devil should know better. He’s your man. Killman wouldn’t have gotten by with that shit.” I take a deep breath and try to explain it one more time.

  “Fe, I know Kylar loves me and I know what he was trying to do. Do I like it? No. Do I understand it? Yes. Will I put up with it? No. Now cut him some slack, he is under a lot of pressure.” Hanna walks in and sits at the table.

  “Fe, it’s not like this is her first rodeo. She knows what she is up against. She’s Callie, she’ll do it her way or no way.” Hanna has a sarcastic attitude but she is right. “In other words, mind your business and stay out of hers.” Something is off with Hanna and when we get home we are going to have a long talk.

  “You both know I don’t put up with crap. I’m not making excuses for anything Kylar has done. I was brought up in a MC club, but now I’m an ol’ lady. Devil’s ol’ lady. No way am I going to let a club girl run me away from my man.” Fe and Hanna both look at me like I have grown a second head. “What?”

  “One, you just called your husband Devil. Something he hates from you. Second, you are making excuses. The Baby Girl I know would have already wiped the damn floor with Charisma.” Fe has his hand on his hip and is all bent out of shape over this.

  “She’s preggie dunce head.” Hanna says as if that is an explanation.

  “As if that would stop her.” Fe throws back at her.

  “I hope I have matured a little bit. I am not taking any chances with my child.” I get out when I hear the back door close. Kylar comes over to me and puts his arm around me. I stiffen up but I don’t move away. I want him to know I am still upset but I am glad he is here.

  “Callie is doing exactly what she should.” I guess he heard the end of our conversation. “I am sorry for everything. It won’t happen again and I will make it up to her.” I like that, but he is not talking to me. I feel another twinge in my back. I look at Kellan and he has finished his snack.

  “I have a feeling I will be going to the hospital today. I have been having these back twinges for a while.” Kylar squeezes my shoulder.

  “Are you in labor? Why haven’t you said something?” Kylar looks at me closely.

  “I’m not sure it is labor, but it feels like the night before Kellan was born. It’s still a little early, it may be those false pains.” Kylar takes his phone out and starts texting.

  “Who are you texting?” I watch him put his phone back up.

  “I texted Ma, your dad, Em, Micah, Maddie, Maizy, Sarge, Dra, and Sarah. They can spread the word. I’m just giving them a head’s-up.” Kylar is being thoughtful. “I sent a group text so they can figure it out.”

  “You included Mason and Dra, too? Thank you.” I know he hated that. The other two men I have been in love with. Dra I was married to and thought I buried him, but he came back from the dead. However, by that time I was in love with Kylar. Mason, or Sarge as he’s called, and I were engaged too, and I thought he would be my happily ever after. Then he cheated when he was away in the marines. Cheating is not something I can tolerate. I moved on. Now I am happy with Kylar. We have been married three times. First time he fooled me into a marriage and I ran, but by that time I was pregnant with Kellan. I ran right into Dra. He claimed me and married me after my divorce from Kylar. We were happy, but he chose to protect his club and let me believe he was dead. I mourned and then I fell back in love with Kylar. He’s never left my side. He proved he could be the man I needed and we remarried with me thinking I was a widow. When Dra resurfaced, our happiness was short lived. We had a mess of legal paperwork to do, but Dra and I did indeed get a divorce and two months ago, Kylar and I tied the knot, again. For the last time.

  “I thought it would be easier. Your dad can let the rest of the BlackPath MC know. If it’s a false alarm I will text them back.” Hanna gets Kellan out and cleans him up. I sit down trying to let the pain ease a little. Fe goes and gets both the baby’s and my bags. The pain subsided so I get up and get Kellan’s bag. I feel like I am packing my whole darn house just to go to the doctor. “Let’s get this show on the road.” Kylar says. Easy for him to say. Kylar, Kellan, and I go in my SUV and Fe and Hanna follow in Hanna’s car. I look back at Kellan and he is already fast asleep. His belly is full and he’s still so that means sleep. He’s so much like Kylar.

  “You know, babe, I love you. I would never cheat on you. I might make Charisma think there is something there but there is nothing. You are the only woman for me. I know what I did was wrong, but it was for the club. I promise I won’t let it happen again. You have my word.” Kylar tells me. I know this is costing him to open himself up like this to me. He’s a man of few words and he needs to be strong because he is the President of the Feral Steel MC. I can’t just let this go no matter how much I just want to take him in my arms and tell him it will be ok. I reach over and put my hand on his thigh. He glances at me. Never taking his eyes off the road but for a second.

  “Kylar, I know you love me. I know you love our family, but putting your tongue down some other woman’s throat is never okay. For any reason.
I will never accept it as a way of life. I was brought up in a MC and in BlackPath’s most of the guys are respectful of their women. I know some step outside those wedding vows or they will have an ol’ lady and still do club girls on the side. That’s not something I will ever accept.” I see the regret in Kylar’s eyes but I know exactly how to send the message I want and it is being a bitch. He needs to know I am serious. “How would you feel if my tongue was in Dra or Mason’s mouth or even if they laid a hand on me? How would you feel?” Kylar starts to say something and I see the anger in his eyes. I squeeze his leg. “Even if it was for the good of the club.” Kylar is still angry just from the thought but he got my point.

  “I agree. It won’t happen again for any reason, and I love you.” That’s as close as I am going to get, so I take it. He knows how I feel about it and that is enough. For now. We make it to the doctor’s office in record time. Kylar is safe but he has a ton of speeding tickets. We find parking and Kylar has Kellan out easily before I make it out of the SUV. I feel off today and I am moving slow and the twinges in my back haven’t stopped. Fe comes over and takes Kellan and Kylar helps me inside. I see the motorcycles across the street. It’s a reminder we need to stay alert for Stone. Hanna grabs Kellan’s bag out of the SUV and we finally make it inside. The receptionist is eyeing Kylar. No doubt one of his old screw buddies. At least he pays no attention at her.


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