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The Gathering

Page 19

by S L Dearing

  He reached down the back of her legs, to her knees and lifted her up against his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he walked them back into the room and laid her on the bed. Alisha soon forgot about the nightmares, as Vance made her shudder again and again.

  Once again they slept, and on the balcony a raven watched the night sky, as if guarding the sleeping couple. It stayed all night.


  Elian Merganser hadn't slept well. He had watched Sara all night, but she never left the side of the atheist until he walked her home. Then he watched as they kissed, disgusted at the way Scott Forrester had his hands all over her. How could she want that? He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

  Elian shook his head and got out of bed. He walked across the hall and opened the door to Albion's room. He wasn't there and the bed was made. Albion must have gotten up early. He was apt to do that. Elian wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his head. He searched through the cupboard for a glass and filled it with water from the pitcher on the counter. His eyes still mostly closed, he guzzled down the liquid then he looked down at the counter. There was an envelope with his name on it. He opened it and read the letter inside.

  My Dearest Elian,

  I hope that you can forgive my behavior of the last few days, as I have not been myself. I suppose I have been spending so much time with Scott Forrester because my true feelings frighten me so. If you can forgive me, please meet me by the southern stables after breakfast, so that I can tell you in person how I really feel.

  With Love,


  Elian grinned and folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. He pushed his black hair out of his face and stepped out of the kitchen as the front door opened. Albion walked in, startled to see Elian before him.

  "Good morning, Brother. You were up early. How are you today?"

  "Fine,” Albion said.

  He dropped his gaze and thrust his hands in his pockets.

  "Did you already eat breakfast? Maybe we could go together?" Elian asked.

  "I'm not hungry."

  Elian sighed. He had tried to get his brother to talk to him, to trust him, but to no avail. Albion continued to retreat further and further inside his head. Elian put his hand on his brother's shoulder and when he did, Albion flinched as if he’d been hit.

  "Sara Stark has asked to meet with me after breakfast, but maybe we could do something later?"

  Albion looked up at him with distrust and shrugged.

  "Sara Stark?"

  Elian smiled.

  "Yes, I found this note on the counter when I woke up. Did you not place it there?"

  Albion shook his head.

  "I thought she was with Scott Forrester now."

  Elian smiled and shrugged, removing his hand. He was glad to have engaged Albion in a conversation.

  "According to the note, she was only with him because she could not face her true feelings for me."

  Albion frowned.

  "Where are you supposed to meet her?"

  "The southern stables…after breakfast."

  Albion nodded.

  "Don't you think it's a little strange that she might go to all this trouble?"

  Elian shrugged.

  "I'm not sure what you mean, Brother."


  Albion walked towards his bedroom. Elian called after him.

  "Perhaps this afternoon we can do something?"

  Albion reached his room and turned to look at his brother while reaching for the doorknob.

  "Perhaps, Elian."

  He then opened the door, entered the room and closed the door behind him. Elian found himself smiling again as he walked into his room. Albion had spoken to him and almost agreed to spend time with him and on top of that, Sara Stark had finally come to her senses.


  Alia sat on the bench on her balcony, watching the woods below. She sipped her coffee and tried to process everything she had seen in the last few days, the possessions, the odd creatures below in the woods, the tunnel in the wall and the birds. Alia had thought about the abundance of the ravens and falcons that had been flying around. She knew that ravens lived anywhere, but they weren't normally as far south as the Fail. The same went for falcons. Hawks were still in abundance, but falcons and ravens were rare.

  The night before, Alia, Sean, Janeen, Vivian, Beverly Watson and Duncan Worley all went to the opening in the wall. Duncan had pulled the original blueprints of the village from the library. There had been no tunnel or gate in them. Beverly and Alia moved slowly though the tunnel to the gate and realized that there was magic afoot in every inch, and that the magic was dark.

  When they came out, Alia ordered Duncan and his staff to seal the tunnel before morning. Janeen and Vivian were to run interference, while Alia and Beverly tried to work out a spell to prohibit the tunnel from reappearing. Sean had gone back to let Myron know what was going on.

  Somehow they had managed to seal the tunnel and bind the work all before daybreak. The strange developments were beginning to worry Alia. There was something evil in the village that was behind all of these strange happenings, but she still had no idea where it was coming from.

  A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts.


  Kaley entered the room. Alia smiled at the sight of her and waved her over to the balcony.

  "Good morning, Baby. You want some coffee?"

  Kaley smiled and nodded. She walked over, kissed her mother and took her mug as she sat down.

  "What's up?"

  Kaley looked up from her mug and shrugged as she sipped the hot, bitter brew. Alia raised an eyebrow and sighed.

  "C'mon, Kale, what is it?"

  "Can't I just visit my mom for breakfast?"

  Alia nodded.

  "Sure you can, but you don't, not unless you want to talk to me in private. So tell me, what's on your mind, Baby Girl?"

  Alia took her mug and gently blew at the hot liquid before sipping.

  "Ian Turner and I are getting married."

  Alia continued sipping and nodded.

  "I said I'm getting married."

  Alia again nodded and put the mug down.

  "Yeah, I heard you. When was this decided?"

  Kaley looked around nervously and took a deep breath.

  "Well, we were talking last night about all kinds of things and about all the things that have been going on and we realized we didn't want to be away from each other and that anything could happen at any time, so we decided."

  "Did you decide when?"

  Kaley shook her head and sipped her coffee again.

  "Uh, huh. Have you talked to Alisha?"

  Again Kaley shook her head. Alia took a deep breath and felt the tears well up in her eyes.

  "So you'll be leaving for St. Paul's in seven days?"

  Kaley put the mug down and looked at her mother and slowly nodded her head, as Alia began to nod with her.

  Alia stood up and Kaley rushed into her mother's arms.

  "I knew this day was coming, but I didn't know it would be here so soon."

  "Are you angry?"

  "Oh, no, Sweetie! It's just a ‘mom’ thing. To me, you'll always be a little girl…my little girl, but now you're a woman. I have to let you go to live your life. But you're your father's daughter and I knew you'd end up at St. Paul's."

  Kaley smiled and walked around to the ledge of the balcony.

  "He asked me and I couldn't say no. He didn't get on one knee or anything, but I don't care."

  Alia smiled.

  "Did I ever tell you about when your dad proposed?"

  Kaley shook her head and smiled.

  "We were at a beach party in Santa Monica. It was the middle of summer. We were both going to USC and he was going to graduate the next year, so that summer was a big blow out. All day long he had avoided me and then he got drunk with his fraternity brothers and I was so pissed at him, so I started flirting with this guy Parish. Yo
ur dad, being drunk, picked a fight with Parish, who promptly beat snot out of him."

  Kaley cocked her head to one side and furrowed her brow.

  "I think there's a reason why you never told me this story."

  Alia began to laugh.

  "Mmm, well, as I cleaned him up, your dad and I proceeded to argue about what a jerk he was and then he reached into his pocket, pulled out a tiny box and threw it at me. It hit me in the face, but before I could lay into him again, he yelled at me 'I've just been trying to work up the nerve to give you that, but you don't care anyway so screw it!' So I pick up the box and open it and inside was this little diamond ring. I remember at that moment all I could think about was how much I loved him, so I took the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger and then turned around and told him to ask me already."

  "So he asked you?"

  "No, he was throwing up in the sink."


  "Yeah, but a few minutes later he asked and I said yes and the rest is history. It wasn't moonlight and roses, but it was mine and we had a glorious life together for as long as it lasted."

  Kaley looked down at her coffee and frowned. Alia looked over at her and touched her knee.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I've been so selfish. We've all been so selfish."

  Alia shook her head.

  "What are you talking about, Kaley?"

  "I never realized before this moment everything you lost. I knew I lost my dad but you lost your husband. If it were Ian, I don't…"

  "Stop. There's no point in dwelling on what might happen. As my grandmother used to say 'There's no sense getting a stomach ache before you eat the stew.' You lost your father and that's a horrible thing. When my dad died, I was lost, Kale. He was my hero. He was one of the three most important men in my life."

  "Who's the third?"


  Kaley put the coffee down and looked at her mother.

  "Who's the third most important man? G-dad was one, dad was two, who's three?"

  Alia smiled and shook her head.

  "That's not important."

  Kaley kept looking at her mother and then dropped her shoulders.

  "We all know, Mom. We can all see."

  "See what?"

  "Sean, Mom. How the two of you feel about each other… we can all see it."

  "I don't know what…"

  "Now you stop. Dad's been gone for three years and it's time for you to start living again. Not just for us, but for you. Sean loves you so much."

  "Kaley, enough."

  "But, Mom…"

  "Enough. Sean is my friend. That's all. Even if I did have feelings other than friendship, he doesn't."

  Alia got up and walked into the room and started to change. Kaley followed her, but before she could say anything else, Alia stopped her.

  "I think you need to talk to your sister. The two of you need to decide what you're going to do."

  Kaley threw up her arms and made for the door.

  "Oh, Sweetie?"


  Alia hugged her daughter and took her face in her hands.


  "Thanks, Mom. Think about what I said."

  Alia gently pushed her daughter out the door and closed it behind her. She walked over the window and twisted her long auburn hair into a bun in the back of her head and plunged a stick through it. Looking at the ground she saw Sean with Myron.

  She smiled and shook her head. She stepped back inside the room. Sean looked up at the turret and sighed. He missed her.


  Tanner was in the stable brushing down his horse, when Chelsea Hearst walked up to the gate and placed her hands gently on the wood.

  "Hey, Pretty Girl," Tanner said without looking around.

  Chelsea looked around and then back at Tanner.

  "I thought your horse was a stallion?"

  "He is."

  "Then who were you talking to?"

  Tanner stopped and sighed heavily, then turned and looked at Chelsea, raising his eyebrows at her. Chelsea looked away and blushed.

  "Oh, how'd you know it was me?"

  Tanner smiled.


  Chelsea smiled and rolled her eyes. Tanner finished with his horse and patted him. He grabbed his gear and walked to the gate. Chelsea stepped back and opened the gate for him and he smiled at her.

  She felt butterflies in her stomach as she closed the gate. She had agonized all morning about coming to ask Tanner to have breakfast with her. What if he was only dancing with her to be nice? He hadn't tried to kiss her. Maybe he was just being nice. She looked over at him.

  Tanner had finished putting the gear away and was taking off his shirt. The late morning sun reflected off of his damp skin and she felt her stomach flinch. She started to chew her bottom lip and just as she was going to ask, two girls from Crystal Shade walked in, Tanya Hogar and Brittany Roberts. Tanya was seventeen with the body of a twenty-three-year-old, all the right curves in all the right places, long blond hair and bright blue eyes.

  Tanner was washing his hands and face as they walked past Chelsea, who was now scowling at them. Tanya walked past her and smiled, flipping her hair.

  "Hi, Tanner."

  Tanner looked up from the basin, water dripping from his face and he raised an eyebrow. He grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off.

  "Hello, Tanya…Brittany."

  Brittany waved and smiled. Tanya looked back at Chelsea, who crossed her arms and shook her head. Tanya turned back around and smiled.

  "I was wondering, Tanner, do you have any plans for breakfast this morning? I haven't seen much of you this Gathering and I was hoping that we could talk."

  Tanner finished drying his face and tossed the towel back in its place, then grabbed his shirt and pulled it back over his head, and tugged his long black hair from inside. Then he smiled and nodded.

  "That's really nice of you, Tanya..."

  Tanya smiled and raised her chin in triumph as Chelsea frowned and shook her head again.

  "…But I already have plans."

  "Wha…what?" Tanya stammered.

  Tanner smiled and walked over to Chelsea, offering his hand. Chelsea smiled and understood as she placed her hand in his, all the while staring at Tanya.

  "Yeah, I guess you and I haven't been at the same dance floors. If we had, you would have seen me spending the last few days with Chelsea. I'll be spending the duration of the Gathering with her, but thanks for asking."

  He brought Chelsea's hand to his lips and kissed the back of it, then turned to leave. Chelsea smiled and waved as she followed.


  Tanya was fuming as Brittany tried to comfort her friend, but the buxom blond Crystal was already stomping her foot and pointing at Chelsea. Chelsea began to laugh.

  "That was awesome!"

  Tanner smiled as they walked towards the Dining Hall.

  "I don't even mind you telling them those things about us being together. The look on her face was priceless."

  Tanner frowned and stopped, but held Chelsea's hand so she stopped too.

  "What?" she asked.

  "What do you mean you don't mind that I told her we were together?"

  "I mean that I don't mind that you lied about wanting to be with me for the rest of the Gathering."

  Tanner shook his head.

  "Why would I lie about that?"

  Chelsea swayed a little and felt her breathing get a touch harder.

  "You mean you weren't just saying that?"

  "No, I don't just say things, Chels. Are you really that insecure?"

  Chelsea pulled her hand away and crossed her arms.

  "No, but you haven't exactly been straightforward about wanting to be with me… exclusively. I mean in the last two days I have seen at least ten girls throw themselves at you and you flirted right back with all of them."

  Tanner leaned back and scowled again.

  "Maybe I fl
irted, but I didn't go with them, did I?"

  Chelsea sighed and started to get angry.

  "No, but you didn't do anything to let me know… anything either. I mean I was really excited when you asked me to dance. I really like you, but you haven't said anything or done anything to make me believe you want to be anything more than my friend. I mean, I came to see you today to see if you wanted to have breakfast with me, but I didn't even get a chance to ask before, Big Tits and her flunky freak of a friend walk in to burst my bubble."

  Tanner stood before her trying to stay angry, but the smile broke through.

  "Big Tits?"

  "Well they are, aren't they?"

  He nodded and then looked at Chelsea.

  "Look, I’m sorry, Chelsea."

  He moved towards her and held her face in his hands.

  "I don't move really fast when it comes to this stuff, but I do really care about you and I do want to spend time with you."

  The butterflies were back as Chelsea stared into Tanner's eyes.


  Then without hesitation, Tanner moved in and kissed her. She was shocked and startled, but felt her hands go to his waist as she kissed him back, soft and warm. She felt like they were kissing for an eternity when he finally pulled away. She opened her eyes and felt dizzy. He smiled at her.

  "Can we go eat now?"

  She nodded and they walked to the Dining Hall, once again holding hands.

  Chris and Hannah had been watching the entire event. He looked over at her.

  "You know where I'm coming from, right?"

  Hannah smiled.

  "Yeah, I know."

  "Good, I have to go practice."

  Hannah sighed.

  "Me too."

  Chris smiled.

  "See you this afternoon?"

  Hannah nodded. Chris leaned in and kissed her cheek, then smiled.

  "See you later, Pretty Face."


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