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The Gathering

Page 20

by S L Dearing

  Hannah smiled as she watched him walk away.

  “What a great Gathering this was turning out to be,” she thought, and she ran off to find her friends.


  Amanda was leaning over the south wall, watching the soldiers ride the perimeter of the village. They rode in pairs and circled in front of the woods. She could just make out what they were saying.

  "Do you see anything?"

  "No, but he said to look…without going in."

  "I don't see a damn thing."

  "Let's go check the other side of the village."

  They rode off and Amanda watched. Then she turned back excitedly towards the woods.

  “What were they looking for?” she thought.

  She stared down at the trees. The only sound was that of the breeze moving gently through the leaves. Then she saw it. It was only a flash, but it was there. It glistened like rainbow glass. She looked again and there it was, slower this time and silver or white, then it stopped and looked at her. She couldn't see what it was, but she knew it wanted her to come down and play.

  She sighed and laid her chin on her hands. There was no way she could get out to the woods. The gates of the Fail were closed. At that moment, a raven landed near her and when she turned to look at it, it flew towards the gate. Amanda saw the soldiers returning and heard the gate start to open. She ran down the catwalk to the stone steps and down to the gate.

  The raven flew out the gate and the soldiers rode in as visitors went bustling past and in all the confusion, Amanda Stark slipped through the opening. She made her way quickly to the edge of the wall and looked up to see the sentries scanning the valleys. When they looked away, she moved to a new area.

  Her tiny hands flat against the stone, she waited for the right time and when it came, she ran towards the woods, her little legs pushing her forward into the thicket.

  Molly Creegan had returned to her post just in time to see Amanda disappearing into the trees. She drew out her binoculars, but the child was gone.

  "Damn it!!"

  Jones walked over.


  Exasperated, Molly pointed to the woods and pursed her mouth.

  "Amanda Stark got out of the village."


  Molly marched off to find Sean and Alia. She didn't relish being the bearer of bad news.

  She found them and explained what happened. As they were walking back to the gates, they ran into Scott and Sara, explaining that Amanda was out, and that with four they could cover more ground and get her back sooner.

  Alia's heart was racing. What if it was the dark magic they had been experiencing that had lured Amanda out of the keep? Sean, anticipating what she was thinking, took her hand as they walked through the gate and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He could always keep her focused. Molly was about to leave with them when Sean put his arm out, stopping her.

  "I want you to stay here, Creegan. Keep an eye out from up top. We'll signal you if we're in trouble, ok?"

  Molly nodded and ran back to the top, watching the foursome run towards the woods. When they reached the edge, they stopped.

  "Ok, let's all take a separate path and we'll holler if we find her, meeting in the clearing."

  Everyone nodded in agreement and they took off into the trees. The foliage was turning yellow and the pine needles crunched beneath their feet with every step.

  Alia could hear the others calling out for Amanda as she walked through the center of the woods, their voices growing distant as they strayed to the edges. She called for her daughter. The sound of her voice carried over the trees. She thought of the strange creatures. She felt they weren't dangerous, but what if they were? What if they had only made her feel that way in order to lure them all out of the safety of the village?

  "Amanda, answer me! It's mommy! Where are you?"

  The crunch of leaves and pine needles and the call of the raven were the only noises she heard.


  "I'm over here, Mommy."

  Alia's heart leapt and she ran off in the direction of the clearing. She broke through the trees and saw Amanda sitting in the center of the clearing. She ran over to her and swept her into her arms, squeezing her tightly.

  "I can't breathe, Mom."

  Alia took her daughter by the shoulders and then her face in her hands.

  "What were you thinking?!? Why would you come out here alone?!? It's dangerous, Amanda!"

  At that moment, Sean, Scott and Sara, hearing Amanda's voice, entered the clearing.

  "Is she ok?"

  Alia nodded and looked at Amanda.

  "Well, what do you have to say?"

  "My friend would protect me, Mommy."

  "Friend? What friend?"

  In that moment, they heard the snapping of twigs and brush and they beheld the creature of the woods. It was magnificent.

  It moved forward and stood before Alia. She stared in wonder as she instinctively moved Amanda behind her, even though she felt no fear. It stood almost eight feet at the top of its head and was covered in silver hair. Its mane was white, like ice and its eyes shone like blue glitter in the sun. It looked like a horse, but the muzzle was more like that of a cocker spaniel in that its lips split between the two nostrils, which sat close together on the front of the face, rather than the side, and drooped over the sides of the mandible, covering several large canines. The hooves were cloven and the tail was long and thin with a tuft of hair at the end.

  It had a thick mane of hair along its chest and a beard hanging off its chin. She found the horn to be the most extraordinary. The bone grew in three places from the skull. It started on either side of the head, just in front of the ears and above the eyes, where a bone plate, like a ram, grew flat and thick. The plates ran from the front of the ears, then down, under and around the ears to the top of the head, disappearing under the forelock, where it met another horn that grew from the center of the forehead. There the three bones joined in a great spiral horn that extended at least three feet in length. The horn was iridescent and glittered like a rainbow.

  The beast moved forward and lowered its head. Alia put her hand out and the beast nudged it with its nose, taking a step forward so that it stood right in front of her. She moved her hand along its face to the animal's side and gently laid her head against the side of his neck and smiled. She could feel the animal's strength and power; she felt calm.

  Scott and Sean stood silently as Sara moved forward, Scott tried to grab her back, but Sara shrugged him off and walked to her mother. She also put her hand out and the beast leaned forward, allowing her to touch its nose.

  Alia looked into the animal's eyes.

  "It was you outside my window?"

  The animal snorted and turned its head, lifting it up and down. Alia stepped back and lightly ran her hand up and along the beast's neck under the mane. The hair was as soft as fur.

  Alia turned to see Sean and Scott. She could see the shock and wonder in their eyes as they looked at the creature. Sean looked at Alia and lifted his hand, pointing at the animal.

  "Is that what I think it is?"

  Alia nodded.

  "If you’re thinking unicorn, then yeah."


  The unicorn then walked towards Sean and Scott, and as it did, Scott fought every urge he had to run, only taking an automatic step backward. His breathing quickened and his heart was beating furiously. He stood perfectly still as the beast breathed against his face and then lightly nudged his chest. Sean slowly raised his hand and placed it against the neck of the unicorn, which then turned and looked at him as Sean gently stroked the fine, soft hair. He started to smile and then looked at Alia.

  She took Amanda by the hand and walked over to them. She stroked the beast, which seemed to smile as Amanda grabbed his chest and buried her face in his fine tresses.

  "I have so many questions, but I guess the first would be do you know about this dark magic?" she asked.

  The cr
eature again nodded its head up and down.

  "Is it getting stronger?"

  The unicorn again affirmed. Sean was watching in disbelief.

  "Can you help us?"

  The animal backed away from the group, appearing as if it was going to leave, but instead it raised its head and let out a sound. A sound that was barely reminiscent of a horse whinny. Instead, it began as a low growl that grew into an intonation that could be compared to the combination of a horse’s neigh and a cat’s howl. Sean felt Alia take his hand and grip hard as from all around them unicorns entered the clearing.

  They were silver and gold and white, with eyes of gold, green and blue that glittered and danced in the sunlight.

  When all the unicorns had gathered around them in a circle, the stallion raised its head again and began to hum, but not an ordinary hum. It was a strange growling hum. The other beasts joined him and soon it sounded as if they were all singing, in a low deep resonance that they could feel all around them, reverberating across the land. Alia and the others began to feel dizzy, Scott held Sara tightly. Their heads began to pound and the pressure build and just when they thought they could no longer stand it… silence and their minds cleared.

  "Can you hear me now?"

  Alia and Sean looked at one another and then at Scott and Sara. They nodded and Alia turned back to the animal in front of them.


  Amanda smiled and held her mother's leg.

  The unicorn smiled and nodded.

  "Excellent. You may call me Ferage."

  "I'm Alia Stark, the leader of this village, Lia Fail. This is Sean Lantry, my captain and these are..."

  "…Amanda and Sara, your daughters. And you are Scott Forrester. He tried to mark you, but you all thwarted his plan. He’s angry now. Yes, we know. We have been watching you since we first arrived."

  "Arrived? Arrived from where? I don't understand."

  “You will. Please accept my apologies for luring Amanda outside the wall, but I couldn’t get you to come outside.”

  Alia shook her head.

  “It’s ok. I’m sorry you had to go to so much trouble just to get me out here.”

  ”We couldn’t wait any longer. We had to make sure that you are aware there is a traitor in your midst."

  "A Traitor? Do you know who specifically?"

  "No, but they are in league with Him. They are the ones who have been trying to possess people with the tiny demon creatures."

  Alia rubbed her forehead.

  “Him… you said ‘Him’. Who is he and why would he want to hurt us?” Scott asked.

  Ferage sighed.

  "He is the one with no name. He burned cities and leveled kingdoms in the name of the gods, but it was not the gods.”

  The unicorns lowered their heads and Amanda began to cry. The other four felt an overwhelming sadness, as Alia leaned over to pick up Amanda, rocking her gently.


  The unicorns raised their heads and the sadness was gone.

  “My apologies, Alia Stark. We sometimes forget that the connection is also one of emotion and not just communication."

  "This one with no name, he destroyed your world?”

  “He started a war there and now… they are all fighting. They have forgotten to find the light. They have killed so many of our kind trying to gain more and more magic. The magic is leaving my world and coming to yours. We followed it to you…to safety.”

  “But he’s here now, trying to do the same thing here?”

  “Yes, we believe he is and we believe he has been here for quite some time. We also…”

  Suddenly, Ferage and his group lifted their heads to the sky. Ferage let out a whinny that caused the others to scatter back to the woods. Sean looked around and back at the beast.

  "What's going on? Where are you going?"

  Ferage turned and stopped, looking into the sky.

  "He has sent another one. It cannot know we are here. We will speak again, Alia Stark. Remember, beware the birds of kings, trust only her messengers."

  Then he ran back into the woods. Alia and Sean looked at one another and then over at Scott and Sara. Sean picked up Amanda and took Alia's hand.

  "Let's get back inside the village before we try to figure this out, ok?"

  Alia nodded and they walked back towards the Fail. Scott was solemn as they made their way back to the keep.

  "Are you all right?" Sara mentally asked.

  Scott nodded.

  "Yeah, I just hate that there’s someone out there trying to intentionally hurt people. Whoever this guy is, he tried to kill me," he thought.

  "But he didn’t."

  Sara smiled and slipped her hand into his and he squeezed it reassuringly. He smiled back at her. Then she heard the screech in the sky. She looked up and saw a falcon and for some reason, she felt cold.


  Rona slipped quietly through the busy streets of the Fail, looking only briefly from under the hood of her cape. The passage in the wall had disappeared and she found it been bound when she called for it. She moved quickly up the steps of the library and through the main doors.

  The darkness of the library completely contrasted the bright sunlight. Dimly lit sections of the building reflected the grand ceilings and wood that encased the books. It was warm and welcoming.

  Rona could see Brandon and Lisa Stark speaking to the librarian, Mr. Fields. He was blond and striking, looking more like a movie star than a librarian. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't see her slip past them and into the back of the building.

  She moved to a corner of the library and looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one had seen her. She firmly pulled on a copy of Moby Dick, which moved downward, and then with a gentle click, the wall moved towards Rona. She released the book and walked quickly though the opening.

  She walked down the long spiral staircase, ever deeper into the darkness as the wall closed behind her. This secret room had been their last resort.

  She stepped onto the stone floor and walked to the closed door. The crevices in the wood allowed her to see a dim light and movement within. She opened the door and there in the room was Darla.

  She had prepared the room, save for the candles. Rona closed the door and swept the cape from her shoulders, letting it fall on the back of a chair. She swept her hand and muttered.


  Every candle in the room erupted with flame and Darla stepped back in awe, sucking in her breath.

  Rona snapped at Darla and pointed.

  "The book."

  Darla handed her the leather-bound book. The metal clasps moved easily from their counterparts and the book opened with the ease of ages, the worn, thick parchment holding fast under the softness of Rona's fingers as she drew them across the pages, searching for the spell. She glanced at her watch and knew that he was going to be angry at her tardiness, but she continued to look.

  Then she found it, the Transmittal Spell. Rona lightly ran her fingers over the faded ink and yellow page, as Darla placed a round black vessel on the table. Then she placed herbs and jars within reach.

  Rona silently mouthed the words and ingredients of the potion. She meticulously took each item and referred back to the book to make sure, before she added it to the cauldron. Darla stood several feet away, wringing her thumb with her fingers and watching wide-eyed as her teacher diligently mixed all the items with intensity and concentration.

  Darla then dropped her hand and crossed her arms, looking at the floor as she had met with Rona's irritated gaze.

  Then Rona began the incantation. As she spoke the words, a flame grew from the vessel and turned red, then disappeared as all the candles went out.

  Rona looked around the dark room and breathed quietly.



  Darla flinched as if she had been hit, backing further into the corner. Then a great cold wind blew through the room and the candles re-lit wit
h red flame. From the vessel, red smoke billowed and a great, black figure rose from the scarlet mist.


  Rona kneeled, then glanced at Darla, who had already fallen to her knees. The Shape stood motionless above the vessel.

  "Rise, Child. Why do we meet in this manner?"

  Rona lifted her gaze and stood up.

  "Forgive me, Master. They found the tunnel and sealed it with stone and magic. It wouldn’t open."

  "I see."

  "I've seduced the co-founder of the Crystal Shade Christians, Master, just like you asked. His lust was easily accessible. Next we will gather his sons. Soon the people of Lia Fail will turn against Alia Stark and Sean Lantry."

  The Shape nodded.

  "However, she and the others have discovered the imps, but they haven't realized that the magic of your world has come to ours. They have Darla and I investigating where the magic is coming from."

  "Has she made contact with Alia Stark…or her children?"

  Rona raised her eyebrows and shook her head.

  "Not that I'm aware of, Master. They've given no indication that they are aware of your presence or that of the castle. I don't believe they know anything."

  "Good. Continue to manipulate the Christians and when Merganser has created a great distrust among the other groups, contact me. I must have her here by the Mourning Moon, do you understand, Rona?"

  "Yes, Master. I understand."

  Rona nodded as Darla sat quietly in the corner.

  "Good and should they discover what you are doing…"

  "I'm being extremely cautious, My Lord…"

  "Regardless, Child, should they find you out, call the birds and tell them. They will find me. Do you understand?"

  Rona nodded and bowed.

  "Very well, I expect great things from you, Child. Until then…"

  The red mist turned orange as the Shape moved down into the vessel and the candle flames grew large and then went out, only to moments later to be replaced by a normal flame.


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