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Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3)

Page 2

by Cassidy Summers

“Damn. Tell them I love them both,” I say, desperately wishing I could do it myself.

  “I will,” she promises as she falls into silence.

  “Rylan?” I question softly. “I tried to call him, but it went to voicemail.”

  “Umm…” she starts and I can practically hear the cringe in her voice.

  Dread fills me. “Jacinta…what is it?”

  She lets out a sigh. “So, the first month, he was really angry. The boys said he was back to being the asshole instructor from the beginning, but a whole lot worse and they would see him working out a lot in the gym and out on the field,” she explains, instantly tearing my heart in two. “Then about two months ago, they called him to trial for taking us on the rescue mission into the Fairy Kingdom. That went on for a few weeks and even with our testimonies, they still ruled against him, but not too badly. He’s been put on suspension for three months, so he still has just under two months left to go. He had to leave campus and isn’t allowed to have any communication with any member of The Guard.”

  “Damn,” I whisper before hope starts to shoot through me. If he’s on suspension, could that mean he’s actually here? “Where did they take him?”

  “I don’t know. He was told to disappear into the human world for the three months, but don’t worry about him. He’s strong and knows what he’s doing,” she tells me. “And don’t blame yourself. He declared to the whole court that he would have done it a million times over, so I’m pretty sure the whole council knows he’s in love with you, they just don’t know how far that actually goes.”

  “Shit,” I cringe as that same disappointment from earlier comes slamming back. “God, I miss you all.”

  “We miss you, too,” she sighs. “How is it you’re on the phone?”

  “Ha,” I laugh. “I faked a tummy bug and stole the nurse’s phone. It’s one of those really old ones, so I’m not sure how long the battery will last.” I pull the phone away and check the battery life. “It’s at eighty percent, but I want it to last a few days and I should call mom. I’ll probably turn it off after that, so I’ll message you when I can.”

  “Okay, get your ass home as soon as you can,” she demands.

  “That’s the plan,” I laugh.

  “Love you,” she says with a sigh.

  Warmth spreads throughout me. “I love you too. I’ll be home soon.”

  “Good,” she says and I hear the smile in her voice.

  I reluctantly end the call with a sigh and crawl into the center of the floor, flopping down on my back. I go over everything Jacinta told me with a broken heart and I can’t help but feel this is all my fault. It’s irrational, but I can’t help it. If I’d been more prepared that day at the mall when I was taken by the fairy knights, I never would have been in that situation and Rylan would never have had to rush to my rescue, endangering my friends.

  We would all be back at The Academy. I’d be wrapped in Rylan’s arms, planning new and exciting ways to kick his ass during training while Trey and Jacinta make out on the couch, and Daniel groans and grunts at everyone.

  I sigh as I wonder what the hell is going on with Daniel. Why would he be distancing himself so much? I send Jacinta a quick text asking her for Daniel’s number as I don’t have the mental capacity to memorize that shit. She replies immediately and I get started on a new text.

  Bianca – Hey loser, it’s Bianca. What’s up with you? I miss you.

  I hear nothing back from him and decide I should check in with mom. I dial her number and as expected have to leave a message. “Hi mom, it’s me. I know you’re probably working, but I just wanted to check-in. I’m safe and I’m okay. I miss you heaps and I know you’re worried, so I’m sorry about that. I may or may not have stolen this phone and don’t know what the battery life is like, so I’m going to turn it off. Send me a message if you can’t get through. I love you.” I end the call and put the phone down.

  I go to turn it off when a text finally comes through from Daniel.

  Daniel – WTF? You disappear for three months and you’re asking what’s up with me? Are you okay?

  Bianca – I’m fine. Don’t change the topic. Spill it, buster. What’s going on?

  Daniel – Nothing. All good here. Just get your ass home.

  Bianca – You’ll spill it sooner or later. I’ll get it out of you even if I have to beat it out when I get back.

  Daniel – I look forward to it. ;)

  I turn the phone off and get back to my day. My body itches with pent up energy and I realize that I have to do something about this. Looking around my room, I put my plan into action.

  I start clearing as much space as I can. I grab the bedside table and shuffle it into the small bathroom and spend at least thirty minutes trying to get my bed to stand up on its edge before dashing out of the way when the mattress begins to fall. I push the bed frame right up against the wall to give myself room to move and then raise the mattress so I can use it as a punching bag.

  I would look like the biggest moron to anybody looking in, but lucky me, I’m all alone in this hell hole. I use my newfound space and the mattress to get a decent workout in until it’s time to leave for lunch.

  I head out a few hours later and make my way to the dining hall to eat the biggest meal I can possibly get my hands on. Being sure to make my appearance at a different time to my usual schedule. I eat what my stomach can manage and head out, deciding to do a little exploring.

  Exiting the cafeteria, I turn right down a long corridor and push through a few more doors before getting myself well and truly lost. I make a few more turns, taking in all my surroundings when I hear the steady footfalls of someone approaching. I dive into the closest broom closet and keep the door cracked so I can keep watch.

  The footsteps grow louder as the person approaches and I peer out the cracked door. As the person passes, I study his tall frame and suck in a deep breath. No, it couldn’t be.

  Holy crap!

  I fly out of the broom closet. “Brett,” I call out urgently to the leader of The Guard and the man who just happens to be Rylan’s father.

  His head snaps in my direction, slightly startled to find someone in the previously empty hallway. “Bianca?” he asks, studying my face.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, realizing afterward what a stupid question that is considering he’s the leader of our people and if anyone was looking for him, here would be the first place to look.

  “I should be asking you the same question,” he comments. His eyebrows pinch together as he glances up and down my body, then curiously toward the broom closet. “What’s going on, Bianca?”

  “I’m really sorry, I know I should be grateful for this…opportunity,” I start. “But you’ve got to get me out of here,” I beg. “Please, I’m going crazy here. This isn’t me.”

  He quickly looks over his shoulder and then over my head, checking the area is cleared before taking my elbow and leading me into an empty room. “I know, Bianca. Believe it or not, but I have tried, a few times actually, however decisions such as this must be voted on and ultimately decided by the Council.”

  “Damn it,” I snap. “Where the hell does that leave me? I’m going insane here,” I sigh as I look up into his eyes that seem so familiar to me.

  “Hang in there,” he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “If all else fails, I’m sure Rylan will find a way to break you out.”

  “You realize how bad of a message that is coming from the leader of The Guard, right?” I laugh.

  “I do realize this, but I also want what’s best for you and from the looks of it,” he says, clearly noting my weight loss, “being here is not that.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Thanks though, you didn’t need to risk speaking up for me.”

  He gives me a tight smile. “I kind of did,” he laughs. “Rylan reached out to me for the first time and instead of wanting to talk things through, he offered to claim his lineage and take leadership if I could get you out.”

/>   “What?” I screech, wide-eyed. “No, he can’t give up the Front Line for me like that.”

  “I’m afraid he would give up his own life for you given the chance,” Brett comments. “But don’t worry, I told him no. I don’t want him accepting this position for someone else. In order to be successful here, he needs to want it, to accept it himself. So, until that time comes, no matter how much I want him to take it, I won’t allow it.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, relieved to know Brett has Rylan’s best interests at heart.

  He gives me a nod. “Alright, you best get back to your room and work on whatever plan it is that I’m sure you have to get out of here,” he smirks.

  I can’t help but return his grin. For a guy I met only once, he seems to know me better than I know myself.

  Chapter 3

  “Bianca,” Dr. Mandoza greets me a week later as she walks through the door. “What deadly illness are you faking today?”

  I can’t help but smile back at her. In the last week, I’ve been here at least three times. It didn’t take her long to realize I just wanted someone to talk to. “Ah, I think it’s pneumonia,” I grin.

  “Oh, Bianca,” she laughs as she takes a seat beside me, taking pity on me. “How are you doing?”

  “Better now that I’ve got someone to talk to,” I tell her honestly. “I’ve converted my room into a gym, so at least I’m not so desperate for a workout.” I want to tell her that I’m happier now that I was able to talk to my friends, but that old phone didn’t last too long. After three days, the battery finally gave out, though considering how old it is, I should be thankful I got any time at all. Though I can’t tell her as there are signs all over the infirmary asking if anyone has found a lost phone.

  “That’s excellent, dear. You seem in good spirits,” she smiles as she reaches forward and gently places a supportive hand on my leg.

  Dr. Mandoza allows me to stay and chat, but when the infirmary starts getting busier, she has no choice but to send me on my way. I hop up off the bed and make my way out of the infirmary, deciding to grab some lunch before heading back to my room for a workout.

  I reach for the door of the dining hall, only to have the handle pulled out of my reach as the door is opened from within. I step back out of the way to allow the person to easily pass but stare in shock as I look up at an equally shocked Phillip Cooper.

  What on earth is he doing here? Last I checked, he had absolutely nothing to do with Head Office.

  “Bianca,” he greets warily through narrowed eyes. “What are you doing here?” he asks, probably thinking everything is about him and I’m here to spill all his awful secrets, which I must say, are pretty damn scandalous and could ruin his reputation within The Guard. Though after the last time I saw him, I could understand why he would suspect I’d be here to do just that.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I taunt, deciding to have a little fun with him. After all, he deserves it after the way he’s treated Jacinta over the last few months, not to mention, the way he’s treated Daniel, who we discovered is his son and Jacinta’s half-brother.

  I look past him into the cafeteria and notice the room swarming with men in suits. “Ah, just come from a meeting, have you? They look important, I better go introduce myself.” I slip past him into the room, knowing he wouldn’t come after me in fear of making a scene.

  I giggle to myself as I make my way deeper into the dining hall. I grab a sandwich and fill all my pockets with as many fruit bars and muffins as possible then grab a bottle of water and make my way back to my room.

  After getting myself ready for a workout, I push the mattress back up against the wall and get started. My body gives in quickly and I hate how weak it makes me feel. I let the mattress fall back to the ground and slump down on it as sadness overwhelms me.

  A knock sounds at my door later in the afternoon and I drag my feet as I make my way to open it. I peep through the little hole and groan as I see Mr. Richards waiting on the other side. Just great. I open the door with as much of an attitude as I can possibly manage. “Can I help you?” I ask, wishing he would go away.

  He looks past my shoulder and notices the odd state of my room, but chooses to ignore it as he hands me a slip of paper. “The Guard has decided that you’ve had enough training and will be starting your assignment as of next week.” He indicates to the paper. “This is a schedule of the academies you will be visiting in your first week.”

  Yay, I guess.

  I glance down at the paper and notice there must be at least four different academies, all in different countries. How do they expect me to get to all four academies within the five day school week? Do I even get to sleep? This is ridiculous.

  I groan as I close the door on Mr. Richards’ face. This sucks. Why does it have to be me who does this? I’m sure there’s someone out there who would love to have this job and would probably do it a shitload better than me.

  Another knock sounds at my door and I huff as I make my way over to it. Seriously? Is this guy that daft? Can’t he sense when he isn’t wanted?

  I rip the door open. “What?” I snap at him, then shut up immediately as I realize it isn’t Mr. Richards but Brett Norrington waiting at my door with an amused smirk. “Crap, I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”

  “Wow, I’d hate to be that poor bastard,” Brett laughs before checking out the state of my room, the same way Richards had with the same look of confusion. “What the hell is going on in here?”

  “I had to improvise. I don’t get the training time I need,” I explain.

  “Right,” he grins, apparently entertained by my little quirks. “Listen,” he starts, as his face turns to the one I recognize as our leader and not my maybe future father-in-law. “I know you stole Nurse Cathy’s phone, it was on the surveillance footage,” he scolds, with a raised eyebrow.

  Crap. Totally busted.

  “I’m sorry,” I say unapologetically, turning around and heading back into the room. I dig through my underwear drawer and curl my fingers around the cold metal of the phone, dreading giving it back as it’s still my only link to my friends and family. I stand before Brett with my hand outstretched towards him.

  He looks down at the phone with his lips pressing into a tight line before looking up at me. “Thank you for your honesty, but I thought you could keep it,” he says, bringing his hand out from behind his back and producing the charger. “Don’t worry,” he grins before sending me a wink. “I deleted the footage.”

  “Are you serious?” I gasp in shock then launch myself forward into his arms and hold him in a tight hug, completely overwhelmed by his kindness. “Thank you so much,” I nearly cry.

  “It’s fine, Bianca,” he says, awkwardly stepping out of my hug. “Just don’t tell anyone and I expect you to give it back when you finally get out of here.”

  “Of course,” I say, stepping back into my room in embarrassment, hoping to avoid giving this man any more spontaneous and awkward displays of affection. But, seriously, his eyes are exactly the same as Rylan’s, though he’s missing the gold speckles that Rylan has.

  “Good,” Brett smiles. “I best be going. I’ve got a lot of work to tend to.”

  Brett turns and starts making his way down the hall when I step out of my room and hurry after him. “Oh, Brett,” I call. He stops and turns back with a raised brow. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “By all means,” he says.

  I look up and down the hallway, making sure there’s no one around to overhear. “I saw Phillip Cooper here today and I was wondering why? I mean, he really doesn’t have any reason to be here, does he?” I ask.

  Brett’s lips pull into a tight line. “It’s all politics, Bianca,” he sighs. “Phillip is hoping to take over leadership once my rein is over. However, as you know, Phillip only has a daughter, so without a male to continue on in his line, I’m afraid he’s not a strong candidate.”

  Woah. Interesting.

p’s secret is the one thing that could help him take over leadership, but it’s also something that could keep him from it. Sucks to be him. “That’s interesting,” I murmur.

  “Indeed, it is,” Brett says, just as thoughtful. I wonder if he already knows. “But it’s irrelevant. I have all faith that Rylan will come to his senses and claim his rightful position as leader.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know,” I say, scrunching up my face and hoping to not offend him. “Suits and meetings aren't really his thing. He was born for the front line, just like I was.”

  “Yes, that’s what I’m afraid of,” he murmurs. “But you’ve seen firsthand what an amazing leader he makes.”

  “I know, he’s a force to be reckoned with,” I sigh, recalling how he led the front lines into battle just a few months ago. He was utterly amazing and no doubt proved that leadership is where he belongs, as long as he could continue in the Front Lines at the same time. It would be perfect for him. “I better not keep you any longer,” I say.

  Brett gives me another friendly smile before heading off down the hallway once again.

  I don’t waste a single second before diving back into my room and plugging the charger into the phone. I sit and wait by the phone, watching as the battery slowly begins to fill. 5%, 10%, 30%. Yep, I’ve waited long enough.

  I dial Jacinta’s number and sulk as the call rings out then glance at the clock and realize she would be in the middle of class. I start dialing mom’s number when Jacinta calls back. I hit accept and bring the phone to my ear.

  “Jacinta,” I say with absolute joy. “Happy Birthday for yesterday. I’m so sorry I missed it. I was hoping I’d have found a way to be back home by now.”

  “That’s okay,” she sighs. “You can make it up to me when you get back. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters. I’m so happy you called.”

  “Yeah, the battery on the phone died then Brett came around. Scared the crap out of me saying he knew I was the one who stole it, but instead of getting me in trouble, he gave me the charger. Can you believe that?” I laugh, still in shock about it.


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