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Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3)

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by Cassidy Summers

  “Seriously?” she laughs. “That’s awesome. Sorry, I missed your call. I was in class,” she explains. “I had to fake a headache because I used the bathroom pass ten minutes ago.”

  “Sorry,” I laugh. “Tell me everything I’ve missed.”

  Jacinta instantly launches into her rundown of the boys and her classes, she tells me how Trey is now ranked first in the combat program and how he feels awful about it, then goes on to explain how Daniel is still distancing himself.

  I tell Jacinta all about running into her father and what Brett had said about it, which is news to her. She asks about my assignment and I tell her all the places I’ll be going, though she isn’t sure whether to be excited about the academies I’ll be visiting or upset that I’ll be further away.

  After a good half hour, I let her go then leave mom another voicemail, letting her know I’m still safe and reminding her just how much I love her.

  Chapter 4

  I stand at the dining hall doors after finishing my breakfast with Mr. Richards scowling down at me. “Will you hurry up? Your flight leaves in ten minutes,” he scolds.

  “Fine,” I grumble as I dawdle behind him. He struts off at a pace that even I’m impressed with as he looks down at a clipboard. He makes it to the end of the hallway where huge glass double doors open out to the runway. He steps through the doors and briefly checks over his shoulder to make sure I’m still behind him.

  “Right, the jet will be taking off in ten minutes and you’ve got a five-hour flight north,” Mr. Richards explains. “You’ll have to get dressed and ready in the onboard bathroom as you’ll be landing on Academy grounds and heading straight into the seminar. Once that’s completed, you’ll be back on the jet and flying another few hours east. I suggest you get some sleep on the flight.”

  “Right...” I grumble, dreading the week before me.

  As I walk out onto the tarmac, I peer out at the magnificent view to see hundreds of homes that I can guarantee are occupied by members of the Guard, all in neat little lines surrounded by a huge golden gate. I scoff as I notice that beyond the gate is nothing but grassy hills with one road in and one road out. Talk about being paranoid. No supernatural will ever risk getting in here, and even if they did, they would be spotted miles before reaching the community.

  “Bianca,” Mr. Richards scolds as he stands by the jet. “Get in.”

  Oh, right.

  I bring myself back to the task at hand and make my way up the stairs into The Guard’s extravagant jet. Wow, this thing is huge. It must be fit for a king and I have to admit, if I’m going to be held here against my will then at least I’m doing it in style.

  The jet takes off and out of pure boredom, I fall asleep.

  I’m woken a few hours later by Mr. Richards. “Bianca,” he says as he gives my shoulder a shake. “You need to get yourself presentable. We’ll be landing in thirty minutes.”

  “K,” I grumble as I pull myself up out of my seat. I rummage through my bags and pull out a brush and a change of clothes. I make my way into the tiny bathroom and quickly get myself dressed before brushing through my hair and splashing some water on my face.

  Before I know it, the jet touches down and I’m ushered out the door. I have a look around and am surprised to see the Academy is nearly identical as the one back home, though I don’t know why I would be surprised, they’re all built by the same people so why wouldn’t they have the same layout?

  The academy is in the middle of their school day, roughly an hour away from their lunch break. I walk through the school with my team of handlers behind me and the weirdest feeling of déjà vu circles through me. I walk past the combat room to see they’re in the middle of a session.

  Sparring mats lay along the ground as their group of seniors face off against one another. An instructor struts around the room, the same way Rylan does and the deepest need to get in there and spar with them slams through me.

  I stand by the door and watch for a brief moment before Mr. Richards ushers me away. As expected, I’m led to the assembly hall which from the noise coming from within, I’d assume the whole junior campus is here waiting to watch the famous Bianca Moore make an absolute fool of herself.

  The doors open and I look around. There must be at least two hundred juniors all waiting and watching. Their sharp gazes lock on me, probably wondering what I’ll do.

  I’m called to the front and quickly get this seminar underway, delivering the speech that was so carefully written for me before following up by asking if there are any questions. Hands fly up everywhere and I quickly figure out that if they aren’t asking about training with Rylan Neill or wanting to know about the fairy battle, then they’re asking for a demonstration.

  I glance over to Mr. Richards who gives me a tight nod and mouths for me to ‘make it quick’. I get straight to it, but stick to easy moves that can be done in heels and a skirt, and as expected, I get all the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ that come any time someone sees what I’m best at.

  Following my demonstration, I’m whisked away. We by-pass the combat room with the seniors and once again, I find myself watching their session.

  “Hey, are you Bianca Moore?” a demanding voice calls from within the room.

  I look around and quickly find the person attached to the voice and realize that the second my name was mentioned, the whole room became quiet and all eyes fell on me, including the instructors. “Yeah,” I confirm, a little surprised that these guys have heard of me all the way out here. “That’s me.”

  The guy steps forward and comes closer so he doesn’t have to yell. His eyes bore into mine and I’m instantly reminded of Daniel with his flirty eyes and cheeky smile. “Are you really as good as they say you are?” he asks with a challenge in his voice.

  “Well,” I reply as I step deeper into the room with my group of morons following behind. “I am the only female on record to ever be ranked top of the class by midterm examinations,” I boast.

  Wannabe Daniel smirks at my comment. “Maybe your standards aren’t as high as ours,” he suggests with a wink, getting triumphant grunts and grins from the boys around him.

  “Really?” I ask as I walk deeper into the room. “You realize I’ve been mentored by Rylan Neill, right?”

  “Yeah,” he shrugs. “He isn’t as great as the stories make him out to be.” His friends and instructors scoff, clearly thinking he’s wrong. “I don’t mean any offense, but look at you. You’re tiny, the guys at your Academy must seriously lack talent if they can’t beat you.”

  I walk closer to him with a smirk on my lips, kicking my heels off and looking towards his instructors. I distantly notice Richards groaning from the back of the room, most likely checking his watch. “Do you guys have any pants or something I can wear so I can teach this guy a lesson?”

  The instructors grin and send one of the students into a supply closet who comes running back out with a pair of black shorts. “Are you serious?” the guy asks. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he says as I pull the pants on under my skirt and shimmy out of it.

  “I’m so serious. I haven’t trained for over three months and I’m dying to kick some ass,” I explain. “And from what I saw earlier, I’ll be doing that in all of three seconds.”

  “Alright,” he grins as he steps up to the training mat. “An easy win always does wonders for my ego. The name’s Brax, by the way.”

  “Well, Brax,” I smirk. “You’re about to become very well acquainted with the training mat.”

  “Yeah, I seriously doubt that,” he grins as he lashes out and takes the offense. I instantly jump into action, feeling my body come alive for the first time in months and even though I’m at the weakest and smallest I’ve ever been, I’m still proud to know I can definitely beat this guy. And that just goes to prove how incredible Rylan’s mentoring is.

  I block another advance before switching to the offense. “Come on, Brax. You’re going to have to do better than that,” I taunt as I connect wit
h his shoulder. He grunts in pain as the rest of his classmates cheer along. “Just for curiosities sake, what are you currently ranked?” I ask, sending a powerful roundhouse kick towards his head which he narrowly misses.

  “First,” he tells me as I block another hit.

  “Even better,” I grin as I get past his defense once again.

  His instructor begins calling out demands to help him along, but it’s no use, he has nothing on me. I push myself harder and block each and every advance so I’m just playing with him. Hearing a cough from Mr. Richards in the background, I wrap it up. I kick him once to the chest, sending him flying backward. Brax lands on the ground with a hard thud and looks up at me in awe.

  “Wow,” he grins. “I think I’m in love. It seems I owe you an apology.”

  “Don’t sweat it,” I say walking over to him and helping him to his feet. “After three months stuck with those guys, I really needed that, so thanks.”

  “No problem,” he winks, “Are you sticking around for a bit? What do you say to a date? I could really get used to a fine chick like you.”

  Before I have the chance to shut the poor guy down, his instructor steps forward. “Thanks, Bianca,” he says, reaching his hand out to shake mine. “I’ve been trying to get these guys to focus harder for a while now, but after their first ranked just got his ass handed to him, I have a feeling each of these boys are going to start showing a bit more dedication.”

  “It was my pleasure,” I smirk, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake.

  I turn and walk towards the door, collecting my skirt and heels in the process then hear Brax calling out once again. “So, it’s a date then?” he asks.

  I turn around to face him but continue walking backward. “What’d you score for your target accuracy?” I call out.

  “93 percent,” he says, almost puffing his chest out in pride. “Top of the class, of course.”

  “Ohhh…sorry, Brax,” I cringe.

  “Why?” he asks with a grin. “What’d you get?”

  “98 percent,” I grin.

  “Damn,” he says as the room echoes with surprised gasps. “Looks like I’ve got some work to do to be good enough for a girl like you.”

  “That you do, Brax,” I tell him as I finally reach the door. “That you do.”

  Annoyed with my display, Mr. Richards takes my elbow and spins me around so I face the road in which the jet sits. “That was completely unprofessional,” he scolds. “But as frustrating as you are, Bianca, I now know never to get on your bad side,” he tells me.

  “Glad you finally worked it out,” I tell him as I board the jet.

  We take off, and just like that, the rest of the week drags by like a broken record. A new Academy each day and same scenario with a bunch of students, not interested in the combat program, but interested in Rylan Neill. There’s a speech that has absolutely no ability to draw in anyone’s attention and a group of handlers, following me around like a bad smell and making sure there are no repeat performances in the combat rooms.

  At the end of the week, the jet finally drops me back at Head Office. I head to my room after deciding to skip the council meeting and go straight to sleep knowing they’re going to be extremely pissed off, but I just can’t find it within me to care. This is not me. Going from school to school, giving boring repetitive speeches after long exhausting flights, only to then be held back from my training.

  I need to get out of here.

  Chapter 5

  Marcus, one of the few High Council members scowls down at me in anger. “How dare you miss our meeting and waste my time,” he spits, trying to hover over me to inflict some kind of fear or intimidation as we wait alone in the council chambers, but seriously, does he know who I am? I’ve faced down vampires, been kidnapped by fairy knights, and fought in battle. Does he seriously think I’ll be frightened of him? A good for nothing, power-hungry, old man. I don’t think so. I’ve been trained by Rylan Neill. Nothing frightens me anymore.

  “I wasn’t aware of the meeting,” I lie with a scowl on my face as I relax further into my chair.

  “Do not lie to me child,” he yells. His face turning beet red moments before his hand snakes out across my face with a sharp slap, leaving a burning sting behind.

  I let out a shocked gasp and place a hand on my face. Did he just hit me?

  I slowly get up out of my chair as I narrow my eyes on him dangerously. His face drops in surprise, though I don’t know if it’s shock at what he has just done or maybe it’s fear of knowing I’m not afraid of him, and I know for a fact he has witnessed just how dangerous I can be.

  How dare he hit me.

  I slowly stalk towards him and get the satisfaction as he reluctantly takes a step back. I know I shouldn’t risk it, after all, he has the power to destroy me. He could take away my future with a flick of his dirty fingers. “I think you owe me an apology,” I tell him slowly, making sure he understands just how serious I am. A fleeting thought crosses my mind that Rylan would definitely disapprove of this, and the look on his face is what spurs me on.

  “I don’t owe you a damn thing,” he snaps, reaching out to push me back. I catch his hand with a quick flick of my wrist and instantly turn it on him, bending it back to the point it may break. His knees buckle and he falls to the ground in pain as I continue. “Let go of me, you wretched child.”

  “You will never lay a hand on me again,” I say, enjoying as he calls out in pain when I twist his arm back just that bit further. “Got it?”

  The door to the council chambers opens with Alistair and Jackson walking in. They take in the scene before them, notice the red handprint across my face, and wait patiently for me to finish. I smile sweetly as Marcus lets out another grunt of pain, but knowing this is getting nowhere, I let go of his hand with a push. Marcus sprawls out across the floor as I turn my back and walk towards my chair.

  I leisurely take my seat as Jackson and Alistair take theirs. We all wait patiently as Marcus gets to his feet, scowls at me and makes his way out of the room with an annoyed huff.

  “That was a dangerous move, young Bianca,” Jackson says with suspicion. “Marcus doesn’t take well to threats.”

  “No, what’s dangerous is thinking anyone can lay a hand on me without any consequences because of their position and power. Marcus learned that the hard way,” I explain.

  “Fair enough,” Jackson says with a nod of his head. “Marcus needs to be knocked back a few pegs and I love that it was done by you, but be warned, he will retaliate. Keep your eyes open.”

  “I think I can handle myself,” I grin. “Consider me appropriately warned.”

  “Excellent,” he says as his tone turns a little more serious and disapproving. “Now, why don’t we start this meeting over?”

  “I couldn’t think of anything better.”

  “Good,” Alistair starts. “Now, as you’re fully aware, a progress meeting was held last night to discuss your first week. With or without you, the meeting went on and to say we are less than thrilled with your performance so far would be an understatement. We're expecting more from you.”

  I bite my tongue, willing myself not to call them on their bullshit. “Have you considered that maybe it’s the content of the seminar which is letting you down and not me?”

  “How so?” Alistair asks.

  “Look, I’m going to be straight forward with you,” I start, getting nods from the men in the room to continue. “As I explained to you months ago and have attempted to do time and time again since the moment I got here. Young people don’t respond to being talked at. They don’t care for seminars, they want to see if for themselves. Take it from me, I’m eighteen and I have a younger sister who’s a junior. What’s going to inspire them is seeing someone they can relate to in action.”

  Jackson looks at me with a stern eye. “And as we have explained to you, time and time again, that is not how we have decided to progress with this matter. The Guard prides themselves on their high
standard of professionalism. If the young ones wish to see a demonstration, they can talk with their on-campus instructors,” he says. “We have invested too much time and effort into this program for you to fail us now.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is that you refuse to make any changes and that you’re content with wasting everyone’s time, despite the results proving that it’s failing?” I ask with an annoyed raised eyebrow, imagining the groan I’d get from Rylan.

  “No,” Alistair snaps. “Your attitude is what needs changing. You’re walking a thin line already, Miss Moore. I’d suggest you get your act together and start putting in a real effort. After all, you’re here for the long haul.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. I’d break out of here if it didn’t mean risking being kicked out of The Guard and ending up living in the human world.

  They take my silence as giving in to their commands. “Right, go back to your room and rest up. You’ll be flying out again come Monday morning.”

  I groan as I get to my feet and make my way out of the council chambers.

  For once, I do as I’m told and go straight to my room, though it’s not like there’s much else to do around here. I pull the phone out of my bag and try Rylan’s number but as expected, it goes straight to voicemail. I dial Mom next.

  “Bianca?” she asks.

  “Hi, mom,” I smile. “It’s nice to not be talking to your voicemail for once.”

  “Oh, I know, darling,” she says. “How are things going? How was your first week?”

  “It’s awful. I absolutely hated it. I sit on the jet all day, go and do the seminar, answer the same old questions then get scolded by Mr. Richards saying ‘You can do better’. It’s bull. This isn’t what I’m meant to be doing.”

  “I know, Sweetie. Just hang in there. I’m sure it will get better.”

  “It won’t, mom, but don’t worry, I’ll find a way out of here.”

  “Bianca,” she scolds in that disappointed motherly voice. “You’re going to get yourself in trouble.”


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