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Dancer in the Shadows

Page 3

by Linda Wisdom

  Valerie listened to him whistling in the kitchen and bit her lower lip to keep the tears back. She was aware that Sean was sexually attractive to women, and that he was man enough to accept whatever they offered him. But he was the first man to stir her emotionally and physically, and her heart didn't want to accept what her mind told her.

  Sean returned to the table, carrying a bottle of red wine and two glasses. "I promise not to ask for your identification." He filled her glass partway.

  If Sean noticed Valerie's stiff silence during the meal, he gave no indication. He applied himself to his steak and praised her culinary talents. She discovered that frequent sips of wine helped alleviate the pain she felt inside, especially when she poured herself a second glass.

  "Is Jay your girlfriend?" she asked artlessly.

  "Does it matter?" he asked huskily, a strange light in his eyes.

  "Of course not. I was just curious." Valerie concentrated on her steak. "After all, it's no concern of mine if she lives here," she added recklessly, reaching for her wineglass only to find it empty. "May I have more wine, please?"

  "I think you've had enough," Sean said lazily, moving the bottle out of her reach.

  "I'm not a child," she said haughtily.

  "In many ways you still are." His eyes swept over her flushed features.

  Sean hadn't said that Jay "was his girlfriend, or that she lived here. Yet, from what she had seen of the house, there appeared to be more feminine touches than masculine. Valerie stood up quickly, gathering up the now-empty dishes. "I'll just wash these," she murmured.

  "I'll help you." He rose to his feet.

  "No, there aren't very many," Valerie protested, anxious to have something to do.

  In the kitchen, she lingered over the task as long as she could. When she finally returned to the living room, Sean was seated on the couch, his long legs stretched out in front of him. "Come here." His expression was frankly sensual as he patted the cushion next to him.

  She sat down, keeping plenty of distance between them. Sean arched a surprised eyebrow, but said nothing.

  "I—uh—I probably should be getting back," she stammered nervously.

  "Why?" Sean's eyes narrowed. "Why the sudden change, Val?"

  "Please, Sean, I can't stay here," she pleaded. "I understand now why you didn't want to see me anymore. After all, if the girl who lives with you found out, there could be problems."

  His puzzled features relaxed in comprehension. With one swift movement, he pulled Valerie onto his lap. "I think you and my sister would get along very well. You both enjoy jumping to the wrong conclusion," he murmured.


  "Janine, Jay for short. This is her house," he explained.

  "You have a sister?" Valerie said faintly.

  "That's what my parents told me when they brought her home from the hospital," he replied drily. "Feel better now?"

  "It really didn't matter." She affected an indifferent shrug.

  "Liar," Sean said huskily. "And I can prove it."

  Her head reeled as his mouth descended on hers. He parted her lips with ease, exploring the softness slowly, as if savoring a dessert or a fine wine.

  "All I dream about is a girl with hair dark and sleek as a seal's coat, and big green cat eyes," he said hoarsely. "A mouth that invites kissing and a body made to be loved. I'm thirty-two years old and should know better, but I'm caught in your witch's spell."

  He bent her backward until his weight became a warm blanket on her pliant body, his hands molding her to his hard male outline. Her skin burned where his hands caressed her bare back under her T-shirt. Valerie had never imagined that a kiss could drown her in such deep, sensual feelings. She twined her arms around his neck, letting her fingers rake through his crisp, dark hair. His kiss deepened, sending her senses whirling. Suddenly, he lifted his head and moved away.

  "Sean?" She felt hurt by his abrupt rejection.

  "One of us is going to have to show some control, Val," he smiled wryly. "And I guess it'd better be me, no matter how it hurts. I think I'd better walk you home."

  He rose to his feet, then pulled her upward. As her body swayed invitingly toward him, his hands rested on her shoulders.

  "No, Val," Sean said firmly. "We'd better leave now while I still have some scruples."

  A smile of contentment was on Valerie's face as they walked along the beach, Sean's arm thrown possessively around her waist.

  "I've been invited to a party Friday night," he informed her. "Go with me."

  "Is that a request or an order?" she teased.

  A smile touched the corners of his mouth. "I'll pick you up at eight. I'm going to be busy at the base until then," he explained, "so I doubt I'll see you before Friday."

  They stopped in front of her door. "Then I should have something to remember you by," Valerie said huskily, lifting her face.

  "Witch," Sean groaned, crushing her against him.

  Valerie could feel butterflies gathering in her stomach that Friday as she gazed up at the large, pretentious house that spoke of great wealth, a wealth accumulated over the years.

  "Sean, I—" She caught his arm, unable to voice her fears.

  A fleeting smile passed over the rugged features, softening them momentarily as he grasped her hand and squeezed it. "Later," Sean murmured, the one word a promise.

  As they entered the house, Valerie was grateful for her choice of dress. The floor-length, A-line skirt was deep mauve velvet with a top of pale rose with a lacy camisole of a deeper color worn underneath. A soft leather belt of deep mauve emphasized her slender waist. The deep V neckline ended just above the shadowy cleft between her breasts.

  A butler greeted them at the door, directing them to a large room to one side. Sean's hand at Valerie's elbow tightened possessively as several men gave her open looks of interest. He glanced down, seeing a slit in the front of her skirt opening to reveal a goodly portion of slender leg as she walked beside him.

  "Lady, you're going to need a bodyguard," he said wryly, bringing a smile to her face. "And I'm not exactly the best man for the job."

  A woman in her late twenties approached them, ethereal in ice-blue. Her silver-blonde hair was fashioned in a smooth chignon, revealing cold, patrician features. Her heavily made-up eyes paused to consider Valerie piece by piece. They dismissed her as unimportant before settling warmly on Sean.

  "Darling, you came after all," she said throatily, her hand fluttering on his arm. "And I see you brought a—friend."

  "Anne Carson, Valerie Rhodes." Sean smoothly evaded her grasp by turning to Valerie. "Anne is a friend of Janine's and is our hostess."

  "I'm happy to meet you, Miss Carson," Valerie said politely.

  "Such a sweet child." Anne ignored her. "Are you sure her parents will allow her to be out so late?"

  Valerie's temper began rising as she watched Anne press herself intimately against Sean. "If you'll excuse us, I'd like to dance with Val." He smiled coolly at Anne.

  Sean kept his arm around her waist as he steered her outside where the dancing was being held. He drew her into his arms, keeping her head against his chest as they moved together to the slow melody. Sean's breath was warm against her cheek.

  When the music stopped, he led her over to several couples he knew who seemed genuinely friendly. Valerie saw a new side of Sean as she listened to him discuss his travels to Greece, France, Spain, and his latest assignment in Panama. She felt inferior to the worldly man standing close to her, his arm possessively around her waist.

  Later that evening, Valerie excused herself to go to the powder room to freshen her lipstick. She had just patted a stray curl into place when Anne swept into the black and silver room, gracefully seating herself on a black velvet bench.

  "You're much too innocent to keep Sean for long," she stated bluntly. "He's an excellent lover, and I don't intend to lose him to some little schoolgirl."

  "Perhaps he wants a change for the better." Val's voice sounded calmer
than she would have believed possible as she snapped her evening bag shut. She rose from the dressing table, walking to the door, wanting to get as far as possible from Anne.

  "You don't have what it takes to hold a man like Sean," Anne told her shrilly.

  "Then I'll have to let him teach me, won't I?" she said quietly, leaving the room.

  Across the crowded room, Sean noticed Valerie's tense face and was beside her instantly, his hand on her arm. "Would you like to go?" he murmured, his concerned eyes on her face.

  Anne walked out of the powder room and Sean glanced quickly from Anne's livid face to Val's strained one before, putting two and two together, he asked, "What did she say to you?" His face darkened and for a moment Val was afraid that he might actually say something to Anne.

  "Nothing, Sean. Really. Please, let's just go." Her voice was pleading.

  His black temper was barely under control as he almost pushed her into the car. Once inside, his hands gripped the steering wheel until the knuckles whitened. Valerie was frightened by the look of cold rage on his face.

  "Sean?" She reached out tentatively, gently stroking his cheek with her fingertips. She could see the tension gradually leave his body as he rested the back of his head against the seat.

  "I'm sorry, Val." He captured her hand, bringing the palm to his lips. "I didn't realize she could be so vindictive or that she would take it out on you."

  "She said you were lovers," Val said in a low voice, feeling an ache at the back of her throat.

  "We were." His flat reply brought her fresh pain. "But it was over long ago when I saw what a cold-hearted creature she really is." He turned back, switching on the engine and putting the car in gear. He drove until he reached a small park on a hill and parked the car nearby.

  "Val, look at me." As her eyes swept upward, he turned in the seat and drew her across his lap. His fingers tangled in her hair so that she couldn't escape the insistent kiss that branded her as his. He expertly parted her lips, his breath mingling with hers. Valerie's arms crept around his neck; her fingers curled in his hair as she responded wholeheartedly to his caresses.

  "Infant, I only have so much control," Sean said thickly, burying his face in her neck, his mouth finding the sensitive cord near her ear. "I want to make love to you properly and teach you to glow with passion. I want you to be all mine."

  A chill crept across her heart. Was that what he really wanted, after all? An affair? Valerie knew she loved Sean, but did she love him enough to overthrow all of her moral scruples and bear the pain when he tired of her?

  "You mean you want to sleep with me after all," she stated huskily. "You want me to become your mistress.'

  He smiled faintly at her flat statement. "Yes, I want to sleep with you, but not as my mistress. As my wife." He stressed the last word, letting the meaning sink in. "I love you, Val, and I don't want to lose you. I know I'm a lot older than you are and that you have so much ahead of you. I'm only an army engineer, sent wherever they need a bridge or a dam built. I don't have much to offer you."

  Valerie's eyes shone as she looked at his face. Sean wanted her!

  "This wasn't the way I had intended to propose to you," he said wryly. "I wanted to give us more time together, to let you find out about your feelings. But after seeing Anne's treatment of you tonight and the way other men looked at you..." His voice roughened with emotion. "I'll teach you to love me, Val. I know you're not indifferent to me."

  "Oh, Sean, I love you so much it hurts." Her voice trembled. "I don't care about anyone or anything else but you."

  He cupped her face tenderly between his hands, his eyes warm with love. "I don't want you to give up your dancing, Val," Sean said huskily. "You've worked too hard for me to ask you to. But before any of this gets any further, I want to meet your father and ask him officially for your hand."

  "My parents were killed in an airplane crash six months ago," Valerie whispered, the painful memory reflected in her eyes.

  His arms tightened convulsively around her. "That shows how little we really know about each other," he sighed heavily. "After we get the license we have three days before we can get married. I don't intend to give you enough time to change your mind."

  "I won't," she assured him, pressing her lips against his throat.

  "First thing Monday we'll apply for the license," he murmured. "I suggest you get plenty of rest, because you won't get much on our honeymoon."

  Chapter Three

  When Valerie next entered the house overlooking the sea, she was Mrs. Sean Hunter. She nervously twisted the plain gold band and diamond engagement ring that Sean had insisted on buying for her.

  Later, she sat at Janine's dressing table, brushing her hair, delaying her return to the living room. The white nightgown with narrow ribbon straps and matching lacy robe suddenly seemed very sheer. She dropped her hairbrush when a knock sounded at the door.

  "I'm going to put the car away," Sean called out.

  When Valerie heard the front door close, she wandered into the living room, unsure of how to act on her wedding night. She curled up in an easy chair, tucking her feet under her. When Sean reentered the house, he casually began unbuttoning his shirt.

  "Think I'll take a shower." He headed for the bedroom, adding wickedly, "Care to join me?"

  She flushed hotly, shaking her head rapidly. Valerie rested her head against the back of the chair, listening to the intimate sound of the shower running in the other room. She closed her eyes, feeling her earlier nervousness fade away.

  When next she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Sean bending over her wearing a dark robe, his hair damp from his shower. She focused her heavy eyelids on his smiling face. "You dozed off, love," he murmured, gathering her unresisting form in his arms to carry her into the bedroom.

  Drowsily content in Sean's strong arms, Valerie wound her arms around his neck, resting her cheek against his bare chest, revealed between the open lapels of his robe. He had already pulled the covers back on the bed and she was carefully deposited on the cool sheets and her robe deftly removed. He sat on the edge of the bed, cupping her face in his hands, the fingers tangled in her heavy hair as he gazed thoughtfully into her face. Misreading his expression, she felt a moment's fear that he might already regret marrying her.

  "Although you look very seductive in that shred of lace, I still feel as if I'd be seducing a child," he muttered, reluctantly releasing her.

  Valerie's heart was pounding so loudly that she felt as if the vibrations were rocking the room. She wet her dry lips as Sean switched off the lamp and shed his robe before stretching his hard, lean length next to her. It was not long before her nightgown drifted to the floor next to his robe.

  She was unprepared for Sean's passion, but made up for her inexperience with her willingness to please him. She arched her slim body against his, inviting his caresses, later remembering only brief pain before being transported to the heights of pleasure. Much later, he raised a trembling hand, pushing the damp strands of hair away from her face.

  "I'm not very good at this," Valerie's voice quavered uncertainly.

  "I'll teach you what you need to know," Sean murmured, pressing her head against his chest.

  Valerie pressed her lips against his moist skin, tasting the saltiness and feeling the muscles tense under her touch. His fingers stroked her cheek lightly, moving tantalizingly down her throat. She soon fell blissfully asleep in his arms.

  When Sean awoke later in the night, she stirred in his arms, murmuring his name. The touch of his lips was enough for her to turn to him with full love.

  Marriage added a new glow to Valerie. The dance school had accepted her as a pupil, and she spent an average of six to eight hours a day in various ballet classes.

  When she awoke one Saturday, she discovered a red rose resting on her pillow, the thorns carefully clipped away. She picked up the flower, inhaling the soft fragrance.

  "Happy birthday, angel." Sean brought in a breakfast tray an
d set it on her lap.

  Valerie looked down at the wrapped package on the tray. She finally picked it up, eagerly undoing the bright ribbons. She gasped as the opened box revealed the

  jade pendant she had admired in the jewelry shop at Ghirardelli Square.

  "Oh, Sean!" she breathed. "The pendant I saw that first day we were together."

  "Matches those cat eyes of yours." He picked up the delicate chain, clasping it around her neck and sealing it with a kiss.

  That evening he took her to dinner at a fashionable French restaurant. "Not too much wine for you. I want you sober when I seduce you later," he said wickedly. "It's amazing that after two months of marriage you still blush."

  "It's not all that difficult with some of the things you say," Valerie retorted, her eyes sparkling.

  "Maybe that's why I love you so much," Sean said huskily. "A little girl one moment, a seductive temptress the next. I never know what to expect."

  The wine from dinner left Valerie in a rosy haze. During the drive home, she snuggled up to Sean, raining light kisses on his face. "I never thought I'd say this to any woman, but please keep your hands off me."

  She giggled, tracing the outline of his ear with her tongue.

  "Valerie Hunter." Sean's thick voice betrayed his rapid loss of control.

  "All right, I'll be good." She bounced back in her seat, her hands folded primly in her lap, but her eyes were still bright with mischief.

  Valerie hummed to herself as she preceded Sean into the house. He walked up behind her, pressing her backward against him, deftly unzipping her dress. She sighed in contentment.

  "Now, as to your other birthday present," he muttered, turning her around as her dress slithered to her feet.

  Valerie's big change came the day she was told she would be dancing the lead in Swan Lake for one of the public performances the school presented. When she arrived at the house late that afternoon, she found Sean there ahead of her.


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