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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 17

by Lindsay Downs

  “Your Graces, m’ lord and ladies, welcome. You may thank Lady Stratham and Lady Kathleen for assisting in part of the meal this noon. I shan’t say which part as I’m sure they will wish to inform you. Enjoy.”

  With that, Kathleen watched Cook curtsey deeply then retreat through the door. Glancing to the others, she noticed everyone was staring at her and her mother.

  “What, we do know our way around the kitchen. There’s nothing wrong with that,” she uttered.

  “No, that isn’t it Kathleen. All I can say is I can’t wait for you to meet the dowager duchess, my mother. She will love your spirit,” Simon stated.

  Over the simple meal, and much to Kathleen’s happiness, Elsie only let slip she’d made and baked the bread. When the dessert was presented, Kathleen couldn’t believe the compliments her simple apple fritters received.

  “I have never had such a delicious pastry before. I’ve got to get the recipe from Cook as to what that extra bit of flavor is,” Serena declared.

  “Cinnamon. Just the littlest bit in the batter,” Kathleen told them.

  “You made these? I’m in heaven, and believe if served at a banquet they would be the talk of the ton. Of course, I’d never tell anyone your little secret, Kathleen,” Emma avowed.

  “I thank you.”

  With the meal over, Kathleen excused herself and returned to Matthew’s suite while the others adjourned to the office so Elsie and Serena could tell them what happened earlier.

  Sweeping in, she nodded to the housekeeper then stepped up to the bed were Matthew lay. Needing to feel him she, once again, placed her hand on his arm.

  “Darling, I do so wish you’d awaken. You are frightening me,” she said softly.

  “For you, my darling, I will.” She heard him whisper and then he opened his eyes.

  “Mrs. Swithin, please rush down to the office and inform Lady Stratham her son is awake,” Kathleen ordered.

  “Yes, with extreme pleasure, m’ lady.”

  “How do you feel? In pain I would suspect.”

  “Yes, on that you are correct. I’m also hungry but know real food would be bad for me,” he told her.

  What Kathleen loved, besides him, was that his voice was getting stronger.

  “Once your mother arrives I’ll step back so she may have privacy with you. She’s been as worried over you as I.”

  No sooner had she finished speaking than Serena swept in with the others behind. Doing as promised, Kathleen stepped over to where her parents along with Simon and Emma stood. The enveloping embrace she received from the duchess came as a shock. After a moment, she was released to have her mother give her a hug as well. Close to tears, Kathleen could feel her legs go weak, and she started to collapse, all because Matthew was awake and from the love from the others. She didn’t expect to be scooped up by Simon and gently placed in a chair.

  “Sit there and relax. All your worry is now over,” he said.

  “Not until Ringer is brought to justice and Matthew and I marry. Only then will I be happy,” she replied not surprised on seeing her mother nod.

  “On that, my dear Kathleen, I totally agree with you. When those two people were after my Simon, I couldn’t wait to see them brought to justice. Finally, they were,” Emma told her.

  “Then, dearest daughter, if you can tear yourself away from him day after the morrow, we force our way into the Redditch mansion if need be and demand the answers to our questions,” Roger declared.

  “Yes. I can’t wait to see their expressions when we present our evidence,” Kathleen uttered and then noticed Serena was waving her over to Matthew.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Mother says you’ve been by my side since arriving here last night. As you can see, though, I’m much better so if you wish you may return to Ashburn estate.”

  As he spoke, Matthew studied what reaction Kathleen might have to his words. He didn’t wish her to leave but had to make the offer anyways. With her here with him, he knew she’d not let him try to push himself faster than he should. Granted, considering his present condition, fairly severely wounded and not able to take in food, he suspected if anything she’d stay to make sure he followed orders.

  “No. I’m not leaving until I’m satisfied you are well, walking around, and joining us for dinner downstairs,” she stated.

  He loved the way she crossed her arms over her breasts, gently pushing them up which allowed him to see their creamy tops.

  “Then, I won’t argue with you. Am I allowed to have whatever weak broth Cook wishes to serve me?”

  “Yes, you are, and if you don’t keep your eyes on my face I’ll make sure you get unsalted gruel.”

  “I most humbly apologize, but as I lay here all my mind let in is you.”

  “Accepted. Now as I see your tray has arrived, let me have several footmen help you to sit up in bed.”

  “As you command, m’ lady.”

  “That won’t be necessary as I can do that myself.”

  A giggle from behind Kathleen had Matthew glancing past her to Emma.

  “Simon, if I’m not mistaken, didn’t you make the same claim? And what happened to you?”

  “I remember, and as such, Matthew you’d best do as your future wife directs. Trust me, life will be so much easier for you while you convalesce,” Simon stated.

  Aware that he’d been beaten and hadn’t really even fired a shot at the enemy, then again Kathleen wasn’t the enemy but Ringer was. The longer he remained bed or suite ridden then how he would be able to bring the man to justice could take forever. So his first order of business was to listen to Kathleen and get better.

  “M’ lady, I will do as you wish. Send for the men,” Matthew uttered.

  A few minutes later, sitting up, with his lower half properly covered and a pillow on his lap, he waited while Kathleen set the tray down. Looking down at what he was being served, he smiled and carried the grin up to Kathleen.

  “As much as I’d hate to admit this, I am looking forward to starting the healing process, and this meal is the first step.”

  Taking up the spoon, he tasted the soup then continued eating. Part way through the bowl he tried to tear off a piece of bread but with only the one good arm couldn’t.

  “Kathleen would you be so kind as to assist me?”


  He waited while she tore the bread into bite size pieces, loving the way her fingers moved, something he’d never noticed before. That got him thinking. Over the next few days while he was bedridden, and she was with him, he’d have to observe her more closely as when he examined an area for a gazebo or pavilion.

  “Son, as Elsie and Emma are here as chaperones, I need to return to the office and finish the letter I started earlier. I’m writing your father about you being shot and now can finish the post with the wonderful news you’ve awoken,” Serena said.

  “Are you sure you wish to do that? You are aware he’ll race down here, and by the time he arrives I’ll be healed.”

  “Yes, I am. And as you’ll be marrying Kathleen within a few days of his arrival that will be perfect,” she stated.

  “Mother, all I ask is that you make sure the letter is in a positive frame so he won’t panic.”

  “I have and will, son. Once I have finished writing the post, I’ll return to see how you’re doing.”

  With a nod, Matthew watched his mother sweep from the room with Simon following. He guessed the duke would make sure the note would be taken by a groom carrying letters, allowing them to stay at inns. Turning back to his meal, he continued sipping the soup and eating the bread, the best he’d ever tasted. He knew it hadn’t been made here as the texture and flavor was something he’d not experienced. His reaction must have shown in his face as Elsie stepped up.

  “I see you are wondering about the bread, while you were being treated for a fever, Kathleen and I retired to the kitchen to see if we could assist with preparing luncheon. As bread was needed, I said I’d make it as I�
�m a little more skilled with the process than Kathleen. Now, finish your meal, then I want you to rest.”

  “I will.”

  With a smile, he took up the spoon and continued eating. Once he finished, Kathleen removed the tray then with help he settled down, and in minutes while watching her read, he drifted off to sleep.

  Feeling the sun warm his face, Matthew slowly opened his eyes and looked around his suite. Not surprisingly, Kathleen was in a chair near the fireplace reading while across from her sat his mother working on some embroidery.

  “Morning, m’ ladies. Am I allowed weak soup and bread?”

  He watched as Kathleen dropped the book and rushed over to him, a bright smile gracing her lips. Lips he couldn’t wait to taste. Over and over again.

  “Matthew, I’m so happy you finally awoke. You even slept through a changing of your bandage causing me to become worried. First, let me get Mrs. Swithin to assist in putting on a new dressing, then I believe you may try tea and lightly toasted bread.”

  “Wait, do you mean to tell me you’ve helped with tending to my wound? That’s not a duty for a proper young lady,” Matthew declared.

  “In the weeks we’ve been seeing each other when have you not seen me do something, as you say, ‘a duty for a proper young lady’. Isn’t that one of the reasons you love me?”


  Then Matthew realized he’d not exactly said the words but had agreed to them. He saw this simple single word answer brought a bright, warm smile to her which warmed his heart.

  With the wound cleaned and a new dressing applied, Matthew let two footmen help him sit upright in bed. When the tray was once again placed on his lap he realized Kathleen nor his mother were eating.

  “Ladies, won’t you also be having breakfast?”

  “We’ve already eaten,” Kathleen declared.

  With a nod, Matthew directed his attention to the simple meal in front of him.

  “But why am I being given a poached egg, toast, and tea? Why not the same clear soup from yesterday?”

  “Son, as you kept that meal down and slept well through the night we, that is Kathleen, Emma, Simon, and I, discussed your quick improvement. If what you have doesn’t make you sick, we can’t see any reason not to have the same for luncheon.”

  “As for dinner, that remains to be seen,” Kathleen added.

  While he ate, Matthew pondered what he’d be allowed to do so he wouldn’t go mad. With his first, sort of real, meal finished, he waited until Mrs. Swithin came and removed the tray. Behind her he noticed a footman.

  “He will help you into your private room so you can take care of your needs. Then help you into a pair of trousers and back to bed. I want you to rest, and we’ll see how you feel later. Lord Matthew, if you nap then this afternoon I will allow you to sit up in a chair. I should point out you’ll not be allowed to leave this suite. Simon will explain the reason why, and I believe you’ll agree with him,” Kathleen explained.

  “I will abide by your decisions, m’ lady. Now, if you and mother leave then I can sort of start my day, of being bored to distraction.”

  Matthew waited for them to depart then waved the footman over and was helped into a bathrobe. Carefully after taking care of his needs, even shaving, Matthew with the man’s assistance returned and pulled on a pair of trousers. Once settled under the covers, but sitting up, Matthew called out that Kathleen and his mother could return. Instead of them Simon marched in.

  “Good morning, Matthew. I must say you do look a lot better than yesterday. Anyways, the reason for you staying here, that’s for your safety. Yesterday, Emma, Roger, and I went into the village and let the word slip you’d been shot and might not live.”

  “Let me hazard the reason, to hopefully bring Jonas Ringer out of hiding.”

  “Yes, and those were the exact words Kathleen used when this plan was laid out before her. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll send your betrothed and mother in. Seems my Emma needs to make another trip to the dress shop.”

  “Permit me to ask you this, would Kathleen benefit from joining you both?”

  “Under normal conditions I’d agree with you. However, as the residents are aware you and she are to wed, her place would be at your side while you hover near death.”

  With a nod of understanding, Matthew waited while Simon left and Kathleen with his mother returned. He found it interesting that his betrothed was carrying one of his sketch pads and pencils.

  “I thought you might wish to draw. This way you won’t be bored just sitting in bed and staring at the walls.”

  With a smile, Matthew accepted the proffered tools of his trade, but wasn’t sure what to draw. Then an idea came to him. He’d do a portrait of her.

  “Thank you for saving my sanity. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed at what I’ll do. Even though I’ve never seen the estate where Emma’s mother now resides, I’ll work on a few ideas for gazebos.”

  Bending his knees so he could use his legs as an easel, he waited until she took her chair and picked up the book she’d been reading. Matthew waited until she was engrossed in the story then started the drawing.

  As the morning progressed so did the drawing of Kathleen. Unfortunately, Matthew also could feel himself tiring. Before he was aware of what happened his lids closed.

  A gentle shake of his right shoulder slowly woke him to a frowning Kathleen who was holding the picture in her hand.

  “I thought you told me you were going to work on renderings for a gazebo. Not a pencil sketch of me.”

  “My dearest Kathleen, seeing you in the chair reading gave me the inspiration needed. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I haven’t had one done in several years. That one hangs in the gallery at the estate. This one when finished, I will take to your estate for your office. That way, I’ll always be with you one way or another.”

  “I love your suggestion. After luncheon I’ll continue to work on the drawing.”

  Hearing footsteps coming toward the bed, Matthew looked up to see his mother sweep up.

  “Yes, that is a near perfect drawing of you Kathleen. The only thing, Son, you left out, and I doubt you’ll be able to capture, is her determination.”

  “Of that I’m aware, and as I am not a skilled portraitist and not having her looking at me, as I wanted her relaxed, I couldn’t catch that one aspect of my betrothed. Possibly, if she would sit for me sometime in the future I will attempt that, her eyes.”

  “Then, let’s consider you doing another, but not right now. Maybe later, as your luncheon tray is coming up from the kitchen as we speak. I’ve the same footman waiting in the hall to assist you in standing and into the robe. Your mother and I have decided you may eat in a chair,” Kathleen declared.

  Partially attired, Matthew took a seat in the chair opposite the one Kathleen was using. He then realized they would need a third one for his mother. Looking up to the footman Matthew instructed the man to obtain a seat from one of the unoccupied suites.

  “Yes, m’ lord. I believe there’s an extra chair in the last room. I’ll be but a minute. Do you also wish me to hunt down a small table for Lady Stratham’s tray?”

  “If you would. There might be one in the same suite.”

  With a nod to the footman’s bow, Matthew waited for the ladies to return. He hoped, after eating he’d be allowed to sit up so he could finish the sketch. As they swept in, he noticed both were smiling.

  “What are you so happy about? Or am I in trouble but you don’t wish to worry me? And please forgive me for not standing when you came in.”

  “No, you aren’t, and of course you’re excused. Your mother made a wonderful suggestion. Instead of doing a single drawing of me, would you be willing to do a separate rendering for her?”

  “Mother, I would love to do a drawing of Kathleen for you. Where would you hang it?”

  “My parlor, where else? And here’s the footman with another chair and table,” Serena stated.
/>   “And his timing couldn’t be more perfect, for I see Mrs. Swithin, Cook, and Connor with our trays,” Matthew told them.

  Over a pleasant meal, of which Matthew had the same as breakfast, they discussed what pose for his mother’s picture. Not coming to a decision, they waited until Simon and Emma returned to broach the topic with them. That’s when Matthew realized neither had come in to see how he was doing.

  “Ladies, have Simon and Emma returned from their excursion?”

  “Yes we have, but as events in the village turned out we had to see them through. And we are happy to see Kathleen has allowed you out of bed,” Simon declared as he escorted his wife into the suite.

  “What might they be? Word that Jonas Ringer has been captured?” Matthew asked.

  “I wish that were so. No, we learned the earl and countess are not pleased with their son’s name being bandied about as the possible shooter of you, Matthew,” Emma told them.

  “Even with you as a witness to him trying to kill Matthew?” Kathleen stated.

  “On that you are correct. As such, I feel we need to move up our proposed visit to confront them. I believe they are aware we are a duke and duchess but not the power we hold within the government. In particular, Parliament were they could be brought to trial in the House of Lords for harboring a fugitive.”

  “Simon, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” Matthew uttered.

  “After we have luncheon we’ll return, unless your mother and Kathleen will permit you to go to the office, and we’ll explain,” Simon said.

  “No, I don’t think I’ll have the strength. After breakfast I fell asleep again. Also, I’m sure Mrs. Swithin and Kathleen will wish to change the dressing shortly.”

  “Simon and I completely understand. We’ll return in about an hour,” Emma spoke.

  With a nod, Matthew watched the duke and duchess leave then returned to his meager albeit delicious meal.


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