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The Viscount's Bride (The Radcliffe Family Book 2)

Page 18

by Lindsay Downs

  “That was a wise decision, son.”

  “Yes, and I can tell you are starting to look fatigued. After you finish you’ll need to return to the bed so we can wash and dress the wound.”

  “Can one of you ladies arrange for several more chairs to be brought in?”

  “I’ll take care of that while Kathleen and the housekeeper take care of your injury.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Now, let me see if I can get to the bed without help. And, Kathleen, before you panic, I’ll go slowly.”

  “As much as you wish to try to show your independence, you need a few more days of help,” she directed.

  From the look in her eyes and the determined expression on her face, Matthew suspected he’d best do as ordered.

  “Then, I’ll do as you request. Also, if possible I’d like to rest for a few minutes before Simon and Emma return.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. Now, let me get the footman who is waiting in the hall along with Mrs. Swithin,” Kathleen said.

  Settled on the bed, but not under the linens and with the robe removed, Matthew lay back and relaxed while the wound was treated.

  “How is it looking, ladies?”

  “M’ lord, I’m pleased to tell you the injury is healing nicely. Granted we’ll still need to do this dressing change several times a day for at least another week,” Mrs. Swithin said.

  Matthew wanted to groan but thought better, wondering if Kathleen would be here the entire time. Or would she return to her parents in a day or so? With the clean bandage in place, he waited until he was alone, as Kathleen had excused herself, and closed his eyes.

  Voices talking woke him from his nap. Opening his eyes, Matthew was greeted by a smiling Kathleen. Glancing around, he noticed Emma examining the sketch he’d started of Kathleen and nodded her head. This had him pondering if she’d request one also. If so, how could he refuse her.

  “Did you have a nice rest?” Kathleen asked in a low tone.

  “Yes, I did. Now, if someone will help me up and to a chair I’d like to hear what Simon was talking about earlier.”

  “Matthew, would you accept help from a duke?”

  “Your Grace, I would be honored to have you assist me into the private room, then wait outside the door,” Matthew teased, earning a giggle from the ladies.

  With his needs taken care of, Matthew, with his uncle’s assistance, returned to the suite and the chair he’d sat in earlier.

  During the next hour, Matthew listened to the plan involving the earl and countess. He’d expressed his displeasure on hearing Kathleen would be included in the party.

  “But, if I’m there and they learn, if they haven’t already, that I’m your betrothed that should help take some of their bluster away. So, not only do I wish to, but I have to go,” she declared.

  “Matthew, we’ll also have several grooms, well-armed, with us, and we’ll be riding, not in a carriage.”

  “Then I’d recommend Toby and Rick from here. Kathleen and Serena, do you have any suggestions from your estate?” Matthew said.

  “No, but I’m sure Cowell can endorse a few. But what about your tiger?” Kathleen uttered.

  “He’s riding to London with the letter to my husband.”

  “Then everything is all set for the morrow. When do we leave?”

  “Once the Ashburn grooms arrive. I’d like to be on our way right after breakfast,” Simon told them.

  “Emma, will you be joining us?” Kathleen asked.

  “I will, and after talking with King he recommended Rose. From what the man told me, she’s the half-sister to your Marigold. I plan to take her for a short ride in the paddock once we separate.”

  “Would you mind if I watched?” Kathleen said.

  “Not at all.”

  “And while you ladies do that, I’ll return to my bed and rest until dinner.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  With the pleasant, unchaperoned breakfast with Matthew finished, Kathleen swept from his suite after making sure he was settled in his bed. She then made her way down to hers. Stepping in, she quickly changed into her deep-green riding habit then returned to Matthew.

  “If everything goes as planned, we’ll be back by luncheon. I want you to rest. Serena and my mother will be looking in on you, so behave,” she directed to him.

  “My dearest Kathleen, without you here, what trouble could I possibly get into?”

  “With you, I’m not sure but know your mind will think of something.”

  As no one was around to chastise her, Kathleen leaned forward giving Matthew an innocent kiss on the lips then retreated before he did something they both might regret. Neither she nor he realized his mother was in the doorway. “In certain circles, namely the ton, what I just witnessed could be construed as my son compromising a young lady. However, if he promises not to kiss this certain person again, until they wed, I believe I can forget what I saw.”

  Kathleen could feel her face warm at having been caught by Serena. At least her mother hadn’t seen her kiss Matthew.

  “I do, I won’t until we marry,” she said.

  Good, keep practicing those two little words, my love, for no sooner than my father arrives we will use the special license as I can’t live without you much longer.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I don’t wish to keep the others waiting. And, Serena, he may sit in his chair in an hour, and if you see him start to fatigue put him to bed. My mother should be here by ten of the clock to keep you company.”

  “Wonderful. That way we can start planning not only the little wedding breakfast here but the gala in London.”

  With a head bob to Matthew and his mother, Kathleen quit the suite and made her way to the front door. There she was met by Simon, Emma, and even her father mounted on a gentle bay since he didn’t like riding all that much.

  The duke, Kathleen noticed, was on Lucifer while his wife would have Rose. Seeing King holding Marigold, she smiled and glided up to her mare.

  “Ready for a gentle canter, my little girl?”

  “M’ lady, I do think she’s more than ready. From what Cowell has told me, she was pacing around her stall like when you’re getting ready to do a run. He also, as you can tell, sent over your special saddle.”

  When next she saw her father’s stable master, she’d have to thank him. Now, she was glad that under her habit skirt she wore her britches and boots with a thin, long-bladed knife in the right one.

  Climbing the mounting steps, Kathleen settled herself on the mare’s back, making sure her left foot was in the stirrup before releasing the skirt so her leg would be properly covered.

  “Shall we be off?” she announced and received nods from all.

  With her father in the lead and grooms from both estates on either side of them, they made their way over to the Redditch lands. Aware the ride would take two hours, she was happy the pace was kept to either a walk or trot.

  Once on the main road Kathleen saw Emma slow so they could ride together.

  “I’m surprised to see the earl decided to join us. I thought he wasn’t one to ride,” Emma said.

  “I’m as amazed as you. As for sitting a horse, father has had several unfortunate accidents while riding, thusly he will but only when absolutely necessary. I should also point out the horse he’s on is gentle, hand selected, and trained by Cowell, our stable master.”

  “Well, I’m glad he decided to come as his power being the magistrate from the district where the bodies were found should carry weight.”

  “Yes. And as that goes, I do hope we don’t have problems either going over or on the return. I promised Matthew we’d be back for luncheon.”

  “Was that before or after you two kissed? And don’t even think of denying the fact. When you stepped out onto the porch I couldn’t help but notice your ever so slightly pinker than normal lips.”

  For the second time since breakfast, Kathleen could feel her face warm on being caught, maybe not in the actual act, but st
ill for a young, unmarried lady the action was inappropriate. She wondered if Simon was aware or was this something only a lady, married, would see.


  “Set your mind to rest. Simon isn’t aware as he was talking with your father, and I won’t tell him either. After all, he and I shared a few chaste kisses before we married.”

  “Thank you.”

  Over the next hour, Kathleen and Emma shared stories of their youth and for Kathleen at least her failed seasons.

  “Look at the bright side to all of this, when you and Matthew return to London, all the gentlemen who turned away from you will be jealous.”

  “I don’t understand, Emma. Can you explain, please?”

  “Currently, Matthew is a viscount, but someday he’ll become the Earl of Stratham, one of the most powerful earldoms in England. Add to that he is the nephew to Simon, Duke of Kettering which is the most powerful dukedom. Rumor has it that even Prinny quakes in fear when he learns the duke demands, not wishes, an audience.”

  Kathleen tried to swallow around the lump which had formed in her throat. She wondered if she was ready to take on the tasks spread out before her on marrying Matthew. So far though, she did have the support of not only his mother but also that of Simon and Emma.

  “Dearest Kathleen, are you aware my father was a viscount? I joined the Kettering household as the duchess’ companion. The rest of the story you know. So you see, you will be the perfect countess. Now, relax and enjoy the ride as best we can, considering where we’re going and what we’ll be demanding.”

  With a head bob, Kathleen did as suggested. Over an hour later she saw, through the trees, the towers of the Redditch mansion. She knew the building had at one time been a castle, then over the centuries parts had been added on leaving an interestingly shaped structure. Not square nor rectangular but an odd combination of both with wings jutting out.

  As they rode into the courtyard, Kathleen wasn’t surprised when the grooms moved their horses closer in a protective shield. This she appreciated, and with a look to her right saw Toby at her side.

  “I’m under the order of His Lordship to make sure you return to him safely. Rick will be handling our horses while I, with His Grace’s knowledge, accompany you into the mansion.”

  “I do appreciate the extra care for my well-being.”

  Helped down by Simon, Kathleen joined with her father and followed Simon and Emma up the front stairs.

  When the front door opened, Kathleen couldn’t help but giggle silently on seeing a frightened butler, paled by all appearances.

  “M’ lords and ladies, how may I assist you?” the man barely sputtered out.

  “Inform the Earl and Countess of Redditch that the Duke and Duchess of Kettering along with the Earl of Ashburn and Lady Kathleen demand an audience, post haste,” Simon announced.

  “Please forgive me, Your Graces, m’ lord and lady. The earl and countess aren’t receiving visitors.”

  Even though she was standing behind Simon, Kathleen could easily see, by the way his shoulders stiffened he wasn’t pleased with the man’s response.

  “They will see us or have the pleasure of being hauled in front of the House of Lords on the charges of harboring a criminal and murderer,” Simon declared.

  “If you’ll wait here, I’ll see if the earl and countess will see you.”

  “No. The Duke and Duchess of Kettering do not stand on the porch. We’ll wait inside,” Simon snapped out then pushed the man aside and led his party in.

  Kathleen watched the man scurry up the stairs, presumably to where the earl and countess had hidden themselves away, then glanced to Simon.

  “Your Grace, I am so happy you are with and not against us. From what I’ve learned from Her Grace, you never raise your voice.”

  “Thank you. I suspected I would have to use all my authority, both as the duke but also a former colonel in the guards to obtain what we needed.”

  “But he is tender and loving to me and his mother,” Emma whispered.

  For fear of being overheard by Simon, all Kathleen dared do was nod, earning her a smile from Emma. The sound of footsteps coming toward them had Kathleen looking to see the butler scampering up.

  “Your Graces, m’ lord and lady, the earl and countess have agreed to speak with you in the earl’s office for five minutes,” the frightened man told them.

  This time Kathleen couldn’t contain herself, and she let out a tiny giggle, earning a smile from Simon and head bob from Emma and her father. She knew this was going to be a highly interesting interrogation.

  Marching into the office, Kathleen noticed the countess was sitting behind the desk while the earl stood to her left side. This confirmed, to her, who wielded the power. What was even more interesting was that neither seemed overly concerned at their presence, and the woman didn’t stand. As agreed Simon would do the initial demand with Kathleen and her father lending their voices when needed. Emma, would lay a glare on the earl and countess, a skill Kathleen had learned, from the dowager duchess.

  “Your Graces, m’ lord and lady, you wish to speak with us?” the countess politely said.

  These people, Kathleen was almost immediately aware, had no sense of protocol as they spoke first. At least, though, they’d addressed her and the others properly.

  “Were is your son, Jonas Ringer. I demand you either tell us immediately or hand him over for the crimes of murder and attempted murder,” Simon snapped out.

  “Your Grace, I don’t know what you’re talking about. We sent him to the colonies years ago after that unfortunate incident at Eton,” the countess said.

  What Kathleen found highly interesting was the calmness in the woman’s voice when she answered Simon but the sudden tensing of the earl’s shoulder.

  “That’s where you are wrong. Two nights past I saw him shoot Viscount Rathbourne, son to the Earl and Countess of Stratham. Several other people witnessed the attempt who know what your son looks like.”

  “Then they and you have to be mistaken and saw his brother,” again the countess spoke.

  “Again, you are incorrect. I know for a fact Jonas Ringer is your only child. Now, I renew my demand you turn him over to either myself or the Earl of Ashburn.”

  “My husband and I would if that were possible but as I said, he’s in the colonies.”

  Now, Kathleen stepped up. “Then present proof such as the manifest listing his name and the ship which transported him.”

  “And exactly who are you little girl?”

  “For one, I’m not a little girl but a lady who has made her bows to court. Can you say the same? I think not for you were compromised by the late earl, and your mother refused to present you. I am also the betrothed, properly I might add, to Viscount Rathbourne. Now, answer the question.”

  “This interview is over. Come, husband, for I need to rusticate to remove this headache before luncheon,” the countess declared.

  “Yes, my dear.” Were the first words from the earl.

  Aghast at the brazenness of the woman, Kathleen watched Simon for any reaction. From the tiny head shake he sent her, Kathleen suspected no further words should be forthcoming.

  On her father’s arm and with Toby, silent from the beginning, she followed Simon and Emma down to the front door.

  Two hours later, mostly at a canter this time, Kathleen was happy when they rode into the Radcliffe Hall courtyard. Turning Marigold over to Toby with thanks for ensuring her safety, Kathleen swept into the manor. As much as she wished to look in on Matthew, her first need was to change and wash up.

  Dressed in a day gown of red, Kathleen swept from her suite and into Matthew’s to find him sleeping which brought a smile to her lips. Stepping in, she was greeted by Serena and her mother.

  “Good afternoon, Kathleen. I’m pleased to see you returned safely, but from the grumblings I heard from Simon the visit didn’t go all that well,” Elsie said softly.

  “In a sense we learned what we’d set ou
t to discover. Once we’ve had luncheon, and Matthew wakes, we’ll tell you. Speaking of him, how long has he been napping?”

  “Only for about an hour. After I finished the sketch of you I decided to rest until you returned. Now, if one of you ladies would be so kind as to get the footman I need to use my room. Then, may I sit up for luncheon?”

  “Of course you can,” Kathleen declared, then as she was still standing walked over to the door and waved the footman in.

  Once the noon meal was finished and the trays removed, Kathleen watched as Simon, Emma, and her father entered. Now the mothers and Matthew would be able to learn firsthand what had occurred at the Redditch estate.

  “Simon, as we didn’t have a chance to talk riding back here, I commend you on being able to hold your anger in check. At several points I thought you were going to jump over the desk and wrap your hands around the countess’ throat,” Kathleen said, helping to set the mood for the meeting.

  “My dear, trust me when I say not doing so took a great deal of willpower.”

  “And gripping his arm to hold him back. Let’s all take seats,” Emma recommended.

  Over the next thirty minutes, with Simon taking the lead, Kathleen watched and listened, in particular to Matthew’s reaction to the interview. Then she realized something very important. “If I may interrupt, I now understand the countess’ behavior, being so defensive then leaving. Ringer is or was in their mansion, and she had to warn him to hide for fear we might insist on searching the building,” Kathleen explained.

  “Does anyone have any idea what we can do now?” Matthew asked.

  “As we are aware they were lying to us, our only option is to submit a request to have a hearing held in the House of Lords,” Simon said.

  This was something Kathleen had thought he’d only used as a threat, but now the possibility of charges being leveled against the earl seemed real. Unfortunately, with Parliament not in session, how and when would the case be heard?

  “I will send a detailed letter to the Lord Speaker and have it delivered to his country estate. This way, the man may start putting everything into motion for when they return. Granted, this will take a long time, and the Redditch’s along with Ringer could flee the country,” Simon explained.


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