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Pleasing The Professor (The Professor's Student Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Janae Keyes

  “Sir, she chased me around my office, to try and seduce me. She offered me sex, to raise her grade. But as you know, Sir, I prefer men. Her advances are not only unwelcome but very disturbing.” Dean Smith looked at me, ever so slightly raising his eyebrow. He cleared his throat before speaking.

  “Ms. Hawkins, you have violated school rules by sexually assaulting your professor. I am afraid that your tuition is suspended immediately while we investigate these allegations and speak with your other professors.” She stared at the Dean with her eyes bulging, shaking her head.

  “You can’t do this to me! My father is the main donor to this shitty school! I’ll have your funding cut, you self-righteous bastard! He wasn’t even worth the fuck since he’s fucking that black whore from America. I saw them at Burger King! I reported it to you!” She was starting to get irate and stomp around my office like a two-year-old who’s lost their favorite toy. I couldn’t help but start to laugh.

  “Yes, you saw me tutoring a student in math, and give her a ride home because she has medical issues. What’s your problem? Dean, I think you have enough to keep her out of here. Ms. Hawkins, please remove yourself from my office.” I pointed at my door.

  Crystal stormed out, her shirt in hand. I was just about to start my meeting with Dean Smith when there was a loud slap! from downstairs, followed by the crash of chairs. We ran for the door to check what the commotion was to find Dora and Crystal fighting on the floor of the room.

  “Ramsey, should we break this up? I’m worried your girl might actually damage Ms. Hawkins.” Dean Smith smiled at me as I gaped at him. I was completely and utterly speechless. How did he know? “Oh, don’t look so surprised. I have known you since you were a tot. We both know you aren’t gay. Just, Keep it off school grounds. If this gets in the way, I will fire you, and I will send her packing, back to the U.S. Understand?”

  The old man’s smile reached his eyes for once. I was exhausted from hiding, and he knew it. I nodded. I could honor his wish if he kept my secret. I ran down to the fighting girls getting in the middle of them.

  “Both of you stop it before I call campus security and have you both thrown out!” Dean Smith bellowed from the top of the hall. “Crystal, you were asked to leave. Now get your things from your room and call your parents to get you. You have been dismissed from all your classes. Ms. Monroe, one more outburst like that, and I will be forced to send you back to the U.S. Am I clear?” The Dean was staring the girls down in a way I never could outside of my play room.

  “Yes, Sir.” Dora was timid in her response.

  “Fuck you, Smith.” Crystal, however, spat at the Dean as she stormed out of the room. Dora collapsed against me, shaking. I carefully walked her up the stairs to my office and pulled out a box of juice.

  “Drink,” I commanded. Nodding, she sipped the juice as I turned back to Dean Smith. “Sorry, about this. Anything else, Sir?” I asked him as he turned to leave.

  “Take care of her. We can talk later.” Dean Smith closed the door as he left.

  “I am so sorry you had to see that. That lunatic tried to rape me. Just for a better grade!” I shook my head as I laughed.

  “Five more minutes and I would have had her.” Dora smiled at me.

  “What do you say about a trip to London for Christmas? My treat.”

  Dora’s eyes glowed with excitement as she looked at me. “Sounds perfect.”

  Chapter Twenty


  I could barely contain my excitement as I watched the countryside of England from the window of the train. Everything covered in the fresh layer of snow that had fallen the night before.

  Ramsey placed his hand in my lap, I assumed in an attempt to calm me. It was my first time out of Oxford since arriving at school. I couldn’t help that I was excited to go to London for my first time.

  I’d survived the end of term. Once Crystal was gone, things were easier with the group, and we were lucky that Ramsey gave an extension to us on the paper as we were short a member. I only hoped that they at least tried to do the work, my essay was finished.

  Ramsey rubbed my thigh, my eyes diverting from the window and into his, a soft smile on his lips.

  “Nearly there, Sweet One,” he told me in a low voice. I grinned out of pure anticipation before turning back to the window.

  Arriving at King’s Cross Station, my excitement grew as I realized it was the Harry Potter station. I bounced up and down as Ramsey followed with our bags. Turning back, I saw him shaking his head at me, but with a smile on his lips. I think he enjoyed seeing me filled with joy.

  We took a taxi to our hotel. It was a small little boutique place on a quiet street, The New Linden Hotel. It was perfect for Ramsey and I, the room small, but beautiful with a mixture of a contemporary and historical feel.

  Laying my body on the comfortable double bed, I peered at Ramsey, who removed his sweater. I wondered about all he had in store for our days away.

  I’d worried about spending Christmas away from my family, but Ramsey was the perfect distraction for my bout of homesickness.

  Ramsey joined me on the bed, pulling me in close. I inhaled his spiced sent before peering into his eyes and giving him a grin.

  “What are we doing today?” I asked, eager to get lost in the foreign city. We had four days in London before heading back to Oxford. I wanted to bask in our freedom for the time we had.

  “Mm, I just want to lay here with you,” Ramsey expressed.

  “We can do that back home. I want to explore. Please,” I begged. Ramsey chuckled at me. I could never find myself not loving his deep chuckle. He nodded before pulling me into a kiss.

  Hands on my hip, he pulled me in closer, deepening the already strong kiss he had me locked into. My hands tangled into his hair, his teeth nipping at my lips. A good old fashioned make out session was in order. I moaned in feeling his hard bulge pressed to my stomach. I wanted him inside me badly, but I was determined to resist my lust.

  It wasn’t long before we left the hotel, after a quickie I couldn’t resist. Walking down the picturesque street, my camera in hand, snapping photos at anything and everything. Ramsey’s hand secured around my waist as we approached the tube station.

  Bayswater Station. I snapped a photo of the sign.

  “You are adorable,” Ramsey commented.

  “I need to get as many photos as I can for my parents,” I noted. In my last conversation with my mom, she reminded me over and over again to take a lot of pictures and send them as soon as I could.

  Taking the train, we arrived near The Houses of Parliament, where we walked hand in hand along the river. It was the first time we could be in public and not hide our relationship. I enjoyed spending time together, as a couple, in the fresh air.

  There was a small bit of pressure taken off us, the dean knew of our relationship and would allow it to continue. Ramsey and I just had to keep our relationship status private. Ramsey also had to not allow his relationship with me to affect my grades in his class. We did well so far, and there was only one more term, one more term until freedom.

  Ramsey paused, pulled me close, and pressed his face into my hair. I leaned into his grasp. I never wanted him to let go.

  “What happens when June comes, and you graduate?” Ramsey asked.

  I’d asked myself the same question, time and time again. There was no way I could leave now. Something I never thought would happen did, I’d fallen for someone who cared for me as if I was the last woman on earth. Ramsey gave me every bit of his devotion, and in return I served him. That couldn’t end, there was no way either one of us would let that end.

  “I want to stay,” I told him. “I’d like to start my life here. I was hoping... with you.” He pulled me in tighter; my answer had been a correct one.

  “We’ll figure out the correct visas you need. Maybe you can move in with me. You don’t have to make that decision now, but I do like having you in the house. Makes the big place less lonely,” he noted. Th
ere was something about when a man bared his feelings that made me warm and gooey inside. Ramsey could win my heart time and time again.

  Ramsey and I had fallen into a pattern. Wednesdays were for study sessions. I’d end up at his house, we’d play, and I’d spend the night. Every other Friday I had karaoke with Simon, but as soon as I was ready to head out, Ramsey would pick me up to spend the weekend with him. Weeks I didn’t go to karaoke, Ramsey would pick me up at the chapel, and I’d stay until Monday morning. His home had become my home.

  “I’d like that,” I whispered before turning to face him. I stepped on my toes and planted a peck on his lips before taking him by the hand, ready for more fun.

  The morning of Christmas Eve, besides when we went down for breakfast, we spent the entire time cuddled together in bed. By afternoon, though, I was ready to explore a little more. Ramsey held my hand as we strolled through Hyde Park and the Christmas fair that was in full swing.

  “Ooo—ice skating!” I cheered as we arrived at the ice rink in the park, which went around a gazebo. Yanking Ramsey along, we arrived at the edge of the rink. Families and couples staking around on the smooth ice. I was bouncing with excitement as I turned to Ramsey who had a sour look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t ice skate,” he said immediately, stone faced and not moving.

  “Come on! Please, Sweetie! I grew up skating at Christmas. For me, please,” I begged, giving him a pout. I even stuck out my bottom lip for good measure.

  He let an exasperated sigh escape, bringing a giddiness to me as I knew he’d accepted my pleas. I pulled him along with me as we approached the booth where the attendant waited. We got our skates and Ramsey locked his backpack away in one of the provided lockers.

  I was obviously first to lace up my skates. Ramsey grumbled along, finishing his skates and following me to the entrance of the rink. It was like old times, when I was a kid, skating at the Embarcadero Center in San Francisco.

  Skating ahead, I turned to see Ramsey, still sour faced as he began in my direction. He worked to keep his balance. I skated to him and allowed my fingers to lace with his. He pulled me close, lips to my ear.

  “Sweet One, when we get back, you are in for a punishment,” he hissed him my ear, hand gripping my ass. I inhaled, my core heating at his words.

  “This is completely worth it, Sir,” I answered before I pulled away. I yanked him by the arm and dragged him along with me around the rink.

  Before I knew it, Ramsey seemed to be enjoying himself, a big smile as we skated around. He held his hands on my waist as we moved together. The worries I’d been carrying around were melting away. There was always the risk of us getting caught, someone finding out and the dean having to go through with the consequences. Ramsey could lose his job, and I’d be the whore I’d previously been made out to be. I felt like someone finding out would bring to light everything Ramsey and I did behind closed doors, we’d be completely exposed. I wasn’t ashamed of how we lived out our fantasies, but to the outside world, we’d be recognized differently than we perceived ourselves.

  I didn’t want it to end, but I was quickly growing tired. Reaching the exit, my limbs began to shake, vision blurring, and I was sweating profusely.

  “Are you okay, Dora?” Ramsey asked at once.


  Ramsey nearly carried me off the ice. He sat me on a bench and ran off to the lockers. In record time, he’d returned with his backpack. I looked down at the ground trying to focus past my dropping blood sugar.

  “Here, Sweet One.” Ramsey handed me a juice box of orange juice. He put the straw to my lips for me to suck. He also produced a small carton of raisins. After a few sips of juice, I snacked on the raisins. Slowly, I began to feel like myself again and not the victim of my sugar levels.

  “Thank you,” I whispered to Ramsey who sat next to me, arm around my shoulders. “You always have just what I need.” My voice was still a little shaky. I hated feeling this way, and I hated making Ramsey worry.

  “I did a little research on what to keep on hand for you. I don’t need you sick on me,” he told me.

  “How did I find you?” I asked, grinning. Ramsey hadn’t just taken the time to make and keep me happy, he’d encouraged me through all the challenges of my academics, and he cared for me in every way possible, health wise and sexually. I’d fallen so in love, but I was afraid to let my mouth speak those words.

  “I ask myself the same question every day, but right now, there is no time for answering questions. We need to get some food into you and back to the hotel for some rest and—,” he began to tell me, the protectiveness in his voice comforted me, but I’d made a mistake. I cut him off with a groan. I wasn’t ready to go back to the hotel.

  “Just food and I’ll be fine,” I insisted.

  “No, Dora, you need rest,” he told me firmly. I let out another groan in complaint and rolled my eyes. He was acting like my mother again, over protective. Though, I would acknowledge to myself that I was being a bit childish. “You’ve already racked up one punishment, do I need to add another for interrupting me?” His face in front of mine and eyes piercing mine with deep authority.

  “No, Professor,” I answered, my voice quiet and barely audible to myself over the noise of the crowd.

  “Have more juice and raisins, then we’ll grab a quick lunch,” Ramsey informed me. I nodded. “Now for me to finish. I was going to say, after resting, we will get dressed for dinner. I have reservations at a very nice place.”

  At once I felt small and ashamed. I’d cut him off before he could inform me of the rest of his plans. I nodded in response and leaned in to kiss him in thanks. My lips touching his, I smiled to myself, grateful for what I had with him. I’d definitely be staying around when I graduated. I wasn’t giving this up, his loving care.

  The moment we pulled up to the restaurant in the taxi, I understood why Ramsey asked I bring at least one nice dress with me. To his surprise, I wore the dress he’d given me in apology for leaving me in the alley our first time together.

  As I didn’t have Simon, I’d pulled my hair into a tight bun, and did my own makeup. My lips were a bright shade of red. I felt elegant and fancy. A night out on the town with the man that gave me all I needed and more.

  We could have gone out for Fish and Chips, Nando’s, even Burger King. I didn’t need fancy things, gifts, and a ton of glitter. I just wanted time with Ramsey, but he insisted that he wanted to treat me for Christmas Eve.

  Ramsey paid the driver and exited the taxi before presenting me with his hand and helping me out into the cold air. The building in front of me was old, white bricks, I could see a fireplace burning inside.

  We stepped into the warmth that invited us once inside the restaurant, Ramsey’s hand on my lower back, keeping me close. Tonight, he was dressed smart and very handsome. He wore dark jeans, a sky-blue button up, which I loved because it made his eyes pop, and a dark gray sport jacket.

  The maitre’d gave us a grin as we approached the older gentleman. Ramsey stepped to the counter that the man occupied. The grin on the old man’s face grew larger.

  “Mr. Kendall, I haven’t seen you in ages,” the man cheered as he gave Ramsey a handshake. “And you’ve brought a guest.”

  “Yes, it is good to see you again Mr. Smithens. I wanted to bring my girlfriend for a special Christmas Eve dinner,” Ramsey noted as she squeezed me close.

  I observed the place. The inside was lit in the glow of the fire. Each of the small tables were in their own private area away from one another, to give patrons their privacy.

  The maitre’d escorted us through the place toward a corner table. Ramsey pulled out a chair and allowed me to sit before he took the seat across from me. I was handed a leather-bound menu.

  “Your mother was in here about a week ago, Mr. Kendall. As always, carrying a load of shopping bags,” Mr. Smithens told Ramsey as he poured each of us a glass of champagne.

  “Likely doing he
r last-minute Christmas shopping,” Ramsey said, looking down at his menu.

  “Yes, yes. She said you were teaching at Oxford, good fellow. I knew you’d get somewhere.” Mr. Smithens looked pleased as Ramsey continued to attempt to ignore him. The older gentleman then turned to me. “I’ve known your beau since he was barely out of nappies. His parents would bring him on their shopping trips to London. They would go to the theater and come here after. Lovely family. I still see the Mrs. every few months.”

  “Aww, that’s so great,” I commented, happy to know a little something about the childhood that Ramsey barely told me about.

  “Lovely,” Ramsey grumbled from behind his menu.

  “I will get your waiter. Enjoy your meal and Happy Christmas,” the man said with a smile before he shuffled back to his post.

  “Did you really come here as a kid?” I asked Ramsey.

  “Yes,” he spat, not looking at me.

  I sighed.

  “Will I ever meet your parents?”

  “Not in the near future,” he mumbled.

  I didn’t understand it. He’d completely shut down on me. Only moments prior, Ramsey was the man I knew, but at the mention of his family, he froze up. He’d made it no secret that the relationship he held with his parents had gone sour, but it couldn’t have been that bad to freeze me out at the mention of them.

  “Ramsey, why are you being so cold? It’s Christmas Eve. We had a great day, and this trip has been amazing. I want to keep enjoying it. I’m sorry I asked about your parents, I know it’s a sore subject. I was just wondering—”

  “Wondering? You were wondering about the pieces of shit that brought me into the world? Is that it Dora?”

  “If you’re going to be an asshole, I’m leaving,” I growled, throwing my napkin onto the table and standing. I didn’t know the way back to the hotel, but I’d manage.

  Realization flashed through his eyes as they widened. I held onto one rule with him, treating me with respect, if he crossed that line without my consent, I was done. I turned my back to him, ready to walk out the door when he grabbed my wrist. I swiveled back around my eyes piercing him.


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