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Class Trip

Page 2

by Burns, Rachel

  Hannah couldn't eat or stop crying. She wanted to quit school and just runaway.

  I told her she should call her parents. Maybe they could help.

  She told us that her parents wouldn't listen to her side of it. Her father was really strict. He would make her take what the teacher felt she was due.

  We all walked back to our room slowly. She really did look like she wanted to run. She went to the bathroom again and again. I was lying on my bed reading and rereading my history chapter. I was scared what he would say if I wrote something wrong. I wrote in baby sentences because my German wasn't that great.

  At eight on the dot there was a knock on the door. We had all changed into pajamas before he had come because it had said that Hannah had to in the student's handbook. Hannah backed into the corner and she was crying again.

  No one went to open the door and he knocked again, only this time it was louder and madder.

  I looked at the others. No one was going to answer it. I bit the bullet and stepped forward and opened the door.

  Sure enough, it was him. “Good evening, sir.”

  He actually smiled at me. “Good evening. I am here to see Hannah.” He said that like he was a gentleman caller.

  I opened the door wider and went back to my bed. The idea of having to see her get it again was making me start to cry.

  Herr Glossner came in and closed the door. He spotted Hannah in the corner and sighed. He looked at me and asked which was her bed. I just pointed.

  All of us were just watching him, leery about what he would do to her.

  He sat down on her bed and looked over at her. “Hannah, come here. Don't make it worse for yourself. I'm sure you are eager to prove that you learned that lesson this morning.”

  “No, please don't.” Her hands were covering her bottom, which was pressed into the corner.

  He sighed again. “I'll be really fair. I'll count to ten but if you aren't here by then I will get you and it will be even worse. If you resist again then I will come every night this week.” He took a deep breath. “One, two, three, four, five.”

  She had yet to move. She was shaking her head no again.

  “Six, seven, eight, nine,” he looked over at her again. He sighed like he was really surprised and disappointed with her, “Ten.”

  He got up and went over to her corner and pulled her out by her wrists. She didn't fight him tooth and nail this time. She walked along with him as he pulled, but she was still saying no and crying.

  He sat down on her bed again and pulled her over his lap. He pulled down her pajama bottoms. “Now I don't want to see a hand back here. If I do I will start over and you are already very sore. Trust me you don't want that.”

  I couldn't believe that something like this was legal.

  Hannah's bottom was still a dark bruised red and she cried out at the first smack. I cried right along. I was even crying so I could be heard. I could hear my roommates crying too.

  Milena was turned away so she wasn't looking. She had her hands over her face and cried into them.

  My other roommate, Jessica, just stared with her mouth open like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She didn't have History with us and the sight of Hannah's bottom surprised her. We had told her it was really bad, but seeing was believing.

  Hannah was screaming again as he spanked on. I felt like I was going to be sick. She was already so hurt and to hurt her again was just cruel.

  Her hands moved back and covered her bottom. She screamed no at the top of her lungs.

  “You know what this means, don't you?”

  “No,” I stood up. “No one has to know. I won't tell anybody. Just please stop right now. She is already so hurt.”

  The others joined me in my begging.

  He turned to look at us.

  “The only thing I'm hearing is that you also want a spanking. Sit down and be quiet or you are next,” he scolded me.

  I sat down, but I hated myself for it. He started the spanking again. Hannah was a mess of tears. If anything he spanked her harder than before.

  In the meantime I hated this school, and I had loved my year here up until now.

  We all watched as he went at her backside like he hated her. She just bawled. He had already won and he wouldn't stop. He was beating someone who was already down. It was a really low thing to do.

  He pulled her pajama bottoms up and set her on her feet he had to steady her or she would have fallen. “I'll be back tomorrow night. I expect you to come to me when I call you the first time and I expect you to keep your hands away. If you can't then I will use the paddle on you. Have I made myself clear?”

  Hannah looked in his eyes and just cried. We could all see that she understood him all too well.

  He was still holding onto her and he gave her a shake, “Do you understand?”

  She nodded as she bawled.

  “Good, I'm glad to hear that.” He let go of her and looked at the rest of us. “Good evening, ladies.” He let himself out.

  Once he was gone we rushed to Hannah and helped her lay down in bed. She just cried and screamed every once in a while. It took her forever to finally fall asleep. She was in so much pain. I felt so sorry for her. This was just too much compared to what she had done.

  I lay awake in bed a long time. We had to see him again first thing in the morning. Hannah hadn't had a chance to really study for the test, what with all the worrying that she had been doing.

  It was after midnight when I fell asleep.

  Chapter 2

  Hannah was pale and looked very sick. The whole school was looking at her. My roommates and I got asked what had happened when he came back last night. All I said was that it was just awful and cruel.

  We were all in the classroom when he came in. We stood and said good morning. He seemed to be in a good mood because he smiled at us and wished us a good morning too. He started handing out the tests. I looked at it and it was mostly essay. This was something I was usually good at but in a different language it was really difficult.

  I sighed and everyone looked at me, even he did.

  We quietly worked and I was among the last to turn in my paper. Herr Glossner gave me a very strict look as I did. He took it and pulled it to him. He started correcting mine right away.

  I went back to my desk and started biting my lips. I watched him get out a red pen and go to work on it. He was using it a lot. My jaw dropped as I watched him.

  After everyone was finished he had us get our books out again and read from the next chapter. He moved to my desk and looked down at me. “Will you please start the reading today, Sandra.”

  Great he knew me by name now. I pulled my book towards me and started to read. There were several words in there that I couldn't pronounce, and that I had never seen before. He corrected me and made me read until it was time for him to give us our homework.

  “Finish the chapter and again we will have a test on it tomorrow. Class dismissed.”

  I hurried out before he could call me back but I felt his eyes on me.

  Herr Glossner started English off with a test too. I was the first finished. I turned it in and again he pulled the test to him so he could correct it first. I had a feeling that he was almost done playing with Hannah. His attention was now on me.

  Herr Glossner gave me an odd look. He had had his red pen ready but he didn't need to use it. He marked something at the top and I had to laugh, knowing that I had a perfect score. I hung my head to hide my smile.

  He was still looking at me when I looked up. Something about his look wiped the smile right off of my face. I moved my head so I was looking out of the window and not at him anymore.

  When I looked back he was standing right in front of my desk again, looking down at me. He looked mad again.

  I didn't know what to do. I didn't think that I had done anything wrong but a teacher could easily bend the rules if he wanted to hit. He would be believed not me.

  He turned away and went back
to his desk but his eyes returned to me again and again.

  As soon as the last test was in he returned to my desk with his copy of Macbeth. He made me stand and read while he waited for a mistake that didn't come. He asked me to translate things too. The bell rang and we were dismissed. I left as quickly as I could.

  I was sad that I would have to see him again this evening. I had the distinct feeling that he hated me, personally.

  I got asked a lot what was going on. I told one girl that I tried to interfere with Hannah's spanking. I begged him to stop last night, I told her.

  “You got lucky. He was within his rights to spank you too. I wonder why he didn't. He seems to really hate you.”

  “Thanks,” I answered her sarcastically.

  “Just tell him that you are the foreign exchange student. Maybe he will lay off you if you do?” she shrugged her shoulders.

  Supper was the same as last night. Hannah didn't want to eat and she tried to think of a way to get out of it. There was nothing in the handbook. Only sickness could get her out of it.

  She decided to go to the nurse's office and stick her finger down her throat so she would throw up and he wouldn't be allowed to come. She wanted us to bring her there.

  Personally, I wanted to go to my room and study.

  Hannah went in and started to complain about several ailments that she was having. Most were true because she had worried herself sick.

  The nurse brought her to bed and took her temperature. We stood off to the side, watching and waiting for the verdict.

  The nurse shook her head and left us standing there. We watched her go into her office and call someone. She didn't come back out. Not even after she hung up. She sat down at her desk and it looked like she was filling something out. I was getting a really bad feeling about this.

  A few minutes later the door opened and Mr. Glossner stormed in. He had a paddle in his hands. He glanced at us for a second before he yelled, out! We went and Hannah started begging again.

  I whispered to the others that we should go to the director's office and explain how bad Hannah was being treated.

  The others said no. We went back to our room and waited. A half an hour later Hannah came back. She walked in and fell on her bed and just cried.

  I went to her and laid my hand on her shoulder. “Can I do anything for you?” I asked.

  “No, please leave me alone,” she answered.

  I went over to my bed and studied. Now that I knew what kind of questions he asked I had a better idea what to study. I practiced my answers to possible questions he could ask.

  There was a knock at the door. I got up and went to see who it was. It was him. He was back again? “Umm – she is already sleeping.”

  “Step aside, Sandra.” He looked so mad already. I didn't want to but I was a chicken. I stepped aside. He came in and closed the door behind him.

  He walked over to her bed and looked down at her. She was really asleep. He leaned down and laid his hand on her shoulder. He shook her until her eyes opened up. She screamed when she saw him again.

  “I don't want to hear another word out of you. Get up so we can get this over with. I do have other things to do.”

  Hannah was crying but she did get out of bed and stand to the side so he could sit down. He made a motion with his hand and she came closer to him. She was nervous and it was clear that she didn't want to touch him but she was trying to lean in over his lap.

  He reached out for her and pulled her over his lap. She was still wearing her uniform. We had seen that that was against the rules in the Student's Code of Conduct. He lifted her skirt and pulled down her underwear. “You need to learn that there is no getting out of a punishment.” He started right in smacking her bottom. I felt like I was going to throw up.

  A minute later something in me snapped and I jumped up. “No, wait you can't do that. Too much is too much.” I grabbed on to his smacking arm and held tight. “Help me,” I cried out to the others.

  Hannah was pinning his legs with her body laid over his and I held on to his arm as tight as I could. He tried to push me away with his other hand but I held tight, firm in the belief that the others would also see this as an injustice and come to help.

  I could hear him laughing at me but he was stronger than I was. “Do you want me to stop spanking your friend?”

  “Yes please. Please stop.”

  “I promise I will if you just let go of my arm.” He was still laughing and he didn't sound as scary as before.

  I let go and stepped back. “You promised,” I reminded him.

  He pulled up Hannah's underwear and laid her skirt down so it was covering her bottom again. “In to bed with you.”

  Hannah nodded and climbed back into bed.

  Then he turned to look at me. “Okay, that was something new. Sandra, I want you to come with me, please.”

  I stood frozen where I was. He reached out and took hold of my hand. My hand, not my arm, wrist or ear like he had with the others.

  He looked at my roommates, “See to it that she gets changed into her pajamas. I'll be back as soon as I am done with her.”

  Herr Glossner pulled me out of the door then. He was still holding onto my hand, tightly, like I was a naughty small child. He pulled me past other girls who were still in the hallway. I had to run every few steps just to keep up with him. “Don't you girls have any studying to do?” he barked at them as he pulled me along. He wasn't laughing anymore.

  We stopped in front of his office door to fish the key out of his pocket with his free hand. He pulled me in, locked the door behind us and let go of my hand.

  I wanted to race to the door handle and try to rip the door open but I had seen that resisting didn't help. It sure hadn't helped Hannah. If I needed to be punished then I wanted it over with when I walked out of the door.

  “Have a seat.” He pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  I sat down very meekly.

  “I had wanted to talk to you anyway. First I want to know if you can understand me?”

  I nodded.

  He pulled out my English test it had been on top of the pile. “Congratulations, you got everything right, just like you did on your History test but you language skills aren't that good. How long have you been speaking German?”

  “Since September,” I answered him.

  He nodded to himself. “Well, then I think you did very well. Let's move on to our other little problem. What possessed you to interrupt Hannah's spanking?” He looked at me very closely.

  I hung my head. “I felt it was the right thing to do,” I answered him.

  He laughed again. “That was the impression you gave me too.” He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a book. He paged through it until he found the right page. “Read this aloud.” He pointed to where he wanted me to read.

  “Disrupting a punishment,” I read aloud, then I peeked up at him.

  “Go on.” He rotated his right hand.

  “Students who, in any way, disrupt a punishment are to be punished too. The teacher is allowed to decide on the form and duration of the punishment as he or she sees fit. It is common practice that the disrupter receive the same as the original person being punished.”

  “Aren't you glad that I wasn't caning or paddling her?” He leaned over his desk and looked at me.

  I just stared back at him. What was he saying? Was I to get a spanking every night too now? I had never had one and I was really scared.

  “What all the sudden you can be quiet? Come here.” He waved me over to him.

  I reminded myself that I didn't want to fight him. I would lose and he would win and I would get hurt so much more. I forced my weight to move to my feet and then I got up and slowly walked over to him.

  He moved his arm so it was around my waist. “You saw that the other two didn't interfere and that they didn't listen to you when you called for help. Did you learn anything by that?” He was talking to me nicely and he looked concerned
about me.

  “I can't expect anyone to stand by me when I help someone?” I squinted my eyes together, wondering if that was what he wanted me to say.

  “No, that wasn't what you were supposed to learn. You were supposed to learn that you aren't allowed to stick your nose in other people's business and you can't expect others to join you when you are doing something wrong.” Herr Glossner hugged me tighter to him as he spoke. He was also shaking me gently. He gave me the feeling like I was a little kid that he was explaining something to.

  “Do you understand now? You can't be getting your friends into trouble. Now come over my knee.” He was pushing on my back a little to get me to bend. He wasn't at all like he was with Hannah.

  I looked at him and pleaded with my eyes.

  “What's wrong little one?” He stopped pushing and looked at me.

  “I – it's just – I never. I'm usually really good. I never had a father so – My mother wasn't the type and like I said I was usually very good.” I was babbling but he was nodding along. I used the back of my hand to wipe away some tears.

  “You have never needed a spanking before?” he asked almost sweetly.

  I nodded and bit my lower lip.

  “Okay, angel. I'll tell you what is going to happen. I will help you so you are lying over my knee. I am just going to spank you with my hand if you are good. You will be good for me right?”

  I shrugged my shoulders as I felt a bit of panic arising.

  “Hey, it's okay. You don't have to be frightened.” I heard what he was saying, but I was picturing him with the cane in his hands whipping it through the air to see if it was bendy enough and then whipping the girls like he had so quick and they had screamed out in pain. And they had cried so bitterly and heartbroken.

  Tears were running down my face and dripping on his leg.

  “The spanking I am about to give you is really going to hurt and it will feel like it is going to go on forever, but then I will stop and everything will be over with, and tomorrow evening when I go to Hannah you will sit quietly on your bed and not interfere because you will have learned a lesson.” He smiled at me and hugged me tight with his one arm, which was still wrapped around me.


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