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Class Trip

Page 3

by Burns, Rachel

  I made a noise deep in my throat. It sounded so pathetic that he even looked at me with pity and hugged me again. Somewhere deep inside of me I did realize that he was being especially nice to me. He was showing me a kindness that Hannah and Larissa didn't receive.

  “Should we get it over with now?” he asked still looking up at me so nicely.

  I nodded. I just wanted to go to bed and feel sorry for myself.

  He gave me another look of pity and a weak smile before he moved his hand to my back and started pushing me down again. I got scared again he made shh noises. “I got you. You won't fall.” My hands moved forward as my head came forward. My hair fell forward and covered my face like a curtain. I was on my tiptoes and my middle was over his knees. This felt different than what it had looked like when he had had Hannah over his lap.

  His left arm moved around my middle and pulled me closer to him. He lifted my skirt out of the way and laid his hand on my bottom. “I'm going to start now so be good. No swearing, reaching back or trying to get away from me.” I felt his hand leave my bottom only to return with force a second later.

  My body tensed together. The next one landed. He hit me ten times very quickly. Then he rubbed my bottom. “You are doing very well. Keep up the good work.” He started in again but even harder.

  I whimpered. My hips were rocking trying to get away from the blows.

  “Lie still. Be a good girl,” he told me.

  “I am trying, honest.”

  He laughed a little. “I believe you, angel.” He spanked again concentrating on just one side. He was spanking me like he had whipped the other girls with the cane. The teachers usually paddled slowly, letting the sting of one swat settle before they gave the next but he did things differently. He didn't waste time about it.

  Herr Glossner was still just working on my one side when I lost all sense of dignity and just cried. He stopped then and went to the other cheek. He was able to spank me four times in one of my heartbeats. And my heart was beating exceptionally fast.

  I just cried on. I wanted to move my hands back so badly that it was consuming my every thought. I couldn't take it anymore.

  “Leave those hands down. Trust me you would be really disappointed with yourself if I had to use my belt too.” He spoke like he could read my thoughts.

  I folded my hands together and tried to hold them tightly but they were having a tug-a-war. My feet started to kick back. I was sure to get his hand the way they were going but I couldn't stop them either. I would place one foot over the other and try to push it down but then the one doing the pushing would kick at him. During all of this he kept on swatting at my backside.

  “The last ten. Try really hard to keep your hands away and not to kick with your feet.” He smacked my right cheek really hard. I stomped my feet on the floor. The next swat hit the same place and I jumped and tried to twist away.

  He held me tight still whispering shh as he spanked on. That swat also landed on my right cheek. I just sobbed over his knees. I had given up. He would hit the same spot for each of the last swats. That was so much worse than when he moved his hand to a new spot each time.

  The sixth one surprised me. It was to my left cheek. I counted down in my head, four to go. Keep your hands together, three to go. Feet, stay on the floor. Two, hands and feet down, Sandra, you can do it one. Don't do anything stupid now. The last one came and then it was over.

  He moved me so I was sitting on his lap. He was hugging me again. I concentrated on my hands Somehow, now that they could move, they didn't want to. They stayed together. So I sat on his lap with my hands folded nicely on mine.

  “You did so well. I am so proud of you. Your first spanking is over. Now you learned that you never want one of those again, right?”

  I nodded against his chest.

  He laughed again. “Such a smart girl.” He patted my back while I thought that if I told one of the girls the truth about what happened in here that they would never believe me. He moved me away from his chest and looked down at me, smiling. “Are you ready to go back to your room?”

  I nodded at him.

  He smiled at me again like I was his favorite person in the world. He stood me up like he had with Hannah too. “Now don't fall down on me.” He gave me a tissue and took hold of my hand again. He walked to the door with me trailing along behind him like a puppy on a leash.

  Herr Glossner looked back at me and smiled as he unlocked the door. “Now you know what to expect when I spank you. Next time it won't be so scary.”

  “Next time?” Fresh tears were starting to spill.

  “I meant if you ever needed it again. This spanking is over. You just have to be very good for me now. You promise to be good for me?”

  I nodded but I kept my mouth shut. I was afraid that I would gulp all the air in my mouth down and then cry out loudly.

  He locked his office before he took off with me again. He knocked on my door before he opened it. He just walked in then. He let go of my hand and went to Hannah. She was asleep again but in her pajamas.

  The others were looking at me. My face had to be all red and swollen from my tears and from trying to rub them away.

  “Go to bed now and sleep.” He turned so just I could see his face. He was smiling again.

  I nodded and hung my head ashamed about what had happened. He left then.

  Milena and Jessica pounced on me. “What happened?”

  My chin sunk in a heavy frown. I shook my head no and got ready for bed. I wouldn't put it past him to come back and check on me to see if I had obeyed him.

  The next morning I was beet red when he walked into the classroom. I hung my head when I stood to say good morning. He handed out the next test and sat down to watch over us. I felt that I had prepared better for this one. I was the very last one to hand in my test.

  His eyes were on me as I did. I left my eyes on the pile of finished tests. He pushed them aside and stood and handed out the corrected test from the day before. I had gotten an A+ but he had corrected all of my grammar and spelling errors. I had made lots. He had someone else read today. I was kind of getting the feeling that now that he had spanked me that he was moving on to someone else.

  I was really glad when class was over. I stood as the bell rang, ready to get out of there.

  “Sandra, please come here for a moment.”

  I blushed red and hung back as the others left.

  “Please close the door,” he told the last girl out.

  I was scared that he felt I needed another – you know.

  “Sandra, look at me.”

  I slowly did.

  He was smiling kindly again. “I don't want you to be afraid of me. I know that you are a good girl. Please don't try to hide your face from me. I want you to look at me when I am teaching. It gives me the feeling like you are paying attention. Okay?”

  I nodded again and he beamed back at me. “Off you go to your next class.”

  I went out and he got ready for his next class. I glanced over my shoulder at him before I rounded the corner. He was still smiling at me. The next class was walking in and taking their places.

  Why was he like that with me but not with the others?

  Everyone asked me what he had wanted. I shook my head no again. That made them even more curious.

  In English I made a point of looking at him every now and then but I could only do it for about a second or two then I had to look away again.

  He didn't make me stay after so I figured that we were okay now.

  Herr Glossner's nightly visits went on without incidence. He even praised me for not interfering before he left each night. All I could think about was how exposed and helpless Hannah looked each night.

  I had looked the same way except that he hadn't bared my bottom.

  Why was he treating me differently?

  Chapter 3

  On Saturday morning we were all packed and ready to go on our trip. Our iPods were charged and we had bought snacks
in the village so we had something to munch on in the bus. We all had our uniforms on and a light carry-on bag and a purse with us. The atmosphere was really light and happy.

  Hannah had had her last spanking last night and she was back to her old self again.

  Our French teacher, Frau Meier, was going to go along with us as well as a Chemistry teacher, Herr Schweitzer. I didn't have him as a teacher but the other girls didn't care for him but that could be due to the subject he taught. It wasn't really anyone's favorite.

  Everyone was really surprised when Herr Glossner showed up with a suitcase. He loaded it in the bus and took a clipboard. He seemed to be taking charge. “Okay ladies, load in your bags and get settled. I'll check you off as you get in. Frau Meier has unfortunately taken ill so I will be accompanying you in her place.”

  We exchanged disappointed looks and lined up to get into the bus. He checked off names and then got in last and took a seat with Herr Schweitzer. They talked like old friends and laughed a lot. They were pretty much ignoring us, which we took advantage of. We talked and joked around and got quite loud.

  We stopped to eat and everyone was in a good mood again, talking about our upcoming lives and how important we would all become. Our teachers were leaving us alone. It made me feel like we were being treated like young adults.

  Herr Glossner was ready with his check off list again. When everyone was in again we drove off. Our legs were quickly getting fussy because we weren't moving around enough. The complaining started in. We had been in the bus since this morning at seven and it was now three in the afternoon. Herr Glossner got up and listened to the complaining. He smiled nicely at us and talked about all the exercise that we would be getting in Romania. He teased us that we would be complaining about getting too much exercise really soon.

  Herr Glossner looked at me as he said that. I hadn't complained at all.

  That wasn't really fair.

  We took another break and then he told us that we should all walk about as much as possible because the driver wanted us to drive through from here. It would be around midnight when we got to our youth hostel. We were to exit the bus as quietly as possible not to disturb the others who would already be sleeping. They had been kind enough to make an exception for us and we needed to prove that we were thankful. We should feel free to nap on the bus, he told us.

  We got ourselves our supper. This time it was a small restaurant where the school had paid for our suppers in advance. We all got the same thing. We were loud and talked loudly and had fun. The teachers watched us but it wasn't like it normally was. They were relaxed about it. I was surprised at how cool they could be.

  We got into the bus again as Herr Glossner checked us all off. Once we were in he and Herr Schweitzer pulled out their cell phones and spoke awhile with really serious looks on their faces.

  I cuddled in and took a nap after a couple of minutes of talking about nonsense with my friends. Everyone was settling in nicely.

  I fell asleep quickly.

  “Wake up. Everyone up. Leave your bags where they are and exit the bus now.” A woman was walking down the aisle and shaking the others awake. I sat up and looked around. Absolutely everyone appeared to have fallen asleep.

  “Out, now. Leave your bags.” The woman sounded like she was mad at us.

  “Are we there yet?” Milena asked her.

  “Yes, get out now. Leave your bags.”

  “Why can't we take our bags with us?” Milena asked her before she moved back to the front of the bus.

  The woman came back to us and slapped Milena really hard. “Do as I say. Out now.” She grabbed Milena and pushed her towards the front of the bus.

  There was a line and every girl was being checked over if they had anything with them. They were frisking each girl.

  I looked around for our teachers but they were nowhere to be seen.

  The girls that had been checked over were told to go into a large building that looked like a school but it was in the middle of nowhere. The sky was so dark, making the stars look even brighter. We filed in and were brought to a room. I could see the other girls were undressing in front of us. They had to undress and while they stood there naked a couple of women were checking their clothes for cell phones. The woman had canes like Herr Glossner had used that first day and everyone was obeying the women.

  I too undressed and laid my things on the table for the women to inspect. I dressed quickly when they were finished.

  We were brought to a dormitory then.

  “Everyone goes to bed and sleeps again. Those who don't will be punished.” The woman pointed to the beds and everyone got in without complaining but several girls were crying. After our room was full the woman left, locking the door.

  “What was that all about?” Jessica asked no one in particular.

  “I don't understand it either. What are they going to do with all of our stuff?”

  “Have we been kidnapped?”

  “Where are our teachers?”

  Everyone had questions, but no one had answers.

  A loud banging noise woke me in the morning. Like someone was going up and down the hall with a pot and a wooden spoon.

  I looked over at the door. It was open. I moved so my feet hit the floor. My fingers went to my head. It was so heavy. “Do you think they drugged us at supper last night?” I asked the others, who were all holding their heads just like I was.

  “Out!” a woman peeked in and yelled. I had a feeling that they didn't really speak German but we were so far away from our school, in a different country, with a different language and culture. Was this normal here?

  I forced myself to standing and went out the door. The others were right behind us. I could see other girls going into a room and coming out. I moved over to them and my group followed me. I peeked in and saw that these were the bathrooms. There were four of them and there fifty-two of us. We stood in line and talked to girls from another room.

  We were all worried about what was going on. No one had seen our teachers at all. Had something happened to them? We speculated as we waited. The girls that were finished were being herded down the stairs. The woman was saying something about breakfast.

  Evelyn went to her and asked her about her bag. She begged her, telling her that she needed it for her contact lenses. Her eyes were all red and puffy.

  The woman slapped her hard.

  I was about to step forward when I felt a hand on my shoulder holding me in place. “No, we already had that discussion. I could have sworn that my punishment for that had convinced you.” Herr Glossner walked past me and went to the woman. He was very relaxed but the woman looked mad. She looked right at me. I had a feeling like I was going to get hit next. That was when I noticed that Herr Glossner had his cane in his hands.

  I stepped back, right into my friends. I felt their hands on me again. Something really wasn't right here. Had our own teacher kidnapped us just so he could teach us better manners?

  “Go down to breakfast girls.” He looked at me when he said that. I had the feeling that he was out to get me again.

  We went down the stairs and each girl got a bowl of white goo. I thanked the lady who gave it to me and Herr Glossner smiled approvingly at me. He was positively grinning from ear to ear at me.

  I sat down at the long tables that they had in this hall. There were no other girls here. I heard whispering about that. Herr Schweitzer told everyone to eat quietly. The bus driver was also there looking at us. They all had canes in their hands.

  I was scared and the white goo tasted like banana. I liked bananas in banana form but never in anything else.

  Some of the girls were finished and they were being lined up outside of a room. A man in a white doctors coat came out and nodded at one of the women here. She grabbed on to Josephine, who was at the front of the line and pushed her into the room.

  We all heard her scream no and then someone was whipping her. I looked around the room. Every eye was on the door. There were
three men here, plus the doctor. I could see three women and hear a couple more talking in the kitchen. And there were fifty-two of us.

  They just had canes. If we jumped on them and took their canes we could free ourselves. I was about to tell everyone what I was thinking when Herr Glossner spoke to me again.

  “What's the matter? Don't you like it?” He looked at my bowl; which was only missing a tiny spoonful.

  I wanted to say that I was afraid there might be drugs in it but he still had his cane in his hands and I knew that none of my friends would come to my rescue. If they wouldn't do it for Hannah, their life long friend then they wouldn't do it for me either.

  “I don't care for banana taste in anything but bananas,” I admitted.

  He nodded at me and looked over at the kitchen. “I'll get you something else.” He went to one of the women and told her something. She looked at him like he was crazy and then he gave her one of his looks. She went off to do what he wanted.

  The whipping sound had stopped and now I could only hear Josephine crying.

  Herr Glossner was now over talking to the girls in line to go into the door. They were nodding at him. He then went table for table and talked to everyone. When he reached our table he looked at us one by one before he started to talk. “You all heard what happened to Josephine. You don't want that to happen to you, do you?”

  Everyone shook their heads no.

  “Then do what the doctor tells you to do without any games. Understand?”

  Again we all nodded.

  “What is going on here?” Sophie asked him.

  “Just do as you are told. It will be better for you.” He stood and walked away.


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