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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 8

by Tynessa

  “Terrean, what the hell is wrong with you?” Teyana looked at me disappointed and mad all at the same time.

  “That was Jazz. She was calling to tell me that she was in labor.”

  “What the fuck that got to do with you?” I had to look at Teyana and make sure she didn’t have three heads. I mean, I knew I didn’t necessarily have to be there for Jazz and that baby, but I wasn’t no cold hearted nigga. She didn’t have nobody but me. I mean, she still talked to her mom and dad but their relationship has been strained for a few years now.

  “Tee baby, look, we both know that you are where I wanna be and where I’m going to be, but let’s be real; I’m not no clown ass nigga. Jazz’s dumb ass still think that I believe I am her baby father. I need to know who this other nigga is and the only way to get that info is to keep buttering her up.”

  “Gambino, I’m not telling you not to be there for the damn girl, but damn, I was trying to get a fucking nut. Her ass could definitely wait. You can’t get there in the next damn twenty minutes, shit,” she said and hopped off me.

  I couldn’t believe she was acting like this. I guess now would’ve been a bad time to ask her to stay here in Buffalo with my mother while I went back and got this shit with Jazz straight. I only wanted her to stay because I wanted to handle this shit with Jazz and Tyriq. He may have been in jail but the nigga wouldn’t be there forever and he damn sure was going to come looking for her when he got out. I needed to eliminate his ass too.

  Teyana had began packing up the bags while I was booking my flight. When I noticed she was packing her and Camari’s things, I lowly called out to her.

  “Uh, Tee baby, come here.”

  “What’s up, Terrean? I need to pack since you in a rush to get out of here,” she replied with an attitude.

  “Listen, I think it’s best if you stay here with my mother until I handle this shit with Tyriq and Jazz. This shit is about to get messy and I don’t want you and my kids caught up in this mess. I want y’all safe.”

  Teyana’s face turned beet red and she ain’t no light skinned chick. Her mocha brown skin was becoming redder as she processed what I said. I knew she was about to dig me a new asshole.

  “Nigga, are you out your rabid ass mind. I will not stay here while you go cater to that bitch and fuck Tyriq. Ain’t no way they about to run away from home after all the shit I have put up with. Fuck them, and you if you think that’s how this about to go down.”

  Teyana kept ranting and raving but she finally agreed to stay. I don’t even know when she agreed she was talking so much shit. My flight was set to leave in two hours so I took her and Camari to my mother’s place. While I was getting them settled, Carla walked her slow-footed ass in the front door. I noticed the change in Teyana’s demeanor and took note of it. I didn’t know what the fuck was up with Carla but I didn’t feel comfortable with her around. Just then a plan came to mind and I decided to ask her if she wanted to come to Atlanta with me. I was gonna find a way to use her ass to get to Tyriq. Plus, I needed to know what was going on with her lately.

  We were close when we were younger but when my father died, his side of the family became a little strained. Me and Zywon got closer since our mothers were sisters, but I tried to keep Carla around too. Me and Zywon got heavy in the streets and slowly our relationship grew stronger while me and Carla’s grew apart.

  “Hey, Carla, what you got up for the next few weeks?”

  “Nothing much. You know I don’t do much since you up and moved to Atlanta on me. Your mom is pretty much all I got left to talk to these days.”

  “Well how about you take this trip with me? I could use your help with a few things plus by the time we get there, Jazz may be done had the baby and then you and her can catch up.” I felt a hole burning in the back of my head as I said that and turned around and caught the glare of Teyana. She had the look of death in her eyes. I silently told her that I would explain it to her. She rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen calling my mother.

  I told Carla to go home and pack a small bag and meet me at the airport. I would let her do a little shopping when we got to the A. I headed to the kitchen to get this argument over with.

  “Hey, Ma.” I said giving my mother a kiss on the cheek.

  “Son,” she said with a snotty attitude. It was obvious that Teyana had come in here and gave her side of the story. Women ere so funny acting when they got together. I just laughed and shook my head. I walked over to the table where Teyana and Camari were sitting and eating. Teyana’s ass was always eating something. Her ass looked like she was ready to pop and she was only six months.

  “You always stuffing your face,” I said and Camari laughed.

  “Shut up, Terrean. Camari, you think he’s funny, huh?” she said, laughing at him.

  “Listen, I’m taking Carla with me for a few reasons. One being I noticed how your whole demeanor changed when she walked in the house. There’s more going on than what you shared with me and I don’t like it. Two being you mentioned that she said that was Tyriq’s baby, but how does she know his name? I caught on to what you said last night and I know for a fact that I have never spoken that clown’s name.”

  “I wondered how she knew his name but then I didn’t give a fu—. I mean, I ignored it because I could care less about anything associated with him. I just wanna get rid of his ass and move the fu—. Just go get this over with so I can come home.” Teyana kept trying to catch herself from cussing because Camari was in the kitchen with us.

  After making sure they were good and leaving my black card for Teyana and my mother, I had Teyana take me to the airport. We made small talk on the way there. When I called Zywon and told him that I was on my way home because Jazz was in labor, he cussed my ass out too. I just couldn’t fucking win. Zywon’s ass acted like he didn’t know what my plan was from the jump though.

  When we go the airport, Carla was standing curbside smiling and texting someone. She put her phone away and rolled her eyes at Teyana. This shit was about to stop.

  “Carla, what is your problem with my girl? Look, the disrespect has to stop. Teyana hasn’t done anything wrong, so there is no reason for you to act like that towards her.”

  “Sleeping with someone else’s man while she herself is in a relationship is wrong by itself.”

  “Bitch, you don’t know shit about me and I’m tired of telling you that. This ain’t what you want so I suggest you get yo’ life before you find yourself trying to find yourself. I will demolish yo’ ass. Fuck with me.”

  “Teyana, calm down, ma. This will be the last time we have this conversation. Carla, this is my girl and that’s my seed. Don’t ever let me hear about you questioning that. I love you to death, but stay in ya’ lane.”

  With that, I kissed Teyana and sent her on her way. Carla apologized to me and we headed to board our flight. It was a quiet ride with both of us in our own thoughts. I just wanted to get this shit over with.


  Once we got to Atlanta, Zywon was at the airport waiting for us at the baggage claim. I dapped him up and he hugged Carla. We grabbed our luggage and hopped in his truck.

  “How she doing?” I asked him about Jazz. She had made it to the hospital but she hadn’t dilated much so I knew I would be able to catch the birth.

  “Man, her dramatic ass is fine. She was only three centimeters when she got here. Her ass told the EMT that she was having contractions every ten minutes and get here and her ass only had one the whole time we been here,” he said, shaking his head. I could tell he was aggravated that he had to spend that much time with her without killing her.

  “Man, I just want this shit to be over with. I just wanna know who else was with her and that fuck boy. I’m ready to bring my family home and live our lives in peace. How is shit with you and Sevyn?”

  “Not right now.” He just shook his head. I couldn’t believe that things were getting bad with the power couple. Everybody wanted a relationship like the one they
had. If there was no hope for them, then there wasn’t much hope for many people.

  When we got to the hospital, Zywon led me up to Jazz’s room and much to our surprise she wasn’t there. I went to the nurse’s station and asked where she was and they informed me that she was in labor and delivery. I asked if I could go back there because I didn’t want her to have to go through that alone and they informed me that she already had someone back there with her. When I asked who, she said she couldn’t give me that information.

  “Zywon, did Sevyn come up here with you or something?”

  “Naw! Why you ask that?”

  “Because they saying she already has someone back in the delivery room with her. If it ain’t Sevyn, then who the fuck else do she know here?”

  “Man, I don’t know but we will be here when she come back to this room.” He sat down ,getting comfortable and I took the other seat leaving Carla standing by the door with an annoyed look on her face.

  I don’t know what the fuck is up with her wish-washy ass. She mad at Teyana but her ass don’t even like Jazz. At least she didn’t the last I checked. It was almost as if she wanted me to be single.

  “Carla, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I can either call you a cab so you can go to my crib or I can have Zywon drop you off.”

  “She can catch a cab.” He looked up from his phone at me like I was crazy. He went back to what he was doing and Carla finally spoke up.

  “It’s okay. I actually have a friend here. I will have him come get me. Let me know when you’re headed home and I will have him bring me to your house.” She left the room, I guess to wait for her friend downstairs.

  About twenty minutes later they were wheeling Jazz’s bed back into the room. She was holding a baby close to her chest, just staring down at her. She finally looked up and looked a little surprised to see me.

  “Hey, Gambino. I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight.”

  “I see. I tried to come back there to be in the delivery room with you but they said you had someone back there with you already. I didn’t know you knew anybody here.”

  “I don’t. I was trying to walk through the contractions and a woman seen me and we made small talk. When my water broke, she was the only one here and I asked her to help me through the delivery because your flight wouldn’t get here in time.

  “Oh. Can I see him?” I asked. She hesitated at first but then she handed him over.

  “He looks just like you. His name is Terrean.”

  “He’s handsome, Jazz.” I looked at him and he didn’t look like me but she damn sure looked like somebody I knew. I looked over at Jazz and smirked. I took him over so that Zywon could see the shit that I saw and he chuckled.

  “He is very handsome, Jazz,” Zywon said on his way out the room.

  “Jazz, how long you been fucking my nigga Biggs?”

  “Wha-what are you talking about? I have never cheated on you and damn sure not with someone you call a friend.”

  “Come on, ma. Even only being a couple hours old, he looks just like that nigga. Take ya’ son and call me when you ready to tell the truth. And you can definitely change that name, ma. He will not carry my namesake and belong to another nigga.” I walked out the room headed to Zywon who was waiting in the waiting room.

  “I can’t believe this bitch is sleeping with Biggs. Do you think he helped her set us up at the shop?”

  “I don’t know but we about to find out. I’ma call and tell him to catch a flight out here.”

  I didn’t know what the fuck was going. Jazz and Biggs acted as if they couldn’t stand each other. Now not only were they fucking, but the nigga had got my bitch knocked up and been smiling in my face like shit was gravy. Shit was looking real clear now with the way that nigga was acting when I said I was gonna take Jazz back.

  “I gotta admit though, Jazz ass was loyal as fuck to that nigga. That’s all about to bite her in the ass.”


  I was glad that Gambino asked me to stay with his mother. She and Camari got along great. She was the grandmother he never had. I mean, he had Tyriq’s mother, but their relationship wasn’t as close as it could be. And now she was fighting for her life at the hands of her son.

  We were walking through the mall getting some things for the baby and Camari. I was excited about having a little girl. We had decided to name her Terriena Camyrn Rose. Camari pulled me in the direction of the pretzel place and I gladly followed. He was getting no complaints from me because I was always hungry. As we were waiting in line, my cell rang. I knew from the ring tone that it was Sevyn.

  “Hey, boo. I miss you,” I said as soon as the call connected.

  “I miss you too.” It sounded like she was either crying or had been crying, so I

  asked her what was wrong.

  “I thing Zywon knows I cheated on him,” she said just above a whisper. I had to pull the phone away from my ear. She had to be joking. I couldn’t believe that she had cheated on Zywon.

  “You did what? What the fuck were you thinking, Sevyn? What the hell could he have possibly done to get that type of treatment from you?” I was livid with her.

  Shit, Zywon was the type of nigga that you left your man to be with. You wouldn’t leave him to be with another nigga. You wouldn’t ever risk shit like that if you were married to a nigga with Zywon’s style and personality.

  “Damn, Teyana, tell me how you really feel,” she said, mad. I didn’t give a fuck about her being mad though. Zywon was a good dude. He took damn good care of her and didn’t ask for nothing. She didn’t have to work; she chose to work. He didn’t cheat on her, beat on her or disrespect her. I knew I was being a hypocrite because not only did I cheat on Tyriq, but I helped Gambino cheat on his girlfriend. While Tyriq didn’t deserve me, honestly Jazz didn’t deserve it.

  “I’m sorry for how I said it but not what I said. I can’t believe you would even jeopardize your marriage for one damn night with a stranger.”

  “I know. I don’t even know what came over me. If he leaves me I don’t know what I will do. I love him so much.” She started crying all over again and it brought tears to my eyes. This was the part of my pregnancy that I hated. I was emotional at all the wrong times. I needed to be cussing Sevyn’s dumb ass out; not crying with her. I couldn’t believe she didn’t just come talk to me about her problems instead of running to the arms of another man.

  I debated if I should ask her my next question or not; for the simple fact, that it irks my nerves when folks asked the exact same question. Fuck it, I wanted to know, so I was damn sure going to ask.

  “Uh, Sevyn.” I sniffed. “I hope I don’t offend you when I ask you this, but I just have to know. Promise you will not get mad.” I knew firsthand what it was like to have someone question the father of my child so I only hoped I wasn’t about overstep my boundaries.

  “What is it, Teyana? You know you can ask me anything, boo.”

  “The baby is Zywon’s, right?” I asked finally, after a long pause. It was the moment she sucked her teeth that I knew I probably shouldn’t have questioned her about that.

  “God, Teyana! You’re really going to ask me something like that? Who the fuck you think I am? Yes, this baby is my husband’s. I can’t believe you’re even testing me some bullshit like that. You, of all people!” Sevyn screamed through the phone. I knew she was pissed and I guess I was out of pocket for asking that but, me, of all people. I knew that was a little shade.

  “Okay, there’s no need in the shade throwing. I was just asking. I mean, you need to be prepared for when your husband asks you that same exact question, when he finds out,” I said with a roll of the eyes as if she could see them throw the phone.

  “Okay,” she sang. “That’s my husband, so I can expect for him to ask that. But my best friend? The same one that cheated on her fiancé with another mothafucka’ repeatedly. Nah, boo, you the wrong one to be questioning me about the father of my child. You need to stay in yo’ lane
on that one.”

  Oh, this bitch was hitting below the belt. Sevyn was about to find herself friendless and husbandless.

  “Wow, it’s good to know how you really feel, best friend!” I emphasized the words best friend. Friends wouldn’t even be hitting below the belt like that. I swear, if we were face to face, we would be throwing down right now. My feelings were beyond hurt.

  “I’m just stating facts! You sitting up here questioning me when you were sleeping with, Gambino, as well as Tyriq, days apart. Then you popped up pregnant. I never once grilled you about who the baby’s father might be. You said it was Gambino and I went with it.”

  She was right, but my feelings were hurt and I wasn’t about to agree with her, let alone, let her know I was the one that was in the wrong for asking that silly question. It wasn’t even my place to ask that anyways.

  “I come to my best friend for comfort and she insults me with bullshit.” Now it was her turn to emphasize those same words. “I know to never come to you if it’s comfort that I’m looking for!” With that, Sevyn hung the phone up in my ear.

  The tears that were threatening to fall were now falling. Did I think it was that serious? Hell no! I guess it was her hormones that had her on edge like that. Then the extra stress that was eating at her for cheating on Zywon. I don’t know what it was, but because she’d just hurt the fuck out of my feelings, I wasn’t about to be the bigger person and call her back. Whether I was wrong or right, she had no right to go off the way she did. I asked a simple yes or no question that didn’t require all the extra drama. Fuck Sevyn!

  Chapter 10


  I was so mad at Gambino and the way he handled me with Teyana at the airport a few days ago. Once I let Tyriq know that I would be in Atlanta for a few days, he told me about how his baby mother had bleached all his shit and had his car impounded. I never told him that I knew who his baby mother was so I had to act like the concerned chick. He asked me to wire him some money so that he could pick up a few outfits and get a rental for us to get around in while I was here. I didn’t really plan to spend too much time with Gambino because like I said, he carried me when we was at the airport and I didn’t like the fact that he was putting that bitch Teyana before me.


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