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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 9

by Tynessa

  Tyriq and I had been laid up in a hotel for the last two days. Gambino had been calling me but I never answered. I would always text him and tell him that I would get with him after I spent some time with my friend. After being in this hotel for two days, Tyriq finally decided that we would go back to his place. He said that he needed to go to the hospital to see his mother.

  “If your mother is in the hospital, why haven’t you been to see her in two days? You haven’t left this room since we got here.”

  “My mother was attacked by someone breaking in to her house. She is in a coma. I hate to see my mother laid up like that so I only see her every few days. If she has any changes or any type of emergencies come up the staff calls me. I call them often to check on her but I just can’t stand to see her laid up like that,” he replied with tears threatening to fall.

  I felt so bad for him. Here his mother was laid up in a coma and his baby mother was laid up with someone else’s nigga. I knew it was a reason I didn’t like her. She didn’t give a fuck about nobody but herself and I hoped like hell that Gambino saw that before it was too late.

  Once we had breakfast, we began to get dressed to check out of the hotel. I decided to put on a pair of white Red Robin jeans with a coral button up shirt. I threw on a white blazer and my coral pumps to complete my look. I had my hair up in a neat bun with a bang swooped across my right eye. We checked out the hotel and drove about thirty minutes before we pulled up to Grady Memorial Hospital. Once he found parking, we got out and headed into the hospital. I was starting to regret wearing my four-inch pumps today. This walk was something else.

  When we got to what I presumed to be his mother’s room, there was a woman sitting up in the bed watching TV. Even under all the bandages, you could see that she was a pretty woman. She had a bandage wrapped around her head and covering her right eye. Her left arm was in a cast and she had a few bruises that looked like they were trying to heal on the right side of her body.

  “Ma, when did you wake up? Why didn’t anyone call me?” Tyriq asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Tyriq, what are you doing here? I don’t want to see you. Get out before I call the police!” she screamed at him. What the fuck was going on here? Why would his mother wanna call the police on him? Hell, that should’ve been my cue to get the fuck out of there but my dumb ass was standing there stuck on stupid.

  Man, you still on that dumb shit. I’ve apologized a thousand times, Ma. You gotta let this shit go so we can move on with our lives and get my son and wife back home. I can’t do that without you.”

  I know this nigga didn’t just say he wanted to get his son and wife back home like I wasn’t standing here. I looked at that nigga and frowned my face up because he was dead ass serious and didn’t seem to give a fuck that he said it in front of me.

  His mother reached for her call bell and he snatched it from her. He told her that he was leaving and that she would never have to worry about him again. He would get his family back without her ass. He walked out the room leaving me standing there. This nigga was disrespectful as fuck.

  “Honey, I don’t know you and I don’t really care to know you, but you need to get away from him. Son or not, he is the devil he ain’t no good to society. He is the reason I’m laid up here half dead. I’m telling you now, get away before it’s too late,” she said to me and rolled over and put her back to me. I guess that was my cue to leave. I probably should’ve listened to her warning and went my own way, but nope, my sick in love ass followed him right to the car and got in like none of that shit had happened. He was mad and you could see it in his face so I chose my next set of words wisely.

  “Are you okay?”

  “What the fuck you think, Teyana? My mother just told me she didn’t wanna see me ever again and threatened to call the police on me.” I know this nigga didn’t just call me Teyana. What the fuck?

  I didn’t say anything the rest of the ride. I was livid. What the fuck did this bitch have that’s had not one, but two niggas ready to kill for her. We drove in silence for another twenty minutes before we pulled up to a nice two-story brick house. I guessed that we had finally made it to his house. We got out the car and he grabbed the bags, handing me his key to open the door. He didn’t look so mad anymore so I was guessing that he had calmed down.

  When we walked in the house I was actually impressed. I had to admit, the bitch had taste. She had this little house laid with a family feel to it. I looked around at the pictures on the wall and I had to admit, Teyana was a beautiful girl. I was starting to feel bad for the way I was acting towards her for no reason. Shit, it looked like she went through it because even though she was smiling bright in her pictures, you could tell she had hurt in her eyes.

  “Stop staring like you fucking live here and go fix me something to eat.”

  I was scrolling through Teyana’s Instagram pictures and comparing them to the ones on the wall. I looked up at him and replied, “Uh, I don’t live here. Nigga, I didn’t come all the way to Atlanta to be stuck in a hotel for two days, then get treated like ya’ personal slave cooking for you and shit.” As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it. He walked towards me and snatched my phone out my hand. After looking at the picture, he looked back at me confused.

  “How you know my wife and why the fuck you on her Instagram? Are you setting me up?” His eyes turned a shade of black and it was the like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He grabbed me by my face and pushed me into the wall. He brought his face close to mines and bit down on my top lip as hard as he could. I felt the blood as it began to spill from my lip. He finally let go and proceeded to smack me. The smacks soon turned to punches until I was curled up on the floor in the fetal position. All the while he was beating me he was screaming Teyana’s name.

  “Why do you like to see this side of me, Teyana? All you had to do was make me some fucking dinner then let me fuck the shit out of you. No, you gotta go and start getting all mouthy and shit with me. I shouldn’t have to whoop your ass every time I want some pussy from my wife. This shit is getting old, Teyana. I knew I should’ve stayed behind after we ran up on them in that barbershop. If I had stayed then Gambino and Zywon would be fucking dead but that bitch ass nigga Biggs that Jazz is fucking decided to have a change of heart and just wanted to give them a flesh wound. Now they setting me up.” With every word he spoke, he delivered a kick or a punch to me. I felt myself losing consciousness slowly and all I could do was pray that God brought me out of this alive. All the warning signs were staring at me and I ignored them.

  I should’ve known that there was a reason Teyana would destroy his things before she left, plus his momma was in a coma and he only went to see her every few days. Hell, his momma threatened to call the police on him and warned me to get away from him before it was too late. Here I was sleeping with the very nigga that tried to kill my cousin.


  Jazz had called me called me when she failed to get in contact with that fuck boy Gambino. I can’t even mention that niggas name without getting angry. The day I put him six feet under would be the second happiest day of my life. Seeing my son being brought into this world would always be first.

  On the way out the delivery room, I spotted Gambino standing out in the hall. Luckily, he didn’t see me. I dashed in a nearby room, without saying shit to Jazz. I didn’t have the time or it would’ve blown my cover. I didn’t need that nigga breathing down my damn neck about my reason for being in Atlanta. I didn’t have no family nor friends here besides him and Zywon.

  Jazz’s ol’ slick ass didn’t even inform me that she’d finally gotten in touch with him. She was definitely going to make me fuck her ass up. I swear, if that bitch didn’t stop testing me and playing me to left when it came to Gambino, she was going to find herself laying right on top of him with red dirt covering the both of them. I wasn’t feeling that coming second shit.

  “Yo?” I finally answered the phone for Gambino. I had been laying low inside my hotel
room since I left the hospital the day Jazz had my son. I wanted to go see my little man, but I didn’t want to risk the chances of getting caught.

  “Damn, my nigga, you finally decided to answer the phone for me?! If I didn’t know any better I would think you was igging me.” I heard amusement in this mothafucka’s voice. My trigger finger itched for this cocky bastard. “You ain’t igging me, are you Biggs?” This time his voice was serious.

  “Why would I be ignoring you, Gambino? I been up here handling business. What’s up, though?” I lied then changed the subject. Fuck him!

  “Aight then. Aye, check this. How soon can you get to Atlanta, A.? It’s some shit that needs to be handled and I need you down here pronto.”

  I heard what he said but I was hesitant. Was this shit a set up? Don’t get me wrong; I wasn’t scared or no shit like that, but I didn’t want to be walking into the lion’s den either. Gambino was the type that would call you over to his place, chill with you all day then shoot you execution style. I knew because I’d seen him do the shit before.

  “Yo, you heard what I said?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah, I heard you. I was in the middle of counting money,” I lied once again. “What’s up though? What’s going on?”

  “You know my boo, Teyana?”

  “Yeah, I know her. What’s up?” Now, he knew damn well I knew that bitch. Shit, everybody in Buffalo, New York, knew her ass the way he was parading her around as if she was Beyoncé or some shit.

  “We’re trying to get up with her fiancé. I brought my cousin, Carla, out here thinking she was going to be the bait that would trail that nigga in. But her stupid ass has been MIA. Now, because the nigga don’t know you, I’m going to use you. Plus, I have some other shit to run by you,” Gambino explained. Shid, I didn’t know what the other shit was, but he had me when he first got started.

  “Say no more. I’m hopping on a flight now.” I ended the call. Hell, fuck yeah! My ass was about to kill two birds with one stone. I was still upset with that nigga Tyriq about the shit he was spitting on the phone when I used my hard earned money to help bail his lame ass out of jail. I needed to play this shit smooth though.

  I sat in the hotel room and came up with a solution that would bring me and Jazz closer. We would raise our son together as a family and spend up Gambino’s cash that should’ve been mine from the start. When I saw an hour and a half had passed, I got up and headed to the hospital to see Jazz and my little man before calling and letting Gambino know that I had arrived in Atlanta.


  When I made it to the hospital, Jazz was sitting up in the bed, breastfeeding the baby. She was so fucking beautiful. She looked up at me and gave a surprised look, like I was the last person she expected to see.

  “Damn, you don’t look to happy to see me,” I said as I walked further into the room. Walking over to her, I kissed her on the lips then kissed my son. I couldn’t wait for her to finish feeding him so I could hold him.

  “It’s not that. What’s up with you stressing how you wasn’t trying to get caught by Gambino? That’s why you haven’t been coming up here, right?” She sounded as if she was really upset that I hadn’t been to see her in a couple of days. Jazz was due to get out the hospital yesterday day but because of her high blood pressure, they wanted to keep her for another day or two.

  “Yeah, that’s what I said, but fuck him. I mean, it is what it is,” I said with a shrug. I didn’t even bother telling her about the little conversation I had with him. I didn’t want her stressing or no shit like that. Her blood pressure was already sky high. “So what he say when he saw the baby?”

  “How you know he seen my baby? I never told you he saw him. Shit, I never even told you he came to the hospital.” She looked at me suspiciously.

  “Man, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you worrying, but the day that you had the baby—.”

  “Yeah, the day you left and didn’t say shit to be,” she cut me off and said. She removed her breast from my son’s mouth and handed him to me. “Here, burp him,” she said and I began patting him on his back. He was so small and it amazed me that he looked just like my ass at only a few days old.

  “Yeah, that day,” I finally said. “Anyways, I saw Gambino in the hall waiting on them to bring you, so I hid until he was no longer in sight then left. I didn’t have time to put you up on game. I knew the nigga was going to be wondering why the fuck I was here with you while you gave birth to what he thinks is his son. I didn’t feel like going to through the bullshit so I been laying low,” I explained. Jazz dropped her head and didn’t say nothing, so I decided to change the subject. “Aye ma, why your blood pressure been so high?” I wanted to know.

  “I’ve been stressing.”

  Jazz informed me that both Gambino and Zywon thought the baby looked like me. I couldn’t help but smile. At the same time, I knew shit was about to hit the fan. That was why I’d been straight up ignoring his phone calls. Today, I said fuck it. Hell, what was done was done. Li’l man was mine and wasn’t shit nobody can do about it!

  There was no reason for Jazz to stress over that shit. What could he do besides put her out? If he did, she didn’t have to worry about a place to stay or money because I had her. My money might not be long as Gambino’s, but I had plenty. Shit, my house might not have been decked out like his, but it was a place she could call home. I opened my mouth to let her know that, but the knock on the door prevented me from speaking.


  Since that little fight between me and Sevyn a few weeks ago, I hadn’t had too much to say to her. Shit, sometimes she was lucky that I even came home at night. I wasn’t cheating on her or no shit like that, but I damn sure wanted to give her ass something to think about. I knew I was stressing her out but I thought it was best that some days I stayed at my cousin’s house to keep from putting my foot in her ass. I couldn’t even look her in the face for too long with wanting to strangle her ass.

  “Well, you finally decided to bring yo’ ol’ bitch ass home,” she said with a slur in her speech, right before pulling on the Blunt. I stood there looking at her drunk ass in disgust. She had me fucked up when she brought the bottle of Henny to her lips. I slapped that shit right out her hand.

  “What the fuck is wrong with your stupid ass, girl?” I roared in anger. I was about ready to fuck my wife up. I don’t give two fucks about the shit we go through, but when you tried to kill my seed, it was a wrap. It was time to draw the damn line. “Did you forget you was pregnant? Or you just don’t give a fuck?” I continued to scream. She jumped up and almost busted her ass. Yeah, she was past drunk.

  “You damn right! I just don’t give a fuck! Why should I? You clearly don’t ‘cause if you did you would bring your ass home at night instead of out being a ho ass nigga. Shit, if I don’t kill this mothafucka’ it’s gon’ die one way or the other, either from stressing over your bitch ass or from me drinking, and I refuse to let you be the cause of me losing my baby,” her drunk, crazy ass said. She smelt like she had bathed in the whole damn bottle of liquor. She was spitting all in my damn face and looked as if she was going to fall face first at any minute.

  “Bitch, I’ll fuck you up if you ever say some foul ass shit like that again.” I yoked her ass up by the throat before I knew it. Realizing what I was doing, I eased up a bit but didn’t let her go. “I’m out being a ho, but you fail to realize that if it wasn’t for your ho ass then we wouldn’t even be going through this bullshit. Your ass is the one that opened your legs for the next nigga, remember?” I refreshed her memory. Sevyn had some nerve. I still didn’t have full proof but the little proof I had was right there in my damn face.

  “Hell fuck yeah, I cheated on your got damn ass! I fucked that nigga once! The dick wasn’t as good as yours but I was going to fuck him again, anyways. He got sprung off the pussy and threatened to tell you so I didn’t.” This bitch was really bugging out. I was fucking pissed that her ass had been drinking but at the same time
I was glad to finally know the truth.

  I let my let my wife go and backed away slowly. I was afraid that if I stayed a little longer I would have lived up to my word and broke her fucking jaw. Me walking away wasn’t enough for her because she charged at me with swinging arms.

  “You not walking out on me again, Zywon! You my husband and I’m sick of this shit. You should be home with me every damn night. Not in the streets!” she fussed. She was screaming and crying. I mean, her face was full of snot, saliva and tears. “Please, Zy, don’t go,” she was now begging. After all that damn screaming and the confession she’d just done, she was now begging me not to leave. This was some real bipolar and drunk shit.

  “Yo, get the fuck off me Sevyn before I beat your ass in here.” Don’t go my ass. She had me fucked up if she thought I was about to stay here with her ass after the shit she’d just admitted to. Fuck that! Then the selfish bitch was trying to kill my my mothafuckin’ seed.

  “No, Zy. Please, baby. Let’s just talk about it. Please don’t turn your back on me. Teyana already did. I can’t handle you too.” She sobbed louder as she clenched me tighter. What she mean Teyana did? I didn’t know they were beefing. Maybe that’s why her ass was sitting up here drinking without a care in the world.

  “Look man, I’ll stay tonight. But first thing in the morning you going to the doctor to make sure my baby was good.” She just nodded her head and said nothing. For her sake, she better had hoped everything is good. “And we’re definitely going to have a talk tomorrow,” I let her know as I scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. Once she was tucked in I headed to the living room to watch TV.


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