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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 11

by Tynessa

  We finished up dinner and I started to clean up but Tamika stopped me and told me to go get packed. I went up and packed a small bag. I was gonna be going home so I didn’t need to take clothes with me. once that was done, I went to the room that Camari was staying in and spent my last few hours with him. After getting him bathed and tucked in bed, I headed down to let Tamika know I was ready to go. I made sure to text Sevyn and inform her of what time my flight would be landing so that she could be there to pick me up.


  My plane landed a few hours later and Sevyn was waiting for me at baggage claim. After letting her know that I didn’t bring anything with me, we headed to her truck. She looked stressed out, worn down and depressed. I felt so bad for her. She made a bad decision and she was truly paying for it.

  “How you holding up, boo?” I asked her in a concerned voice.

  “I’m doing better. I didn’t want you to come home trying to clean up my mess but I am glad you came.”

  “I wouldn’t dare leave you to take on this heartache alone. I am sorry for the way I reacted to your news but I really wasn’t expecting that confession out of you.”

  “No, I need to apologize to you. It was wrong of me to come at you the way I did. I know that you were not trying to judge me and I let my anger with myself take over and I took it out on you. To this moment, I still don’t know what made me fuck up my marriage for a crazy ass nigga. He has been calling me nonstop, threatening to tell Zywon if I don’t meet with him again. Even though Zywon already knows because I told him myself while I was drunk as a fucking skunk, I still don’t want Bryan to contact Zywon. It’s more of me not wanting Zywon to go to jail for killing his ass over me being actually worried about him telling him. I just can’t believe my foolish actions have caused me to lose the love of my life. My child is about to suffer because of my actions.”

  By now we were pulling up to Sevyn’s house. There were two other trucks parked in the driveway and I immediately recognized them as Zywon and Gambino’s. I looked over at Sevyn and could see her tense up like she was scared to face him. I grabbed her hand and assured her that it would be okay. We got out the truck and headed in the house.

  When we walked through the door, Zywon and Gambino were sitting in the living room smoking. He immediately put the Blunt out when he saw us coming further into the house. Gambino looked so damn good sitting there in some black Levi jeans, his black and silver Foamposite sneakers and a black and silver Pay Homage shirt made by Christopher Jordan. He looked over at me and smiled softly. he got up and walked towards me with his arms open. I slowly wobbled my ass into his embrace and held on to him tightly. No words could describe how I felt being in his arms. I loved him with every fiber in my body.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Well you weren’t answering your phone and I was worried about Sevyn and when I called her she needed me so I came.”

  “Sorry about missing your call. Um, Carla is in the hospital on life support. I don’t know all the details but I know for sure that Tyriq is the one who put her there.

  “Teyana, you know I love you like a little sister. I will do anything to see that you never see pain again in your life, but this nigga has just signed his death certificate,” Zywon said. He looked over at Sevyn and motioned for her to follow him upstairs.

  “Terrean, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve been out here sooner. Damn. This is all my fault,” I said. I had my problems with Carla not liking me and whatnot, but I would never wish harm on anyone. And to make matters worse, somehow she was connected to my ex and he was the cause of this. I was so tired of Tyriq bringing pain my way. I hoped that when Gambino caught him he made him pay for all the harm he had caused me. I was tired of it.

  I looked at Terrean and he looked like there was more than this drama with Carla weighing heavy on his mind so I needed to be an ear and let him vent to me.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? It seems like there is something else bothering you,” I said as he led me to the couch to sit down.

  “Oh, there’s a lot bothering me. I knew Jazz’s baby wasn’t mine but a small part of me needed to be sure. When we got here, she was already in labor and I tried to go back to the room but they said that someone was back there with her. I knew it wasn’t Sevyn because Zywon said he left her home and he was at the airport picking me up. When Jazz got back to the room, I asked her who was in the delivery room with her and she made u a bullshit story about some lady in the waiting room going with her so she wouldn’t have to deliver alone. Well, when the nurses brought the baby to the room, I looked down at him and was looking at a duplicate Biggs.” He stopped to take a breath and I looked at him like he had lost his mind. I knew he wasn’t telling me that his best friend was sleeping with his ex.

  “I don’t understand. Are you trying to tell me that Jazz was pregnant by Biggs trying to pin it on you?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. And after me and Zywon did some digging, we found out that not only was she pregnant by him but they have been together since high school. Apparently Jazz was setting me up for Biggs. When he and I met, we were just getting into the drug game and we never really stuck around one woman long enough to actually meet them. Jazz was actually the first girl I ever brought around my boys. For years Biggs had us thinking that his girl stayed in Jersey where he was originally from but I never stopped to put two and two together. Only reason I got the information now is because Carla had all this shit stored in her email. She used to date Jazz’s cousin who was responsible for the drive-by that killed my unborn seed, which I’m now not so sure was my seed either.” We were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

  He answered and his face went from mad to sad to downright anger in all of two seconds. The phone fell out his hand and he sat there in shock as I called his name over and over.

  “She gone. She had a seizure and they couldn’t bring he out of it. She gone. I didn’t even have a chance to apologize to her for the way I acted towards her. I was so pissed off at her for treating you the way she was that I was treating her like shit. I should’ve asked her where she was going and who she was going to be with. I could’ve avoided this if I hadn’t been so stuck on trying to keep you away from your bitch ass baby father. Now he done killed my fucking cousin. I should’ve been there to protect her from him!” he yelled.

  “Terrean, baby, I’m so sorry. Believe me, I am so sorry and I didn’t mean to bring my troubles your way. But it is obvious that you believe this is my fault so I am going to give you your space to clear your head. But know this; I may have brought my beef with Tyriq into your life but you were the one willing to accept it to be with me. I don’t at all agree with what he has done to your cousin, but this is not my fault. We still have no clue how those two even knew each other and she could’ve very well had been in on the plot to kill you and Zywon in that barbershop. I will not sit back and let you blame this shit on me.”

  By now, Zywon and Sevyn had come back downstairs to see what was going on and I briefed him on what happened as I got my things together. I wasn’t about to sit here and listen to Gambino blame this shit on me. I didn’t give a fuck if he did kill Tyriq. I was tired of him ruining my life. I just wanted to be happy and raise my kids without all the damn drama.

  I took Gambino’s keys off the table and walked out the house. I hopped in his truck and pulled out the driveway. Sevyn was calling my cell but I ignored it and texted her to tell her that I was going to a hotel until Gambino got his attitude together. I knew he was hurting but there was no reason for him to speak to me like that. Shit, somebody needed to explain how the fuck Carla and Tyriq even knew each other because I damn sure didn’t introduce them.

  As I got deeper into my feelings and thoughts, a lot of things were starting to make sense. For months I had been trying to figure out who posted that picture on Instagram of me and Gambino in the mall back when we first met and it dawned on me that it had to be Carla. I felt bad that he was the
cause of her death, but it was looking like she was in on this plot to bring me down from day one.

  I was sitting at a red light zoning out to Trey Songz and Mila J’s Disrespectful, remembering when I fell in love with Terrean ‘Gambino’ Rose. I was singing along as Mila J talked about her man finding out about her cheating.

  If my man found you were using his rubbers, I’d be dead

  If your girl found you was paying my rent, she’d lose her head

  If my man found out I was washing your drawers, he’d pull out the Desert Eagle

  If your girl found out how good I was riding it, wait

  I don’t care about none of these bitches, none of these bitches

  I don’t care about nobody but you

  I was so in my zone that I almost missed Jazz riding past me acting like she didn’t have a care in the world. I made a U-turn and followed her at a good distance so she wouldn’t notice me. I had seen Gambino hit a button in his glove box where he would hide his gun when me and Camari were with him. I reached over and hit the button and another compartment came out, slowly revealing his Glock 9. I grabbed it and laid it on my lap. When we got caught at another red light, I quickly checked the chamber and made sure that the safety was off.

  I was nervous as hell but I was also tired. I was tired of people ruining my life when all I wanted was to be happy. Jazz took it upon herself to get with Tyriq and not only kidnap my son, but try to kill my other child’s father, and I was no longer going to sit back letting people bring me down. I remembered all the pointers Gambino gave me when he took me to the gun range a few times and prepared to put them in effect. I followed Jazz a few more blocks before she pulled up to a two-story brick house. I pulled over two houses down and turned the lights off and left the truck running. I was seven months pregnant so running was not an option. I wanted to see if she had her baby with her before I made a move.

  Once she got out the car, she opened the back door and reached in but only came back out with bags. As she walked to the porch, I put the truck in drive and slowly crept up the street. Before she could make it to the side I was rolling down the window and asking for directions

  “Excuse me, I’m looking for 1259 but it’s dark and I can’t really see the addresses.” She turned and walked back towards the truck pointing down the street in the opposite was I was facing.

  “Turn around and go back down about four houses and it will be on your—” was all she could get out before I left off shot after shot. The first shot hit her in the neck and the next shot hit her right in the forehead. Before she could even hit the ground good I was turning off the street. My hands were shaking and I was sweating profusely. I couldn’t believe I had just killed someone and I was so scared that someone had seen me. I pulled over to the side of the road and called Gambino but he was sending me to voicemail. I called Sevyn and she answered on the first ring.

  “Oh my God, Teyana, where are you?”

  “I’m going to the hospital. My water just broke. Terrean is sending me straight to voicemail.”

  “Wait, your water broke? You’re two months early.”

  “Just meet me at the hospital; I’m about five minutes away so I think I can make it.”

  I could hear the sirens in the distance, more than likely going to where I had just committed a crime but me going into labor early pushed all my worries about Jazz to the back of my mind. I just hoped that Sevyn could get Gambino here in time to see his daughter being born.

  Chapter 13


  I knew it was fucked up for me to blame Teyana for what Tyriq had done when it wasn’t at all her fault. Like she said, I chose to continue fucking with her after learning that sucker ass nigga was a damn lunatic. That nigga had crossed the line for the last time. I was sick and tired of playing these fucking games with Tyriq. This mothafucka’ had killed my family. How was I going to face her mom, my auntie, when I got back home? Carla was supposed to be in my care. I brought her down here with me and look at the shit that happened.

  “Fuck!” I yelled out as I punched the wall, repeatedly. “My fucking cousin is dead because of me!” I exclaimed as I continued to punch the wall. I had zoned out until I felt Zywon grab me.

  “Bruh, this shit is not your fault. She was already fucking with dude, anyways. The shit is fucked up what happened to her but it ain’t your damn fault. Carla was trying to be on some sneaky ass shit and brought this on herself,” Zywon tried explaining. I wasn’t trying to hear it though.

  “Man, I brought her here with me to keep an eye on her so she wouldn’t try nothing with Teyana and she done fucked around and got killed. All this shit is on my hands. I’ma have to walk around feeling guilty for the rest of my life. I was so worried about how I was gonna kill off that nigga and he was killing my fucking cousin.” This was some straight up BS. No one knew what I was going through because they weren’t the ones that brought Carla down here; I was. I was the one that had to explain to her mother that her only child wouldn’t be coming back home. I have to live with this shit hanging over my head; not them mothafuckas!

  “Fuck that bullshit you spitting, Gambino! This shit ain’t your damn fault. I ain’t trying to be heartless because I feel bad that she’s gone just like you, but Carla brought this shit on herself. I know damn well all the signs were there that the nigga was fucking crazy. His ass look like he ain’t wrapped tight. Carla is smart so I know she noticed it too. Her ass was just like Teyana; blinded by love. For all we know this probably ain’t the first time he done put his hands on her. We don’t know how long they been fuckin’. Carla was trying to be slick and it cost her, her life. Like I said, I ain’t trying to be coldhearted, but it is what it is.”

  I stood here staring at Zywon like he was damn crazy. All he’d just said was true but now wasn’t the time I wanted to hear it. I was hurt and wanted to grieve without hearing the obvious. At one point, Carla was like my damn sister, so right now I didn’t want to even think about her being involved in the shooting that killed the unborn child that I was now having doubts about mine, or the shooting that almost cost me my damn life.

  I looked down at my ringing phone. Teyana was calling for the third damn time since she left and once again I sent her to the voicemail. I knew I should’ve answered it. Hell, I should’ve gone after here when she left, knowing she had a crazy ex lurking around, but I was hurting. Shit, I had just lost my damn cousin.

  “Oh my God, Teyana, where are you?” I heard Sevyn say into her phone. I was standing there huffing and puffing as I stared at nothing in particular. I was really fucked up behind Carla’s death.

  It wasn’t until I heard Sevyn say, “Wait, your water broke? You two months early,” that I was brought out my trance. I knew she said Teyana’s name but it was too soon for her to be going into labor. I don’t even know what was said next because I was on my way out the door with Zywon and Sevyn right behind me.

  “Fuck!” I cursed out loud as I hit the steering wheel at the street that was blocked off. There were police, fire trucks, a crime scene and new reporters every damn where. This shit was like the movies or something. Thank God I knew a shortcut. I ain’t have time to be waiting in no dame traffic.

  When we arrived at the hospital, me and Sevyn jumped out, leaving Zywon to park the car. Inside we headed straight for labor and delivery. Because they were about to perform an emergency C-Section on Teyana, Sevyn was unable to go back there with me.

  “Here, I need you to put this on,” one of the nurses instructed. She’d just given me that bullshit the doctors be wearing when they’re about to do surgery on someone. I didn’t know what was going on. All I knew was that they had my girl in there about to take the baby because they were unable to stop her contractions and she was already dilated eight and a half centimeters when she got here.

  “Oh my God, Terrean. Thank you so much for coming. Baby, I’m scared,” Teyana said with a shaky voice.

  “No need to be scared. I’m here, ma,” I let her k
now right before giving her a peck on the lips. I tried to sound calm but in reality, I was scared too. Our princess wasn’t supposed to be here for another two months and she was being born prematurely. I blamed myself for this shit. If I didn’t go off on Teyana the way I didn’t then she wouldn’t have left and I wouldn’t have been the cause of her going into labor. Fuck! I couldn’t do shit right.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. This is all my fault, Terrean. I did something bad and this is God’s way of repaying me,” Teyana cried out. “Lord, please don’t take my baby away from me,” she continued to cry. I thought it had to be the meds they gave her because she was talking out the side of her neck. What could she possible have done that bad for her to be praying for forgiveness?

  “Teyana, baby, it’s not your fault that Carla is gone. I was a jackass for blaming you. I take full responsibility for that. It’s my fault!” That was the only thing I could think of at this point. What else could she be blaming herself for?!

  “No, Terrean. I’m not talking about that.”

  What the fuck was going on? We’re supposed to be excited about our buddle of joy being brought into this world but she was crying about some shit she claimed to have done and I was feeling guilty about my cousin being killed on the same damn day my daughter was being born. Not to mention, Teyana had me wondering what the fuck she had gone and done in the short period of time she was out of my sight.

  “It’s a girl,” I heard the doctor announce as he held my princess in the air so we could see her before they rushed her out the room. She sounded as if she had strong lungs, but I prayed that she was okay. I wanted to go after her but I stayed to make sure my girl was okay.


  “This has been one long ass day,” I said more to myself as me and Sevyn sat in the waiting area of the hospital. I was growing impatient waiting on cuz to come give us the status on little sis and the baby. This shit was all bad being that it was two months before her actual due date. I had already called up my auntie to let her know what was going on; and because it was late she asked me to keep her posted and said she was hopping on a flight in the morning.


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