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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 12

by Tynessa

  “Tell me about it,” Sevyn said, never taking her eyes off her phone. I kept trying to sneak a peek, just to see if she was texting that nigga but I couldn’t see much of nothing. I knew if I asked she would give me the truth but I didn’t want to seem pressed about it. The damage was already done and I meant it when I said I thought we should go our separate ways. I loved my wife to no end but she cut me deep.

  “I’m coming to you live from Channel 2 Action News. We’re here on a crime scene on Northside Dr. where a young woman was gunned down,” the reporter spoke. I damn near fell out my seat when a photo of Jazz displayed on the screen. “Jazmine Walker had recently given birth to a healthy baby boy and was staying in this home behind me, with her longtime boyfriend, Calvin “Biggs” DeMarcus, who police have in custody for questioning.”

  Sevyn and I looked at each other with widened eyes. Who the fuck could’ve killed Jazz? I knew it wasn’t Gambino because the nigga was with us. Shit, it couldn’t have been any of us. Jazz was conniving and sneaky but I didn’t think she had any enemies here in Atlanta. She just moved her not even three months ago. Damn, this shit was fucked up. Me, personally, I didn’t feel sorry for her but I knew once Gambino heard about it he would. He might not have admitted it, but he still had love for that damn girl. Shit, she was his first love and that shit don’t go away overnight.

  “You don’t think, Teyana—” Sevyn started but I waved her off. I already knew what she was about to insinuate.

  “Hell nah. Teyana’s scary ass ain’t ‘bout that life. Now, if you wasn’t in my eyesight at the time, I probably would’ve been questioning you,” I laughed but was dead ass serious. I knew my wife was ‘bout that lifestyle. Teyana on the other hand, hell nah. I loved little sis but she was too snobbish to pull something like that.

  “Yeah, she was going into labor at the time. Damn, I wanna know who killed her, though.”

  “Shid, probably was that nigga Biggs. That’s who she fucking with,” I said. He probably realized Gambino still had her heart and just did us all a favor and offed her ass. Neither one of us said anything. I was trying to wrap my brain around the fact that someone had just killed that bitch.

  “Gambino, is everything okay? How’s the baby? How is Teyana? Can I see her?” I heard Sevyn ask all in one breathe. I looked up just as Gambino was sitting down. So many emotions were written on his face. I knew my nigga was hurt. And just to think, when he celebrated his daughter birthday, it would always be a reminder of his cousin’s death.

  Gambino sat down and ran his hand down his face before saying, “They’re both okay. Li’l mama only weighs four pounds and one ounce but she’s breathing on her own and everything. Teyana’ good too. She’s in recovery now, but it’s late and I know y’all probably won’t be able to go back there,” Gambino explained.

  “Okay, well we’ll be here bright and early. Tell her I love her and I will see her tomorrow. I can’t wait to see the baby.” Sevyn hugged Gambino. He just smiled.

  “Aight, young blood, I’ll get up with you in the AM. Kiss little mama and Teyana for me.” We embraced in a brotherly hug. After saying our goodbyes once more, we left.

  The whole ride to the house was a quiet one. Sevyn was fidgeting and shit. I don’t know why, but she seemed nervous about something. When we got there, I got out and walked her to the door. Unlocking it, I walked in and looked around. I don’t know why but I felt it was the right thing to do. She was still my wife and I was still obligated to protect her.

  “Aight, I’m out. I checked all the rooms, so you’re good,” I said, walking from the kitchen with a bag of chips. “Yo, you good?” I asked because she had an uneasy look on her face. I hoped she wasn’t about to start with all that crying shit because it wasn’t going to get me to stay with her ass.

  “I just don’t want to be here alone. Can you just stay with me tonight? Please, Zywon. I don’t feel right tonight,” she begged. Here we go with the bullshit.

  “Nah, I got something to do,” I lied. It was damn near one o’clock in the morning. I ain’t have shit to do. “I’ll be back to get you in the morning,” I let her know before walking out. Inside my car, I sat there just looking at the front door. I wanted to go back because I wasn’t feeling the nervous look upon her face. Yet, I backed out the driveway and pulled off.

  Halfway to the hotel I about to check in at, I kept seeing the scariness that was in my wife’s eyes. I busted a U-turn in the middle of the street and headed back to the direction of her house. I don’t know why, but something told me not to park in the driveway, but to park a block way. I reached in the glove compartment and retrieved the 9mm I had in there. I then reached under the driver’s seat and got the Glock.

  There was a feeling in my gut that something wasn’t right and that’s why I went inside through the basement door. I had about three locks on that door and I had all three keys. Mothafuckas had to have special equipment to get in this door. Once I was in, I walked up the stairs that led to the door to get to the main level of the house.

  “I gave you more than enough time to leave that nigga,” I heard a guy’s voice say. I didn’t know who the nigga was nor did I care. My main concern was, was Sevyn planning on leaving me for this nigga? At this moment I was ready to blow both their brains out. Putting my hand on the knob, I was about ready to open the door and go in blasting. That was until I heard Sevyn speak up.

  “Bryan, I keep telling you that I will never leave my husband for you. What we shared was nothing compared to what me and Zy have.”

  I just stood there listening. How did this nigga even get in my house? That was what I wanted to know. However, I didn’t want to make my presence known just yet. I wanted to hear how this shit was about to play out.

  “You can learn to love me. Please, baby, just give us a chance.”

  I heard what sounded like a smack before Sevyn yelled out, “Don’t touch me! Why won’t you just leave me alone? Gosh! You’re fucking psycho. Who still breaks in people houses? I’m calling the fucking cops.” Right when Sevyn said that I heard tussling.

  “Bitch, I’m sick of playing these fucking games with you!”

  Click! Click!

  “Mothafucka’, I wish you would!” I walked into the living room and this son-of-a-bitch had the nerve to have his left hand around my wife’s neck while his right one was drawn back as if he was about to punch the shit out of her. Nigga had the game fucked up!

  I didn’t say shit as I took my Glock and beat him with it, repeatedly. I took all my frustration out on him. I couldn’t physically hurt Sevyn so I took the shit out of this mothafucka’. Shit, we were good until this nigga came into the picture anyways.

  “Zywon, stop. You’re going to kill him,” I heard Sevyn cry out while pulling on my shirt. That was my point! I wanted this nigga dead. However, I finally snapped out my trance momentarily. Yeah, I wanted him dead and I could’ve killed his ass, but I wanted to use him as an example. I wanted niggas to look at his ass and know what happened when you crossed Zywon. This nigga was gonna look in the mirror and think twice about fucking up someone else’s happy home.

  “You know, I could kill your punk ass right now?!” I said to him. I was mad as fuck.

  “Please, please. I will disappear. Just don’t kill me.” This pussy ass nigga cried like a bitch. I didn’t have no sympathy for his punk ass. I whacked him in the nose with the butt of the gun, breaking his shit.

  “And this the mothafucka’ you cheated on me with?” I asked Sevyn in disbelief. I couldn’t believe this shit. I thought maybe she would’ve upgraded. Her ass was lame as hell for fucking with a lame. They belonged together.

  “Please. Just let me go to the hospital. I promise, you have my word that I will stay out y’all lives. This will be the last of me. It’s not worth losing my life,” he continued to beg. I looked at his ass in disgust before spitting in his face and walking out the front door. I left Sevyn and that cry baby ass nigga right there in the living room. Fuck both of them!
br />   Chapter 14


  I had been laying in the bed for two damn days grieving when I wasn’t tending to my son. I was taking Jazz’s death hard. Gambino had been trying to reach out to me but I wasn’t accepting his calls. Fuck him! He didn’t have shit to say to me pertaining her death. Jazz’s body was sent to Jersey yesterday, where her family was making funeral arrangements. I told them nothing was off limits. I wanted my baby to go out in style. I’m talking horses and shit carrying her casket and all. I was about to be sitting pretty on Gambino’s money so I knew I would be able to afford it.

  I dragged myself out of bed as my little man was crying. He was the spitting image of me but had his mother’s almond shaped eyes. I got little man fed and dressed before getting myself ready. We were flying out to Jersey and I wasn’t trying to miss this flight. This shit was hard but it was a move I had to make. I was dropping my son off with Jazz’s parents and coming back to Atlanta to get things popping. I was sick of playing around with Gambino. I wanted to go ahead and end his life so Jazz could rest in peace. The sooner the better.

  When I arrived at Jazz’s parents’ house, they met me at the door. “Oh Calvin, what happened? Who would do this to my baby?” her mother cried as she fell into my arms. I had the carrier in one hand and her sobbing in the other. That was until Jazz’s father took the baby.

  “I don’t know why he would do something like this,” I said. Ms. Josephine had never liked me. I mean, this lady hated the ground I walked on. But her ass would kiss the ground Gambino walked on after he had just stepped in a pile of shit. I just didn’t understand what it was about the nigga that these bitches loved so much, Jazz included.

  “He? Who is he? I told Jazmine over and over about running with you thugs. Where was Terrean when this happened? Why wasn’t he protecting my baby?” she continued to cry. I started to push her old ass up off of me.

  “He was too busy shooting at her!” I damn near yelled at her. Questioning me about that fuck ass nigga. I was pissed.

  “What?” she asked confusedly. “No, no, Terrean, wouldn’t hurt my baby.” She shook her head repeatedly from left to right, not believing a word I had just said.

  “It was him and that’s the reason he wasn’t there to protect her because he was too busy blowing her fucking brains out!” With that I walked out the door. Yes, I knew I was wrong for saying that to her, but fuck her and her old ass husband. Once I handle my business in Atlanta, I was taking my baby and going to Jamaica or somewhere.

  I called up Tyriq’s bitch ass when I got in the car. He was number one on my hit list to kill off, but I wanted to get him and Gambino together and kill two birds with one stone. I was on a fucking mission and wasn’t stopping until I succeeded.

  “Damn, nigga, that’s fucked up what happened to Jazz,” he answered, not even saying hello.

  “Yeah, it is what it is. We all have to go someday, right?” I said as I looked up at the sky. Damn, I couldn’t believe my shorty was gone. I loved that damn girl to the fucking moon and back.

  “Yeah. You know I killed that bitch, Carla.” The crazy ass nigga sounded like he was bragging about that shit. I already knew it and thought the nigga was a bitch for beating that damn girl like that. “Man, I beat the fuck out of her ass. That crazy bitch was stalking my fiancée.”

  “What damn fiancée?” I asked. “Shid, Gambino got that bitch on lock and you still calling her your fiancée?! You might as well give that shit up, my dude.” I laughed at his ass. I knew I was pissing him off by throwing that in his face. Just like me, Tyriq hated Gambino’s guts.

  “Fuck him!” I heard shit falling in his background. Ain’t no telling what he had done so I didn’t even ask his crazy ass. “That’s why I beat his damn cousin to death. That was a warning. His ass is next.” I smiled because that was music to my ears.

  “You know he’s the one that killed Jazz,” I felt the need to let him know that to get my plan into motion. So far everything was going good. I wanted to piss Tyriq off to the extreme where he would want to find Gambino and murk him himself.

  “Word? Yeah, that nigga got to go!”

  “Yeah, then maybe you can get your fiancée back after she done,” I laughed, continuing to piss him off.

  “I am getting that bitch back! Just might kill her ass when I do and skip town with my son. Ain’t shit here in GA for me, anyways.” Tyriq and I chatted for a little while longer, going over our plan until I finally made it to the airport. He offered to pick me up once I landed but I had my own ride parked there. I was just ready to land, call up Gambino and put this shit into action.


  I couldn’t believe someone had actually killed Jazz. When Zywon told me yesterday morning that she was dead, it was so surreal. Though she had fucked over me repeatedly, I still had love for her. I mean, the chick was my first love. I wasn’t in love with her because Teyana had my heart but I still loved her, nonetheless. There was difference. When you love a person as much as I loved Jazz at one point in my life, that shit doesn’t go away overnight, no matter how much you try to pretend the love isn’t there.

  I’m not going to say I was happy that she would no longer be a problem in my life but I wasn’t that fucked up over it, either. I was even considering letting her live. I didn’t want to walk around feeling guilty and having her death on my hands like with Carla. I mean, Jazz was someone’s mother now. However, I was killing that nigga Biggs. That shit there was a definite. I had been trying to reach out to that fuck nigga, only because I still needed him to reel Tyriq in for me. His ass was acting like a bitch, though and I thought I was gonna have to go on a scavenger hunt for his ass. That was until he called me.

  “So how her parents holding up?” I asked. I was sitting in Teyana’s hospital room with Camari. Her and my mama was in the NICU seeing the baby. She was doing good and from the looks of it she would be coming home in about a week or two. I couldn’t wait. I knew one thing; I was getting the fuck out of Georgia.

  “That’s good,” was all I said. I didn’t want to be the one that brought up the whole Tyriq situation so I waited for him to.

  “So, how soon do you want to get this shit cracking? I need to get back to my Calvin Jr.” he said. I think he was trying to rub the fact that Jazz’s baby was his in my face as if I really gave a damn. Shit, I had my own baby with the woman that was going to wear my last name.

  “Shid, I’m ready ASAP. Just like you, I have a family to tend to, so the sooner we get this shit done, the better,” I responded.

  “Well I’m on my way to that one warehouse on Fulton Industrial Blvd. Just meet me there then we can go ahead and pop up on that nigga. I know all his hangout spots. I’ve been watching and studying his every move,” said Biggs. The nigga thought he was really running things. Little did he know, I knew he was full of shit. Nonetheless, I was going to meet his ass though. Just so he could think the ball was in his hands.

  “A’ight. Be there in an hour. One.” I hung up as Teyana and my mama were walking back into the room. They were laughing and talking and I couldn’t think of nothing but how much I loved those two.

  “The nurse said Terriena might be able to go home next week. Her fat butt is gaining a lot of weight,” Teyana said.

  “I know. I feed her greedy butt every time I go in there,” I laughed. “Aye, ma. I have to run out and handle some shit right quick, but I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  Teyana looked over and my mom before looking back at me. She already knew what time it was.

  “Terrean, please, just let it go. We need you. You have a newborn now,” she plead. Teyana didn’t understand how deep this shit was. This shit went deeper than paying Tyriq back for beating her ass or Biggs for betraying me. Those mothafuckas kept feeling the need to test my gangsta’. I knew for a fact that we weren’t going to live a happy life unless they were out the picture.

  “Ma, everything is good. I promise I’ll make it back to you and my kids.” I kissed her l
ips. One moment Teyana wanted Tyriq dead; now she was talking about let it go. Fuck that.

  “Terrean, now don’t you go out getting yourself into no trouble,” my mom said. I smiled as I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. I then kissed Camari on his forehead and promised them that I would be back and they had nothing to worry about. I just hoped I lived up to my promises.


  Walking into the warehouse, I felt some shit was about to go down. I didn’t trust this nigga, Biggs and I knew he was trying to set me up. But I came on out anyways. I just wanted to do the pleasure of killing, Tyriq. Whether I made it out dead or alive, Teyana wasn’t gonna have to worry about his ass anymore.

  When I walked around the corner, Biggs was standing there with his gun drawn on Tyriq. Tyriq didn’t look fazed at all. The nigga was standing there with a smirk on his face. I knew the whole thing was a set up but I played along.

  “Well, well, well, just the mothafucka’ I been looking for.” I walked over and punched his ass right in the eye. I don’t know what happened, but I had done zoned out and couldn’t stop the punches that connected to his face. He tried swinging back but he was no match. Finally he gave up and tried to guard his face. Once he was on the ground I started stomping his ass out while Biggs stood back watching. He was enjoying the show.

  I took the pistol from the small of my back and said nothing as I emptied the clip on his bitch ass. I then turned towards Biggs and he had his gun drawn on me, as I suspected. I just smiled.

  “I knew your snake ass would do that. You failed your mission the first two times you and Jazz tried to have me killed. You really think you have a shot this time, don’t you?” I asked him. He clenched his teeth and gripped his gun tighter.


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