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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 13

by Tynessa

  “Why did you have to kill her, Gambino? She didn’t deserve it,” Biggs asked with a shaky voice. What was he talking about?

  “Kill who? I ain’t kill nobody,” I responded confused. It had been a while since I actually killed someone, let alone a female, so who was he talking about?

  “Jazz!” he bellowed. “I saw your car that night. I was looking out the window. You pulled up, said something to her then shot her.”

  I stood there in disbelief. The night that Jazz was shot, I was at Zywon’s house.

  “Teyana,” I whispered. I couldn’t believe Teyana had actually killed Jazz. That good girl role she was playing was all an act. I knew one day my baby was going to snap. That shit gave me a hard on, just thinking the possibility of my baby being gangsta’. I was in deep thought when all of a sudden I heard a gunshot and felt a burning sensation shoot up my arm.

  “Fuck!” I grabbed my arm where the bullet had went in and out.

  “Answer me ,bitch!” Biggs screamed. Shit, I didn’t even hear the question he had asked. I smiled at Biggs as I tilted my head to the side. He was such a bitch.

  “Fuck you!” I said then on cue his body began jerking from the bullets Zywon was pumping into his body. That’s right, I already knew how the shit was going to play out. I knew because, thanks to both Biggs and Tyriq’s dumb asses, I was able to tap their phones. I heard all their conversations and knew what was going to go down when we got to the warehouse today. I called up my right hand, Zywon, and like always he was ready to put in work.



  Gambino was mad at me for a few days after he figured out that I was the one that killed Jazz. At first I was pissed because I thought that he was mad that I killed her but then I had to put myself in his shoes. I put me and my unborn child at risk and that was selfish of me.

  We were back in a good space and I couldn’t have been happier. The doctor stayed true to her word and Terriena was released from the hospital a few weeks after I had her. She had gotten her weight up to seven pounds and six ounces, and that was her expected weight at birth so she was all clear. Even though she had been born two months early, she was born healthy and with no major issues, and for that I was grateful. I just knew that killing Jazz that night and me going into early labor was karma.

  While I was in the hospital, I got the call from Tyriq’s mother informing me that he had been killed and it looked as though it was a lovers’ quarrel type of thing. He was killed along with another man who I found out later to be Biggs. It seems that the only thing that connected the three together was Jazz. The police labeled her case a ‘lovers’ quarrel gone wrong’ and closed it. I didn’t want to go to his funeral, but I wanted to allow Camari to pay his final respects to his father. It took some begging but I also got Tyriq’s mother to go. She was adamant about not being there. She was still hurt by the fact that her own son had almost killed her.

  Gambino and I had just moved into our new home. It was a four-bedroom, two-bathroom two-story townhome. It was something nice and simple for us to raise our kids in. Camari was being a great big brother. He was very protective of Terriena. He and Terrean were inseparable at times and I love the bond they share. I thought that Camari would have a different attitude once his father was killed, but surprisingly he only cried when I told him. I knew he was young and didn’t really understand what was going on yet, but I did notice the relaxed look he now always had.

  “Terrean, can you hang these pictures in the family room?” He didn’t answer me, instead I felt him wrapping his arms around my waist and sticking his nose in the nape of my neck. His Paul Sebastian cologne invaded my nostrils and had my pussy dripping. I still had two weeks to go before I was cleared for sex and he was killing me.

  “Anything for the future Mrs. Rose,” he said, kissing my neck. His lips felt so good and had me ready to say fuck the doctors’ orders. He picked up the box of pictures and headed to the living room with them. Terriena started crying so I headed upstairs to her room and when I got up there Camari was already in there, rubbing her back and softly singing the Let it Go song from the Frozen sound track to her. I don’t know why he loved that movie so much; I still didn’t understand it. It was calming her down though. I went to check her diaper and seeing that she was dry, I figured she was probably hungry so I made her a bottle. Once I got her fed I laid her back down and went to get Camari ready for bed. Once that was all done, me and Gambino got cozy on the couch and enjoyed our night.

  “Baby, I will never regret the day that I ran into you in that hotel. That day changed my life forever and we have been through the worst of the worst and managed to stand strong through it all. I love you more than I could ever tell you and I am looking forward to starting our new life,” Gambino whispered in my ear.

  “I love you too, baby. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I can’t see myself without you.”


  Gambino and Zywon finally opened up their new restaurant and lounge. The renovations on the place took longer than expected but the grand opening was set for a week from today. I wanted to get with Sevyn to do some shopping but I didn’t know if she would even be willing to go.

  Ever since Zywon beat the shit out of her lover Bryan and moved out the house, trying to get her to do anything was almost impossible. She would barely get out of bed some days and either myself or Zywon would have to come and force her to eat, shower and go to her appointments.

  I decided that I would go and pop up on Sevyn and see if I could drag her out the house. when I got to the house I saw that Zywon was there as well. I figured he probably had the same thoughts as me. I got out and headed to the front door but before I could knock, he was swinging it open on his way out.

  “Hey, sis. How my god-baby doing?”

  “She good. How is Sevyn?”

  “She will be okay. I’m moving out though. I can’t look at her without picturing her with another nigga.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I just shook my head. I mean, who was I to judge when I myself had cheated and helped Gambino cheat on his girlfriend? I hated to see them go through this because they were definitely what we would call a power couple.

  I walked in the house and Sevyn was sitting on the couch fumbling with her hands. I walked over and sat down with her and that’s when she allowed the tears to fall. I hated to see her in this state. She began to rub her growing belly and asking God why this had to happen to her.

  I decided against going shopping. I got up and went and ran her a bath and got her some pajamas to put on. Once I got the tub filled I went downstairs and had her get up and I helped her upstairs. I told her to get in the tub and then I went down to get dinner started for her. By the time I got upstairs with a plate of spaghetti for her, she was climbing in the bed. She grabbed her plate and took a few bites. She pushed the plate away so I moved it out her way and once she laid down and got comfortable, I climbed in bed with her and let her lay on my shoulder and cry all her pain out. No words needed to be spoken. She was my sister and I was gonna help her through this. I had faith that Zywon just needed time to think and he would be back. His love for Sevyn was stronger than gorilla glue.


  For more than two months Gambino and I took turns taking care of Sevyn and checking on her. She was taking this breakup hard but Zywon was standing his ground. I talked to him a few times and she really broke his heart. He was going through just as much pain as she was. I had suggested on a few occasions that he consider going to counseling because their baby was due in less than two months and they weren’t even on speaking terms yet. Everything went through me and Gambino and I was getting tired. I had my own family I needed to tend to.

  Zywon finally agreed and they would be attending their first session in a few days. Me and Gambino discussed marriage but decided that we would get our relationship started the right way and then work our way to marriage.

  Things were finally back on track for
everyone and I was happy about that and ready to enjoy life with my babies and the love of my life. Through all the trials and tribulations I was dealt in life, to be with the man of my dreams, have my son and daughter and the perfect man to be their father, I wouldn’t trade any of this for nothing.

  ***Love, Laugh and Live Life***

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