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Page 17

by Eddie Cleveland

  “Not possible, whatever you two did I bet I have ya beat on the humiliation front,” I laugh.

  “No, trust me. We were dumb girls who did dumb things. Let’s just leave it at that, okay?” She gives me a look from the corner of her eye as she takes another sip of her drink.

  I could leave it at that. Sure. That’s totally possible. But where’s the fun in that? You never learn more about a smoking hot girl like Skylar by leaving things be.

  “I’ll tell ya what, I’ll tell you my most embarrassing story and you tell me yours. Like I said,” I puff up with confidence, “I know I’ve got ya beat.”

  “Is that right?” She giggles and twists her long red hair around her finger as her eyes sparkle. “All right then, let’s hear it,” she smiles at me with no reservation this time and I’m pretty sure my heart just stopped for a second.

  “Okay, so many lifetimes ago, I was in the Navy. That’s what a bunch of these tattoos are about,” I vaguely point at my arms and knuckles as Skylar’s gaze licks my flesh.

  “Makes sense,” she answers.

  “Yeah, and in the Navy there are a lot of ports where you have to be back on the ship by midnight. They call it Cinderella leave,” I explain.

  “Oh, cause if you don’t you turn into a pumpkin or something?” She laughs.

  “More like you get charged, which means you pay a fine and could lose your privileges in the next port,” I take another drink.

  “Oh, that would suck,” Skylar sympathizes and takes a swig of her own.

  “Yeah, it does. So anyway, it was my first big sail and we went to Melbourne, Australia. Fantastic city, loved it. My buddy and I didn’t really keep track of the time because the clubs are open crazy late over there. So, we get back to the ship and it’s almost two hours after curfew,” I can’t help but stare at her as I tell my story. I can’t convince my eyes to look away from a woman that makes my body feel like an unruly teenager and makes my heart swoon like some kind of newlywed.

  “Oh no, that’s not good,” she tilts her head, “so you got in trouble?”

  The way her mouth is parted, just a little makes me want to sweep my arm across the table and let the beer crash to the ground. I want to grab her and kiss her. I want to pull her up on this flimsy bar table and kiss every inch of her, right here and right now.

  “Huh?” I try to remember what she just said. “Oh, uh, no not at that moment anyway. So, my buddy decided he was gonna cross the brow and take his punishment. Done deal. He fucked up. He pays the price. Not this guy,” I point to thumbs at my chest and shake my head.

  “What did you do?” She blinks her bright green eyes at me and I’m transfixed.

  “I, um, so I decided I was going to sneak back on the ship and get to my bunk and claim that the Quartermaster made a mistake and just never saw me come aboard. Remember, I was pretty hammered, so this all made great sense to me,” I continue. “I went to one of the lines tied to the dock at the back of the ship and tried to climb up it. I was doing a great job of it too, I made it right up to the side of the ship and my head hit something hard and cold,” I chuckle at the memory and take another drink of my beer.

  “Was it the ship?” Skylar is leaning in now, eager to hear what happened next.

  “No, no, not the ship. You see, we had these things called rat guards. They’re like these metal sheets you secure around the ropes to keep rats from climbing up onto the ship.”

  “Ewww,” she crinkles her nose again and I can’t help but smile.

  “Yeah, so in my drunken state, I forgot they were there and I got all tangled up in it. I’m trying to climb over this thing but just got twisted in the ropes and the line and am yelling for help when this huge spotlight shines in my face and the ship security guys rush over to me thinking I’m some kind of psycho intruder or worse.”

  “Oh my God, what happened?” She laughs loudly.

  “I fell in the water. Plop!” I hit the table dramatically. “My shipmates had to pull my drunk ass out of there and so I got pulled into the Captain’s cabin, soaking wet, hammered and freezing trying to plead my case.”

  “Did you get charged or whatever?” Skylar seems to forget she’s even got a beer, all of her focus in on me. I can’t say I mind one bit.

  “Oh yeah. But the best part was I earned a nickname that night that stuck with me for the rest of my time in,” I smirk.


  “Rat’s nest,” I admit. “And when I say it was my nickname I mean that’s all anyone called me. Like from my buddies to the Captain, it just stuck. So I always got to remember my most humiliating moment for the rest of my time in the Navy,” I chuckle.

  “Nice,” she giggles and I feel happy to have lifted her spirits.

  “See, so your story can’t be worse than that, can it?” I egg her on.

  “Well, maybe. I’m not sure. It’s not that different really.”

  I’m curious. What kind of wild streak is hiding under those killer curves? What kind of secret badass am I dealing with. “Go on,” I push her to continue.

  “Okay, well, it was almost time for us to graduate high school and Sara had a party. Her parents were out of town so it was a lot of drinking and craziness, but once it wound down she suggested that her and I and a couple of guys we were kind of seeing at the time go to our high school and climb up to the roof to smoke a joint.” She looks up at me innocently. I have a hard time picturing her drunk let alone high, but I’m interested to hear her story.

  “So, we get there and smoke up and kind of go to opposite sides of the roof to, well, you know,” she gets squirmy in her seat and looks down at the table.

  “No, what?” I love seeing her blush. I know I’ve only just met her, but I already know that it’s something I love about her.

  “Well, to make out, or whatever,” she practically whispers.

  “My land!” I grasp my chest like she just exploded my chest with shock. “Not to make out!”

  “Shhh,” she swats my hand and giggles. I won’t tell her that there’s a small part of me that’s jealous of the guy who was so lucky. That would be weird, right? Right.

  “Anyway, so, I was just up there in my panties and the guy was in his underwear,” she continues.

  “Wow that’s quite the make-out,” my jealousy flares up a little. Ridiculous. Get it under control.

  “Yeah, anyway, all of a sudden we hear sirens and see red lights flashing. We all jump up and stare down at a couple of fire trucks right below and a cop car,” she covers her face with embarrassment.

  “Busted,” I grin and take another drink.

  “Yup, someone ratted us out. Uh, no offense,” she looks at me from under her lashes.

  “No offense? What? You think anything about rats is my thing now? Come on,” I sigh dramatically.

  “Okay, sorry rat’s nest, you’re right. Anyway, so everyone scatters, but I’m such a chicken shit, I just freeze. No top on. No pants or bra, just frozen to the spot while Sara and the guys scatter like… well, you know,” her eyes twinkle slyly up at me.


  “Yep.” She takes another sip of her beer. “So, I’m frantically looking around for my clothes, but I’m high as hell and can’t find them or remember what part of the roof I took them off and the fire truck is sending someone up to get me. You know, with the bucket thingy.”

  “Oh no,” I genuinely gasp.

  “Yeah, exactly. The firefighter gets to the top and I’m practically naked when he saves me and this is all bad enough right?”

  “Definitely,” I agree.

  “Right, but it gets worse, because when the bucket comes down and they release me to the cops, the guy takes off his helmet and I see it’s my old youth pastor.”


  “Yes,” her voice creaks with humiliation and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Wow, yeah, that’s pretty bad. I don’t feel like rat’s nest is that big a deal anymore to be honest,” I laugh and she joins in.
/>   “Shut up!” She smacks me playfully.

  I’m not sure if I started staring at her or if she was the one who locked eyes with me first, but neither of us can look away from each other. The pub around us becomes a distant background of hums and clinks. Like sounds from another life revisiting us in a dream. Not like we’re sitting right in the middle of it. All I can see, all I want to see, is her.

  “Excuse me? Did you guys want another pitcher?” The hostess rips us from our trance and back to reality.

  I raise an eyebrow and glance back over at Skylar. I’m down to do whatever she wants.

  “No,” she answers, “thank you though.” The hostess nods and walks away. “Ryder?”


  “I’m ready now.”

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  * * *

  Chapter 5 - Skylar

  I walk back into Ryder’s tattoo studio, well, march is more like it. I’m trying not to let my nerves about getting my very first tattoo get to me. I feel like if I can force myself to keep my head high and walk with purpose then maybe I can trick my mind into believing I’m brave enough to go through with this.

  “Okay, I’m gonna get this ready on a transfer sheet. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” he motions toward the luxurious looking parlor chair. “Do you know where you want to get this?” He looks up at me and my breath hitches in my throat. His steely eyes hold me captive as a warmth blooms through me from my stomach and downward until my pussy is wet with desire. I fight the urge to tell him that he’s more than welcome to put “it” anywhere he wants. I bite my tongue, shocked at my own thoughts. Where did that come from?

  “Um, yeah, on my shoulder blade. The right one,” I awkwardly point to the spot, twisting my arm around unnecessarily, like some kind of human pretzel. I guess it’s only suiting since Ryder has me all tied in knots on the inside too.

  “Sure, so let me just adjust this seat,” he steps into me, his torso presses against mine and I can smell his musk. I look up at his lips and wish I was just a little taller so I could stand on my tip-toes and kiss him. I love how he towers over me though. There’s something about being a shorter girl that makes you feel like you’ve got to prove to the world that you’re tougher than you look. I think that’s why you see so many chicks who hover around the five-foot mark who have attitude to spare. I always envied them, the way they carried themselves tall despite their true height. My five-foot-one frame has always left me feeling a little vulnerable. However, when Ryder stands so close to me, when he looks down at me like this, it feels like those anxieties can finally rest. Like I’m safe with him. Protected.

  “Sorry, I just need to reach the lever here,” he brushes past me and the space between our bodies feels like lonely miles. How is it possible that the air can feel so much colder when he’s only a couple of feet away?

  Ryder adjusts the seat so it’s more like a massage table and smiles back at me. “Okay, you’ll need to take off the shirt and bra and lie down,” his eyes travel over my large cleavage before flickering back up to meet mine. “I’ll turn around and give you some privacy,” he twists on his heel and grabs the transfer paper, waiting for me to get ready.

  I quickly slip out of the clothes, sort of wishing he wasn’t such a gentleman. I mean, I can appreciate that he needs to be professional, of course, but the burning lust building inside me is wishing he’d make an exception.

  I lie down on the table and shiver at the chill of the leather against my skin.

  “Okay, are you ready?” Ryder places the sheet on my shoulder and smooths a cloth over it.

  “I think so,” my voice squeaks unconvincingly.

  “Wait, you’re not a virgin, are you?”

  “What?” I can feel my entire body blush furiously.

  “I meant a tattoo virgin,” he backpedals. “Like this is the first tattoo you’ve ever gotten, not like… ugh. Never mind,” he sighs.

  I can’t help but laugh at how flustered he is. It almost makes us even for how red he just made me turn. Almost.

  “Yes,” I answer honestly, “to both.” The last part is barely a whisper.

  “Really? Oh, wow, okay.”

  “Yeah, it’s not something I talk about, but anyway, I’m ready to change that now,” I let him guess which virginity I’m talking about.

  “Okay, take a deep breath and relax, I’m going to start now,” I can feel the weight of his hand on my shoulder and I close my eyes imagining those strong hands flipping me over on this table and taking what I want to be his.

  The first zap of the needle gun makes my eyelids spring back open with surprise. It’s not as sharp of a pain as I expected, more like a burning ache.

  “You okay?” He checks in with me. Like I said, gentleman.

  “I’m good,” I answer through gritted teeth and the buzzing noise continues as he keeps going.

  My thoughts drift back to the crazy times I had with Sara. She would get a kick out of this. When she got her first tattoo, I was there as support and she kept trying to convince me to get one with her. I was too chicken though. I think she’d really like that I decided to honor her this way.

  I push down my swirling emotions and listen to the buzz of the needle gun. There’s something soothing about the noise. It reassures me that I’m making the right decision, about the tattoo and the man.

  “Alright, almost,” his hand presses down harder as he fills in something. “There, it’s all done,” I feel him wipe a cloth over my angry skin. “Wanna see?”

  “Yes!” I jump off the table, forgetting that I’m half naked for a second and rush over to the mirror, twisting my head to strain to see over my shoulder.

  Ryder doesn’t move, his eyes are exploring my exposed curves as I soak in his artwork. “It looks gorgeous,” I smile, “it’s perfect.”

  “You’re perfect,” he closes the gap between us and presses his frame against me. Before I can wish for a kiss, his lips crush mine, and our tongues dance against each other passionately. Ryder turns me around and, without breaking our kiss, walks me backward toward the table I was just lying on. It hits the back of my legs and I collapse back onto it and Ryder climbs on top of me. Between the rush of endorphins I have swimming around inside me from getting my first tattoo and the burning passion and ache between my legs to experience another first, I don’t even feel the pain of the tattoo as he pins me on my back.

  Ryder strips his shirt off and kisses a trail down my neck as I sigh with satisfaction. His lips trail down to my breasts and he gently licks a slow circle around my nipple before sucking it into his mouth. I can’t help the noises escaping my mouth. The little mewls and moans that rush from my mouth as he makes me drenched with desire.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Ryder runs his hands over my plump skin, making me feel the truth in his words as his eyes are filled with pure lust.

  “I want you, Ryder. I want you to be my first,” I manage to confess, my voice husky. My body is trembling with need. I need to feel him touch me, kiss me, lick me, fuck me. I need to feel his cock inside me. I need him to fill me up and make me his.

  “Are you sure, Skylar? You’ve had a crazy day and you were drinking, I don’t want to do anything you will regret,” he locks me in his intense gaze again and I nod.

  “I’m sure. I only had one beer, and yeah, it’s been a crazy day, but in all the best ways. I need this. I need you,” my voice is tight as I practically beg him to continue.

  He tilts his head as he looks for the truth in my words and then nods. Before I have a chance to say another thing he kisses me again, and this time I can taste his intentions on his tongue. This time, I know he’s going to fuck me.

  * * *

  Chapter 6 - Ryder

  My hand tangles in her fiery hair and I tug it back, making her expose her creamy neck to me. I kiss and nibble a path across her jawline and give her another tantalizing kiss before continuing down her dainty neck. Skylar sighs like she’s already on the
brink of an orgasm. Like just my kisses are enough to send her over the edge.

  I let go of her hair and push her tits up together tasting each rosy nipple as I watch her cheeks burn and her eyes squeeze shut. If she thinks this feels good, she’s in for a real treat. Or at least I am. I like to think of it as dessert.

  I drag my tongue over her supple skin, blazing a trail to her untouched pussy. I can smell her desire, it’s intoxicating, making my already stiff cock rock hard.

  I reach her jeans and unbutton them. As I tug the zipper down, Skylar lifts her hips, trying to help me as I yank them over her legs and toss them to the floor. I slide off the chair and bury my head between her legs, hooking my finger onto the edge of her baby blue panties, I get a glimpse of her wet, neatly trimmed pussy, begging to be eaten. I let out a deep, guttural groan and pull her panties down her legs, letting her finish the job by kicking them off her ankles while I settle between her thighs.

  I can hear her breathing quicken and she threads her fingers into my hair, knocking my beanie to the ground. “Please,” her voice is pure urgency.

  I press my index finger along her entrance and am amazed by how wet she is. Her slick nectar coats my finger and I slide it in my mouth, licking it off.

  “You taste good,” my voice is thick with need.

  “Please don’t tease me,” she gyrates her hips up from the flattened chair to meet my face. I can’t resist any longer, I pin her legs open, digging my fingers into her plump thighs and delve my tongue into her folds. Skylar jumps a bit, probably overwhelmed by the sensation, but I can’t stop or slow down. I need to taste her. I need to take her there. I need to make her cum.

  I lick her slit in long, unrushed strokes before circling around her sensitive nub. She mewls and drives her other hand into my hair as I flicker my tongue over her relentlessly.

  I look up her body, up her round tummy to her even larger breasts. There’s something about her full figure that brings out my primal urge to flip her over and fuck her until her pussy is dripping with my cum and I’m sure I put a baby in that belly. She’s so sensual, so womanly, my cock painfully throbs against the restraint of my pants as I try to push away the thought and concentrate on her pleasure.


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