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Page 18

by Eddie Cleveland

  I thrash my tongue over her clit with abandon, fuelled by the urges I’m failing to suppress. I need to hear her scream. I need to taste her cum on my tongue. I need to watch her face contort with the bliss of an orgasm I’m giving her. Skylar’s muscles tighten and she drops her hands, balling them up tight.

  “Oh, Oh! Ryder! I’m gonna…” her words turn into squeals as I swirl my tongue over her. Skylar’s nectar coats my tongue as she trembles and quivers with her orgasm.

  When she stops, I stand up and look down at her. I love how she looks right now, like I just opened a door she’s only ever peeked through the keyhole of. Her eyes are full of wonder as she bites her lip and looks up at me.

  “Do you still want to keep going?” I double check that she hasn’t had any second thoughts on this.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything,” she smiles. I grab my wallet from my back pocket and slip a condom from inside before quickly discarding my jeans and underwear on the floor in a sea of fabric.

  I hear Skylar gasp when I reveal my cock to her. I’ve heard women say it’s bigger than they’re used to, and they weren’t virgins. I know I’ll have to start slow with her, but she’ll get used to my girth.

  I climb back up into the chair and hold the base of my cock as I slide it up and down her pussy, using her cum as lubricant. “I’ll go slow, okay?”

  Skylar looks up from under her lashes and nods, “I’m ready,” she whispers.

  I push the tip inside her and she throws her head back with a groan. I can’t help the growl that comes from my lips as I feel her pussy contract around just the first inch of my cock. I knew she’d be tight, but holy fuck!

  I pull back out and slide in again, further, and back out. Each time I push a little further until I meet her body's resistance. I press into her slowly, but firmly as Skylar’s eyes grow wide and her nails dig into my shoulder blades.

  “The painful part is almost over, I swear,” I push harder still and thrust inside her fully, burying myself to the hilt in her tight, wet pussy.


  “Are you okay?” I look down at her.

  “It’s okay now,” she reassures me, “don’t keep going so easy on me.”

  “You have no idea how hard it is to hold back,” I confess.

  “Then don’t,” she purrs.

  I grab her arms and pin them over her head and fuck her harder, plunging inside her fully, without hesitation or restraint. Skylar cries out with pleasure, “Oh yeah, fuck me Ryder!”

  I pump into her harder, filling her tight pussy with every inch of my fat cock. I can feel her untouched walls squeeze down on me, milking me as I fuck her even harder.

  “Oh my God! Yes!” She screams and I let go of her hands, instead I grab and tug her hair back as her fingernails drag down my back, marking me as hers just as I’m marking her as mine.

  I don’t hold anything back, thrusting into her relentlessly until white hot bliss rushes through me. My cum spurts into the condom as my orgasm overtakes me. I grunt and use my arms to support me so I don’t collapse onto her as my cock twitches inside her.

  “Wow, that was incredible,” she lifts her head and kisses me.

  “You’re incredible,” I answer honestly and grab the base of the condom and pull out of her. The rubber is streaked with proof of her virginity and I quickly discard it in the trash and join her back on the tattoo chair. Skylar snuggles into me and I rub my hand over her hair as I pull her close.

  “Now what?” She murmurs.

  “Now, well, whatever you want,” I let my fingers trail over her soft skin.

  “I want more of that,” she teases me.

  “Lucky for you, the night is young,” I smile.

  “I don’t just mean tonight. I want more of that, and more of you, more of all of this.” She confesses.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” I nibble her ear.

  “Mmmm, if you keep doing that you’re gonna get me going again,” she looks up at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “That’s the whole idea,” I murmur, flicking my tongue over her earlobe playfully. As I run my hands over her body I realize how much I’m looking forward to more of us.


  If you liked it when it was short you’ll love it when it’s long. That’s why I included ‘American Bad Boy’ my debut full length novel. I look forward to hearing what you think. -Eddie

  You can check out my complete catalogue here.

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  American Bad Boy





  We cheer in unison to the OutCast song blaring over the loudspeakers. Surrounded by a circle of my closest friends, breaking it down in gowns that are preparing us for future bridesmaid duty. I can’t believe how much fun I’m having. I look over at Becky and she’s shaking her little money maker in wild abandon. She’s in her glory right now. After months of us trying to derail her visions for our prom night theme, it finally came together. And, I’ve got to admit, it looks spectacular.

  When she first started pushing for a “Fairy-tale” theme at the council meetings, I rolled my eyes harder than anyone else. In all fairness though, her first pitch really wasn’t the best. Thankfully, we did manage to evolve her Disney princess idea from one that gave me a horrible flashback of my childhood fear of Mickey Mouse into the stunning setting we are dancing in now. The white, silver and teal blue balloons are tied in clusters and hung from the ceiling to look like magical clouds. At least they do under this low light. And the miles of silky fabric hung around the room transformed the Colorado Golf Club into a dreamlike stage for the class of 2004 to dance the night away in.

  It feels like everything came together tonight so perfectly, it might as well be a fairytale. Just a week ago, I was crying in my doctor’s office over an ear infection that had me so dizzy I was convinced I’d never make it to the prom tonight, let alone dance at it. I sobbed like a four-year-old lost in a department store when Dr. Klebes confirmed that I would need a day off from school and a round of antibiotics to get it under control.

  “But, but, my prom! My dress! I can’t be sick. I can’t miss it!” I’m not proud to say I cried real tears. He told me that I’d be fine by tonight, if I just got plenty of rest, water and took the pills. Turns out, he knew what he was talking about and my mini-meltdown was for nothing.

  I guess all those degrees on his wall meant something after all.

  As the song fades out, my girls and I all stand around and stare blankly at each other as we wait for the next song to tell us what to do. Will it be another fast one? Should we stay in our little scrum of ruffles and sequins? Or is the tempo change gonna send us searching for the guys we showed up with?

  As Maroon 5 belts out a slow one, we quickly stampede off the floor in different directions as Adam Levine begins to serenade us. It doesn’t take long to spot Mack, he’s exactly where I left him three songs ago. Luckily for me, he looks just as sexy as he did three songs ago too. I navigate through the obstacle course of tables and chairs until I reach the back wall he’s leaning against. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was hiding.

  Unfortunately, for him, he’s not hard to spot. Hovering around six feet tall, with chiseled shoulders that even his tux jacket can’t hide, he can’t exactly covertly disappear behind a plant in the corner or something. Mack has a face that makes every girl in the room melt and a body that they all wish they could lay beside. It used to make me jealous, all the attention he gets, but he’s never cared about anyone but me. It’s been that way since we were kids and it’ll be that way until we’re old. Besides, everyone knows that Mack’s taken. They can take their chances with Cameron Armstrong instead.

  As the quarterback of our high school football team, Cameron’s never had a problem getting atte
ntion from the girls. With his sandy brown hair and deep blue eyes, the fact that he’s the second best looking guy in the school doesn’t hurt either. I’d give him a second look, if I wasn’t already with the best looking guy. And if he wasn’t a non-committal manwhore.

  Mack’s eyes light up when he sees me, like I just woke him from a dream. I love when he looks at me like that. If there were other girls in the room, you wouldn’t know it by the way he smiles at me. It’s like I’m the only woman in the world, let alone in the dance hall.

  “C’mon. It’s your turn to dance with me,” I tug on both of his hands and try to pull him off the wall. “Just dance one slow song with me and then I won’t bug you anymore.” I plead.

  “Nah, I’m gonna sit this one out.” He doesn’t budge an inch. I could throw every ounce of strength I have into trying to move him, but it wouldn’t matter. He’s built like a stack of bricks. Hard, cut, strong bricks that have made every girl jealous of me since we started going out.

  “Just one song.” I persist, still pulling feebly on his hands. He won’t give in. I know he won’t. “Why did you ask me to come to the prom with you if you weren’t gonna dance?” I stick out my bottom lip in a pouty face that I hope will sway him. “I spent weeks picking out this dress, I’m never gonna look this good again. I don’t want to waste the night standing by the wall.”

  He doesn’t need to know that by weeks I mean months. As in, I’ve been planning what to wear to the prom since school started this year. I smooth my hands down over my royal purple gown. After looking at every neon colored dress ever invented, I turned down the flash for understated elegance. I truly feel like a princess with the intricately beaded halter and the floor length chiffon skirt. All that’s missing is my glass slippers.

  That and my prince charming.

  Mack Forrester is many things. Usually words like “hot” and “rebel” are used to describe him. But he isn’t a prince, and the only thing he’s good at charming is my clothes off.

  “The song is almost over. Just dance with me for a minute. Just till the end of the song.” I try again. Mack just smiles at me and tilts his head to the side.

  “You do look gorgeous,” his voice rumbles. “But, I didn’t come here to dance. I brought you because I knew it was important to you.” He pushes himself off the wall and stands up straight, lifting my hand up over my head and twirls me in a circle. I squint my eyes and the room swirls around me in a kaleidoscope of color. My dress billows out, exposing my legs to the air, and then cocoons back around me. I feel like the tiny ballerina I used to watch spin around in my mother’s music box.

  No one would dance with her either.

  Mack yanks me tight against his chest and fixes me to the floor with his blue eyes. “Besides, there’s a lot more to do on prom night than just this,” he nods his head toward the swaying couples behind me. “I do plan to dance with you,” he smirks his cocky little half smile and my heart flutters. I’m sure he can feel it thudding in my chest. “Don’t worry, I’ll spin you all around too, but for my dance that pretty little dress of yours has got to go.”

  I don’t mean to press my breasts into him. It’s not like I want to encourage him. I just can’t help it. Mack knows how to mesmerize me with only a look. The song changes to another slow one and I manage to snap out of my lust trance.

  “Fine, if you’re not going to dance with me then I’ll just find someone else who will.” I look into his eyes and fight my instinct to kiss his hovering mouth.

  “Who? Why are we wasting time here? Let’s just get out of here, Lauren.” His voice is thick with desire. I can almost feel myself being hypnotized by it. But I refuse to give in that easy.

  Somehow I find the strength to step away from his warm body and scan the room. My eyes stop on Joel Brickman. Not ideal by a long stretch, but I know my former chemistry partner won’t turn down a dance. I smirk at Mack and walk away from him, making sure I add a little Shakira to my hips as I make my way across the floor. I know Mack’s watching my every move, so I might as well put on a good show.

  I stride up to Joel and grab his arm. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  It isn’t a question. But, it doesn’t seem to matter. He’s at my heels like the love-struck puppy dog he is.

  We’re quickly absorbed on the ballroom floor by the other couples twisting around in slow circles. I glance at Joel and am rewarded with the familiar smile I’ve seen for the past eight months in every science class. His look says I’ve just made this guy’s night. Hell, I probably just made his year. I check over his shoulder to see if Mack is watching and feel satisfied when my boyfriend’s smug smile begins to twist into something else. Jealousy.

  Joel glides me around the floor and my view of Mack is obstructed by other slow-dancing couples. I finally stop twisting my head around like an owl and just focus on the guy I’m dancing with. His large brown eyes are searching my face. Desperate to find significance in our meaningless dance. I’ve sat next to him all year, yet I’ve never really looked at him before. He’s actually not a bad looking guy. His sandy hair sweeps across his forehead and frames his big eyes. The eyes that won’t stop staring at me.

  Staring into me.

  I need to make him stop.

  “I, uh, wanted to say thanks for being my lab partner all year. It was great working with you.” I interrupt his thoughts in an attempt to drag him back into reality. I can’t look into those eyes any longer. Instead I focus on my hand against his shoulder. My almond skin against his snow white jacket is striking.

  “I can honestly say that it was my pleasure, Lauren. Did you get into nursing?” He looks so hopeful, like my future genuinely matters to him.

  “I did,” I beam. I can’t help it, I’m pretty proud of myself. “I got a full scholarship at the University of Colorado, can you believe it?”

  “Of course.”

  I suddenly realize that I have zero idea of what Joel’s plans are after graduation. I’ve talked to him almost every day this school year, but now that I think about it, I can’t recall any of the details he’s told me about his life. At all. A flash of guilt washes over me.

  “Are you going to university?” I ask shyly. I can’t believe how self-centered I’ve been. My mind is struggling to come up with one thing I know about this guy other than the fact that he’s good at science and crushing on me hard. I’m coming up blank.

  If he’s offended, it doesn’t show. “I did. I’ll be at Colorado U too. I got into the engineering program.”

  “Oh, congrats.” I feel like a jerk for not knowing that. But not enough of a jerk to stop searching over his shoulder for my boyfriend. When I’ve rotated back around enough that Mack’s back in clear view, I can see he doesn’t look impressed.

  Good. Serves him right for refusing to dance with me. I smile to myself.

  I see Mack pushing his way through the tables and chairs until he’s no longer in view. The song is almost over and this time when I spot Mack he’s at the edge of the dance floor. The last note is being sung as he springs toward me like a tiger from the bushes.

  “Thanks for the dance, Joel.” I smile and step back. I thud right into the human pillar that is my boyfriend. I feel his arms wrap around my body as he pulls me against him possessively.

  “All right, you’ve made your point. Let’s get out of here.” he hisses in my ear.

  Joel looks at me, then over my shoulder, smiling politely. “Thank you for the dance, Lauren. I’ll see you on campus next year.” He gives my hand a quick squeeze before dropping it back to my side. Before I even have a chance to respond, I’m being guided toward the exit with a sense of urgency.

  I don’t bother looking back over my shoulder as we leave. There’s no point. My future is with Mack.

  Scratch that.

  My future is Mack. And nostalgia has no place in his plans.




  “Where are we going?” I allow him to guide me through the front
doors and into the night air. Instead of walking toward the valet parking, he tightens his grip on my hand and leads me down the side of the building behind the hedges.

  Mack stops and turns around quickly, almost knocking me off balance. Luckily, his hand steadies me before I have a chance to twist an ankle in these heels. I don’t know why I ever let my sister, Chelsea, talk me into wearing them. I’m the kind of girl who practically gets vertigo from a quarter-inch heel on my flats.

  I balked at the 6-inch heels she originally campaigned for. “I’m not a stripper! I’ll break my damned neck in those.” I pushed the crushed velvet shoes back into her arms. She wrinkled her nose at me and gave me that look she always gives me when she thinks I’m still acting like a baby. I hate that look. I hate it so much that I’m teetering on 4-inch heels on the lawn of the Colorado golf club, trying not to snap my ankles.

  Thoughts of Chelsea’s “helpful" fashion choices flit away as soon as I look into Mack’s crystal blue eyes. Even now, after twelve years of looking into them, I’m unable to look away. That color, it unnerves me and soothes me at the same time. They’re like waves crashing against a Hawaiian beach, if you could only manage to stay on the sand and listen, you’d be captivated by their tranquility. But instead, you find yourself trying to surf them, obsessed with the idea of taming them, knowing full well the danger that lurks beneath.

  He leans into me, his frame pressed up hard against mine, and I let out a small sigh. When his soft lips find mine, my eyelids flutter closed. The thudding bass from the dance hall is drowned out by my own heartbeat. When he steps back, it takes me a second to stop making a fishy face at the night air, my lips still desperately trying to kiss a ghost.


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