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Page 53

by Liv Morris

  Lori had come on as my personal assistant, alongside Harper. No longer being one of my working girls. She had also become a kept woman with Jude. He was trying and I guess that was more than all of us could ask for. I honestly wanted them to work and had put in my two cents more than I probably should have.

  My phone ringing snapped me out of my head.

  “Lori,” I answered.

  “I know you are off for the rest of the day, but we have a problem with Summer.”

  I knew she would be trouble, but she was beautiful and more desperate than most.

  “Call Nora, she can handle it. I will try and catch up this afternoon after my appointment.”

  I ended the call and toss the phone onto the bed and fix my face before we have to head out.


  Lying on the exam table in the ultrasound room, the lights dim, my shirt pushed snuggly under my growing boobs and Mathis holding my hand tightly was surreal. The ultrasound technician squirted the ice cold gel onto my petite bump. Normally women complained about it being cold but damn, did it feel good. Being pregnant in Vegas during the summer was like torture. I felt like a sweating cow daily. And ice cold showers had become frequent.

  “We are finding out the gender today, correct?” she asked with a sweet smile. Her short auburn hair reminded me of my aunt Cassie back in Kansas. She was the free spirit of my mother’s family. Not many people stayed in contact with her, especially dearest Eloise. But, I always made it a point to catch up with her. That simple reminder of my aunt helped me to feel more comfortable under this strange woman’s touch.

  I wondered how much of a heartwarming job it must be, to be such a large part of people’s pregnancies. I mean, she got to bring some of the greatest joy to couples in this room. It must be absolutely surreal. I, on the other hand, get people laid. I guess that could be comparable? Yeah, not so much.

  “Yes,” Mathis and I answered at the same time. Our gazes met and I swore my panties just became soaked. Something about that sideways glance always did it for me. My body wanted him even more than the first time I finally gave in to him. I giggled a little just thinking about us soaking wet in the shower with his dress shirt ruined and pants soggy on the bathroom floor. We had come so far in such a short amount of time, and I couldn’t think of any other way I would want it.

  Marriage and babies was something I never wanted for myself, but now that it was here, it was all I ever wanted but only if it was with Mathis. Only him. Only us.

  “Wow, you have a mover in there,” the technician laughed.

  “You’re tellin’ me! Try sleeping with that kid doing Olympic swimming laps in there!” Ever since I had begun feeling the baby’s movements, they were only getting stronger by the minute. The flips and the kicks to the bladder were gonna do me in.

  “Oh wow, well this one isn’t shy at all.”

  We all laughed together, because honestly if this child was anything like Mathis or I, we were so fucked.

  His grip on my hand tightened and when I look over, I could see a small tear fall from his face. He tried to cover it up, but I just smiled at him and mouth the words, I love you, which he repeated back to me.

  “You ready?” the bubbly technician asked and we both nod. A couple clicks and printed pictures later, she proudly announced, “It’s a boy! And a very bold one at that. He won’t keep his legs closed!”

  We both laughed and I let out a sigh of relief. There was no way I could have dealt with a baby girl. I mean all the pink stuff is adorable, but I am total boy mom material. At least for our first baby.

  “Sounds like someone is just like his daddy.”

  I laughed and nudged Mathis. He was sitting taller, prouder in the chair next to me. His smile was so wide it could touch his eyes.

  “A boy. That is my son.” The pride radiated off of him and he might as well pat himself on the back for a job well done.

  The ultrasound tech interrupted us, “You know what they say about how the gender is determined right?” We both shook our heads no. I knew the sperm is the determining factor, I think? But I was all for old wives tales.

  “They say, whoever is more dominant during the act in which the baby is created determines the gender.”

  Mathis smiled and lets out a laugh.

  “Oh hell no. That can’t be right.” I playfully joked with the ultrasound technician. In reality, I was already plotting baby number two, just to prove I was the more dominant one in this relationship. Especially when we were in bed.

  The power struggle in our relationship that drew us to each other will never burn out, which was probably why we were more in love every day, and every argument that goes by. We fed off of each other in a way only we could.

  “Challenge accepted,” was all I said as I leaned in to kiss Mathis on his smooth lips.

  He laughed, because I was sure he thought that I was joking, but this was something I intended to prove with a baby girl next year.

  “Challenge accepted,” he whispered back into my ear. “If I could get you pregnant right now, I would. Just to prove it would be another boy.”

  Fucker. Always having to get the last word and I bit my tongue because of the technician.

  Chapter 33


  My Vagina Hurts

  Four months and some days later, I was strapped to a zillion machines inside a Vegas hospital practicing that stupid Lamaze breathing Mathis insisted I learn. Like I didn’t know how to fucking breathe already? Asshole.

  “You are doing great, baby,” he encouraged me while pushing my hair back and placing a cold, wet washcloth on my forehead.

  “I fucking hate you right now. Do you know that?” I yelled at him.

  The nurse in the room became startled and dropped a pitcher of water on the floor. I think it was safe to say she had a reason to be scared. I had now thrown a cup of water at Mathis. Squeezed his balls until he screamed like a child. Oh, and threatened the anesthesiologist. If I wasn’t a patient, I was sure they would have called the police on me by now.

  “Here comes another contraction, Jenny. The doctor is going to be here any minute and he wants you to start pushing.” Yup, pushing a fucking bowling ball out of my snatch. Exactly what I wanted to spend my Sunday afternoon doing. DAMN IT!

  The contraction hits and I felt the pressure radiating through my lower half. They wanted to see me push? This bitch is gonna push!

  “That’s it baby, one, two, three, four...” I interrupted his counting as I growl at him. Like I didn’t know how to count to ten. Does the world automatically assume women in labor didn’t remember simple functions we learned at the age of five? It was making me murderous.

  The contraction stopped and I finally relax.

  “I am going to kill you, just as soon as this baby is out of me. Mark my words, Mathis Verlinden, you are a dead man walking.” I panted between each word. My body is so close, I could feel his head pressing against the walls of my poor vagina. I was never going to look at sex the same again. This hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.

  “GOD IT BURNS!” I screamed, catching the attention of the nurse again. She hits the page button on the bed and frantically called for the doctor. This guy had like three point two seconds to get there, because the next contraction, I was pushing this little shit out of me... even if it killed me.

  “Don’t push with this next contraction,” the nurse demanded.

  I laughed at her.

  “Get down there and do your damn job, bitch!” I screamed and the contraction took over again. I pushed and pushed. My face was red hot and I was completely out of breath. I was getting light headed, but I didn’t give up.

  My body suddenly felt an amazing amount of relief as the nurse pulled my son from my body and placed his wiggling body on my chest.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered, as I pulled his little wet body up and got my first good look at him.

  “Jenny...” Mathis’ voice was weak and I could tell that he was crying. “He
is perfect. Oh God. I love you.”

  As much as I hated him only a few minutes ago, it was all forgotten. The pain was a million miles away and all I could see was this perfect little boy with a full head of dark hair and the darkest olive complexion. The spitting image of his father in every way.

  Hell, he looked like he had been vacationing in Aruba for the past nine months, not taking up house in the uterus of a pale as shit Irish woman. Of course he would look just like Mathis. I should have known.

  “He looks just like you.” The tears rolled down my cheeks as I pulled him closer and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

  “Thank you, love...” Mathis let out a sob. “Thank you, this is the greatest gift anyone has ever given me.” His lips showered my face and neck with kisses and we admired our new baby boy.

  “Jenny, his eyes...”

  I looked down and noticed him blinking for the first time. The bright blue eyes shone through his tiny eyelids.

  “He did get something from you,” Mathis joked.

  “He is perfect, now get that doctor to fix my vagina.”


  The Chase


  One year later…

  “Head to the bedroom, now,” I demanded.

  Jennifer rolled her eyes at me. She had been in one of those moods all fucking day. On purpose I might add. We had decided that after our son, Mateo, was born, we would start trying again a year later. Well the day was here and my wife was being a brat. Ignoring all of my advances. Pushing me away just to get under my skin. She had taken what the ultrasound technician said to heart about whoever reigned dominance controlled the gender of the baby. Please. That was so not fucking true and if it was? We would constantly be having boys. Now was the time to take that challenge to the next level but it wasn’t working. Anything I threw at Jennifer, she was blocking. I cooked her dinner, bathed and fed Mateo. Dropped him off at the babysitter’s. Even that didn’t earn me any brownie points.

  She came out that evening sporting a red satin nightie and I almost blew a load right then and she knew it. Fuck me, she was good.

  “Love.” I took a step towards her.

  Her eyes widened and she backed up.

  Leaning my head from side to side, I started unbuckling my belt. The raging hard on in my pants couldn’t be missed. I had sported one all damn day and this urge was going to be released.

  Jennifer licked her lips and backed up down the hall way before making a mad dash to our bedroom.

  She was running? Really? Well didn’t that just turn me on more. Adrenaline pumped through me and I chased her.

  Before she could slam the door shut in my face, I grabbed hold of her waist, tackling her to the floor.

  She squealed, squirming under me. “It won’t work.” She laughed.

  “No?” I covered her body with mine and pulled the nightie above her head, leaving her naked and breathless under me. “How about now, love?” I asked and reached between us. Grazing my hand over her bare mound, I thrust a finger into her wet pussy. “Hmm…you’re turned on.”

  She licked her lips, still struggling against my hold. “My body is lying.”

  I laughed and nipped the side of her neck. “Tell me.”

  “No. I dominate you, Mathis. I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at me all day,” she said, pulling herself from my grip.

  She sauntered in front of me, shaking those sexy as hell hips. Her full breasts begged for my touch as she ran a hand down the side of my cheek. “I dom—”

  I took that as my chance and grabbed around her hips, pulling her against me. Her bare cunt hit my face and I lay back with her core right where I wanted it. On my mouth.

  She gasped.

  I held her firm, wrapping my arms around her waist and dove into her center. It was rough, delicious and I ate her like she was my last meal. I was starving for her. The sweetness of her juices flowed down my throat.

  “Mathis,” she whimpered as she road my face.

  Who was in control now? Spreading her folds with my thumbs, I grazed my teeth over her pink engorged clit.

  She screamed, bucking against me.

  Thrusting my tongue in and out of her, I moaned against her pussy. God, she tasted good. Like honey or chocolate. No, better. She tasted like Jennifer and she was all fucking mine. A zipper sounding erupted around the room and before I knew what was happening, a soft hand wrapped around my cock, stroking me hard.

  “Fuck,” I said, my voice muffled by the tasty cunt on my face.

  “Harder, Mathis,” she demanded.

  I smiled, doing as she said when the strokes of her hand picked up speed. My dick swelled to the point of breaking as I thrust my hips to meet her movements. She rode my face. I fucked her hand. It was pure heaven.

  I lifted her higher onto her knees and thrust two fingers into her pussy as hard as I could.

  She clenched around me and swallowed a gasp. “More.”

  I repeated my movements, her pussy squeezing me tight as she came again for the second time. The sounds of her cries of pleasure erupted around the room sending a hot shiver down my body.

  A tingle spread from my balls up my back and I grunted, spilling my release into her hand and onto my lower belly. I grunted, shaking against her touch.

  Her hand picked up speed, her eyes darkening with mischief.

  She wasn’t stopping until I got hard again. Holy shit. The heat in her eyes set my skin on fire. Well she was in for it and she wouldn’t be sleeping all weekend. I wanted her sore. But a part of me wondered if either of us were going to be able to move at all tomorrow.



  He thought this was a game. Little did he know, there was no chance he would win. I let him win the first round, only because I was dying to feel his mouth on my hot little cunt. It had been so long since we could enjoy some good foreplay, and with Mateo in Lori’s care until Sunday night, it was on.

  I pulled my hand from his cock, once it was nice and hard again, and I wiped his release all over his expensive Italian suit. He hated that. I wanted to laugh, but I held it together the best I could.

  I stood and sashayed across the room, fumbling with a bag of goodies I’ve had hidden for a long time. Things I never pulled out for play time, with Mathis. Yet.

  Tonight though, it was on. The inner kink deep within my soul was coming out to play and I just hoped to hell my husband was ready.

  “Baby, you can’t just get me all hard again and leave me here,” he pleaded, still lying on our bedroom floor.

  I smiled and licked my lips, stopping to chew on my bottom lip for a moment. That drove him wild. And I used it every chance I could get.

  “Get up on the bed and wait for me, I’ll take care of you, baby.” That, I would. Ha!

  He stood, pushing his pants the rest of the way down before climbing onto the bed, lying directly in the center with his hands behind his head. Perfect. Something about him spread completely naked across our bed always got me going. Even after two decent orgasms, I wanted more of this man. Mainly his dick deep inside my cunt, which was how this would all end.

  Of course the main goal this weekend was baby making during my fertile time, but in reality, I had the desperate need to put my dominance back in our bedroom.

  I seductively climbed up the bed, stopping once my face reached his dick. I ran my tongue up and down his hard cock before wrapping my lips around the head. I pumped him in my mouth as I massaged his balls with my other hand. His dick slipped from my mouth with a pop and I continued my climb up his body.

  He was unsuspecting. He was blissful. Completely lost in the pleasure of my mouth on his dick seconds earlier. And I jumped to action. Grabbing both his wrists, I worked quickly to handcuff them to the headboard. It wasn’t until I had one fully secured that he realized what I was doing. By then I had the second wrist in my grip and my cunt snuggly against his face. His complaints are muffled as I ride his face. That will teach you to think y
ou are in control!

  I laughed as I looked down at Mathis completely handcuffed to the bed. Who was the dominant one now?

  “Sorry honey, but I had to.” I laughed and look down at him.

  He pulled on the headboard, but couldn’t free himself. The struggle was kind of sexy to watch. His body shook on the bed and his big dick swung from side to side.

  “Mathis, I’m gonna need you to admit I am the one in control tonight.” I worked my way down his body again, taking his dick in my mouth.

  “No way. You may have me handcuffed but...” His words were lost when his cock grazes the back of my throat. “Fuck...” he mumbled under his breath as his hips pushed up to meet my mouth. Just as I felt his balls start to draw up with his orgasm dying to spill into my mouth, I pulled my lips off his dick and grasped it forcefully, stopping the orgasm dead in its tracks.

  “FUCK JENNY! WHAT THE HELL?” he screamed at me and thrashing against the bed.

  “Who is in control, Mathis? WHO?” I yelled in his direction as I climbed up his body, pressing my full tits to his face.

  “Tell me Mathis, who is in control here?” I ran my lips down his neck, licking and biting every inch of his skin.

  “You,” he whispered.

  “I can’t hear you, Mathis? Who is in control here?”

  “You are in control, Jenny. FUCK! You are in control!”

  “What do you want me to do to you, Mathis?” I seductively cooed in his ear before I ran my mouth down to his chest and took his nipple in my mouth. It drove him crazy.

  “I want you to fuck me. I wanna feel my dick so deep inside you,” he growled in reply. He was losing his edge.

  “That’s it?”

  “I wanna come so deep inside you, Jenny, please get that tight cunt wrapped around my dick before I blow my load all over the bed!” He was begging and I fucking loved it.


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