Book Read Free


Page 137

by Liv Morris

  She loves me.

  And I’m in love with her.

  I place my hands on either side of her face. “I love you, Angel.” I give her a soft, slow, intimate kiss. When I pull away, she has a sad smile on her face. “I’m sorry,” she repeats.

  “What are you sorry for?” I run the back of my hand down her soft cheek.

  “I didn’t tell you sooner. I tried to keep it a secret.” She shakes her head lightly. “I didn’t want you to see how much you could hurt me,” she whispers looking down at her hands that rest in her lap. “I love you.” She looks back up to me. “I need you to know how much I love you. Please don’t leave me,” she whispers, looking back down.

  “What you have been through is undescribable.” I place my fingers under her chin, pulling her face up so I can see into those beautiful green eyes. “Don’t be sorry, Angel. I would have waited a lifetime to hear you say that to me. I’m not going to leave you, Angel. You are my forever, and I’m never going to let you go.”

  She rewards me with a soft smile.

  “Angel.” I swallow hoping that what I am about to say doesn’t ruin this moment. “When we get back to St. Louis, I want you to move in with me. I don’t want to have to spend another minute without you. I want us to live together.”

  I never want to let her go. I need her to be where I am.

  “I would love that, baby,” she whispers.

  “I love you.” I crush my lips to hers before she can say it back.

  She pulls away. “I know. My mom told me.” She smiles softly.

  I stand up, wrapping my arms around her. I close my eyes and vow to Marie that I will never hurt her. I will never break her heart. She might have lost her mother, but she has me and I am going to take care of her.

  I pull away and rub my knuckles on her soft cheeks. “I’m going to give you the world, Angel, because you deserve no less.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek. “You are my world. All I need is you.”

  I wipe her tear away and press my lips to hers.

  “I love you, baby,” she breathes against my lips.

  “I love you too, Angel.”

  I need to call Josh. Turns out I need a favor from him after all. I’m ready to give her the world, starting with my last name.


  Want more of Samantha and Slade’s story? Unbearable is available on Amazon and B&N. Uncontrollable will release June 24th. Make sure to add it to your TBR list on Goodreads. If you would like to be updated on releases, current projects and teasers, email me at to be added to my contact list.


  First I would like to thank Jenny Sims and Elle Chardou. Jenny for being so sweet and doing another run through of edits for me. Elle for formatting on such short notice. Thank you ladies for all the help. I truly appreciate it.

  I want to thank my best friend, Courtney. I don’t know what I would do without you, peaches. Thanks for all the support and always being my rock. I love you and am thankful I can call you my best friend.

  I want to thank my editor, Jennifer Roberts-Hall. There’s nothing she won’t do. From the start, she has been guiding me down the road of self-publishing, introducing me to some wonderful ladies, and answering the million questions I have had. I’m pretty sure I have messaged her on a daily basis over the last six months, and she has calmed me down when I had a few freak outs. She has spent countless hours and numerous night on Skype, helping me polish my book for all of my readers for which I am truly grateful. I love you and your awesome-sauce. 

  I want to thank, Sarah Hansen and Okay Creations, for the beautiful book cover that she designed for me. I am in love with it and can’t wait to see what she has in mind for book two.

  Thank you to Julie at JT Formatting for working so fast when I was clearly behind.

  I want to thank the wonderful and talented artist, Violet Kirk, for making me a gorgeous painting of my cover, for me to display on my wall. She is amazingly talented with paint and a brush.

  One of the lovely ladies that I have had the pleasure to meet is, Casey at Hardcover Therapy. She set up my cover reveal and Blog Tour for Undescribable. I don’t know what I would have done without her. She helped me get the word out about my book and had over fifty bloggers signed up, just for my cover reveal. The woman is an exceptional blogger and took time out of her day to help support me.

  Thanks to Randi at Candy Coated Book Blog for putting together my release event.

  So many blogs were involved in helping me get the word out! Just Booked, The Book Whore-der’s Delights, Sex and the Books Blog, Sarah’s Book Blog, and many more. Thanks to each and every one of you.

  I want to thank Laura Hidalgo at Bookfabulous Designs for my beautiful website and her wonderful swag.

  Big thanks to Cassie at Cassie’s Crafty Creations for the beautiful key chains she made for me, and Sarah at Strictly Creations for all of the quote pic/teasers she made me. Jolinda Bevins for all the beautiful swag that she makes. Brandelyn Harris for the beautiful Undescribable tumblers. Thanks, ladies, for the beautiful things you can create.

  I have met some amazing authors, such as; Erika Ashby, Ashley Wilcox, Sarah Dosher, Ada Slowe, Brooke Cumberland, along with many others. They have not only given me advice, but they have also become great friends. Thank you for answering all my questions, no matter how stupid they were, and for just wanting to visit on any given day.

  Thank you to my beta readers: Amy Burt, Angela Mclaurin, Brett Burrow, Deana Wolstenholme, and Wendy Neumann Wilken. They all took time out of their busy lives to read over my story and give me their honest feedback. I value their opinion and thank them for their support and loving comments.

  I want to thank my awesome street team, Shantel's Erotic Entourage. I love these bitches! This lovely group of ladies are awesome at pimping and making me laugh. They make me smile on bad days and make me laugh every day with booty dances, foul language and dirty minds. It’s amazing how you can become so close with someone when they live halfway around the world. These girls are my sisters, and I love them very much.

  My aunt Shari (who I sent hundreds of emails to!) for reading and giving me her opinion and helping me with edits.

  My cousin, Savannah. I would call her, freaking out when I couldn’t figure out how to work my computer properly. The girl is a computer genius!

  My grandma, who informed me my book had too much sex. I told her that I don’t think any book could have too much sex, lol!

  My mom and stepdad who always supported me, and helped watch our daughter so I could get through edits as I stayed up night and day to finish the book. Thanks for all your support. I love you both very much.

  I also want to thank all my family members who are no longer with us. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. We love and miss you.

  My dad for all of his encouraging words. I love you and wish you lived closer so that Shyley and I could see you more. Hopefully one day that will be possible.

  To everyone else in the family who has spread the word about my book and shared my author page; I’m very lucky to have such a supportive family. I love them all.

  And last but not least, my readers. Thank you for taking a chance and wanting to read Undescribable. I can never thank you enough for wanting to read and share Samantha and Slade’s story. I hope that you all love it as much as I do. These characters have become my children. I have cried with them and fought with them on this journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  This book would not be possible without any of you. Thank you!

  About the Author

  Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their three-year-old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book.

  She is currently working on book two in the Undescribable series. She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and
mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee, but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly.

  Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their cat and dog.

  For more information about the author and her books, visit:



  Teach Me Love



  Teach Me Love

  Copyright © 2013 by S. Moose

  Editing by Scarlett Metal

  Editing by Pamela Snyder @ PS Editing

  Cover design by Amy Queau

  Cover image used under license from

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication, may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, included photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior writer permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For everyone who needs to believe again.


  People come into your life and leave a mark on your heart and help you believe again. To my readers, this holds true. None of this would be possible without you and your amazing belief in me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To my husband, Kevin, thank you for dealing with me emotions. One minute I’m happy, the next I’m throwing things around the room. You’re my everything and are always there to catch me when I feel like I’m about to fall. I’m so lucky to have my best friend as my husband. I love you snookums!

  To my parents, I don’t know what to say. You both are the best parents I can ever ask for. Thanks for believing in me and helping me achieve my dreams. I know I can be a brat but I’m glad you never gave up on me.

  To my two beautiful sisters, Anna and Vicky, thank you for believing in me and pushing me. I love you both so much!

  To my family and friends, you’re all simply amazing. I’m thankful for all of you and truly appreciate your constant support.

  To my wonderful editor, Scarlett, thank you for dealing with me and helping me cross the finish line. Thank you for pushing me to show the emotions instead of telling the emotions!

  To Pamela, thank you lady for everything. You’re the best and I honestly can’t thank you enough.

  To Sandi, here we are again! Third book and you’re still holding my hand and believing in me when I don’t believe in myself. Remember, I’m tackling you when we meet in a few short months!

  To Brandi and Kellie, thank you for being my friends and helping me through it all. You both are incredible and I appreciate your hard work and willingness to always help me!

  To Jennifer S, Jennifer M, Lexi, Lindsey, Liz, Tabitha, JM, Maureen, Sandee, Amanda and Stephanie for holding my hand and telling me to keep going.

  To my street team, thank you for helping me with promoting, listening to me, helping come up with teasers, names and everything else I need. Your honesty and friendship means so much to me so thank you thank you and THANK YOU! You’re my Facebook family and I truly love you all!

  To Emily, Barbara, Malinda, April, Laurna and Caiti, thank you for being amazing and honest BETA readers. You’re all wonderful and I appreciate all of you so much!

  To a few of my author friends, Carey, Melissa, Louise, Antoinette, Dawn, Glenna, Nickie, AL, A.Meredith Walters, Suzanne, Chelle and Michele thank you for all of the advice and support.

  To Kendall, thank you for making the book trailer for Teach Me Love and always being patient with me! I appreciate your amazing and hard work!

  To all the bloggers who are constantly supporting me, thank you so much! You are all amazing and play such a special part in my life and I am so lucky for all of your support and help! I know I can always come to you for anything and you will spread the word about me and my books!

  To Stephen, thank you for being a great friend and for being my cover designer. You’re never going to get rid of me and I know you love my pickiness!

  Praise for Teach me love

  “Teach Me Love is beautifully written, emotionally charged, completely amazing book! You will laugh, cry and smile as S. Moose takes you on an emotional rollercoaster.”

  -Tabby's Tantalizing Reviews

  "A heartwarming story about finding a second chance at love."

  -Jennifer, Book Bitches Blog

  "Teach Me Love is a heartfelt story about two people struggling with past events. Jacob and Abigail find each other and learn that they can have a second chance at love without forgetting those from their past.”

  -Book Reviews by Lexi

  “This breathtaking story tugged at my heart from the first page to the last, but S. Moose found a way to mend it whole again. With characters you cannot help but fall in love with, Teach Me Love will put your emotions to the test and make you question whether love really can overcome the ghosts of your past.

  -Maureen Mayer, author of Relinquishing Liberty

  Chapter 1


  “Fuck Heather! You’re fired!” I’m pacing around my large office rubbing my face with my hands and trying to calm down. I hear her whimpering behind me and I tune her out. I look out the window and see the harbor to try and find solace and peace. The light waves are flowing through the crystal blue waters and some boats are sailing by. The March skies are clear and the sun is out; it’s oddly warm today. Watching the outside world helps me relax when I feel as if I’m about to explode. I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. The anger slow seeps from my body, but her carelessness can’t be tolerated. I feel hands on my shoulder and I turn around to see Katherine smiling at me.

  “Jacob, be nice.”

  Before I can say anything, she disappears.

  Okay Katherine, I’ll try to relax. I can be a better person.

  I try to calm down, but she’s nearly cost me a five million dollar deal!

  “Bu-bu-but Mr. Greene, I told you about that conference months ago! I sent a reminder to your cell phone and I texted you the information. I’m sorry.”

  I take a deep breath and look at her. Why the fuck is she crying? I don’t do tears. I hate when women cry. What’s the point of crying? It doesn’t solve anything and makes the situation worse because it shows your guilt and you’re admitting you did something wrong. Her eyes are frantic and her body is shaking. I want to tell her to stop making excuses that she didn’t do anything wrong but I’ve already hurt her feelings and my mind is made up. I know I’m being harsh and I should be more understanding but that’s not how life works. It’s not all sunshine and roses. Life’s a bitch and you either have to go with it or it will swallow you whole.

  People think I’m heartless but I don’t have time to babysit. I’m running a multimillion-dollar empire and always need to be on point. There’s no such thing as mistakes and any mistakes that are made, shows to me, your lack of care and dedication. Yes, I have high expectations but success is my only goal. Success is the only thing I know.

  My little brother, Logan, and I have been running Greene Publishing for two years. We’ve been successful since day one and I want to keep it that way. Logan is the brains of the operation while I go out and attract potential clients. Our clients are bestselling authors and we are always striving to ensure they are being represented in the best light and are highly promoted. Yes, I’m an asshole but I have a business to run. I need competent and hard working people on my team.

  When I turn back around, I see her shaking and I really feel like an asshole but I need someone who c
an take my shit. “Heather, please stop.” I come around my desk and lean against it. I try and calm my tone. She’s a great assistant. She’s been my personal assistant for the past two months. I like her drive and motivation. This is the first time she’s made an error, but I don’t want her, or any of my other employees for that matter, to think this error is okay. I wish I can give her another chance but I can’t afford these screw-ups. What will it be next time? She’s young and I thought I could hone her into the way I need her to be, but that failed. The emotions need to go! “You don’t want to work for me. Look at you.” I place my hands on my desk and look at her. “I need someone who can fight back and won’t cry when they hear my voice.” I pause. The fear and panic in her brown eyes draw out a little guilt in me. “Pack up your things and I’ll make sure you’ll be taken care of for the next few months.” I turn to my computer and open up my emails.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Greene. I just want you to know...” She pauses and takes in a breath. “I just want you to know I did my best with you. I hope you find the person you need.” Heather gets up and slowly walks out of my office. I pull my hands through my hair and lean back in my chair. “Fuck,” I mutter. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” I just fired my personal assistant. I can’t keep my shit together on my own.

  I look at the picture on my desk and I feel myself ready to break down. I pick up the picture frame and touch her face. My eyes scan the picture, trying to find reason and answering the questions in my head. Why isn’t she here with me?


  It’s almost been three years since I lost my heart and I’m still fighting the pain and brokenness that’s inside of me. The memories rush in and out of my mind. At night it’s the worst. I still feel her next to me and when I wake up I realize I’m alone. She’s gone and isn’t coming back. How do you move on after losing the love of your life?


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