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Trusted by You

Page 9

by Amy Muscat

  “Blake…” She whimpers. “Please.”

  “Please what?” I taunt her.

  “Please,” she stresses.

  “What, Lottie. I want you to say it.” I tell her with a smug grin. “Say It,” I demand.

  “Suck my pussy, now, or so help me God, I'll fucking… Ohmygod!” She ends with a scream as I practically attack her pussy.

  I watch as her whole upper body bows upwards, as I lick her clit and then suck it into my mouth. Oh God, she tastes good. I’ve never really liked going down a woman before, bad experiences and all that. But, I also felt like it was personal, not something to do with a one-night stand. But with Lottie, it was like I needed to do it for her. I craved it. Craved her smell, her taste, and the way she moaned when I did.

  Her body lowers back down on the bed and I can see the rapture on her face. I move my hands up her body until I get to her tits. I cup them, rolling the hard nipples between my fingers before I give them a hard tug.

  “Ahh, Blake!” She groans, bucking her hips up. I leave her tits and grab hold of her hips to hold her still. “Blake, I'm gonna come.”

  I let her clit go and run my tongue down her wet pussy. Sucking at her plump lips as I go, before I run it back and start flicking the hard nub with the tip of my tongue. (Which she started whimpering at.) Before I let go of her hip with one hand and I run my hand over her ass– giving it a hard squeeze– and run a lone finger over her asshole and to her pussy where I slowly push it in her, then add another.

  Within two pumps of my fingers and another flick of my tongue she detonates. She comes hard, fast, and loudly.

  “Blake!!” She shouts, gripping her fingers in my hair, keeping my mouth on her.

  I sucked and licked up all her juices. Devine; it’s the only word to describe how she tasted.

  Slowly kissing my way up her still jerking body, I nipped at her neck when I reached it, sucking her pulse point in my mouth, feeling it strumming a thousand times a minute.

  “Fuck me Blake; that was fan-fucking-tastic.” She hums.

  I chuckle and say thank you. I watch as she opens her eyes, lust and satisfaction was evident in them.

  “I’m gonna fuck you now Beauty, you ready for that?”

  “Oh yeah,” she breathes, with a joyful smile tugging at her lips.

  Grinning, I jump off of her and walk over to my pants and after searching through them. I pluck two condoms out. You never know, they might both be used…

  As I walk back over to her, I start rolling the condom down my now aching dick. When I reach her, she has moved up the bed and more over to the middle: legs already spread and waiting.

  “Angel, you look fucking perfect right now,” I tell her huskily, giving my cock a tug.

  “Mmm… so do you, handsome. Now hurry up and come fuck me.”

  Crawling my way up to her, I place myself between her legs and lay flush against her, my pulsing dick rubbing her lips.

  “You ready, Angel?” I ask, placing myself at her entrance.

  “Yes.” She hisses.

  Laughing slightly, I push my way into her tight depths, and the laugh instantly dies on my lips. Her pussy is still quivering from her orgasm and the vibration almost makes me come again.

  “Holy fuck.”

  “Oh God, you feel amazing.” I breathe.

  I kiss her, as I start moving, running my tongue over the seam of her lips before she opens her mouth and sucks my tongue. Our hot breaths mingle together as I come up for air.

  I grip under her knees and move her legs around my hips as I start thrusting deeper inside her.

  She bucks against me and does this little swivel hip thing that has my eyes rolling back into my head.

  “Fuck,” I hiss. “You gotta stop that or I'm gonna come quicker than I wanted,” I warn her.

  But do you think the little minx listens to me? Nope, she does not, and she does it again and again until we’re both groaning.

  “Faster, harder Blake.” She pants. I go faster, asking her if she’s almost there. “Yeah, almost… there… right there, right there!” She screams out as she comes; her whole body moving. Her quivering heat gets me there too, moments later.

  “Oh God, Lottie,” I growl as I empty myself into the condom.

  As we settle down from our orgasms– the best I've had to date– I kiss her and gently pull out before I turn and lay next to her on the bed.

  We lay there in comfortable silence while we get our breathing under control, before she turns on her side and faces me with a grin, and a stated look on her face.

  “I’m going to get rid of this, and I'll be back,” I say pointing down to the condom still wrapped around my dick.

  “I’ll come with you, I wanna clean up myself. I wanna check on Ivy, too.” She says rolling to the edge of the bed and standing up. Her ass looked totally biteable as it bounced as she moved.

  I rushed to get off the bed too and speed-walked after her. Once I was with touching distance; I gave her juicy ass a hard slap.

  She squeaked and jumped before she turned around with a look of shock on her face.

  Sputtering she said, “W-what the fuck! Why’d you slap my arse?”

  Shrugging, I told her, “I wanted too.” That simple.

  “That hurt,” she pouts up at me, reaching behind her rubbing her now red, ass cheek.

  Stepping closer, I moved her hand away from where she was caressing her bum, and I squatted down and licked away the sting from her skin, peppering kisses there before blowing on it. I watch in fascination as her whole body shakes and goosebumps rise up on her skin.

  She liked that.

  She pushes her ass further into my face, silently asking for more, and with a growl I do just that.

  I grip her hips and turn her fully, so I have the whole view of her perfect ass. “Bend over, Beauty, and hold onto the door frame for me. I'm going to lick that pussy and fuck you again, so hold on tight,” I tell her tightly, and as she bends over and I bury my face in-between her legs.

  “OH GOD, THAT FEELS so good. Keep doing that, oh yeah, right there,” I moan.

  A laugh came from beside me, and I look over to see Peyton, sipping her virgin daiquiri, with a smile tipping her lips around the rim of her cocktail glass.

  “You sound like you're having an orgasm, Lott's.” She says, the humour evident in her voice.

  “I think I am,” I tell her sighing contently. The startled look on the masseuse’s face was laughable. “I'm just kidding, love, don’t worry. I'll get one of those later,” I murmured at the end.

  “I bet,” Peyton says grinning like a looney. “How is everything going with Blake anyway?”

  “It's going good, actually.”

  “Yeah? Love him yet?” She asks me.

  “What? No!” I gasp in astonishment. It had been a month since Blake and I had started ‘seeing’ each other. It was far too early to say that I loved the man, maybe like– okay, really like, but far too soon for the ‘L’ word. “Too soon, Pey. Too soon.” I echo my thoughts to her.

  “Hmm… well, you never know; sometimes you think that you don’t, and then boom! It just hits you like a sack of bricks,” she says nonchalantly. Like it was no big deal.

  Hello! Big fucking deal!

  I was shaking my head at her before she even finished what she was saying. “No, Peyton. We’re just starting out; feeling each other out, pun intended. I don’t want nor need those sort of feelings getting involved: it complicates things. No, what me and Blake have going on at the moment is just fine.” I tell her with conviction.

  Raising an eyebrow at me, she says, “who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?”

  Both, I think, but don’t say. What I do say is, “you. And I'm not convincing you of anything, I'm just telling you what is happening.”

  “Yeah, okay.” She says dubiously.

  “Pey, just drop the whole love thing, yeah? If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t and this whole thing turns out to be just rea
lly great sex– then that’s how it turns out. I'm not rushing things. Besides, Blake's a player– players don’t do the whole love thing.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. There's a reason he's a player– which, by the way, have you found out yet? And do you think he's off out sleeping with someone else when he's not you?”

  “No and no,” I tell her. “He hasn’t told me yet because I don’t want to push him; if he wants to tell me, he will… Just in his own time. And, as for fucking someone else? Puhlease. I exhaust him far too often for him to even think of another woman let alone shag one. Not that I do it intentionally, I don’t, but he's always at mine or we’re always speaking or texting and even sexting. So, no I don’t think he is, besides,” I say with a shrug. “He knows I'd rip his dick off and shove it down his throat if he dared do that to me,” I tell her, casually shrugging once more.

  She starts laughing and nodding. Ahh, the woman knew me too well.

  “That reminds me, it’s Blake's birthday on Friday and he wanted to go out– only for a couple of drinks, nothing too major, just a few beers as he said he had work the next day– something about an assignment for Keller's dad. I don’t really know a lot about the whole thing really, but he said he didn’t want to get drunk and go to work with a hangover, so It's only a couple. But, he's invited me to go, and yeah I do want to go with him, but I don’t if you and Keller aren’t there. I don’t really know his friends and as we’re not boyfriend/girlfriend; I didn’t want to seem like the eager fuck buddy, you know? So are you and Keller coming out?”

  “Yeah we’re coming; my parents are gonna have Ivy for us. Initially, Keller didn’t want to go, and when I asked him why, he said 'cause he didn’t like the idea of me in a club while I'm pregnant.” She says, rolling her emerald eyes. “I told him that just because I was pregnant didn’t mean I couldn’t go to a club and dance. It's not like I would drink for God’s sake.” She becomes irritated.

  “Plenty of women go out to clubs when they're pregnant. God, it’s not like you're eight months along and could give birth in the middle of the dance floor– you're only eleven weeks in. Men,” I say exasperated. “Who needs them and their unwanted opinion?” I asked her laughing.

  She laughs again and agrees with me.

  We finish up getting our mani-pedi’s, head out to lunch and head off to her house after; her and Keller were having a BBQ and I couldn’t wait.

  FOR THE PAST HOUR, Peyton and I had been preparing food for the BBQ.

  Sarah had turned up twenty minutes ago with Ivy, hers and Jason’s daughter Jessie, and Henry– Ethan’s seven-year-old-son.

  They were playing outside, screaming, laughing, and shouting in joy as Jason and Ethan played with them in the swimming pool.

  I think I'd told them not to run around near the pool about thirty times– “Stop running near the bloody pool!” Make that thirty-one times.

  “Okay, Aunt Lottie!” Ivy said giggling, and still running near the edge.

  “Just leave them, Lottie,” Sarah says while mixing the salad together in a big blue bowl. “If they fall over they fall over. It happens, babe. They’ll soon learn when one of them hurt themselves.”

  “I can't help it, my heart jumps in my throat every time they get too close to the edge; I can just see one of them rather falling into the pool, or one of them falling and smashing their heads on the floor,” I say to the both of them.

  “I get that, my heart races every time they do it, but sometimes you’ve just gotta let them get on with it. As I said, they’ll learn… eventually.”

  Just then the front door opens and Keller's voice reaches us. “Honey, I'm home,” he coos.

  Peyton starts laughing at his greeting. “In the kitchen, baby!” She calls back.

  Seconds later, Keller walks in with a smile on his handsome face, and a bunch of flowers in his right hand. He walks over to his fiancé and lays a big, fat, wet kiss on her puckered lips.

  “How’s my Pie, today?” He asks when he pulls back, caressing the side of her face with his free hand.

  “I'm good thank you,” she says grinning up at him, her green eyes sparkling.

  “Good. How're my babies?” he asks, squatting down and pressing a kiss on her growing pregnant belly.

  “They're perfect. Hungry, but perfect.”

  He frowns down at her. “You hungry, Pey?” When she sheepishly nodded, he asks, “Why haven’t you eaten?”

  “I have,” she says flushing. “These kids just like me to eat a lot. Plus, I was waiting for you to get the grill started.”

  “Alright, I'll get it started now,” he says giving her one more kiss before turning around and acknowledging the rest of us in the room.

  “Hey Sarah,” he goes over and gives Sarah a kiss on her cheek before he walks over to me and gives me a hug and kiss on my cheek.

  “Hey Lott's, how're you?” He asks, giving me a white-toothed smile.

  “I’m good, thanks. Same shit, different day,” I say to him. “Where’s Blake?” I ask as he steps back.

  He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, I feel a presence behind me, just as I feel someone’s hot breath tickle the nape of my neck.

  “I'm right here, Angel,” Blake whispers in my ear.

  I jump and squeak in surprise. I spin around and see that he's laughing at my reaction.


  I slap his chest. “Blake, don’t do that. Jesus, you scared me!” I scold him.

  Snaking his arms around my hips, he says, “Sorry Beauty.”

  With a sniff, I tell him that he was not forgiven.

  “Really?” He asks. I can feel his grin on my neck as he peppers kisses along it.

  “Yeah, really,” I say back to him, my voice coming out slightly breathy from his kisses. It was really not fair that he could bring this reaction out from me, from just placing a few kisses on my neck.

  “We’ll see about that Beauty. Later, when I'm balls deep in you, you’ll be the one saying sorry to me,” he states.

  “Ha! That’s if I even let you in between my legs,” I say.

  “Oh, you will, Charlotte. Don’t you worry about that.” He tells me with assuredness in his voice.

  Just as I'm about to scold him for calling me Charlotte, he swoops in and kisses me.

  I gasp at the unexpectedness of his kiss, and he takes that as an invitation to stick his tongue in my mouth.

  I groan. I loved kissing him. He was by far the best man to ever kiss me.

  I suck on his bottom lip and he makes that growling noise that always shoots through me and down to my groin.

  “Ah, guys?”

  Blake's arms tighten around me and I feel the evidence of his hardness though his trousers on my stomach. I run my hands through his inky hair and grip the ends and pull him closer to me.

  My hips start gyrating on their own accord.


  Peyton's shout brings me back to the present, and I remember that we are in Peyton and Keller's kitchen, with others around us. When I look up, I notice everyone’s eyes are on us. At some point, Jason and Ethan had come into the kitchen and was standing there with smirks on their faces. I look over and see that Keller, Peyton, and Sarah were standing at the kitchen island with amused expressions on their faces.

  “Oh shit,” I mutter. “This is so embarrassing.”

  When I'm with Blake, he just seems to make me forget where I am, and I get sucked into a world where it's just us there.

  Blake starts chuckling while I duck my head into his chest. “This isn’t funny, stop laughing,” I hiss at him, which of course just makes him laugh harder. I'm not normally a blushing kind of girl, but with Blake? He just makes me feel like a teenager again.

  Giving me one last kiss on my lips, he steps back and says hello to everyone in the room, and I suddenly feel nervous.

  That was basically exactly what Keller just did with Peyton, and I had melted just the way Peyton had when Keller had kissed her.

  It was a
scary thought, and it made me stop and think about it for a minute.

  Was I getting too attached to Blake?

  Was I falling for Blake?

  No. I couldn’t be. It was far, far too soon.

  This was just meant to be a bit of fun, and now I was starting to feel all of the feelings and if I were being honest with myself, I would admit that I was scared of these new feelings.

  “Hey handsome.”

  Sarah’s voice brings me out from my silent panic. I looked over to see Sarah wrapped up in Blake's arms, and I had to force down the irrational jealousy that bubbles up to the surface. I have to physically bite my lip to stop from telling her to not touch what was mine.

  It was stupid. Sarah was married to Jason– happily married– and she and Blake were best friends. I was just being an idiot.

  Looking away from them, I catch Peyton's raised eyebrow.


  With a subtle shake of my head, I move over to the island and pick up the plastic tray that holds the sausages and walk out the back garden where Keller was setting up the grill.

  “Hey, wanna do the sausages first? I'm starving and really fancy a hotdog,” I say to him.

  Taking the tray from my hands, he puts them down next to him and says yes.

  “How’s everything in Lottie land?” He asks as he throws some white spirit on the grill and quickly steps back as a huge flame flies up.

  “Lottie land? Or, Blake and Lottie land?” I say with a smile.

  “No, Lottie land. I already know about Blake and Lottie, well from his side, but I haven’t really seen you for a couple of weeks; and I thought we could have a catch-up.” He says me with that all-American smile and a shrug of his strong shoulders.

  I loved Keller, thought of him like a brother now– or at least a brother-in-law. There was a time, where I absolutely fucking hated him. But now I loved him. He cherished the ground that both Peyton and Ivy walked on, and would do anything to make them happy. Anything. That was all any friend could ask for.

  “Well, if that’s the case, I'm fine. Busy at work, but I'm fine. Same shit, different day. More orgasms,” I say as an afterthought, laughing.

  Keller bursts out laughing at that. “Yeah, I bet. But, work? Peyton said something about you taking on a new author; how’s that going?”


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