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Samantha and Her Genie

Page 24

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Once there she slipped into the pantry, returning with a box of chocolate-covered brandied cherries. She opened the package, plucking one plump confection from its fluted paper cup. “Open,” she said, holding the candy to his mouth.

  She placed it on his tongue and Lugal’s eyes widened as he chewed. “Remarkable. So sweet. The chocolate is hard, yet smooth like butter. The fruit plump and juicy. As I bit into the morsel, my mouth was bathed with a honeyed liquid tasting of spirits.”

  “That’s the brandy. You’d make an excellent food critic,” Samantha noted, popping one of the chocolate-robed cordials into her own mouth and experiencing the sweet gush of syrupy goodness as she bit into it.

  “The taste is one I enjoy, although I believe it is lacking.”

  “Oh? What don’t you like about it?”

  “The temperature. It is too cool.” Lugal grabbed her hips and yanked her close, sandwiching his stiff cock between them and letting Samantha know in no uncertain terms how much he desired her. “I believe I would prefer it warm…mixed with spicy, musky cream.” He licked his sensuous lips, a look of savage pleasure in his eyes. “Your cream.”

  Stepping back to hold her at arm’s length, his gaze dropped to her crotch before meeting her eyes. “Yes, I would appreciate the taste much more that way.”

  He dragged her close again and she undulated against him, sensing a glow of heat rise, flushing her skin. She glanced at the stovetop, then the microwave and finally at Lugal. “I have a feeling you’re not referring to traditional methods of heating.” The oh-so-sweet event she believed Lugal suggested had a languorous coil of desire unfurling at her core.

  “Nay, I am not.” His chuckle was husky, evocative of wicked, wild delight. “There is a volcano thundering inside me, Samantha.” He pressed against her so tight, she felt the beat of his pulse hammer through her. “With great, fiery flames building and lava mounting. You and your good friend chocolate are responsible.” He pointed at her, gently poking her chest and giving a sinful look of promise—a silent oath of the ecstasy to come.

  “Well now you’ve gone and done it,” she accused in response. “You’ve blown my resolve to spend quality non-sexual time with you clear to smithereens.” She yanked at the v-neck of her sweater, pulling it down to her flushed breast. “See what you’ve done? I’m so hot, Lugal. Blistering. Searing.”

  “I understand.” Driving her mad with a slow, rhythmic grind of cock to belly, he dipped his fingers into the stretched vee of her sweater, making her knees weak as he flicked across the hard points of her nipples. “For my own insides sizzle, Samantha. I am straining toward an explosion that I fear may blow me apart completely.”

  His thumb under her chin brought her face up and the intensity of his concentrated gaze made her tremble.

  “Let me sup from you, my sweet.” His fingers cupped her intimately between her thighs, stroking back and forth along the seam of her jeans. “Let me experience the taste of chocolate as I tongue it from your warm, silken depths.”

  Her eyelids fluttered closed at the idea. Her pussy weeping with anticipation, she clasped his impressive erection through his jeans and squeezed. “I am your love slave, Lugal. State your desires and I shall obey.”

  A ravenous gleam in his eye, Lugal quickly divested the kitchen table of its toppings. Testing the sturdy pine top for stability, he lifted Samantha into the air and brought her butt down to the wood.

  She gave a surprised yip. “You mean here? On the kitchen table?”

  With a flash-quick movement, he’d whipped off her sweater and had pushed her to her back. “What better place to eat you, my sweet?” He grabbed the box of chocolate-covered cherries and settled it on her belly.

  Why…it was scandalous, outrageous. Downright indecent. What if someone came to the door? What if they peeked in the window? What if…

  She moaned, her pussy flooding at the mere thought of all those disgraceful what ifs.

  “I like your pretty new blue bra,” he told her, thumbing the rigid peaks through the satin.

  “Thank you, I—”

  “Take it off or I will tear it from your body. I want to see your pink-crowned tits harden under my gaze.”

  Well, damn if that didn’t have her clit pulsing. She unfastened the front clasp, letting the bra cups fall to her sides, revealing her breasts. The nipples crinkled as he eyed them, just as she knew they would. Lugal’s ravenous smile of delight as his gaze fastened on the pebbling buds made her heart skip a beat.

  “Spread your legs wide and bend them at the knee, then unfasten your jeans,” he commanded, eyeing her as if he was about to devour her, which, in fact, he was. “Unzip them slowly.”

  She did just as he asked. Grasping her tight jeans, he shimmied them off her hips as fast as he could, dragging the clinging denim over her bent knees and letting them tumble to the floor with a soft thump.

  “I like your pretty new blue panties too,” he told her, catching the elastic with his thumbs and snapping it against her lower belly.

  “I know. You want those off too,” she said, sliding her hands inside the satin and lace as vibrations of awareness danced through her veins.

  “Nay, I will see to these myself,” Lugal told her. Rather than yank at them, he captured the elastic of the low-riding waistband in his teeth, tugging them with agonizing slowness down her hips until her hot, wet pussy was free and unencumbered.

  He selected a candy from one of the pleated cups, holding it aloft, as if bringing a fine, faceted gem to the light to inspect it. His lips quirked into a smile and he shifted the morsel to his mouth, closing his eyes and swirling his tongue around its base. Samantha licked her lips in response, salivating at the delicious image.

  “I want you to stow this chocolate covered cherry deep in your pussy,” he said, presenting the chocolate to her.

  The erotic thrill of Lugal’s culinary carnality tickled her libido, infusing her core with an itch only his talented tongue could scratch. “Your wish is my command,” Samantha assured him, watching his hungry expression as she slipped the candy inside, tucking it high.

  He plucked another one from the box, locking gazes with her as he thrust it into her depths to join the first morsel. She moaned in response, barely able to believe she was spread on her kitchen table, urging her hunky genie to ravage her.

  “I am like a starving man,” he told her, his voice deep and throaty. “Ravenous. Famished.”

  Reaching into the box, Samantha presented him with a third chocolate, which he proceeded to jam high into her cunt. He clamped Samantha’s thighs closed with his hands, gifting her with a most lascivious, greedy smile.

  “Squeeze your inner muscles until you feel those plump chocolates crush inside your cunt. I cannot wait to taste your musky, honeyed juices combined with the rich sweetness of the chocolate and cherries.” His tongue darted out across his lips and she licked hers in automatic response. Then he removed the box from Samantha’s grip, setting it on the far end of the table.

  The sensation of having those chocolates stuffed up her pussy was strange, and the anticipation of Lugal getting them out again was sheer bliss. The task of squishing the candies ranked as probably the oddest Samantha had ever tackled before, but she attempted it with relish as Lugal gazed down at her pussy with another anticipatory lick of his lips.

  “Make haste, little one. I find that all that Googling we did has made me exceptionally hungry and exceedingly impatient.”

  He grabbed her hips and turned her to the side for a moment, giving her ass cheek a spank to punctuate his directive. She responded with a gasp as she felt the walls of her cunt crush tighter against the candies. A moan followed as Samantha became aware of the candies’ brandied syrup releasing and trickling down from deep inside.

  Good God this was erotic, and fun and…well, it was just all so unlike anything she’d ever done before. She was astounded at how brazen, how utterly shameless she’d become in the course of just a few days, but then, what red-bloo
ded woman wouldn’t, with a gorgeous, adoring hunk like Lugal at her side…and at her pussy?

  He pushed at her knees, spreading her thighs wide, and then he descended on her chocolate-bathed pussy, spearing her with his tongue. Her delighted moan matched the prolonged groan rumbling from deep in his chest as he indulged in her sweet, liquid center. Licking, lapping, nibbling and slurping, he gorged himself.

  A few moments later, his head popped up. His mouth and chin coated with a mixture of her juices and the candy’s liquid center, he grinned at her, a cherry captured between his teeth. In the next instant the fruit disappeared into his mouth. He chewed, smiled and smacked his lips.

  “I believe I am developing more of an understanding about this friendly relationship you have with chocolate, little one. I find this food to be quite likeable.” She watched his tongue peek out to capture a dab of chocolate from the corner of his lips. And then his head sank again. “So inviting and delicious,” he murmured against her pussy.

  Samantha’s hips bucked and she let out a gasp when he sucked her clit into his mouth, milking it until she thought he’d rob her of her sanity. Just as she was about to break apart, his mouth left her clitoris as his tongue busied itself inside her cunt. At least two of fingers joined it, spreading her labia, stretching her pussy walls. Searching, digging, fishing for those last two elusive cherries.

  As he explored, Lugal’s thumbs flicked back and forth across her clit. The swollen, ready-to-detonate little bud was treated to a series of swirls, flicks and pinches, eliciting a moan from Samantha that fast grew into a rapturous growl.

  Her eyes closed and she rolled her head from side to side, bliss saturating her being, delight zinging clear to every nerve ending.

  Ahhh, yessss…

  Apparently this is what she’d been missing her entire adult life—creative sex with a five thousand year-old warrior. Modern guys simply didn’t have the knack, the skill, the patience or willingness to build a slow fire and stoke it, fan the flames, make it smolder and keep those embers glowing until the final bit of ecstasy enveloped them in a smoky haze of bliss.

  A frenzy whipped inside her. Samantha’s body tightened, bracing for a potent orgasm. Her fingers dug into Lugal’s dark mane, holding him close as orgiastic waves of pleasure engulfed her.

  In the middle of her jolting throes of climax, Samantha suddenly thought about the kitchen table, hopping and banging against the floor tile beneath her. The damn thing would probably collapse under their bouncing weight, splatting them both flat on the floor in a lusty, sweaty, candy-coated heap. Of course, then she’d be able to say she’d experienced an earth-shattering orgasm in its truest sense.

  A throaty chuckle escaped her lips as she corkscrewed along the last spiral of her climax, filled with such happiness, such contentment that it barely even registered when the table did, indeed, come crashing down to the floor. She didn’t even have the time or presence of mind to scream.

  Lugal, chivalrous and multi-skilled genie that he was, somehow managed to roll them in midair so that when they landed he was on his back and she was sprawled atop him. The man was a genius. A genuine genie genius.

  Dazed, to say the least, Samantha propped her chin on his chest and looked at him, hoping she didn’t spot any gashes or pools of blood seeping all over the floor.

  His arms still around her, Lugal lay silent beneath her, his eyes closed.

  Oh my God, she’d crushed him! Maybe even killed him!

  “Lugal?” There was no response. “Lugal?” Her voice faltered this time. “Speak to me. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Her fingers felt for evidence of a pulse at his neck and relief overtook her as she felt him breathing. That’s when it dawned on her that, since she’d probably managed to collapse all of the man’s internal organs, she should probably roll off him to save him from any further agony. When she tried, he gripped her tight, holding her in place.

  Then he opened his eyes and grinned up at her, two cherries between his teeth.

  Samantha gasped, her eyes widening. “How did you do that?” Then she frowned and slapped his chest. “Lugal! You had me scared to death. I thought you were dead.”

  He plucked the cherries from his teeth. “I cannot die, remember?” Lugal dropped one of the cherries back into his mouth and nestled the other against Samantha’s lips. “Taste,” he told her as he chewed his morsel of fruit. “Experience the flavor that has made me drunk with passion.”

  She hesitated, not really sure she wanted to put something in her mouth that had just been sliding around in her pussy. Lugal nudged it more firmly against her mouth when she didn’t open for him.

  Her lips parted and she accepted the cherry, rolling it on her tongue before biting into it.

  How odd…how very unusual to taste herself along with the brandied sweetness of the fruit. It was strange and yet, thoroughly erotic. So this is what Lugal tasted. And he apparently liked it. Samantha smiled and swallowed.

  “How am I ever going to explain what happened to this table?” she asked, smoothing the hair from Lugal’s eyes.

  “I have found it is best and simplest to tell the truth,” he advised.

  “Right.” Samantha laughed. “Gee, Sam, Rosie will say, what happened to your sturdy pine table? Oh, that old thing? I’d answer. Lugal and I splintered it and it came crashing to the floor while we were in the middle of oral sex.”

  “Yes.” Lugal smiled. “You see? Simple.”

  “Don’t you dare tell Rosie that.” Samantha waved a chastising finger at him. “I’d die of embarrassment.”

  “What will you tell her instead?”

  “I’ll tell her that you got over exuberant and hacked it with your saber.” She smiled.

  Lugal shook his head from side to side. “That would not explain why all four legs collapsed.”

  “Well, we’ll just get rid of the evidence before Rosie or anyone else sees it.” She pulled herself into a sitting position, astride Lugal. “But not until we finish what we started.” With a sultry smile, designed to beguile, she tiptoed her fingers to the closure on his jeans. Scooting back to his thighs, she pulled the zipper down, click by leisurely click.

  His big, bold warrior cock, fully erect and raring to go, sprang free at the juncture of her thighs.

  “Going commando, I see,” she noted, swirling her fingers through the dark, curly thatch of pubic hair. “How deliciously convenient.”

  “What is commando?”

  “No underwear.”

  “I find it encumbering.”

  Samantha rimmed the crown of his erection with her finger and it jerked. A pearl of pre-cum beaded at the tip and she licked it, dragging a low primitive groan from Lugal.

  Shifting position, she tugged the jeans down Lugal’s hips with his help. Breathing a dreamy sigh, she aimed her pussy over his saluting cock and slid down its length, seating herself. Mmm, yes, she couldn’t think of any other place she’d rather be.

  Happily riding her genie, she sighed, she moaned, she relished a husky laugh as she ground her pussy into him, rocking from side to side, front to back.

  “I cannot think of a worthier way to make final use of your broken table, Samantha.” His eyes closed as she squeezed her inner muscles against his cock. “Ahhh, what you do to me.”

  “Tell me, what is it that I do to you, Lugal?” Her fingers zigzagged from his pecs, across his abs and traveled down to his groin, circling the broad base of his cock.

  “You make me prickle all over. Like a thousand pins nipping at my flesh, my mind, my gut.”

  Samantha’s fingers stilled. She imagined her expression probably mirrored her chagrin. “Oh dear…well that doesn’t sound at all pleasant.”

  “I am sorry. I have not expressed my thoughts correctly.” Lugal frowned. “I mean that I am always aware of your presence, Samantha. I feel your presence with me, in me, on me. It is a part of me. Unforgettable. I mean to say that you make me wild in such a way that I yearn to consume you.” His hands snaked up her be
lly, tracing her rib cage and settling on her breasts. “To draw your essence into mine, to keep it with me always…forever…”

  Forever. Tears sprang to Samantha’s eyes. “Oh, Lugal…”

  “Do not cry, little one.” His gaze was full of concern as one hand left her breast and he wiped away the single fat tear coursing down her cheek. “I did not mean for my words to make you forlorn. I meant for them to make you smile.”

  “They make me very happy. I wish I could keep you with me forever too.”

  “Your words make me happy too.” Planting his hands on the floor, alongside the broken tabletop, Lugal braced himself, lifting his body in sort of a backward pushup and bucking his hips against Samantha’s pussy.

  “How did you ever get to be so strong?” Samantha asked, amazed at his prowess as she was lifted along with him. Her gaze locked on his flexing muscles as he boosted them repeatedly and red-hot desire scorched through her.

  “Many years of strength and stamina training,” he grunted, doing another few of the backward pushups. “Pluck those berries for me as you ride me, Samantha.”


  “The reddened berries that crown your pink tits. Take them in your fingers and pinch them. Show me how you like to pleasure yourself when you are alone.”

  Samantha gave a righteous gasp of indignation. “I never do that when I’m by myself,” she lied.

  The chuckle Lugal emitted was smug and telling. “Before I came out of the bottle, you spoke to Rosie of my photograph, saying that, although I was long dead, you would use your imagination and your vibrator. Remember?”

  Oh, she remembered all right. Samantha felt her cheeks flush hot. “I don’t remember anything of the kind.”

  “Remind me to spank you later for telling such an untruth,” Lugal said, his tone husky and teasing. “I have been to the sex market, remember, Samantha? I now know what a vibrator is. The ones we purchased are in addition to the ones already stored in your bedside table drawer.”


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