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The Rhythm

Page 12

by Moira Callahan

  Jen sniffed delicately as she gave his waist a squeeze. “She would be proud of you.”

  “I can only hope,” he admitted. “I ended up leaving that home when the mother found out she was pregnant. Off to my eighth and worst home yet.”

  When he went quiet, Jennifer moved to look at him fully. A variety of expressions were coming and going. Swallowing hard against the lump she had in her throat, Jen knew she didn’t want to hear what he had yet to tell her. Tightening her hold, she kept her gaze intent on him as he began to speak again.

  “The father liked young boys. He didn’t have an age preference, only that they weren’t able to fight back. The first week I was there I knew something was off about the place. The other boys living there all looked scared, and would flinch whenever the man came into a room. I didn’t realize why until he came into my room on my eighth night there. He threatened me if I told anyone. At the time I thought I was alone, that I was the only one he was doing those things to. For two months I lived in terror, and then cried myself to sleep once he was finished.”

  Jen was crying openly now. She couldn’t have stopped the tears for anything. The pain in Lance’s voice at the degradation he’d suffered at the hands of a man charged with the young boy’s well-being cut her deep. Shifting, she straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. All she could do was hold on to him as he finished. Much like he was holding on to her. They both needed an anchor.

  “Then a new boy was dropped off. He couldn’t have been more than seven, maybe eight. I didn’t get a visit that night. The next morning I found out why when the mother found the new boy dead in his room. He still had his pajama bottoms around his ankles with all the signs of the abuse. The police came. It gave me the courage to point the finger at the man. A couple other boys also spoke up. We were all cleared out of there and taken to the hospital. The doctors found all the evidence the cops needed to lock the man away for a long time. The wife got a hell of a sentence too for being complacent to what her husband did with the kids in the house.”

  His voice was like broken glass, rough and harsh. Squeezing him tighter, Jen pressed a kiss to his neck and began to stroke the short hair at the back of his head. She didn’t care he was holding her tightly enough to break her ribs. All she cared about what the fact he wasn’t pushing her away.

  “At sixteen I got out of the system for good. I moved in with Jeremy’s family with the hope that I could finish up high school and work a job without having to worry about paying rent. I made sure I gave them some money each week for groceries despite their many protests. I wasn’t a mooch, and I wanted to let them know I appreciated them doing what many others wouldn’t have ever considered. Without them, I don’t want to think about where I might have ended up. Without Jeremy being my friend when I needed one the most…”

  His voice trailed off but she got it. Jeremy hadn’t questioned him about any of it. The other boy had been there as a solid foundation for Lance to lean on should he need one. No pressure, simply an easy and open friendship between boys with the same love of music. Closing her eyes, she kept petting him. After a time, his hold on her loosened a bit, and he began to rub her back.

  “We moved in together when we turned eighteen. We had big plans to be rock gods one day, and we needed to have our own space to do it. His parents worried about us. Likely not a bad thing, but we were eighteen and knew exactly what we were doing.”

  Jen snorted out a laugh. Sitting back on his thighs, she wiped at her cheeks. “We all think we know what we’re doing at that age. When we haven’t got a fucking clue.”

  Using his thumbs, Lance helped wipe away the lingering wetness. “We might not have known what to do, but we made it work.” His gaze moved over her features as he searched for...something. “That animal used to say to me various versions of the same thing. ‘Not feeling all that almighty now are you, you fucking punk’ was one of his favorites. Always with the almighty.”

  She cupped his cheeks and leaned close to press a kiss to his lips. “I love you, Lance West. I would never do anything to hurt you. Thank you for telling me,” she whispered. It was his stillness, and the wide-eyed look he pinned her with that had Jen realizing what she’d said. Pressing a hand to her mouth she stared back at him. What the fuck had she done?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You love me?” Lance finally managed to croak out. Her declaration had shocked the ever-loving shit out of him. By the look on Jennifer’s face, she’d shocked herself as well.

  She gave a tiny nod. Her eyes went a bit wider over the hand she had pressed to her gorgeous mouth.

  Lance could only smile. One that got bigger and bigger the more he replayed her words in his head. Tugging her hand away from her lips, he pulled her in for a kiss. “I love you too, Jennifer Mitchell.”

  “You’re not saying that because I said it, right?”

  He shook his head hard. “Hell no. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you. I knew I had to tell you everything about my past first before I could take that next step.”

  Her head tipped to one side. He knew she was working out why he’d want to wait until he’d revealed all. Lance didn’t doubt for a second she’d figure it out either. Of course, it did make him cringe inside when he thought of how she might perceive it.

  “You actually thought I’d walk away after you told me all that?” The hurt in her voice had him flinching.

  “No,” he said shaking his head. “But I didn’t want the added pressure of an ‘I love you’ on top of learning all that, Jennifer. I thought it best to drop one bomb at a time on you.” Maybe he should have planned a bit better. He could only hope she believed him. Frankly, he wouldn’t blame her for walking away from him right then.

  Sliding off his lap, Jennifer paced away from him and stopped at the end of the bed. Lance pushed up off the sofa but didn’t move toward her. Chewing his lip, he waited. Finally, she turned to look at him. The look in her eyes had him moving to her and wrapping his arms around her. When her own arms slid around him, Lance let out the breath he’d been holding.

  “I’m sorry, Jennifer,” he said softly. “Next time I’ll lead with the ‘I love you’ portion.”

  She gave a snort and smacked him lightly on the ribs. “Will there be a next time?”

  “No, that’s the whole sordid story of my early years. The only things you may not know about involve the rest of the lunatics in the band. You’ve already heard a number of them. When the rest comes out, you shouldn’t be shocked.”

  Stepping back, she moved her hands to rub her palms over his chest. “Thank you for telling me everything, Lance. You didn’t have to which makes it a precious gift. That trust you gave me is overwhelming.”

  He shrugged. “No one else knows it all except a couple of therapists I saw after it happened. Jeremy doesn’t know everything which should tell you something. He knows I had a shit start to life and that some homes were worse than others. But he doesn’t know what happened to me in that one home.”

  “I would never share that with him or anyone else, Lance. It’s not my story to tell.”

  Lance let out a small breath of relief. While he wouldn’t hide it from the guys, he wasn’t comfortable sharing it with them either yet. He might one day in the future, but it wouldn’t be today. Sliding his hands to her hips, he began to back her toward the bed. It was beyond time to get both their minds off what he’d shared. Frankly he knew one sure fire way.

  Giving her a boost up onto the bed, Lance whipped the overlarge shirt she’d been wearing off over her head. At which point he discovered she had nothing else underneath. Holy shit! If only he’d known that earlier. Then again, had he known, he might not have actually had the fortitude to actually tell her about his past.

  Jennifer scooted back on the bed, a small smirk curling her lips. “You look a mite stunned, Mr. West.”

  “Yeah, you could say that.” Lance pulled his own shirt off to toss it aside before going to work on his jean
s. Jennifer, the delightful minx, stretched out until her back was arching. The move pushed her luscious breasts up high to show off the tight buds of her nipples.

  Another bit of fumbling with his zipper before Lance finally was able to ditch the suddenly too tight jeans. Climbing up on the bed, he eased over her while she opened her legs to provide him with a cradle for his body. He let out a moan at finding her slick with need already.

  Lowering his head, Lance flicked his tongue over a nipple. Jennifer’s hands moved to his hair and shoulder. The small bite of pain from her nails spurred him on. Slowly, he ran the tip of his tongue over the tight bud of flesh, flicking it back and forth.

  “Lance, quit toying with me.”

  He chuckled at her plea. She knew him better than that and knew he was nowhere done with her yet. Moving to her other breast, he sucked the nipple into his mouth to tease with his teeth and tongue. Jennifer began to squirm on the bed, rocking her hips.

  He let out a groan when his cock slid between her slick folds. Moving a hand, he pressed her hips down to the bed and earned a frustrated sound from her. “Behave.” Slowly, he slid his mouth down her body to the soft curve of her belly and lower. Adjusting himself between her legs, he put his mouth on her pussy and began to taste her. All night he’d been thinking about having his mouth on her again. He couldn’t seem to ever get enough of her.

  She jolted at the contact. Both her hands took purchase in his hair while attempting to direct him where she needed him most. Lance let her guide him to her clit before he took over again. Slipping two fingers into her tight sheath, he began to suckle her while slowly moving his fingers in and out of her body.

  Jennifer went over quickly, her strangled scream music to his ears. Drawing back, he shook his head sharply to slide her fingers from his hair. He had to grin at her small protest, but the sound she made when he flipped her onto her belly had him snickering.

  He loved seeing her loose and relaxed. The soft look, along with the slight flush from her arousal coloring her skin, was the highest form of compliment for his talents in Lance’s book. Lowering his head, he pressed kisses along her spine. Jennifer arched up and let out a soft purring sound. Right up until he sank his teeth into the curve of her ass.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she squawked.

  Lance brushed his lips over the small indentation he’d left. When she turned her head enough to level an annoyed look his way, he wiggled his eyebrows. “I’ve been wanting to take a bite out of this sweet ass since day one.”

  His words had her cheeks flushing a brighter pink. He’d thrown her because while her lips moved nothing came out. Grinning, he cocked his brow and dipped his head to give her another small nip. Jennifer squirmed on the bed. “You like that.” Not a question. He could see in her look she did. Picking another spot, he gave her another small bite.

  This time she pushed her ass up in a silent plea for more. One he was more than willing to answer. Moving to the other side, he sank his teeth in for a bite, held, and then released. She let out a low moan that went straight to his dick while he rubbed a thumb to the small mark. Unable to stand it a second longer, Lance grabbed a condom, slipped it on, and sat back on his heels. He gave her hips a tug to pull her up onto her knees.

  Smoothing his hands over her ass, he gave each cheek a squeeze. He shifted a little to position himself at her slick entrance and pushed deep inside her. Jennifer clenched tightly around his cock, wrenching a moan from him. Giving her ass a light slap of reprimand, he nearly came when her inner muscles pulsed around him.

  The woman liked the slap although the look she tossed him over her shoulder promised retribution. Not that it stopped him from giving her another or the one after that. Sliding his cock in and out of her wet heat, he gave her a few more slaps to her sweet, rounded ass until he couldn’t stand the torture any longer.

  He took hold of her hips to help drive her back into him harder, and faster. Their breathing turned sharp as they came together again and again. The sound of their sweat-slick flesh making contact, and the sight of his dick disappearing into her body repeatedly had his balls drawing up tight to his body.

  Reaching around, Lance found her clit and gave it a squeeze. She let out a sound of pleasure as she clamped down around him. Another hard thrust and he came, filling the condom with his seed. With regret, he pulled free from her spasming body and eased her down onto the bed. Collapsing at her side, he fought for air. He needed to clean up in a minute. For that moment in time, he soaked in their combined sounds and the pleasure of the heat of her body pressing alongside his own.

  After a small fumble, he found her hand to lace his fingers with hers. Lance met her gaze and smiled. “I love you, Jennifer.”

  “I love you too,” she mumbled into the bedding. “But we are seriously going to be talking about you slapping my ass.”

  He couldn’t stop the laugh that burst out to save his own life at that point in time. Rolling, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “You loved it and you know it.”

  The sudden splash of pink in her cheeks confirmed it. He didn’t need the words. Not yet anyway. Maybe later, when he got her to admit the truth. Giving her shoulder another kiss, he rested his cheek on her warm flesh and closed his eyes. He needed a second to regain a bit of strength before attempting to move. The woman knew exactly how to wring him dry. In more ways than one, he realized with a grin he was grateful she couldn’t see.


  Three weeks later…

  Everything was in place, planned down to the smallest of details. He only hoped nothing went wrong. The worst thing that could potentially happen was she refused. Lance didn’t think it would happen, but he wasn’t going to assume Jennifer would be on board. The woman had a mind of her own, and he was never completely sure which way she might lean.

  Only one way to find out of course.

  With that thought in mind, he gave the backyard one last look before heading inside. She would be up in the office space working on the autobiography of the band. She’d been working hard on it for the last two weeks since she wanted to have a rough draft of sorts for Christine to use when their manager truly began to shop it around the industry. He knew Jennifer was worried about it and no matter what he or anyone else told her, they couldn’t seem to lessen that worry any.

  Hopefully, his plan for the evening would distract her. At least a bit. Maybe get her to focus on him once again. Not that he was feeling neglected in any way. He also knew she wasn’t feeling neglected either. They each had their projects to do during the day, her with the book, and him with working on the new album with the guys. The nights, on the other hand, were for them and them alone.

  Tonight’s plan had been in the works for the last couple of days. With the help of the others, he’d gotten everything set up for the romantic evening. Jennifer deserved romance, and this was his way of giving it to her. It wasn’t a five-star restaurant, or a club for dancing the night away, but given how well-known his mug was, it was the best he could do.

  Not that he hadn’t suffered some severe second thoughts while getting everything together for a quick set up when he’d known Jennifer was otherwise occupied. He often worried about the fact they’d never be able to go out in public like everyday folks would. With the fame of the band, it would be too big of an affair to easily achieve. He’d do it for her if she wanted it. Hell, Lance would do anything the woman wanted if she asked.

  Jogging up the stairs, he tapped on the door to the den to ensure he didn’t scare her by walking up behind her. He’d made that mistake once and wouldn’t again. He still teased her occasionally about it saying he still had the dent in his shins from the chair she’d shot back his way when she’d jumped up. She didn’t find it nearly as amusing as he did, though.

  “You ready for dinner?” he asked, staying safely on the other side of the desk from her.

  She made a slightly distracted sound. “Give me a minute,” she muttered.

  Lance slipped
his hands into the pockets of his slacks and waited. After a minute, she shook her head and shut the lid of the laptop. Muttering under her breath, she turned her chair to look at him, her expression showing her surprise.

  “My, don’t you look snazzy,” she said with a smile. “What’s the occasion?”

  “That would be for me to know and for my lovely lady to find out. Now, you have the option of dressing up for dinner if you’d like,” he told her. Stepping around the desk, he held out a hand to help her up from her seat. He let his gaze slide down over her body before he lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Or you can stay as you are.”

  Jennifer smoothed a hand down over the long, flowing skirt she had on. “I feel mildly underdressed compared to you.”

  Lance shook his head. “You look perfect.” He might be a smidge biased, though. “We’re doing dinner alone tonight, but it’s totally your choice.”

  He watched her as she went through an internal debate. Finally, she shrugged and smiled up at him. “Then I say we go have dinner as we are. I’m fairly comfortable and if I don’t have to worry about the other guys seeing my outfit, why bother changing.”

  “Good call.” Dipping his head down, Lance gave her a quick kiss before stepping away. He tugged lightly on her hand to guide her through the house and out to the backyard.

  “Oh my,” she whispered. “I’m suddenly reconsidering the need to change my clothes. When did you have time to do all this?”

  The backyard looked good now that the sun was starting to set over the city. With the shadows lengthening, the small lights and candles he’d lit provided a warm glow of light. Leading her over to the table set for two in the middle of the yard, he rocked back on his heels. “I had a bit of time while you were busy working.”

  Jennifer settled into the chair he pulled out for her. “This took more than the couple of hours you had after being in the studio today.”


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