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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 2

by Karen Lamb

  I made myself a cappuccino, and grabbed a pot of Greek yoghurt out of the fridge, spooning a little into a bowl, topping it with a sprinkling of walnuts and honey, and began eating.

  My thoughts reflected on yesterday’s lunch, the food at the Packhorse had been surprisingly delicious. I had an unexpected return of appetite and happily devoured my plate of fillet of sole, the brown butter and caper sauce was to die for, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed good food and for too long I had been a stranger in my kitchen choosing to either not eat or survive on soups and sandwiches. I had been known in our circle of friends as a talented and creative cook, Will and I regularly hosted dinner parties, cooking had been a real passion of mine and with Will’s knowledge of fine wines, it made us the dream team, I had even contemplated going to catering college to study at a more professional level, but instead my dream had been consigned to the ‘to late, never going to happen bin’.

  But enough! This was to be Day 1 of my road to recovery, my mission to begin living, no more wallowing in the past and what might have been!

  I was lucky to have a good friend like Laura in my life, even if she was a bit high maintenance! I decided I needed more spontaneity in my life and if she was prepared to help me move on, then I was willing to do my bit too.

  I turned my attention to my day, how exactly could I reintegrate myself and what interests could I become involved in? Yesterday Laura was promoting the benefits of living in a positive way, her exact words were ‘positive thinking was the basis of a happy life’, her sudden immersion into all things ‘woo woo’ was a result of 6 months experimenting with mindfulness and meditation classes along with her own personal life coach, who, not unsurprisingly, was a hunk! A part of me wondered if it was yet another distraction from the real issues in her life, I suppose only time would tell!

  I finally made a simple decision, I would pay a visit to the large second-hand book shop in town, it would be a nice way to spend a morning, they had a café so I could eat and read, two of my favourite pastimes, I could check out books on self-help, as well as cookery, painting, sketching, photography, yes it sounded like a good start.

  I made myself another coffee, feeling a tingle of nervous excitement, it was time to move on, bit by painful bit I was determined to awaken myself from this nightmare and maybe even reinvent myself, a soft whisper swirled through my soul, ‘Come on Claire, you can do this’.

  I grabbed a pen and notepad and sat down on one of the three large comfy armchairs, curling my legs underneath, I began to make a list of things I had always wanted to try: -



  Fly fishing




  Tai Chi




  Wine tasting

  Jewellery making


  I stared down at the list that had been surprisingly easy to draft! Although I certainly couldn’t imagine doing all of them, to be honest, a few like golf were Will’s and I had just happily tagged along, so I crossed that one off. Then the pottery, hmm! As I remember it was a hobby I never did grasp, It wasn’t quite the fun I had imagined, the inevitable images from the movie ‘Ghost’ conjuring up a romantic scenario as I worked on my potter’s wheel, Will and I getting thoroughly messy, lumps of wet clay flying everywhere followed by lots of hot steamy sex. Unfortunately, our reality had been much less romantic; Will had slipped on some clay and ended up with a slipped disc and a painful visit to A&E. I crossed pottery off the list and made a note to sell my pottery wheel.

  Painting, now this was an activity I enjoyed, I remembered spending many a happy hour outdoors with my paints and easel, I had a unique style which was different and perhaps not to many peoples taste, but it was the one hobby which was seriously important to me, it was sheer escapism, my creations came from my soul and felt honest and exciting, I really didn’t care a jot whether others liked them or not. Yes, this was a must!

  Yoga, again I had lots of happy memories from my Yoga and Pilate’s classes. We had a lovely teacher called Anne, she had the most calming voice and her supple body made you want to aspire to be as graceful and poised as her.

  Any activities, which were a touch more aerobic, like jogging or cycling, was not my cup of tea, however Tai Chi was a discipline I had considered trying out, but never gotten around to. So many things to try out. I felt I was making progress, but I didn’t want to feel I had to throw myself in to doing too much at once.


  The village I lived in was picture postcard perfect. It had a partially ruined castle, which perched impressively at the top of a hill overlooking the village below. The main road ran around one side before it steeply descended into the square that had a large stone cross standing in the centre and an imposing medieval church behind.

  Beautiful creamy sandstone houses lined the streets, their small glazed, oak framed and panelled windows showed a style of a time long since gone. Exquisitely carved wooden doors with decorative doorknockers spoke of elegance, this had always been a place where wealthy and prominent people had lived. Today, it had become even more desirable and house prices had escalated to way above any other village in the area.

  We had the mandatory local pub, which served traditional food, nothing too elaborate, but with portion sizes that only a hungry farmer could consume and a warm, friendly atmosphere it was always busy. There was a small hotel, The Blue Bell, which had recently been renovated, now boasting 18 bespoke en-suite bedrooms, an intimate fine dining room and a wine bar, which offered a simpler tapas style menu, that led out to an all year round covered garden with outdoor heaters, a functional and clever solution for our Northumbrian climate.

  We were fortunate to have an artisan butcher’s shop; Jeff, who proudly boasted that he bought and sold the best meat and game in the area. His wife Sarah, owned the fruit and vegetable shop next door, she dedicated a small section of the store to promoting the sale of some of our finest local cheeses, they were a winning team that together with the small grocery store, a newsagent and sub-post office were the heart of the village.

  The downside to living here was that our small idyllic village had become a magnet for tourists and day-trippers escaping the bigger surrounding towns and cities. We were invaded most weekends and in July and August we had to learn to share our village with the hoards that descended, the fact that the coastline was a mere mile away, made it completely irresistible.

  I grabbed my thin fleecy jacket and a shopping bag and ventured out. As I made my way up the hill a few concerned locals stopped me, they kindly asked about my wellbeing and I could feel the warmth of their heartfelt words. I felt ashamed that I had turned my back on them, choosing instead to hide away like a recluse, fortunately no one made such critical comments, which I really appreciated.

  An hour later, having purchased a few important groceries and spotting in the newsagent’s window a flyer advertising a new yoga class, believing that this was perhaps another positive sign I recorded the details before returning home. As I opened my front door and stepped inside I was feeling pleased with how well my outing had gone, I felt, what could be described as a feeling of optimism. These baby steps were encouraging and who knew where they would lead me. Seizing the moment in case it slipped away, I grabbed my phone and looked for the photo of the flyer. The classes were to start next Tuesday night, 7pm in the village hall with all abilities and all ages welcome: - Contact Adam Coulson on 0783452311. There was a picture underneath of a handsome man that stared up at me; he was wearing a white top and yoga pants, aged I guessed about 40. He had shoulder length wavy brown hair, and a very attractive smile. My first thought was that I could definitely get Laura to come along, particularly once she got to look at this photo.

  I quickly unpacked my groceries before making a cup of tea and calling Laura; a rather breathless voice quickly answered.

  “Hi Claire, ever
ything ok?” after which I heard what sounded like a slap, followed by a giggly Laura asking someone to “stop it!”

  “Is this a bad moment?”

  “No, it’s all good” she reassured me “what’s up?”

  “Nothing important, I just wondered if you would like to come to a new yoga class in the village, it starts next week, and I was looking for a little support.” at that moment there was a thump and more giggles coming from my phone. “Are you sure everything is alright Laura?” A male voice began calling out in a commanding fashion, “come here woman it’s my turn to tie you up,” a squeal escaped from Laura as she told the man to be patient.

  “Sorry Claire I’m a little tied up” as another bout of laughter came through my phone.”

  “Laura, I think I’ll call you later, you seem a bit preoccupied at the moment”

  “Oh, okay if you’re sure you’re okay,”

  “Yes, no worries,”

  “Good, speak soon,” then just before I could end the call, I heard the cries from an excited Laura who was now groaning with pleasure.

  I stared at my mobile for a few seconds wondering if I had just interrupted a scene from 50 shades of grey! I think it was fair to say that my suspicions that Laura was cheating on Frank had just been confirmed.

  It was early evening, and I had a sudden desire to pamper myself. I began running a deep bath, adding some luxurious bubble bath, an expensive unopened Christmas gift from Will, it’s scent was gorgeous as it floated throughout the bathroom. I carefully placed a champagne flute onto the tiled edge. As part of my recovery, I had dug out a bottle of champagne from the drinks cupboard and placed it in the fridge earlier. Holding the gas lighter I began to light a few candles, which were dotted around the bathroom; the result was a heavenly tranquil ambience. Pleased with my work, I slipped off my bath robe and stepped into the bath, reclining back into the mass of soft bubbles, I sighed with sheer pleasure, my body already relaxing as the hot soothing bath began to work its magic. Why had I denied myself these simple acts of kindness? I thought, and decided it was time that I got my priorities right and think more of my own life and needs, this certainly was a good start.

  As I reached to take a sip of champagne the phone interrupted; should I pick it up or let it go to voicemail? I sighed and pressed accept!

  “Hi it’s me,” Laura spoke with a rather subdued voice, “I am so sorry I cut you short earlier but I had a friend visiting and………

  “Please stop Laura there’s no need to explain, it was clear you were very busy entertaining or being entertained?” I heard the hint of a judgemental tone in my voice. “Sorry Laura ignore me it’s really none of my business,” there was a long pause at the other end,

  “Claire, I am such a fool, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I have been making some really stupid choices lately.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Yes, but not tonight I’ve been drinking and I don’t want to drive to your place, could I come over tomorrow?”

  This gave me an idea, “I tell you what, why not come over about 12.30 and I’ll treat you to lunch in the Blue Bell, how does that sound?”

  “Sounds like a great idea I’d love that, and maybe together we can sort out each other’s problems, again sorry about before”

  “Laura there is nothing to apologise about, now why don’t you make yourself a soothing cup of herbal tea and have an early night,”

  “Will do, see you tomorrow”

  Reclining back into the bath, my mind ran through what I imagined Laura might have been up to earlier today, to my surprise I felt a pang of jealousy, ‘oh really come on Claire we’re not going there are we?’ I thought, but the truth was that it had been more than a year since I’d even had an intimate touch let alone sex and I had to admit I missed that part of my life, ‘well girl get used to it, I certainly don’t imagine that will be coming around anytime soon,’ my thoughts continued.

  A wave of guilt hit me, what right had I to complain, I had been fortunate enough to have a wonderful relationship with a loving husband, he had been the love of my life, and I simply couldn’t imagine being romantically involved with another man and that was the truth!


  The next day, Laura arrived at my door, an enthusiastic finger pressing on the doorbell,

  “Come in” I shouted, “it’s open,”

  She bounded in like a playful puppy, all smiles and all trace of last night’s melancholy gone.

  “Well I see your back to your old self”

  “You can’t keep me down for long it’s not in my DNA” as she twirled and spun towards me, her face full of mischief as she grabbed my hand and started dirty dancing, attempting to fling me back, unsuccessfully, while her voice spoke gruffly in a sexy Latino way, “well hello pretty lady,” as she lost her grip and we both ended up on the floor laughing our heads off.

  A few minutes later we were sat in the Tapas bar in the Blue bell.

  “So, you fancy taking up Yoga again”? asked Laura.

  “Yes, I think so, I always enjoyed Anne’s classes, it worked wonders on my torn shoulder and I found the meditation at the end really relaxing, what do you think, fancy coming along with me?” “Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you, it’s not Anne anymore its some new guy taking the classes.”

  “Tell me more, how old is he, is he good looking?” my elbow prodded her side.

  “Ouch, what’s that for?” she frowned,

  “Everything is about sex with you at the moment, what’s that all about?”

  “No harm in a bit of a flirtatious fantasy.”

  “Really! do you know you undress every man that comes within 10 feet of you? Come on spill the beans, what’s really going on?”

  Laura’s face became distracted as she fiddled with a button on her jacket, “Oh, you know, it’s all just harmless fun.”

  “Ah ha! and does Frank feel it’s harmless?” I asked.

  Laura blushed. “Well he, umm..”

  I finished her sentence. “He doesn’t know, does he?” She shook her head, at least she had the decency to look embarrassed. I took her hand and squeezed it softly. “Come on, this isn’t like you, are things really that bad with you and Frank?” Tears began to fill Laura’s eyes as she shook her head.

  “He doesn’t know and that’s how I want it to stay.”

  “But you can’t carry on like this behind his back, he’s a good man and he adores you and doesn’t deserve this.” Laura’s head nodded.

  “You’re right of course, but you don’t know what our marriage is like, it’s become mundane and uninteresting, it was different for you and Will, you were crazy for each other and always trying different things together.”

  “So this is your solution, to have affairs behind his back, you can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that it’s Frank!” Laura looked blankly across the room,

  “I don’t know how else to deal with it.”

  “Let me ask you a very simple question, do you still love Frank?” a small nod from Laura confirmed what I suspected all along. “Good, then let’s see if there is a better way to deal with it.” A smile came from Laura’s eyes as she leant in to hug me.

  “God I’ve missed you and our crazy little chats, we always could talk about anything and everything.” I nodded in agreement “You know, I think together we can help each other, a problem shared and all that, what do you think? “

  “Agreed, but before we go changing the world let’s order some drinks and food I’m starving, it’s my treat.”

  Two hours later we had eaten drank, laughed, cried and signed up for the new yoga class. I felt progress was being made, and maybe, just maybe, we could help each other get back on track and have some fun along the way.


  It was Tuesday, Laura and I were dressed in our new yoga outfits. We had our mandatory mats blocks and blankets, all courtesy of Laura’s Amazon Prime account, which delivered everything in just 24 hours, I rea
lly had been out the loop never having even heard of Amazon online shopping, now Laura had me hooked, I had my own new account and was having great fun ordering all kinds of things from a bread maker to a hairdryer, neither of which I needed!

  We walked into the village hall, where the most beautiful ethereal music was playing out of loudspeakers attached to a laptop that sat on a small wooden table along with a scented candle and burning incense. There were 12 of us in total, all women aged between 18 – 78, we stood around nervously chatting, when suddenly our eyes turned towards the back of the hall as a man dressed in white walked towards us in bare feet. This was clearly Adam, our teacher. He exuded an air of confidence and calm, unlike Laura who grabbed my arm and let out a little shriek

  “Dear god, I have died and gone to heaven, he is an Adonis, I can see me liking this class a lot,”

  “Behave.” I whispered. It was clear that Adam’s looks had not gone amiss with the other ladies in our group, as the unmistakeable air of oestrogen began floating around the room. Okay, I had to admit, Adam was certainly easy on the eye! His handsome tanned face broke out into the most dazzling smile, and that was it, he had us all in the palm of his hand.

  “Hi Ladies, I’m Adam, welcome to Shine Yoga, thank you all for being brave enough to come along. “Okay, let’s get started, please place your mats in rows of 4, blankets and blocks at the head of each mat, towards the door.” After a couple of minutes we were all positioned and ready. “Before we start I would like to call out each of your names, and to help me plan the session, if you would tell me a little about yourself, any previous yoga experience you’ve had and most importantly, if you’re new to yoga.”


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