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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 3

by Karen Lamb

  Each of us gave a short introduction; Laura’s tone managed to sound like silky molasses as she radiated out one of her beaming smiles that promised much more if he wanted it! Adam listened intently taking notes as each person spoke, when it came to my turn, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it, but he seemed to show a keener interest and smiled as I gave him my past yoga experience, which made me feel a little awkward, so I kept it short.

  “Thank you Claire, I hope I will be as good a teacher as Anne and if you have any questions please just ask as we go along or see me at the end.”

  “Look at you, Teacher’s pet already,” giggled Laura,

  “Shut up Laura he’s just being friendly,”

  “He certainly is”!

  An hour and a half later the class was over and we were packing up, chattering about what an amazing teacher Adam was.

  “So thoughtful.” said Rose our oldest lady and we all agreed that we were going to enjoy our Yoga classes and were already looking forward to next Tuesday with anticipation.

  I was rolling my mat up and getting my things together when I felt a hand on my back, as I looked up I found myself face to face with Adam, I couldn’t help it as a small gasp came from my mouth and I felt myself slipping completely off balance before he quickly and easily caught me with both hands to stop me falling and embarrassing myself any further. Stuttering and apologising I began making excuses at my unexpected dizziness, his strong hands still offering support as his smile hit me like a ton of bricks. All I wanted to do was get out of the hall as fast as possible and put this awkward moment behind me.

  “Thank you I’m fine” as I moved out of his hold, gathered my equipment up and without looking back at him, I mumbled a muted goodbye and I rushed towards the door where Laura stood with the biggest smirk on her face,

  “See you next week Claire.” Adam’s voice called out.


  I had scattered fliers around the village a couple of weeks earlier, as a result I was delighted that I had 12 signed up for tonight’s yoga class. This was the latest of four venues; three others had already started in nearby villages and towns. This gave me a following of 70 participants, which was more than enough to keep me busy.

  As I entered the small village hall I looked around the room, at the front was a large stage, this being the heart of the community it served as the main venue for all social activities, ‘yes,’ I thought,’ this would do nicely.’

  I set up my laptop and plugged in two mini speakers, which were more than powerful enough to send the music to all parts of the hall. I choose some soft soothing tracks that gave an air of peace and serenity; I lit a scented candle and some incense to complete the effect. With just a few minutes to go, I left to find the toilet and get myself ready for the session.

  As I came back into the hall I could hear excited voices, I had decided I would take it slowly tonight, a gentle introduction, so everyone got to know me, and my style of Yoga. I liked to get to know my students and their abilities and would dictate the degree of difficulty I could incorporate into the session.

  As I scanned the room one woman caught my eye, she looked particularly nervous, I guessed she was about 50-52 but I could be wrong, her big brown eyes and short dark curly hair had a much younger appearance. As the session progressed I could see her body enjoyed the postures and she’d quickly remembered each posture which she held with an easy grace. There was something surprisingly intriguing about her that made me a little nervous and more than a bit curious, her eyes held a sadness, whilst her beautiful pink lips had me imagining what it would be like to kiss them, and as for her curvaceous body, well I couldn’t stop myself imagining holding her in my arms and. …Whoa! What the hell was going on here, there goes all my professionalism right out the window!

  I was pleased with how the session had gone, and it seemed to have been popular with the group, I loved the fact the ladies ranged from teenagers to mid seventy-year olds, proving that Yoga was a practice which could be done at any age. I moved around speaking to everyone individually until I came to Claire. She was bent over gathering up her equipment unaware of my presence. I couldn’t help myself as my hand gently touched her shoulder, I felt an electric shock hit my body, the unexpected jolt seemed to surprise her also and she lost her balance while turning, she stared into my eyes an energy seemed to pass between us. My quick reactions saved her from falling, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face as she tried to regain her composure, her hands defensively pushed me back whilst she frantically gathered her things only offering a muttered ‘good night’ before dashing past me, fleeing towards the door.

  I’m not sure what had just happened, but we had definitely shared a moment, there was an instant connection like I had never experienced before, I called after her but she didn’t stop as she headed out the door. Oh well! there was always next week, that’s if she came back, I had spotted fear in her eyes, and I had no doubt that I wanted to know more about this beautiful woman who had captivated me like no one had before!


  Later that night, I lay in bed trying to work out why I was so bothered about my encounter with Adam. I couldn’t make up my mind if I was embarrassed, irritated or angry with myself. This was so unlike me, in the end I choose to ignore my mixed feelings, and try to seek some rest.

  I finally drifted off into a light sleep, before falling into a deeper dream state. I was in the shower, the water felt gorgeous as it poured over my skin, I grabbed the bar of lavender scented soap and began rubbing it between my hands creating a luxurious lather which smelt heavenly. Without warning a hand came around me from behind and reached for the soap, I felt the soapy hands gliding sensuously over my entire body, as the long slow strokes caressed my skin, what had started as a relaxing touch, suddenly changed as he expertly began to focus on massaging my breasts, causing me to gasp as my nipples became alive with the attention, I remember thinking this was not Will’s style, he loved to shower with me, then preferring sex in bed afterwards. I loved this new experience and just when I thought it couldn’t get any more exciting, his eager hands moved down my stomach and began spreading my legs apart, skilful fingers stroking and rubbing me till I couldn’t take anymore, I felt an explosion of heat and sex erupt from my core like I had never experienced before. I shuddered with the sheer pleasure, every part of me alive and satisfied, I pulled the strong arms around my body, I love you and I miss you so much, then as I spun around to kiss him, I found myself face to face with Adam, his handsome face smiling down at me, “hello Claire”, he whispered.


  I lay wide awake, in a curious state of shock, my body shaking and my pulse racing in response to the orgasm I had clearly just experienced. My body was torn between holding on to the residual sexual experience and an overwhelming feeling of shame, even though I hadn’t done anything to justify it. I had never contemplated being with anyone other than Will, the very idea of being with another man felt wrong akin to having an illicit affair. The fact that it was Adam who had railroaded his way into my dreams made it even worse, the absurdity made me very angry stirring up emotions I did not want to feel, highlighting the fact that I was lonely and my body was craving attention!

  The rest of the night was a sleepless waste of time, eventually I got up, picked at some toast and drank several coffees, reprimanding myself, and vowing I would cut back on my caffeine intake sometime soon! I decided to call Laura and get her thoughts on the dream, her phone clicked onto answering service so I left a brief, vague message, not wanting to elaborate too much of what was to me a delicate situation!

  20 minutes later having washed the dishes, vacuumed and plumped cushions, everything was in its place, and why shouldn’t it be I said to myself, the house was hardly lived in! ‘Right! Enough Claire, let’s get some fresh air and clear your head‘, I ordered myself

  The warm spring like weather was just what I needed. I strolled around the village square towards the ancient church, I k
new exactly where I was going, Will had wanted to be buried in our little graveyard in the grounds of St Mary’s. It had been my daily ritual in the first few months, visiting his grave with fresh flowers every week. I stood for ages talking to the marble headstone, soaking up the solace, which I so badly needed. As time went by I no longer felt the comfort, or the need to visit so often, instead the visits made me feel sad and depressed.

  As I stood in front of his grave, I heard myself apologising for last night’s dream, I thought how ‘crazy’ I must sound. Then I heard it as clear as day, Will’s laugh! It was like he was standing next to me, and I couldn’t help myself, as I started to join in with his laughter, an old lady who was strolling through the graveyard looked at me in a very chastising way that only served to make me laugh harder, this was the sign I was looking for, maybe, just maybe I wasn’t as screwed up as I thought? Thank you, my darling, I needed that, I think it’s time I moved on, but I want you to know I will always love you.

  The sun began to push away the few scattered clouds, the warmth touched my face as I walked along and up through the village, as I approached the newsagents, I had a bizarre, irresistible urge for an ice cream. I rummaged in my pocket and luckily found a £2 coin, my emergency parking money,

  “Hi Sally, are you selling ice creams yet?”.

  “Absolutely, just got the machine up and running yesterday, all ready for the rush this weekend.”

  “How much is a 99, the one with a chocolate flake?” producing the coin, “is this enough?”

  “£1.99, so you even get some change” she grinned. Two minutes later a large cone was expertly filled with a perfectly whipped ice cream and a flake pressed into the side, Sally passed the cone over the counter.

  “Doesn’t that look good, I haven’t had one of these in years,” as my tongue carefully swirled around the top of the ice cream, “I think I will take me and my treat on a walk along the river. Thanks Sally”

  Just outside the shop I took a right hand turn down a little lane, the tiny cottages on either side looked like dolls houses, so neat and pretty with their hanging baskets and window boxes. As I approached the end I had my first glimpse of the river. A medieval stone bridge stood to the right, no longer in use to cars and to my right a beautiful meandering path hugged the riverbank. Enjoying my stroll and completely lost in my own little world, I was unaware of anyone or anything around me. Suddenly I felt someone touch my arm, the unexpected intrusion into my space startled me, resulting in the remains of my ice cream cone going plop onto the front of my fleecy jacket.

  “Oh no, I am so sorry Claire”, nothing could have prepared me for the shock, as Adam stood larger than life right in front of me. His hand began, frantically searching in his pocket, he pulled out a tissue, and reached out towards me in a vain attempt to try and clean the mess of melting ice cream, which was now running down my jacket. He had succeeded for a second time to make my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I pushed his hands away while at the same time trying to take a step back! Trust me it had not escaped me quite how juvenile my reaction to this accident must appear!

  “I seem to be making a habit of this, don’t I?” His voice full of concern as his hands were held up in a form of surrender! “That’s the second time I’ve startled you, I’m so sorry,” The next moment was not my finest, I am ashamed to say that I behaved right out of character, as the tone of my voice became aggressive and high pitched. To make matters worse he seemed to find my outburst amusing and began laughing.

  “Claire let me help you, I can take your top home and wash it, I’ll return it on Tuesday night.”

  “I think you have done enough damage” as I swiped his hands as they once again seemed to approach my chest. He suddenly stopped laughing, as a look of confusion and hurt crossed his face.

  “I really do feel awful, it was an unfortunate accident”.

  I knew I was behaving irrational, but I couldn’t help myself. I quickly fumbled with the zipper of my jacket, and after what felt like an eternity I pulled it off turning it inside out. Adam decided, at that moment, to change tact and give me one of his winning smiles, which made matters worse.

  “Come on let me buy you another ice cream.”

  “Look Adam please just leave me alone,” I said in a low shaky voice, all I wanted at that moment was to crawl under a rock, I was past the point of no return, and I was so ashamed at my outburst, I really couldn’t fathom what had come over me. Tears began to spill from my eyes as I hastily made my way home. My heart was racing by the time I arrived at the cottage, key in hand I unlocked the door and rushed inside, slamming it closed, I pressed my back against it in a defensive manner, as if a hoard of zombies were outside waiting for me!

  What had just happened was nothing short of humiliating and I was at a loss to understand what was going on here, why did I over react like that? I thought I was finally moving on with my life! Well my recent run in with Adam had proven me wrong! I threw the offending fleecy jacket into the washing machine, before switching on the kettle to make myself a cup of herbal tea imagining that this would miraculously turn me into a sane woman! ‘Hah! some hope’.

  My mobile rang out from the island unit.

  “Hi Claire” said a concerned Laura “everything all right you left a bit of a strange message earlier and I haven’t been able to reach you until now.”

  “Laura thank goodness it’s you, I have just made the biggest fool of myself,” and I burst into tears.

  “I think I need to pop round?” I heard myself agreeing and sure enough 10 minutes later Laura was on my doorstep. I launched myself towards her and hugged her as more tears began welling up from deep inside. For once Laura said nothing and simply hugged me back, one hand gently rubbing my back, in a soothing gesture, which was just what I needed. After what felt like an age Laura gently let me go.

  “Right, what the hell is going on,” she demanded as she guided me to the leather sofa and we sat down.

  “Laura, I have just embarrassed myself big time! I don’t know what came over me, but I literally acted like a spoilt brat! Laura’s eyes smiled at me as she patted the back of my hand,

  “Trust me you couldn’t have come remotely close to some of the crazy things I have done, spill the beans, what exactly has upset you so much?”

  “Its Adam,” I said.

  “Adam, you mean gorgeous flexible body Yoga Adam” she grinned, I nodded, “Tell me, what has he done?”

  “Nothing really” I sniffed,

  “It has to be more than nothing,“ curiosity written across her face. Five minutes later I had told her about last night’s dream, and then the recent ice cream encounter along the river.

  “Wow” said Laura in an airy voice, “I had the exact same dream”


  “Are you crazy! Of course I haven’t. I love the dream though, but I think I am going to need a bit more detail” she giggled, “but honestly, if he’s making you so jumpy then it’s simple, you have the hot’s for him,” I felt my mouth fall open in disbelief

  “What! That simply isn’t true Laura,”

  “I beg to differ, and any way what’s the big deal Claire, he is really gorgeous and it’s about time you considered dating. Will passed away over a year ago, you’re not a nun, you need to move on with your life.”

  “Laura, I am finally coming around to the idea that I need to get on with my life, but that most definitely does not mean wanting to be with another man,”

  “Are you sure about that Claire, because your subconscious is certainly telling you that you are ready for some male company, and some hot sex, dreams don’t lie, I have a great book on how to decipher your dreams, I can let you read it if you like.”

  I shook my head “There’s no need, I’ll apologise on Tuesday and that will be the end of it.”

  Laura shrugged, “Suit yourself, could be a lost opportunity, you can’t hide away forever”


  I found myself sat at a table in the
local tearooms staring down into my cup of cold coffee for what seemed like an age, I was desperately trying to fathom out what had just happened, how could something so trivial have gone so terribly wrong, my mind was attempting to work out how I could recover the situation, and why did it matter so much to me whether she spoke to him again?

  I had recently discovered a beautiful walk along the river; it gave me a chance to practice my walking meditation. I usually chose this time of the day as it generally meant I would be on my own. This morning was no different and as I strolled along the pathway I was deep in thought. It had been a bold decision on my part to move to this remote part of Northumberland, I had left a highflying job in the city of London disillusioned and in need of change. I had quit my job at the bank more than a year ago and gone backpacking, some said it was a midlife crisis decision, I wasn’t so sure. My life so far had all just been about work. After university, where I had been head hunted at the age of 23 by a top financial organization. They saw potential and a cool head and I quickly climbed through the ranks to become one of the youngest CEO’s in the bank. I had all the fancy trappings, which came with this lifestyle, a penthouse flat overlooking the Thames, a Ferrari, and absolutely no time to enjoy any of it!

  As my 40th birthday approached I realized how unhappy I was, and without a second thought I had given a month’s notice, my boss thought I was having a ‘melt down’ a not uncommon scenario in this high-pressured job, he suggested a holiday to reassess my life and then get back to it. It was surprisingly easy for me to decline all forms of sweeteners to help change my mind and reluctantly the firm let me go, with a view that I could come back if I had a change of heart. That was 19 months ago, I had travelled, learnt Yoga and become a teacher, and I was relishing this different way of life. Studying meditation had taught me how to quickly relax and look more closely at what was really important to me, life was to be relished, and I now had simple needs which had given me a completely new perspective on life.


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