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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 13

by Karen Lamb

“No Claire that would be the wrong type of fishing boat!” but it did serve to lighten our approach with each other.

  A few minutes later we were sat in the boat.

  “The way I like to do things is to have everything ready before rowing out into the Loch, this can be the tricky bit so I’ll set your rod up and you can watch. I like your choice of rod, Hardy’s are renowned rod makers, and they have generations of expertise.”

  “I actually live very close to Alnwick and their factory, so it made sense to buy from them. They were brilliant and advised me on the purchase of the rod according to my height. They also advised me on the reel and other bits and pieces which they thought I would need”. Hamish nodded listening intently.

  “Now lass, an important question, are you right or left handed?”


  “Okay, now we know which side the reel has to be attached so you can wind the line in with ease,” I nodded again, “you see these hoops along the rod? It’s just a case of threading the line through each hoop till you reach the rod tip. Pull the line through the tip ring. Now I have some fine casting line, this needs to be tied on to the line.” He pulled a set amount off the spool and cut it off, his fingers worked quickly dressing the rod. “Would you like to choose a fly for me?” I reached for the wooden box, it contained a large assortment of beautifully coloured flies.

  “Can I pick any one?”

  He looked at the sky and the water, “I would suggest something green or brown for the moment, don’t worry, if the fish aren’t interested in your choice, we simply change the fly, you probably remember changing your fly multiple times, a lot depends on the weather, the water, time of day, there are lots of factors you need to consider”. I couldn’t help smiling at him and his obvious knowledge and enthusiasm.

  “What?” he asked

  “Nothing,” I said, “you really are knowledgeable, aren’t you?”

  “Did you ever doubt it?”

  “Of course, I had some concerns as to whether you even knew anything about fishing!”

  “Well as you can see, I have done this a few times before.”

  A few minutes later and we were ready; the rowing boat had three planked seats, Hamish sat in the middle and I sat in front, the rods had been carefully placed in the back of the boat along with the hamper. He rowed out to the middle of the loch, I was in my element, the scenery and the stillness was stunning.

  “Do you ever take this for granted,” I asked waving my hand to illustrate our surroundings. Hamish surprised me by nodding.

  “Yes, recently I have craved a change.”

  “Really, I think if I lived here I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  “You’d be surprised,” he said, “my personal circumstances have changed, and I am not so content now.” There was a mysterious side to this man and one that was beginning to intrigue me.

  “I think it’s time that we fish,” he said, seemingly to end that part of our conversation, placing the oars into the rowlocks to let the boat drift.

  “I prefer that you straddle the seat for now, you’ll gain confidence with your balance and relax”. He unhooked my fly from the ring, and pulled a few lengths of line from the rod. “Take the rod in your right hand, the line with your left and with your right wrist you want to flick the rod to the vertical, then let then the line straighten behind you before flicking it forward in the direction you want the fly to land, letting the line go from your left hand at the same time. Keep the rod tip just above the water and move it parallel to the water, while pulling down sharply with the line hand. Let me show you a few casts and then you can try. This can be repeated a few times till you feel comfortable with the action, and the cast is where you want it to be. Then you wait to see if a fish is tempted to take the fly”. I remembered when I had gone fishing with Will that casting a line could look very graceful in the hands of an experienced fisherman, not so easy for a beginner.

  “It takes practice and a degree of confidence with a big measure of patience. Come on let me see you try”, I suddenly felt nervous next to him, “come on Claire you’ll quickly get the hang of it.”

  “What makes you think that,” I said anxiously.

  “Because you have the personality and tenacity to be a good fisherman?”

  “Steady Hamish, that almost sounded like a compliment!”

  My first two attempts were dreadful.

  “Don’t over think it Lass, here let me guide you”. He sat behind me and pushed his body closely up against my back, and then he put his hands on top of mine. I could feel his breathe on my neck, it felt strangely intimate as he took control of my hands and began guiding the action of the rod. Slowly I started to sense how I should be placing the rod and cast.

  After a few minutes I suggested that I do it alone, he reluctantly moved away and watched my attempt. I quickly felt more at aese and started to enjoy myself, Hamish was now casting a line with his own rod and on his third attempt a fish took his fly. I watched fascinated with his dexterity, it was incredible to see how it was properly done. Just a few minutes later he landed a beautiful brown trout.

  This must have given me some degree of confidence as suddenly my line tugged sharply.

  “Oh my god, now what do I do?”

  “Keep calm, let the fish run a bit with the line, now slowly start to reel him in, your looking to tire it out, that’s it you almost have him, I’ll get the landing net”. I was beginning to see the fish being drawn to the edge of the boat, I had a moment of anxiety for the poor thing.

  “Maybe I should let it go.”

  “I don’t think so,” said Hamish, “you need the experience of landing your first fish. This trout has had a magnificent life and you have earned the right to catch it. I’m going to take the net behind so it doesn’t see it coming and try and bolt off.” Hamish skilfully captured the fish and landed it onto the floor of the boat. It was beautiful.

  “I think mine is bigger than yours Hamish.”

  “I see, so suddenly your competitive,” he laughed.

  Both fish had been dispatched and wrapped inside a large plastic bag, but not before I took about a dozen photos to share with Adam and Laura.

  “I don’t know about you, but I am starving. Should we stop for a while and sample some of the food from the hamper.”

  “Agreed, all this fresh air works up an appetite!”

  The contents of the picnic basket were delicious, and we had successfully eaten most of the contents, Hamish not unexpectedly had eaten the lion’s share.

  “I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much as today Claire,” his eyes staring out into the distance. This statement hit me like a lightning bolt, what was it about this man that could annoy and intrigue me all in the one sentence? Warning bells were beginning to go off as I sensed the danger of this situation. I decide to make light of it.

  “Come on Hamish you must have enjoyed lots of days like this?”

  “You’d be wrong lass.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite, why is that?”

  “Because it takes many factors to exist at the same time to create the perfect moment, let alone the perfect day.” Once again, I tried to steer the conversation to a lighter topic.

  “So, what’s different about today?” I asked.

  “You are the difference Lass!” And there it was, the alarm bells in my head had not been wrong! It took a few seconds for the seriousness of his answer to hit home.

  “What!” I blurted out, “what on earth do I have to do with it, not two hours ago we were sparring with each other. Oh no Hamish, please don’t say you have feelings for me, which by the way, I never saw coming!”

  “I can’t help it Lass, there is something about you, which makes me feel good, I really enjoy your company, you’re a smart, beautiful woman and I am very attracted to you.” My face must have been a picture, a mix of shock and horror and before I could say anything he held a hand up in the air.

  “Don’t worry Claire,
I know nothing can ever come of it, you’re married and I would never take another man’s wife, though I’m tempted to try!”

  “Please Hamish, take me back now, I can’t do this.”

  “I understand,” he said softly, “but I won’t apologize, I needed to tell you, and believe me I when I tell you if anyone had said to me 24 hours ago that I would have fallen in love with a complete stranger, I would have said they were crazy!”

  “Stop Hamish, enough, I am sorry that you feel this way, I am sure I haven’t in any way given you any signals that I was interested in you.”

  “No lass, you’ve been a total innocent here, in fact you made it clear that I was an ogre!”

  “Oh Hamish, you’re not an ogre just rather abrupt in your manner, but it’s obvious you have a soft underbelly,” as I tapped his stomach, “so work on that side and I am sure you will find someone out there who would love to be with you.” He dropped his head and shook it.

  “No lass that’s not possible, but I am not going to embarrass you any further, I’ll take you home.”

  The journey back gave me time to try and process what had happened. To be honest I truly never saw it coming and there was a part of me disappointed, the real Hamish was funny and good company, it was a shame we couldn’t be friends. Or could we? I am on a remote island in Scotland, all on my own, I need a friend and Hamish certainly needs a friend, could we be just that for the next few weeks and enjoy each other’s company?

  Hamish had been quiet all the way back, I guessed he too was thinking about our day, it can’t have gone the way he thought, and he was probably at a loss to know what to do, if anything.

  He drove up to the lodge and switched off the ignition.

  “Well lass here we are, I hope you enjoyed your day, there were some goods bits don’t you agree,” his eyes pleading me to give him a break.

  “To be honest Hamish, for the most part I really enjoyed myself,” a light came into his eyes.

  “Really?” he said with a modicum of hope.

  “Yes, you’re a great teacher and really good company. I was thinking, I am here for the next four weeks and to be honest I could do with a friend who knows the place and who might be interested in continuing teaching me with my fishing. Maybe we could even enjoy a drink or lunch sometime.” I looked him in the eye, “I think your lonely Hamish and I am a good listener, maybe we could help each other, what do you think?”

  His handsome face relaxed and as he smiled I knew I had made the right decision.

  “Really Claire, you would do that?”

  “Yes, why not, as long as we have a few ground rules I think we can be friends, after all we are grownup. here, not a couple of hormonal teenagers.”

  “Speak for yourself” he smirked.

  “Behave yourself, I am offering you friendship Hamish, nothing else,” after a long pause he nodded.

  “I think it’s worth a try, if you can keep your hands off me, I agree to be the perfect gentleman.” I shook my head.

  “I can see I’m going to have my work cut out with you, Mr McDonald!”

  “So, it’s a date,” he asked, “you’ll have supper with me tonight?”

  “You don’t give up do you?”

  “Nay lass, where’s the fun in that, life is too short.”

  “Very true,” I said with a touch of irony. “Ok where and when?”

  “How about 7.30pm in the lounge bar?”

  “Okay you win, 7.30pm in the bar. Oh what about the trout?”

  “I can fillet them and have them dropped off for you.”

  “Thank you, I wouldn’t have a clue were too start.”

  “Well that can be for another day, I will happily show you how to fillet, and skin a fish, like a professional.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Now if you would excuse me I need to go and have a shower and a look for some clean clothes, I have a dinner date with a lovely young lady and I don’t want to be late. Good-bye Claire.”

  “Good-bye Hamish,” I replied with more than a hint of sarcasm.

  I headed inside with my fishing gear, placing it in the corner by the front door. God! I hope I’m not making an awful mistake here. Sighing I shrugged my shoulders, only time would tell! Now I need a drink and a long hot soak in a bath!


  I decided to text Adam and ask if we could talk earlier than usual, he replied in seconds, ‘everything ok?’ ‘Yes’ I texted, ‘everything is great, I just wondered if 7pm was ok with you tonight.’ ‘no problem, speak soon Adam.’

  I had decided to wear my red wool dress; it was a favourite and suited my figure. I picked my pearl necklace and matching earrings, they looked great against the hot red, for a second I wondered why I was trying to make such a good impression, after all it wasn’t a date!

  It struck me that Adam and I had never gone out together to a fancy restaurant, certainly nowhere which needed me to dress up! I was aware that Adam enjoyed more relaxed low-key places, I admit I was more interested in intimate meals at home and ripping his clothes off as soon as was politely possible, and that had also been his approach, we were in the early stages of getting to know each other and sex was a very important part in our new relationship.

  If he had joined me in Scotland things would have been different, we would have had time to enjoy long romantic meals out together, and a bit of good old-fashioned courtship!

  I sensed a level of anxiety creeping into my head, I needed to be up front with Adam before I met Hamish, I wanted to explain the situation, explain that it was purely a friendship thing! Something told me he wouldn’t see it that way.

  Right on 7.00 my phone rang.

  “Hello beautiful, how are things going up in bonnie Scotland?” he said in Scottish accent.

  “Good, really good, did you get my photos?”

  “Yes I did and I proudly showed them to the boys, who were equally impressed.

  “Not that I’m bragging, but mine was bigger than Hamish’s!”

  “Oh, is Hamish the Gillie?”

  “Well I’m not sure, he maybe a gamekeeper and part time Gillie, Jock who was originally taking me out today couldn’t make it, so Hamish stepped in! Hamish seems to think I have the ability to be a good fisherman.”

  “Does he?” said Adam.

  “You should know that I am having a drink with him and some supper tonight,” there was a long silence, “Adam are you there?” I heard him clear his throat.

  “Claire is there anything I need to be worried about here?” His voice had taken on a quiet serious tone.

  “Oh god Adam, no, it’s not a date, we just thought that as we are both lonely a temporary friendship would be beneficial to us both, I promise that’s all!”

  “Claire, I can drop everything and be with you tomorrow, just say the word!”

  “No Adam, as tempting as that sounds, it really isn’t necessary, I’m just making the best of a situation that I didn’t think I would be in and rather than pack up and run home, I wanted to give myself the chance to enjoy this amazing place, you do understand don’t you?”

  “Yes of course, I’m sorry, I’m missing you and things aren’t great here at the moment.”

  “I’m sorry too, it can’t be easy, Tell me all about it.”

  “Well, the boys are taking advantage of dad being in hospital, and the long and the short of it is, Daniel is thinking of going to New Zealand and breeding rare breed cattle over there! Sean has had enough of doing the accounts and working in the office, he would like to take over Daniel’s work on the farm, so everything is all up in the air. What I do know is we need to get it sorted before the weekend when dad comes home.”

  “How is your mum?”

  “She’s much better, her No.1 project is to get dad fit and well, and of course getting him to retire, if anyone can do it she can.”

  I looked at my watch.

  “I’m sorry Adam, I need to go or I’ll be late.”

  “Can’t keep Hamish w

  “Adam stop it, you’ve nothing to worry about.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about, it’s Hamish, the next thing you’ll be telling me is he fancies you.”

  Adam had an uncanny way of getting into my head and I didn’t need him getting all macho on me.

  “I’m going now, but not before I tell you how much I miss you and how much I love you.”

  “I love you too, enjoy your evening, speak tomorrow, text me when it’s a good time to call.”

  “Will do.”

  “Goodnight beautiful.”

  “Good night Adam.”


  The walk over to the Castle helped cleared my head.

  The whole structure of the building had transformed with the aid of giant spotlights which light up the old stone façade, it certainly looked magnificent at night, lamp light and candles glowed from each window giving an elegance and a warmth within.

  I walked into the reception hall, Kathryn was once again on duty, and she looked up and smiled.

  “Ooh Claire, you look gorgeous,”

  “Thank you as I began to blush with the compliment. I’m meeting Hamish in the bar.”

  “Hamish?” she grinned.

  “Yes, Hamish McDonald, the Gillie.”

  “Lovely,” she smirked, “let me take you to his table.”

  “That’s not necessary,” I said.

  “No trouble at all, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” I sensed a surprise or something worse heading my way as I followed her into the lounge.

  The low lighting continued into the bar, it took a second to adjust my eyes as I scanned the room, Hamish was sat in a cosy corner, he spotted me immediately and quickly rose from his chair, I actually wouldn’t have recognized him to be fair, he wore tartan trousers, white shirt, tartan tie, waistcoat and a black formal jacket with a tiny sprig of heather in his lapel. Kathryn was in her element, as she brought me to his table,

  “Thank you Kathryn.”

  “Your welcome, enjoy your evening Claire.”

  As he stepped towards me he inclined his head, and whispered.


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