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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 14

by Karen Lamb

“Is it permitted to kiss your cheek?”

  “I think we can stretch to a kiss on the cheek.”

  “Good evening Claire, may I say how beautiful you look, how did you know red was my favourite colour,” I looked long and hard at him.

  “Something tells me no matter what colour dress I wore it would be your favourite!”

  “Aye, you could be right,” he grinned, “let me get you settled,” as he effortlessly showed all the manners of a real gentleman.

  “Hamish you look every bit a true Scottish gent, I would never have recognized you, quite a transformation.”

  “I’m glad all my hard work paid off,” he grinned. “Now a wee birdie told me you like champagne.”

  “Did they, it seems you have quite a few spies working for you Hamish, I would love a glass of champagne,” he looked over at Fabio who seemed to be waiting for instructions, before pouring 2 glasses of champagne.

  “Hmm, something is going on here, which I am not privy too, but before the night is out I will know everything, mark my words,” I said conspiratorially. Hamish gave a loud happy laugh.

  “So, remind me Claire, what are the ground rules?”

  “Couldn’t be simpler; someone recently taught me that the best way to get to know someone was to play the question game.”

  “Go on” he said.

  “You ask a question, I answer honestly and then I ask you a question and so on and so forth!”

  The champagne was perfectly chilled, and tasted divine, we toasted each other.

  “Here’s to an interesting evening,” he said as we raised our glasses.

  “So, you go first.”

  “No lass, ladies first.”

  I quickly sifted through the many questions I wanted to ask.

  “Are you really a Gillie or even a gamekeeper?” I asked.

  “Yes and no, a bit of both and a lot more.”

  “My turn I believe, do you have a profession or job you currently do?”

  “OK, but I won’t be so cryptic as you,” as I raised an eyebrow, “before I was married, I was an events manager for a chain of hotels in the North East of England, I helped structure important corporate events. Then I met my husband, we married, and I continued working for 5 years.” He nodded, listening intently.

  “Have you been married Hamish?”

  “Yes, I was married for 26 years to a wonderful woman, Hannah, we had two children, Craig and Fiona, she died 6 years ago from breast cancer and there’s not a day of my life from that moment that I don’t miss her,” he paused for a sip of champagne.

  “I am so sorry Hamish, that must have been very hard for you, and it sounds like you’re still grieving?”

  “Aye lass, it’s gut wrenching to lose your soul mate, when she died a large part of me died with her! It’s difficult to explain if you haven’t experienced it,” he said as his tone became a little cooler.

  “Hamish, I do understand, we have something in common,” as I reached to touch his hand, “you see, I lost my husband just over a year ago in a helicopter crash over the North Sea. A large part of me also died on that day. Like you, there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of him.”

  Fortunately, the moment was interrupted as the headwaiter announced everything was ready for us.

  “Thank you James, we’ll go straight up,” turning to me he asked, “I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of ordering for us.”

  “Now why does that not surprise me! I look forward to seeing what you have chosen.”

  We finished our champagne, Hamish stood up and held out his arm for me to take.

  “You do things properly around here” I laughed.

  “Sometimes,” he replied. As we left the lounge I could feel the eyes of the staff looking at us with more than a little interest!

  We went up a magnificent staircase; huge gilt framed pictures of ancestral chieftains lined the walls. My eyes were trying to take in every little detail. James opened a large ornamentally carved wood door which lead into the prettiest dining room, it held a circular table set for two, a fire was blazing in one wall with a beautiful buffet table set against another, 8 matching high backed dining chairs were placed around the room. A small chandelier was positioned over the centre of the table reflecting the sparkling crystal glass and silver, which had been expertly set out. Candles burned in wall sconces giving a degree of intimacy and privacy.

  “My goodness Hamish I thought we were having a simple supper together.”

  “You like it Lass? This is the private dining room reserved for special guests.”

  “I think it is beautiful, I am curious to know how you managed to organize all of this?”

  James entered carrying a large silver tray, a young waitress followed behind him, she was looking decidedly nervous; I heard her whisper to James ‘do I serve the Laird first or the Lady?’

  “Always serve the lady first Jenny.”

  The young waitress placed a plate in front of me, and then she served Hamish. James looked directly at me.

  “Tonight, you are starting with some fresh scallops on a bed of haggis with a champagne and sorrel sauce, please enjoy.”

  “Thank you,” I said, as the door closed I looked across at Hamish. “Care to explain yourself Laird McDonald, I asked?”

  “Oh that,” he said in a dismissive manner, “it’s just a title, then added, “I never lied to you Claire, I do help from time to time with the game keeping of the estate, and when we have a celebratory or some rich Billionaire, they generally expect the Laird to do a spot of Gillie work.”

  “Well, seeing as I am neither, why have I been given the royal treatment?” He shrugged.

  “I guess it was a bit of curiosity on my part, when I saw you yesterday I was struck by the effect you had on me, you got under my skin like an itch I couldn’t scratch, so I thought it might be fun to spend some time with you. Now eat up lass before it gets cold.” I turned my attention to the food, the smell was very good, and I loved scallops. “These are Skye scallops and freshly caught today.”

  I took a slice of scallop and haggis, scooped some sauce on top and placed it in my mouth, the taste was sublime, and the salty sea taste of scallop with the spicy hit of the haggis was a match made in heaven.

  “Gosh this is delicious,” I said, “the sauce really gives an extra richness to the dish.”

  “I thought you might like it, it’s a Scottish combination and very popular in the restaurant,” Hamish poured us an icy cold white chardonnay, which was a great partnership to the dish.

  “I believe you enjoy cooking,”

  “Ah, another nugget of information from one of your spies?”

  “What can I say, my staff are very loyal and like to keep me informed of my guests likes and dislikes.”

  I thought how strange it sounded that I was one of his guests and I was staying in his property.

  “Shall we continue with our question sharing?”

  “Whatever the Laird would like,” I said with a hint of sarcasm. “How long have you been the Laird?”

  “Since I was thirty when my father died, it has been in my family for several generations. I believe it’s my turn Claire, you hinted that there was a new man in your life, tell me a little about the man who has broken my heart?”

  “First of all, my heart was never yours too break!”

  “Ouch Claire, that was a bit harsh.”

  “His name is Adam and he literally saved me from a very dark and bleak place. We have known each other for about four months.” Hamish’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

  “That recent”, I nodded.

  “You said you had a son and daughter, I assume your son will be the next Laird?”

  “Alas no, he has no desire to be Laird or indeed live here; my daughter is married and lives in America with a rich computer geek.”

  “I see, so what happens to the estate? Sorry, that’s another question,” he waved his napkin.

  “No problem, I will be selling the est
ate, I think I would like to travel for a while before I”, the door opened and Hamish paused, James saw we were finished and cleared away the plates.

  “Thank you, please tell the chef it was delicious.”

  I waited till the door closed.

  “You must be devastated that the family line will no longer continue?”

  “It’s just how it is, there is not the same feeling of loyalty to a place like this and its folk as there used to be, and to be honest, it does take dedication and passion to run an estate, more and more estates are ending up on the market, the younger generation want the money without the hassle!”

  “Your man Adam, what’s his profession?”

  “He’s a Yoga teacher,” Hamish stared in surprise.

  “A Yoga teacher! well I never expected that.”

  “Yes, and a very fine one, in fact that was how I met him.”

  Once again, the door opened and we were served a fillet of venison stuffed with wild boar sausage and a buttery celeriac mash, a rich dark jus was swirled around the plate by James. We sat quietly savouring each morsel of food with sips of Burgundy wine to help cut through the richness.

  “Hamish, I truly am in awe of your chef.”

  “We are very lucky to have him here, many a restaurant has tried to poach him from us, it was my wife who found him and persuaded him to come for a year, and then he fell in love with the beauty and the tranquillity, he said he could never go back to London.”

  “Your wife was a clever lady.”

  “She was the brains and the beauty behind this place, she recognized we needed something special to attract guests and to keep them coming back. I imagine you are a very similar woman, capable of running a place like this with ease.”

  “Oh, I think you flatter me too much, I could imagine that this is no easy job.”

  “I still think you could do it and give it the ‘Claire touch’.”

  The dessert was a honey and heather meringue with cream and raspberries, which had been soaked in Drambuie. I am not normally a dessert lover, but this was so light and easy to eat it was gone in a flash.

  “Hamish that was incredible,” there was a light tap on the door, a man stepped into the room wearing crisp chef’s whites.

  “Good evening.”

  “Ah Marco come in”, Hamish pushed his chair back to get up and shake the man’s hand.

  “Was everything satisfactory?”

  “I think we need Mrs Hamilton to answer that,” I could feel the beaming smile cross my face.

  “Chef, that was possibly one of the best meals I have ever eaten”, I could see the pleasure on his face, as he received my compliments.

  “I am delighted you enjoyed my food, that’s all a chef can ask.” I agreed.

  “I believe, Mrs Hamilton you are joining my class on Monday?”

  “Please call me Claire.”

  “Only if you will call me Marco.” I sensed I was going to enjoy myself in this man’s kitchen.

  “I can’t wait to learn some of your culinary wisdom and secrets.”

  “I can hear the passion in your voice Claire, already you are my favourite guest. Well, please excuse me, I must get back to my kitchen, enjoy the rest of your evening. I look forward to seeing you on Monday Claire.” I caught a look of pride on Hamish’s face, he obviously was very happy that I had enjoyed the dinner.

  “So, I did good?” Hamish asked a little awkwardly.

  “Hamish, you know you have, you have spoilt me, I thought I was in for a light supper and you produce this, thank you, it was a night I will never forget.”


  Hamish insisted on walking me back to the lodge. I allowed him to kiss my cheek before saying good night. He seemed to stand for an age outside the front door, but I was determined I wasn’t doing the whole nightcap thing. After a few minutes I turned the outside light off to underline our evening was over.

  I washed and got my Pyjamas on; I had exchanged my sexy lingerie for warm comfy nightwear. I made a chamomile & honey tea and settled in for the night. My phone suddenly rang, it was Laura.

  “Hi, is everything all right?”

  “Yes, everything is great here, sorry it’s so late, I just got back from the hospital, jumped under a shower and I am sat up in bed with a glass of Prosecco.” I laughed.

  “I’m doing the same, except my drink is a herbal tea!

  “Bah!” squeaked Laura, “I’ve tried that and trust me, you will sleep sounder with bubbles in side you.” I shook my head from afar.

  “So, tell me, how is Frank?”

  “Much better, it’s amazing the difference in just 24 hours, he was fully conscious and apologising like crazy.”

  “Does he blame himself?”

  “Yes, remember I told you, he always jumps in to take the blame. I told him that as soon as he is feeling better we are going to have a heart to heart, things need to change if we are going to save our marriage.”

  “That sounds like a really positive step Laura.”

  “So that’s the news on my man, onto you and Adam, are you pinning away up there?”

  “Of course I am, but to be honest I haven’t had much time to be lonely. I think he is struggling to cope with his brother’s unrest, it seems that while their father is in hospital they felt they wanted to vent their grievances about the farm and its future.”

  “Oh dear, so is Adam trying to be the peace maker?”

  “Yes, and failing miserably, it sounds like there is going to be some pretty major decisions in the next few days that could impact on the whole family.”

  “Crikey Claire, seems like poor Adam is having a tricky time. So what have you been up to today?”

  “I’ve had my first fishing lesson with Hamish.”

  “Hamish! Hang on a minute I thought he was a horrible, arrogant, narrow-minded, self-opinionated oaf! To quote you, so what changed your mind?”

  “You’re right, the one and the same, except that’s not really who he is at all. Fortunately, as the day progressed and he removed his tough outer shell, I discovered he was actually charming and good company.”

  “Claire,” Laura said long and slow, “you like this Hamish don’t you?”

  “I paused. “Yes I do, but not in a romantic way.”

  “Good grief Claire, you’re celibate for months then men are falling at your feet!”

  “Oh stop that it’s not true,” I said defensively.

  “So tell me, is he smitten with you?” Oh lord did I tell her the truth or fudge over it!

  “Wellll …….he did mention he thought he was in love with me!” I waited for the inevitable fall out from Laura.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, he seems to come directly to the point when he makes his mind up!”

  “Is it likely you will see him again?” This wasn’t getting any easier to explain.

  “He treated me to dinner tonight, and I might as well tell you everything before you ask any more questions. He invited me for what I thought was a light supper in the Castle, as it turned out he had arranged dinner in the private dining room, just for the two of us.” Laura couldn’t help herself.

  “How does a Gillie arrange that?”

  “Actually, it turns out he isn’t the Gillie but the Laird and owner of the estate.”

  “Bloody hell Claire, you know how to pick them I’ll give you that. The handsome hunky Adam, and now a wealthy Scottish Laird, I can’t wait to see what happens next!”

  “You’re making me out to be some kind of Man-eater!” but I had to admit how it must sound!

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Nothing, I will stay up here as long as I am having fun, I am really missing Adam, and in case you’re wondering, he is all I want, I am in love with him and only him, and I really hope we have a future together.”

  Laura and I talked for a few more minutes before promising to talk again tomorrow night.


  The next day was a
heavenly mix of sleeping, eating, drinking and painting down by the edge of the loch. It was what I liked to call a ‘Claire day’!

  Despite all that had happened, I noticed that I was relaxing into a routine, which was just what I needed, maybe not the vision I had in mind when I first planned the trip, but I was satisfied that I was making the best of every opportunity on offer! I was just packing away my painting things when I saw Hamish walking towards me, he was wearing his infectious grin, I waved towards him.

  “Hello lass, taking time for a spot of painting?”

  “Hi Hamish, I am just loving the light up here, it makes me want to try and capture it.”

  “Can I take a look?” I turned the canvas around so he could see my work.

  “I thought you said you were rubbish!”

  “I never said that, I remember clearly saying I was an acquired taste!”

  “Well I’m no expert, but I like it.”

  “Thank you Hamish, every budding artist needs as many compliments as they can get!”

  “Listen lass, I hope you don’t mind but I had our two trout smoked overnight, Marco said they would be delicious with salad, and some oatcakes. I could bring them around later and we could have a light supper together, what do you think?” I thought about saying no, in case it felt like I might be leading him on, I didn’t want to hurt him, but then I was here all on my own, so why not!

  “Sounds good Hamish, what time had you in mind?”

  “How about 7pm?”

  “Could we make it a little later, say 7.30pm, Adam likes to call me about 7.00!”

  “Of course, 7.30 it is. I will bring around a nice malt whisky.”

  “I’ll look forward to it”


  A little later and I was luxuriating in the bath, a glass of bubbles in hand; I was taking a leaf out of Laura’s book of life.

  I decided to make sure I was dressed very casual, as I pulled on my favourite jeans and a fleecy jumper. I had the table in the lounge ready and lit a candle, but then thought twice as to whether it sent the wrong signal. ‘Oh bother I love candles and these were for me’ and promptly light a few extra for effect.


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