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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

Page 34

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Take me home.”


  Greyson glanced down at Blaise, who was curled up at his side. The beauty of New Zealand’s scenery was insignificant to the occupants of the SUV as they were driven to the airport. After a quick stop at the estate to get Blaise’s belongings, and get her out of that hideous dress—not that he would tell Blaise that—they were finally on their way to getting back home.

  “She’s safe. Cade had one of his team take her to the plane.”

  “Is she okay? Does she know about me? Does she hate me?”

  It broke his heart to see Blaise so unsure and frightened about something that should be a joyous occasion. It wasn’t every day that you got reunited with a child you had thought died in childbirth.

  “I didn’t have much time to talk with her, doll. Besides, I thought you should be the one to do that. For what it’s worth, she looks healthy, and well taken care of.”

  “I should have been the one taking care of her,” she cried. “I don’t know what I’m going to do if she hates me for leaving her.”

  “Blaise.” Greyson lifted her chin with gentle fingers. “You didn’t leave her. She’ll understand that once you explain things to her.”

  Blaise pushed away from him, her hands fidgeting in her lap. “How do I do that? How do I explain something I don’t even understand myself?” Her eyes widened, and Greyson saw the fear, when the airport came into view in the horizon.

  “I have faith that you’ll find the right words, baby. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you, but I’m here. I should have been here sooner…”

  “Please don’t do that,” Blaise admonished quietly. She turned to him, taking his hand in hers. “There were times in those first weeks where I was sure you would bust through the door to get me.” His disgust with himself tripled at her words. He should have been here, damn it. “But as time went on, I began to understand how much I probably hurt you. I don’t blame you, Greyson, and I don’t want you to blame yourself. Please?”

  He would give her the world if she asked. If she wanted him to let go of his guilt, well, he sure as hell was going to try.

  “I love you, doll. I should have told you before how I was feeling, but I was a coward.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “When you left, I thought I had missed my opportunity to be with the one woman who… what? What did you just say?”

  She laughed softly. “I love you, too, Greyson Steele.” Greyson crushed her to him. The kiss was filled with months of longing and passion. God how he had missed her. By the time they broke apart, they were both panting. “You do have a flair for the dramatics though, don’t you, LtCol? Did you have to wait until the last possible moment?”

  Greyson laughed, squeezing her to him. “Sorry, doll. We had a little hiccup with our transportation. It delayed us a bit.”


  He nodded, resting his chin on the top of her head. Greyson felt her squeeze him tighter.

  “Did he kill my parents?”

  The question surprised him, but he wouldn’t lie. It broke his heart to have to say the words to her. “Yeah, doll. I’m so sorry.” He held on as she sobbed quietly.

  Before either of them were ready, they were pulling up to the plane. “Give us a minute,” he told Nick, who had been driving.

  “Thank you.” Blaise accepted the handkerchief Greyson offered her. “How much does Ellie know?” she asked between discreet nose blowings.

  “Everything. She’s the one who hired us to find you, so we kept her up to speed on everything,” Greyson explained sheepishly. “She’s not too happy with me.”

  Blaise gave him a watery smile. “She’ll get over it. Maybe.”

  Oh, well, that made him feel much better. “Ready?”

  “I think so.”

  “Good, because I’ve had too many surprises here in New Zealand. Beautiful place, but I’m not sure my heart can handle more shocks,” he teased, hoping to get another smile.

  He got his smile, but it was tremulous. She opened the door, but leaned closer to him before getting out.

  “I hope you can handle one more,” she whispered against his lips. “Because, I’m pregnant.”

  SHE KNEW IT was cowardly of her to tell Greyson she was pregnant, and then bail. Truth was, she was afraid of his response. Her nerves were already shot with the prospect of seeing her daughter in the flesh for the first time. Dealing with Piper’s reaction was all she had strength for right now. Blaise sent a silent apology to Greyson, but refrained from glancing back at him.

  It’s like a plaster, she thought nervously. Rip it off fast, and the pain will go away quicker. This was the pep-talk Blaise gave herself as she climbed the steps of the private plane. She paused at the door, giving herself time to catch her breath. Coward, she chided. Blaise felt the heat of Greyson’s hand on her shoulder, along with a slight squeeze. Maybe he’s not completely pissed at me, she hoped. With Greyson’s added strength, Blaise boarded the plane.

  Time stood still as she stared into shocked eyes that were so much like her own. Blaise couldn’t get over how beautiful and grown up Piper was. The same thought that amazed her, also broke her heart into a million pieces. I should have been there. I should have been able to see her grow up.

  “Piper?” Blaise stepped closer to her daughter, stopping just shy of invading her space. Oh, how Blaise wanted to wrap her in her arms, and beg for forgiveness. But she didn’t want to overwhelm the young girl more than she most likely already was. So she waited for Piper to make the first move.

  “Do I know you?” Piper asked, her voice trembling. She tilted her head in a way that reminded Blaise of herself.

  “My name is Blaise Knight.”

  A sharp gasp came from the girl, her ponytail swishing from right to left as she shook her head.

  “You’re… they told me you died. How are you here?”

  Blaise’s heart shattered for her daughter. She knew how difficult it was for her, how could a sixteen-year-old possibly understand the evils of man?

  “They lied, sweetie,” Blaise told her gently.

  “Then you left me?” Anger sparked in those eyes, and Piper backed up a step.

  Well, she has my temper. “No! I would never leave you!”

  “Uncle Vincent told me you died! Why would he tell me that? He wouldn’t lie to me unless he was trying to protect me!”

  Blaise’s hatred for Vincent blossomed in murderous proportions. “Piper, Vincent lied to us both. He and Richard told me that you had died,” Blaise explained desperately. “That you were stillborn. If I had known you were alive, I would have found you. I swear to you I would never have willingly left you!”

  She was grateful that Greyson and the others had discreetly left them alone. Blaise didn’t know if she could handle having an audience watching such a personal moment.

  “I don’t understand any of this! Where is Uncle Vincent?”

  “He’s not your uncle!” It came out sharper than Blaise intended, and she immediately regretted letting her anger for Vincent get the better of her. She took a deep, cleansing breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s been a rough few months. Finding out that my daughter, that I had mourned for the past sixteen years, is alive is a little overwhelming.”

  Piper sighed, dropping into one of the plush seats. Blaise didn’t blame her. She had thoughts of doing the exact same thing as her legs felt incredibly rubbery.

  “Piper,” Blaise knelt before her baffled daughter, careful not to touch her no matter how much she craved it. “I know how difficult this is to understand this, believe me. But I will do my best to explain everything to you. Will you give me a chance?”

  Piper stared at her for what seemed like an eternity. “Why are we in a plane? Are you leaving me?”

  “Never. We’re leaving New Zealand, and going home to the US. I’ve been living in California.” Greyson had told her that all of Piper’s documentation had
been secured by Cade, so that was one less thing Blaise had to worry about. “Is that okay?”

  “But this is my home.”

  Blaise closed her eyes briefly, asking for strength from whomever was listening. She looked up at Piper, eyes pleading. “Come home with me, please? Give it a chance. If you absolutely hate it there, we’ll come back here.” And, she would. Blaise would give everything up, again, for Piper. Hopefully, she could convince Greyson to come with her. Of course, with the baby she was carrying, going anywhere without Greyson may prove to be impossible.

  Piper leaned over slightly to look out the window. “Who are these people?”

  “The tall one with brown hair? His name is Greyson Steele. He’s my…” My what? Boyfriend? Do I say that to my daughter?

  “Boyfriend?” Piper finished with a small smile.

  Blaise shrugged with a grin. “Yes. The others are friends of his, of mine. They helped find you.”

  Piper searched Blaise’s face. For what, Blaise didn’t know, but she waited silently for her to find what she needed to find. She made sure the love she felt for this girl she didn’t know, but felt in her soul, shined through bright and clear. She wasn’t prepared for her arms to be filled with a crying teenager, but she held on with everything she had.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.” Blaise lovingly stroked Piper’s silky hair that was just slightly lighter than her own. “I’m here.”

  “Are you really my mum?” Piper sobbed.

  “Yes, sweetie.” There was no point in trying to hold back her tears, so she allowed herself to cry with Piper. She cried for the baby she thought she had lost. She cried for the years that were stolen from them. And, she cried happy tears at holding this miracle in her arms. “I love you, Piper. You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know that I love you.”

  “I’ve missed you,” Piper confessed. “I used to dream that I had a mum. I used to talk to you before I went to sleep.”

  Blaise’s hold on Piper tightened even more. “I talked to you, too. I celebrated your birthday every year, and wondered what kind of person you would have become,” she professed softly. Finally, she leaned back slightly, and smiled. “Now I don’t have to wonder.”

  “You’ll tell me everything?”

  Blaise hesitated. There were things Piper didn’t need to know, but Blaise wanted to be open and honest with her about this. She deserved that.



  “I promise. I don’t know everything myself, but Greyson does. He can fill in the blanks for us.”

  “I guess I need to get to know him, too.”

  Blaise grinned. “I guess so. Does that mean you want to go with me?” Piper nodded, and Blaise had a quick debate with herself about what she was about to say next. In the end, she knew Piper should know everything. “There’s one thing you should know before I bring everyone back in here.”

  “Okay.” The word was dragged out much in the way Jessie did when she wasn’t particularly happy about something.

  “Please don’t think this changes anything. I’m your mum, and we’re going to spend a lot of time together making up for lost time.”

  “Okay.” This time, the okay was a little shaky, and insecure.

  “I’m—Greyson and I…” Shit, this is hard. “You’re going to have a little brother or sister in about six months.”

  Piper’s eyebrows disappeared under her bangs. “You’re pregnant?”


  The teen’s eyes dropped to Blaise’s belly. “You don’t look pregnant.”

  “It’s early yet. Believe me, I’ll get as big as a house. When I was pregnant with you…” Her voice trailed off sadly.

  “Tell me, please?”

  “We’ll talk about everything you want to talk about, I promise. Let me just get these guys, and get on our way.” Blaise stood, pulling Piper up with her. Legs were even more wobbly from crouching, so she gave herself a moment before attempting to walk. “My best friend is waiting for us to get home. I’ll tell you all about Ellie and her daughter Jessie.”

  “I don’t know how to act. How to feel,” Piper divulged in a small, child-like voice.

  “We’ll learn together.”

  THEY SPENT THE next two hours talking about everything Greyson and the team unveiled about Vincent and Richard. Blaise had made sure to let them know that there was no holding back information from Piper no matter how hard it would be to hear. It was the only way the young girl would be able to cope with having her world turned upside down.

  She also told Piper and Greyson everything about her time at the estate. As much as she wanted to spare them both—especially Greyson because of the guilt she knew he felt—she told them about the abuse. It wasn’t the easiest thing for any of them, but it was over now. That’s what they had to focus on now. As the conversation came to a mutual end, Cade and the others gathered to play games, Greyson went off to be by himself, and Blaise talked with Piper a little longer before showing her to the bedroom the private jet boasted.

  Time to face the music. Quietly, she walked down the aisle to where Greyson was seated. Nerves plagued her, almost as much as the last time she was walking down the aisle, but for completely different reasons.

  “Thank you.” Her voice cracked on the words, and she cleared her throat quietly. When Greyson looked up at her, she wished she could read the emotions in his eyes.

  “For what?”

  “Everything. Finding me. Finding Piper. Getting us out of there.” Her fingers twisted together, fidgeting as she stood there and waited for any sign that Greyson wanted her to stay or go.

  Greyson took her hands in his, pulling her to his lap. “I wish I would have been there earlier. It kills me to know what you went through while I just sat around brooding.”

  “But you’re so cute when you brood,” she teased, hoping to alleviate the tension. Placing a finger over his lips, she continued. “As I told you earlier, I don’t blame you. There are many things I wish I had done. Told you. Found a way to tell Ellie. But I was so afraid something would happen to Piper, I kept quiet. I allowed things to happen to me because of fear for my daughter. I can’t regret that, but I can look back and wonder if I could have done anything differently.”

  “None of this is your fault, doll.” She shivered when Greyson ran gentle fingers across her cheek, and down her neck.

  “Nor is it yours.” She kissed him gently. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry for.”

  “Yes there is. I shouldn’t have told you about the pregnancy like that.” Blaise felt him stiffen, and her heart dropped. “I… I just didn’t know how you would react, and I chose the cowardly way.”

  “Is it?” He paused, swallowing visibly. “Is it mine?”

  Blaise’s eyes widened with surprise, and then comprehension. She took his face in her hands. “Oh God! Is that what you’ve been thinking this entire time?” She kissed him, murmuring multiple sorries against his lips. “I never… I wasn’t.” Blaise took a breath. “I was never with him, baby. Ever. It’s yours.”

  “He didn’t make you?”

  She could tell that Greyson couldn’t make himself finish the question, so she quickly shook her head. “No. It’s the one thing, other than making sure Piper was well taken care of, that I can be grateful for. I’m so sorry you thought otherwise.”

  Greyson laid his hand over her stomach. A tiny bump was just beginning to make itself known, and she caught the small smile on his lips.

  “Are you, um, happy about this?” Seeing this big, strong ex-soldier timid was both funny and heartbreaking. “I know you were on the pill, and very adamant about us being, um, careful.”

  “I am happy,” she smiled. “And, it just goes to show that no form of contraceptive is 100%. Besides, we tempted fate a few too many times that night,” she smirked. Blaise felt Greyson shake with quiet laughter beneath her. “Are you happy?”

  He cupped the back of her neck,
pulling her into him. “Very.” Greyson showed her just how happy he was with a kiss that promised so much more when they were alone again.

  DON’T GET SICK, don’t get sick, don’t get sick! She’s your best friend, she’ll understand. Blaise paced around her apartment as she waited for Ellie with a sense of dread. Greyson had made the call that they were back in town, because Blaise was… I’m a fucking coward! Now, it was a struggle to not pass out, or throw up, because of nerves.

  Piper sat quietly next to Greyson as they watched her mother walk back and forth. “Is she always like this?”

  Even though she was going over what to say to Ellie, Blaise heard the question. She shot a glance at Greyson, receiving a smirk in return.

  “Only when having to deal with Ellie being mad at her,” he answered, humor lacing his tone.

  “Is she mean?”

  “Nah. Well, she’s a little scary, but she’s too good to do any real harm.”

  “Excuse me!” Blaise interrupted. “It has been three months! Ellie can absolutely do real harm! What if she…” Blaise shivered, unable to even think of such a thing.

  Greyson chuckled. “Your mom has an unhealthy obsession with red velvet cake. Ellie bakes, and her red velvet cake is your mom’s… well, drug of choice.”

  By this time, Blaise had stopped pacing, and now, with her hands on her hips, was tapping her foot. Greyson was making fun of her! He obviously did not understand the direness of the situation. She jumped slightly when Piper let out an excited ‘omigod’.

  “Red velvet is my favorite, too!” The smile she shared with Blaise was proud and understanding. Blaise beamed at her daughter.

  Ha! At least she knows! Blaise stuck her tongue out at Greyson, then promptly almost swallowed it at the knock on the door.

  “I got it,” Greyson laughed along with Piper as Blaise ran to hide behind one of the large chairs in the living room.

  She didn’t appreciate being made fun of, but the sound of Greyson and Piper’s laughter made it all worth it. She let that happiness linger until the air around her changed. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as Ellie and Jessie walked in. The angst of having her favorite dessert taken away from her, disappeared, and she flew into the open arms of her best friend.


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