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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

Page 35

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “I’m sorry!” Blaise cried heavily when Ellie’s strong arms embraced her even harder. She reached over and brought a sniffling Jessie into the fold. “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”

  Ellie pushed back, wiping her eyes. “I understand. I even understand why you never told me you had a child. I can’t imagine… Where is she?”

  Blaise stepped to the side, motioning for Piper to join them. Slowly, Piper made her way to them, stopping close to her mother’s side.

  “Ellie, Jessie, this is my daughter Piper. Piper, Ellie is my best friend, and Jessie is my goddaughter.”

  “Hello,” Piper greeted them hesitantly.

  Ellie moved to her cautiously. “Hello, sweetie. It’s very nice to meet you.” She smiled pleasantly, rubbing Piper’s upper arm with calming affect that Blaise believed only mothers possessed.

  Piper turned to Greyson—whom Blaise had kind of forgotten was there. “She’s not scary at all.”

  The four females in the room burst out in laughter when Greyson groaned, covering his eyes with a hand.

  THEY SAT AROUND the living room, gratefully and hungrily eating the red velvet cake that Ellie brought. Okay, so Blaise was practically inhaling it, but she didn’t really care what anyone thought. Piper and Jessie hunkered down on the lush carpet, heads bent together and giggling. Blaise and Ellie shared a smile at the sight. To think that the two girls could be as good of friends as she and Ellie, made her heart soar.

  “So, this was all because they wanted your company?” Ellie thanked Greyson for the glass of wine he handed her.

  “And, the inheritance.” Blaise accepted a kiss along with a glass of juice. “Thanks, stud.” She winked when Greyson tipped his head with a salute.

  “An inheritance? What in the hell kind of inheritance could possibly be worth what they did to you? To Piper?” Oh, Ellie was pissed. Blaise was sure that if she could, she would make sure Richard and Vincent never saw another sunrise. Piper was wrong. Ellie is scary.

  “A lot,” Blaise answered vaguely. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Ellie to know. Truth was, Blaise was embarrassed by the amount.

  Ellie studied her for a moment, and for a moment, Blaise wasn’t sure if she would ask for a number or not. “Enough that I shouldn’t feel guilty about you buying the diner for me?”

  Blaise choked on her juice. She shot a glare at Greyson who held up his hands as if staring down the barrel of a gun.

  “I didn’t tell her, doll! I swear!”

  “It wasn’t Greyson,” Ellie confirmed. “When he told me you were an heiress, I put two and two together.”

  “I keep telling her she needs to come work for Drake & Associates,” Greyson mumbled, taking a long pull from his beer.

  Blaise grinned, shaking her head. “You’re freaky. But, yes, it’s enough. I could even buy you another one if you like.”

  Ellie chuckled. “We’ll discuss that later down the road. Maybe when Jessie is ready to take over the family business.”

  “Mom!” Jessie raised her head from whispering with Piper. “You know I can’t cook!”

  “If Blaise can learn, so can you.”

  “Yeah,” Blaise agreed, until she caught on to what Ellie had just said. “Hey!” She swatted Ellie’s arm playfully, and the room filled with laughter again. God, this feels good.

  Ellie wiped at her eyes. “Okay, before we go, is there anything else I should know?”

  “Um, how mad at me are you?”

  “Mad? I’m not mad. I told you, I understand why you kept this to yourself.”

  Blaise gave Ellie a skeptical look. “Okay. Well, from here on out, no more secrets when it comes to important things, right?”

  Ellie glanced at Jessie. This was one of those times when Blaise wished she had Ellie’s ability to seemingly just know what was up with someone.

  “Right.” Ellie smiled behind her glass of wine before drinking it down.

  Exhaustion drove Blaise to ignore her instinct that Ellie didn’t sound too convincing. Besides, she knew Ellie would probably always be secretive when it came to Jessie’s father.

  “Good. So, in honor of being honest, there’s just one more thing you should know.” Blaise grasped on to Greyson’s hand. “Greyson and I are going to have a baby.”

  Silence. Silence is never good with Ellie. Shit.


  “Is that a good wow?” Blaise asked her best friend.

  Ellie’s mouth spread into a huge smile. “Of course it’s a good wow!” She popped up from the couch, and Blaise automatically stood with her. Before she knew it, she was being enveloped into another hug. “I’m so happy for you! And, you,” she narrowed her eyes at Greyson before giving him an indebted smile. “Thank you for bringing them home,” she said softly.

  “My pleasure. Thank you for kicking my ass.”

  Ellie chuckled. “Anytime. Don’t forget that. Treat her right.”

  “You have my word.”

  And, later that night, after Ellie and Jessie left, and Piper was settled in, Greyson treated Blaise right. Three times.

  IF ANYONE HAD told Greyson Steele six months ago that he would be in love, looking for a house, trying to be a father figure to a sixteen-year-old, and soon to become a father to a newborn, he would have laughed in their face. Or punched it. Yet, here he was, walking through another house he was hoping to buy, and move in with Blaise and Piper.

  “What do you think, doll?”

  It was the sixth house they looked at today. The others were nice, but for Blaise—who at six months pregnant was extremely hormonal—they weren’t perfect. ‘Not enough room. Not enough light. Too far from Ellie and Jessie.’ Thankful that he had Blaise back in his life, he would check out hundreds of houses if that’s what she needed. He would also do whatever it took to make Piper, who—Greyson was learning—was an amazing and smart young woman, comfortable after finding out her entire life had been a lie.

  “I love it.” Blaise’s eyes were riveted to her daughter who squealed excitedly about the large pool.

  “Yeah?” Greyson wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, laying protective hands over her belly. “It’s less than twenty minutes from Ellie. There’s room out in the yard for a greenhouse, or we could convert one of the rooms. Piper seemed to love the room she picked out. And, the one across from the master would make a great nursery.”

  Blaise leaned back into him, swaying gently to the rhythm of the ocean outside the back door. Greyson hoped she really did love this house, because he was already seeing their future together here.

  “It’s perfect.” She turned in his arms, and looked up at him. “This is the one.”

  Greyson’s grin turned into a full-fledged smile when she rose to her tippy-toes to kiss him. Her growing belly, however, knocked him back a step. He laughed softly, leaning in to kiss her. “I’ll put in an offer.”

  “Good. Now, take me somewhere to eat before I have to gnaw off my own arm.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” he saluted with a chuckle. “Wouldn’t want you to do that. You might come after my arm next.”

  “Nah, too much muscle. I’m sure you’d be too chewy.”

  “Chewy. I’ll show you chewy,” he muttered playfully. “Just wait until we are alone again. Piper?” he called out, not giving Blaise a chance to respond. “You like this one?”

  Piper nodded happily. “I do!”

  “Good. We’re going to buy it!”

  “Yes!” Piper did a little happy dance—with her very pregnant mother. Greyson grimaced inwardly. No need to tempt fate into giving us this baby early because of all that bouncing around.

  After she had been home for a few days, Blaise confided in him about why she had been so insistent on using protection. Thinking her baby had been stillborn had broken her heart. It was a pain she never wanted to relive. Knowing now that it was all a lie, she had relaxed—a little—with having another baby. Of course, she was very diligent with her prenatal care, now that she was allowed
to be. For Greyson, watching his pregnant love bond with her daughter was a sight he would cherish forever.

  “All right. Let’s get going. Your mom has already threatened bodily harm if she doesn’t eat soon.”

  Piper promptly turned on her heel, and ran towards the door, leaving a stunned Blaise and a snickering Greyson.

  “She already knows you so well,” he teased. And, then ran for his life.

  OF ALL THE goddamn restaurants he had to choose, he chose this one. Just my fucking luck. Should have just gone to the diner. All he could do now, as Blaise and Piper started following the hostess, was hope that the very hormonal woman didn’t notice Pricilla and Courtney in the far corner. Of course, Pricilla chose the moment Blaise walked by to let out an unflattering cackle. Shit.

  “Let’s go somewhere else, doll.”

  “No. I like it here. I’ll be right back.”

  He didn’t grab her. He’d learned his lesson about that before. So, he did what any sane man would do; followed her, and kept his mouth shut.

  “Who’s that?” Piper asked.

  “Someone your mom doesn’t like very much.”

  “Oh. Well, this should be interesting.”

  Greyson glanced down at Piper with a smirk. She was already so much like her mother; he couldn’t help but feel affection for the girl.

  “Hello, Pricilla.”

  He heard the saccharine sweetness of Blaise’s voice, and grimaced. She was only that disgustingly sweet when she was about to bite your damn head off.

  Pricilla’s fork clattered on her plated. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought we got rid of you!”

  “Hmm. Wrong. But that’s usually what happens when people with no brains try to think.” Blaise was purposefully waving her left hand as she spoke. “But to answer your question, I’m here to eat. We’ve been looking at houses all day.” She pressed her left hand to her chest. “Do you have any idea how hungry buying a home makes you? No, wait. Maybe you don’t. Sorry.”

  “What the hell is that?” Pricilla stared at the huge rock that adorned the ring finger of Blaise’s left hand. Her eyes snapped up to Greyson, then widened as they hovered over Piper. Greyson readied himself to take Piper out of there if Pricilla decided to throw insults at the teen.

  “Oh, this? Just something Greyson gave me.” She leaned in a bit. “I didn’t even have to get it from his mommy.”

  Pricilla’s face flushed red. Greyson remembered that look very well. She was embarrassed and pissed. Her eyes dropped to Blaise’s midsection, and she released a sly smile.

  “Decided to let yourself go, I see. I can tell you that Greyson won’t stay with you if you’re not perfect.”

  “She is perfect,” Greyson growled.

  Blaise brought her eyes to his, and winked. “Thank you, baby.” She turned back to Pricilla with shake of the head. “It’s quite sad that you can’t tell the difference. I’m pregnant, you twit.”

  Courtney, who had been extremely quiet the entire time, spit the drink she had just taken a sip of across the table. Right in Pricilla’s shocked face.

  “Courtney! Jesus!” Pricilla angrily wiped at her face with her napkin. She glared up at Greyson. “How could you take her back? You barely know her, and she lied to you!”

  It’s true that his and Blaise’s relationship seemed to have happened in hyper speed. Even so, Greyson had never been so sure about anyone or anything in his life. He had felt the connection the moment he laid eyes on Blaise. Every moment spent with her after that just felt right. After she had left, Greyson experienced a loss—and regret—that he didn’t believe would ever fade. He wasn’t about to let any opportunity with Blaise slip by him again. That’s the reason he asked her—with permission from Piper, Ellie and Jessie, of course—to marry him.

  “She never lied, Pricilla. As for taking her back, easy. I’m in love with her.” He looked at a glowing Blaise with love reflected in his eyes. “I’m just lucky she forgave me, and took me back.”

  Pricilla furiously threw her napkin on the table. “Check!” she yelled rudely.

  “Aww, it’ll be okay, Prissy. I’m sure your daddy will find you another man to marry.” Blaise paused, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Then she smiled. “Or, at least his mother.” With that she laced her arms through Greyson’s and Piper’s. “Come on. I’m even more hungry than I was before.”

  Greyson’s last sight as they walked away was a small smile on his sister’s lips.

  “COME SIT DOWN, doll. You don’t need to be tiring yourself out.” Greyson guided Blaise to a comfortable recliner. One of the few pieces that was uncovered, and ready to use in their new living room.

  They had been very fortunate that the owners wanted a fast sell. After Greyson made the offer, it was agreed upon with the requirement that the deal be finalized by the end of two weeks. Greyson was eager to accept. His temporary apartment certainly held no sentimental value, and moving in with his two girls was hard to resist. Blaise, on the other hand, had a little more trouble letting go of her apartment. So, they agreed to keep it. For now.

  “I’m pregnant, stud, not an invalid,” Blaise protested. It would have carried more weight if she hadn’t moaned when he hit the switch to raise her feet.

  “Right. Pregnant. Which means you shouldn’t be overdoing it. We have a horde of people here helping us move in. All you need to do is direct. You can do that from right here.”

  “And, when you go upstairs?”

  “Then we have Ellie to direct us. Lord knows no one will challenge her!”

  Blaise laughed. “Fine. I’ll sit here on one condition.”

  “I give you a kiss?”

  She hesitated. “Okay, two conditions.”

  Greyson bent down, and kissed Blaise thoroughly. “One condition has been taken care of,” he murmured against her lips. “What’s your other one?”

  She smacked her lips. “Red velvet cake.”

  I HAVE TO admit, I struggled to finish this book. Not because I didn’t believe in it, but for the simple fact that sometimes, the muse left me. I can’t speak for other authors; however, I always feel a bit of fear when I get the so-called “writer’s block”. I’m plagued with the question, “Will I have another idea?” It was through sheer determination, and the help of some very special people, that I was able to finish this book. I’m also happy to say, that I have many more ideas, and will continue working on the ‘LA Lovers’ series.

  The people I have in my corner have changed—and grown—and I’m eternally grateful for that. This past year has been full of highs, and just a couple of lows. But it was a year of great beginnings. With that said, I (still) don’t have an agent, nor am I well known as an author to have bloggers to acknowledge. It’s great friends that have my back, and help me tremendously.

  Daisy—I hope you know that I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. Your support means the world to me. Thank you. For everything. ☺

  Wanda, Karen and Kim—What would I have done without you? Wanda, your enthusiasm for Blaise, and this book, made it easier for me to continue. I didn’t think I would write a character that you would like more than Eve. I’m happy you proved me wrong. Your texts cracked me up (as usual)! Karen, I needed your eyes to help me find the mistakes I totally missed. I so enjoyed reading your thoughts after each section I gave you! With the two of you reading from beginning to end, giving me opinions, I could do no wrong. By the way, Karen, “She dies.” Kim, thank you for reading, bringing my attention to mistakes, and ‘doll’.

  All the Sunday Ladies—Thank you. You all know what for. I will forever be grateful that I was given the opportunity to meet such wonderful people. #TRFL

  Angela McLaurin (Fictional Formats) —Thank you, as always, for making my books beautiful.

  Jim McLaurin—I’ve learned so much from you already. I look forward to learning even more! Thank you, Pops!!

  To my readers—From my stories online to my books, I write to give others a chance to suspend their re
ality for a few hours. I, myself, love reading so much for this reason. Writing is my passion, and I hope that the characters I bring to the page keep you up at night needing to get through “just one more chapter.” ☺ Peace, love, and light!

  I’ve been in Houston, Texas, writing novels and designing websites since 2009. Moving here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, because I’ve been able to live wonderfully, and write my heart out. I’ve always enjoyed the arts in one form or another. Music sets the mood, reading stimulates my brain, and writing allows me to utilize my imagination in any way I want. I’ve been writing stories since I was a teen, and figured out writing was my passion when I finished my first novel, Something About Eve.

  I love being captivated by books that lead me into different, exotic places, and through impossible scenarios. I love being able to become someone else for a time. Reading has always inspired me to bring my own characters out to play. My hope is that my writing will inspire others, or at the least, give them a way to escape from everyday life for a little while.

  As web designer, etc. for singer/actress Deborah Gibson, I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in wonderful experiences, travel around the country and meet exciting people. Just recently, I was able to travel to Berlin, and meet some fantastic people. It’s experiences like this, I believe, that help me create unique, and (hopefully) lovable characters.

  I will be continuing the LA Lovers series with Ellie’s book next. Each book will be a stand-alone, but look for Eve, Lainey, and Adam to show up here and there. I truly hope you enjoyed Blaise and Greyson. You’ll be able to see more of them in the next book!


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