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Chaos: The First

Page 5

by Tammy Fanniel

  Michael inclined his head, as he shimmered into another realm to look for his brethren.

  Ambrose’s sleep was abruptly interrupted by a strange powerful surge that rippled through the air. She raised her massive head and looked toward the sky. In the distance she saw the unmistakable red sheen of a Sapphire Dragon scales.

  “Zoe, you must wake up.” She shrilly cried in her mind.

  Zoe immediately woke as she recognized the urgency in Ambrose’s voice. The Dragon rose and faced the impending threat.

  “You must go. You carry the future within your womb, and she is not ready to be brought into this world.”

  “Ambrose, come with me. We can both leave.”

  “It is too late, they are too close. GOOO!!!”

  Ambrose vaulted into the sky with a battle shriek which was answered by the bloody dragon. Zoe watched in horror as the two beasts headed toward one another in what would be a deadly clash. She attempted to rush back to the castle but her burgeoning stomach made it slow and cumbersome. Fear pounded in her heart as she heard the raging battle between her friend and the Sapphire Dragon. Her terror froze the magic within her veins, unaccustomed to the threat around her. As she wound her way through the forest she felt eyes on her and she attempted to move faster.

  Suddenly a dark form moved from behind a large Oak tree and she stumbled into the solid form. He caught her against him and smiled into her light eyes. His hair was black as night, and his eyes were framed by dark, thick lashes. His skin was the dusky color of the southern people. But he was not a person. His Aura was tinged with red and black…and rising from his back were leathery wings tipped with sharp talons. He was beautiful, masculine, and dark.

  Her heart stopped in her chest, and then violently began to beat as she saw his intent. He grabbed her cumbersome form and began to take off into the sky.

  Zoe screamed with fear. Fear for the loss of her life and love. She kicked and screamed at the beast, panic permeating every cell in her body. Her terror released some of her pure, white magic and the beast dropped her as if burned by the purity. Her fall shocked her. She looked down and saw blood staining her dress. Her eyes were wide with horror and she locked eyes with the fallen angel. He attempted to grab her again, but he was once more burned.

  He turned from her as if hearing something in the distance. He looked at her, as if studying her for a second, then took to the air escaping from whatever was coming.

  Zoe sobbed and called for her husband.

  Chaos stopped in midsentence. His eyes lost focus for a second, then widened in abject fear and anger. King Abelard saw the change, his mouth forming the words that were never heard as Chaos disappeared from sight.

  Chaos materialized in the forest outside the castle walls. He spied Zoe in the brush, rushed to her and cradled her against his body. Her body shook with fear, His hand went to her womb to ascertain the well-being of his child. Relief was palpable when the baby answered his call that he sent into her womb.

  She sobbed uncontrollably in his arms “My baby…” He could barely make out her muffled words. The blood was still flowing and he began to worry as her well-being. He picked up his slight wife and transported her back to the castle with his magic.

  He placed her on her bed, his call for the midwife already sent. The next few hours went by in a daze. He held her hand throughout the ordeal, feeling helpless as mortal emotions swept through his body. She was strong, but the fall injured her badly. The baby was doing fine, and her body was fighting the damage the fall had done to her.

  She lay in their bed, pale and distraught. She gazed at the high ceilings sightlessly.

  “Where is Ambrose?” She whispered.

  Chaos brushed his hands through her tangled hair and signed. “She is being taken care of by her kin. She fought valiantly for your safety…but she was no match for the fallen and the Sapphire Dragon. She survives and tells you not to worry. You must rest my love. We must attempt to keep the baby within your protective wound for as long as possible. Just stay calm and think of the joy you will have once our child is born. Sleep my love.” He touched his forehead to hers and linked into her Aura. He fed her some of his strength and some color came back to her ashen countenance. A slight mental push sent her in a deep healing sleep.

  His eyes flashed when he left their shared chambers. His eyes glowed with an eerie light. He blinked from the castle into the dragon’s territory and let loose an awful cry. His chest heaved as if it would burst from the negative emotions that weighed him down. He felt a pressure mounting as he gasped for breath and control but his human form made him weak. It could not hold all the power that was feeding his anger and pain.

  He closed his eyes and all he could see was the ashen countenance of Zoe and a rage filled him to the core. His Aura began to expand and curious dragons that came out to see what the powerful change in the atmosphere was shrank back in fear at what they witnessed. They stumbled back then leapt into the air as fast as their leather wings could take them.

  Gaia attempted to sooth her father with a shower of leaves and the rustling of her children. Nothing appeased the angry One. He fought an inner struggle and it was terrible. Around him the grass began to die and darkness spread from the apex of where he stood until large cracks split the earth. In his mind he heard Gaia cry out in shock and pain and he attempted to control his tumultuous emotions, failing in the abyss of his betrayal and anger.

  He sought the fallen messenger that attacked his other half and found him cowering in the Sapphire lands. He materialized in front of Phanuel…his child, his angel. The angel had changed. His pure bright light was tainted and his physical form was that of a demon. Yes, he was still beautiful, but dark and twisted.

  Phanuel gazed upon his Sire, fear blossoming in his heart. He had sadly mistaken his Sire’s involvement in the mortal realm. He attempted to talk but nothing came out of his mouth as invisible hands strangled the life out of his body. He attempted to fight the power that held him still and found that the power he was once so use to drawing from turned its back on him. The power lifted him in the air and slowly his body and very essence began to disintegrate. The power that he was made of was slowly returned to the Source…and Phanuel was no more.

  So this is revenge and fury. Chaos absentmindedly thought.

  Dark was upon him and his eyes glowed eerily in the night. He calmed his nerves and sent out a call to the magical beings that flooded the King Abelard’s land. Warily the creatures roused themselves and approached the one called Chaos.

  Soon he was surrounded by the mystical creatures of Alexandrites. Within his folds stood Pegasus, Unicorn, Faun, Nymphs, and the Queen of the Fae, His eyes burned into them and they flinched within his barely checked power.

  Chaos strode into Zoe’s bedchamber, his heart constricted with fear for his child and wife. His eyes widened as he saw Malach HaMavet, holding his scythe in the darkened corner of the chamber. The sentient entity has existed alongside humankind since their birth in the mortal realm. His heart clenched with regret and pain. When he looked into Zoe’s sallow face he knew her mortal time was coming to an end. He beautiful Aura dimmed as the minutes ticked by until her knew she was at her end and could fight no longer. He held his dear wife’s hand gently, looked at Malach HaMavet and spoke to the Angel of Death. You may leave Malach, I will take her on her final journey myself. Malach raised his scythe in acknowledgement and disappeared from the chamber.

  Chaos turned to King Abelard whose face aged overnight with sorrow. His shoulders were hunched and he looked haggard with grief.

  “King Abelard, there can be no consolation for a father that loses his child. A father should not outlive his begets. But know this, she will live on with me in the spiritual realm. She has been reunited with me and even through death that bond will not break. The time has come for me to take her away, before her dying body kills the babe. Once she is gone, I will release my spirit from this fleshly grave as well. Bury our weak mortal bodies tog
ether as we travel home. You will not be alone dear King. Raise our child with the dragons and fulfill the destiny that has been bequeathed to your Kingdom.”

  With those words, Chaos reached over his still wife’s body and took her last breath, releasing her soul from her useless body. Her chest stilled and her head lolled to the side. Chaos fingers burned a fearsome white chasing away every shadow within the room. He uncovered Zoe’s blanketed belly and slowly, seemingly reached inside her womb to extract the tiny baby fighting to stay alive. At 8 months in the womb, the baby was not ready to come out, but Chaos opened his mouth and from deep within himself he gave her her birthright.

  “Her name shall be Abionna, born on a journey.” The light from within his body glided down towards Abionna, caressing her small body and entering her until she shone from the inside out. A small fist shook in the air as if she knew her parents were gifting and blessing her before they made their final goodbyes.

  He looked at his small child and his heart constricted with love. He turned to the side where the spirit of Zoe stood beside him. Tears streamed down her transparent cheeks and she brushed her baby’s downy hair with care and love. She met her father’s eyes and smiled.

  Take care of my precious one father.

  Chaos handed the infant to her grandfather and blessed the king with his essence, ensuring he would life a long and gifted life. As King Abelard cradled the baby against his chest, Chaos lay next to his dead wife, releasing the mortal strings that attached his essence to his body. His essence was too bright to behold with human eyes. King Abelard turned his head, but Abionna gazed at her father’s fading form as he twinkled into the immortal realm with her mother.




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