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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

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by Tonya Brooks

  “Maybe not, but Pop would probably kill me.” Matt said seriously. “You're too young for me, Harley.”

  “Then why do you keep coming back?” She asked bluntly.

  “Because I can't stay away,” he confessed in disgust.

  The statement filled her heart even as she wondered, “So where does that leave us, Matthew?”

  “In a living hell,” Matt complained as he stood up, threw the paper down on the bench and walked away.


  The attraction between them just kept getting stronger and both of them knew something was going to have to give. On the Friday nights that the team was playing a home game, they managed to meet under the bleachers for a few moments, but Matt didn't offer to drive her home again. He didn't trust himself alone with her. He knew exactly what would happen if he got Harley in the 'Bed on Wheels' again. This time she wouldn't be safe. Hell, he didn't even trust himself enough to touch her.

  Harley Abbott was not the kind of woman a man played with, regardless of her age. She was the kind he married. That realization scared the hell out of him because he knew she didn't deserve anything less. She was perfect. Her sweetness and innocence drew him like a magnet and he wanted her more each time he saw her. Hell, Matt even appreciated her fiery nature since it matched his own.

  When he was with her, she made him feel like he was the only man in the world, and when he wasn't, he felt as if a part of him was missing. It was making him crazy because Harley was all he thought about. And his dreams... God, those incredibly erotic dreams about her, kept him in a constant state of arousal. None of the substitutes he'd slept with had even come close to assuaging the aching need that she had caused.

  That knowledge scared him even more because he now understood her desire for faithfulness. Having a variety of women didn't mean a damn thing when there was only one that you really wanted. Somehow the idea began to have more appeal than he'd ever believed possible. Hell, if a man had Harley, he wouldn't want another woman. The only problem was, he couldn’t have her.

  Chapter Three

  Thursday, May 23, 2013

  The Welcome to Lakeside sign came into view and Harley Abbott Baker shivered, suddenly chilled to the bone with dread. Reducing speed, she adjusted the climate control even though the air conditioning had nothing to do with the chill. The sweaty palms attested to that. She was a nervous wreck and had to get hold of herself before she came face to face with Matthew again.

  Dear God, she thought in something akin to anguish as she passed the city limit sign. She was home. After all these years, just the thought of returning to Lakeside filled her with trepidation. She hated this miserable place and the petty people who lived here. They'd never done anything except make her life a living hell since before she was even born. When she had left twelve years ago, she had vowed to never return again and she hadn't.

  Until now.

  She wouldn't be back now if she'd had a choice in the matter. Unfortunately, some things just had to be done in person, and as much as she dreaded doing it, she knew it was the right thing to do. Glancing over at the boy in the passenger seat playing a video game, she reassured herself once again that she had made the right decision. No sacrifice was too great to make for her son. Nor had it ever been. A mother's love knew no bounds. She'd swallowed her pride a long time ago and done whatever she had to do in order to make sure that her son was happy.

  There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that she wouldn't do for the boy. Even if it meant having to face his father again. After all this time, just the thought of it hurt more than she would ever admit to herself or anyone else. Some things were just too painful to deal with and should be left dead and buried in the past where they belonged. But, dammit, she didn't have that option this time. The only way to ensure her sons future happiness was to face the demons from her past.

  Specifically, his father.

  A shiver of apprehension danced down her spine again and she readjusted the climate control, knowing the action would not alleviate the chill she felt in her soul. Resting her elbow against the window ledge, she didn't bother to look to the right or the left as Lakeside Drive wound its way through the downtown area. Keeping her eyes straight ahead until Fourth Avenue came into view, Harley gave a signal and made a left turn. Three blocks up, she turned into the driveway of Henry's garage, easing the Jaguar to a stop in the full service lane.

  Jed jumped out of the car, the video game forgotten as he raced inside the garage to see his father. Harley followed at a much slower pace. It had been twelve long years since she had seen him and she reminded herself that she wasn't the same foolish, naive young girl she had been. She no longer behaved impulsively or made rash decisions. She was a mature adult with a son to raise and Jed was the most important thing in her life. Leaving Lakeside had been the best decision that she had ever made, and one of the few that she didn't regret.

  Twelve years ago she had left in disgrace and now she was returning in triumph. Twelve years ago she had left on a bus and now she was returning in a brand new Jaguar. Twelve years ago she had bought used clothing at a consignment shop and now she wore designer rags. Twelve years ago she had been a waitress and now she held a bachelor’s degree in interior design. Twelve years ago she had been an immature small town girl and now she was a sophisticated city girl. If nothing else had changed, she damn sure had and Harley was proud of her accomplishments.

  Squaring her shoulders, Harley stepped inside the open bay and vowed to herself that no matter what happened, she would comport herself with dignity and act like a lady even if it killed her. Knowing where she was and who she had to face, it damn well could. Facing her ex-husband, she took a deep breath and composed her features into a bland expression.

  “Hello, Matthew.” she said coolly and pushed the sunglasses on top of her head.

  Her eyes adjusted to the dimness inside the garage as she came face to face with the man she had married. Dammit, he was still the best looking man she'd ever seen. The coal black hair was shorter and his face was a little leaner, but the rest of him was even more muscular than she remembered. His shoulders looked broader, his sun bronzed arms more powerful than ever. Damn, damn, damn! Matthew was still gorgeous.

  “Harley?” Matt asked incredulously.

  His obsidian gaze caught and held hers and the years faded away in an instant. Suddenly she was sixteen again, reliving the fateful evening when she had discovered how wonderful and painful love could be...

  Chapter Four

  Saturday, October 31, 1998

  When Matthew became a regular at the diner, Harley quickly deduced he wasn't coming just for the food. She was amazed that such an incredible man was really interested in her and couldn't believe how lucky she was. He could have any woman he wanted, but for some reason he kept coming back to see her. Harley began taking her mom's car to Henry's garage just so Matthew could fill the tank with gas and she could spend a few precious minutes with him.

  She knew it was foolish to believe they could have a real relationship. She was too young for him and he was too wild for her. But she soon realized that he was nothing like his bad boy reputation. Matthew was sweet and charming and he'd never tried to kiss her again, much to her regret. He was a perfect gentleman when they were together and she loved him all the more for it.

  Harley wanted so much more than he was willing to give. She longed to hold him in her arms and know that he was hers. She wanted him to kiss her and touch her and make love to her. She wanted to shout to the world that she loved this gorgeous man and know that he felt the same way about her. She wanted Matthew any way she could have him, and if that meant sneaking around and hiding for the next two years, then that was exactly what she would do. She'd do whatever it took to keep him interested and when she got the chance, she fully intended to show him just how much she wanted him.

  She was just leaving work, when she saw Henry drive past in the tow truck and realized that Matthew would be at the garage by himsel
f. Changing direction, Harley walked as quickly as she could to the garage, in the hopes that she could spend a few stolen moments with him. The parking lot was empty except for Matthew's banged up old Chevy and she smiled because they would be alone.

  Stepping inside the shadowy interior of the bay, she was disappointed to discover it was empty. The sound of his voice drew her to the open office door. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him bent over the desk with his back to her. Lord, the man was gorgeous from every direction. She whistled softly in appreciation at the way the black T-shirt fit his broad shoulders and the form fitting denim hugged his firm, muscular rear.

  Matt's head swung around to look over his shoulder and he was surprised to find Harley standing behind him. The way that woman filled out a pair of jeans and a sweater ought to be illegal. Damn, she looked good and his body responded to her instantly. Searing heat filled him, hot and urgent with need. Yeah, desire had a name alright. It was Harley Abbot.

  Tearing his hungry gaze away from her, he scanned their surroundings to see if anyone else was around as he straightened up and ended the phone call to the parts store. “Harley,” he greeted with a smile of genuine pleasure as he sat on the edge of the desk.

  Her heart began to hammer at the sight of that bad boy smile and she knew he was pleased to see her. “I saw Henry out with the tow truck and thought I'd stop by,” she confessed as she moved further into the room and slid her sunglasses on top of her head, her eyes drinking in the sight of him.

  Matt recognized the hunger in her eyes and bit back a curse at the realization that she wanted him. Dammit, that was the last thing he needed to know. It was hard enough resisting his own desire, there was no way in hell he could deal with hers as well. The ever present heat deepened to a scalding shade of red and swirled low in his abdomen, clawing at him insistently with tongues of fire.

  “Don't look at me like that,” he warned roughly.

  “Why not?” She asked innocently, completely unaware that the desire she felt for him was plainly visible and wreaking havoc with his good intentions.

  “Because I'm having a hard time keeping my hands off of you like it is,” he admitted bluntly, his hands gripping the edge of the desk instead of peeling those jeans off of her like he ached to do.

  Encouraged by that, Harley moved closer and pointed out softly, “I never asked you to.” She saw the hunger in his eyes that he couldn't hide and the knowledge emboldened her. Lifting her hand, she placed it tentatively against his rock hard chest and confessed, “I want you to touch me, Matthew.”

  The heat flamed white hot in intensity and settled firmly in his loins, his breathing became labored and his heartbeat erratic. His chest burned like fire under her gentle touch and he clenched his hands into fists to keep from reaching out and taking what he desperately wanted. “Dammit, Harley, you're a virgin,” he stated with complete certainty.

  “I'll still be a virgin at eighteen,” she complained. “The only thing that will be different then is that we wasted two years waiting.” She placed her other hand on his chest and pleaded softly, “Don't make me wait, Matthew.”

  “Jesus, baby.” Matt breathed harshly and closed his eyes against the temptation. She was offering him everything he wanted and not being able to accept was killing him. “You don't know what you're doing.” But he did. God help him, he knew.

  Deliberately misunderstanding him, Harley replied with a confident smile, “Maybe not, but you can teach me.”

  Just the thought of teaching her the wonders of making love inflamed his already heightened senses to an unbearable degree. Eyes as black as a midnight sky, burning with all the fire of a passion he could no longer hide, fixed on her beautiful face and Matt knew he was in trouble. He just didn't have the strength to fight himself any longer. Reaching out with hands that weren't quite steady, he grasped her hips and pulled Harley between his legs, his head lowering until his lips covered hers tenderly, hesitantly, fearful that he would frighten her with the hunger that was threatening to consume him.

  Harley had no such reservations. “Matthew,” she breathed in wonder as she trustingly leaned the length of her body flush against his. Her hands slid up to encircle his shoulders, pressing her breasts firmly against his chest.

  That husky little whisper filled his senses, the feel of her nubile body pressed so intimately against his, the way she held him as if she'd never let him go, all combined to completely undermine his self-control and Matt was lost. Careful not to unleash the intensity of the desire he felt, he ravished her mouth as if she were the most precious and perfect thing he'd ever encountered.

  He kissed her as he had wanted to since the night he met her. He made love to her mouth with infinite tenderness and gentle hunger. He took his time and lavished her lips with patience and the sweet, hot heat burning through him. His trembling hands were gentle as they caressed her body as they'd done countless times in his dreams.

  Harley returned the kiss eagerly, her body trembling, knees weak, heart hammering in her chest as she reveled in his hunger and demanded more. In her wildest dreams she'd never imagined the sensations coursing through her, never believed she was capable of feeling such intense pleasure and need. Staring up at him in wide eyed wonder, her heart in her eyes, she barely breathed his name, “Matthew.”

  Matt knew that he had just dammed himself to a hell of his own making. Now that he'd tasted her passion, he knew there could be no turning back. Sooner or later he'd have no choice but to give in and take what she so innocently offered, what he wanted beyond all reason. It took every ounce of decency he had not to carry her over to the couch to finish what they had started and damn the consequences.

  “If you're smart you'll stay the hell away from me, Harley,” he warned hoarsely and forced his hands back to her hips again, unable to make himself completely release her.

  “Why?” She asked through a haze of passion clouded emotions.

  “Because if this happens again I may not be able to stop,” he said flatly. “I want you too damn much.”

  Her smile was the same one that women have been enticing men with throughout the ages. It held the promise of infinite pleasure and desire untold. “I don't want you to stop.” Harley denied, her passion clouded sapphire eyes soft with invitation. “I want to make love with you, Matthew.”

  Matt shuddered violently and rested his forehead against hers as he pulled several deep breaths into his aching chest. “You'd better be damn sure of that,” he informed her in a tone void of all pretense as his eyes impaled hers with deadly seriousness, his hands tightening possessively on her hips. “Once we make love, you're mine, Harley. No more hiding, no more secrets. Everyone will know you belong to me.”

  His words thrilled her and her smile was brilliant because that was exactly what she wanted. “So what are you waiting for?” She invited in breathless wonder.

  The sound of the bell alerted him that someone had pulled into the full service lane and they were no longer alone. Matt forced himself to release her and put some distance between them. “No interruptions,” he sighed in resignation and gave up the fight. It was a useless battle anyway and he'd known it since the night he'd met her.

  “I can't fight it anymore, baby. You're the only woman I want, so I'm all yours,” he said wearily and placed a finger over her too kissable lips to silence her when she would have spoken. “Don't say anything now. Think about it for a few days and make damn sure you know what you want, Harley. Because once you’re mine, there’s no turning back,” he warned and went out to the customer at the gas pump.

  Harley was practically giddy with excitement as she watched him walk away. She was elated beyond words that Matthew really wanted her. He'd even said that she was the only woman he wanted. And she knew he'd be faithful because he'd said he was all hers, just like she had told him she wanted her man to be the night they had met. He was everything she'd ever wanted and now she knew they'd be together forever.

  Her heart overflowing, her bo
dy still tingling from his gentle touch, she practically floated out of the garage as she walked away. It was so sweet of him to tell her to take a couple of days and make up her mind, but she didn't need to think about it. Harley was in love with Matthew and knew she always would be. Now that she was certain he felt the same way, her mind was made up. She decided to follow her heart and let Matthew know that he was the only man for her.

  Since today was Halloween, one of Matthew's best friends was having a costume party tonight and she knew that he would be there. Planning to surprise him, she was going to show up and spend the evening with her man. They had been seeing each other for stolen moments for two months now and she wanted to be with him without hiding from everyone else. She wanted to dance with him and feel his arms around her again. She wanted to make love with him and experience the incredible passion that he had shown her. And tonight, she was going to do just that.

  Impulsively changing directions, she headed to her favorite consignment shop to find something to wear. Deciding that she needed to look as sexy as possible, Harley bought a form fitting pair of black leather pants and matching jacket that she paired with her sisters black stiletto boots. She applied her makeup heavier than usual and used eye liner to give her eyes a more exotic look. Once she curled her hair and poofed it out, she didn't look like herself at all. The sexy and slightly wicked reflection staring back at her in the mirror looked like a bad girl. Like the perfect woman for her very own bad boy. Smiling at her reflection, she knew Matthew would love it.


  Matt had a knot in his stomach the size of his fist. He'd been a nervous wreck ever since Harley had left the garage. Why the hell had he told her to think about it for a couple of days, he wondered anxiously. What the hell was he gonna do if she decided she didn't want him? And what the hell was he gonna do if she did? Nothing had changed about their situation. She was still jailbait. At this point, he knew that being locked up was the only thing that could keep him away from her. He sure as hell didn't have the strength to stay away any more.


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