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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

Page 5

by Tonya Brooks

  At the end of his rope and desperate for help, he went to the one person who he knew would understand the hell he was going through. Matt found his father in the kitchen and said bluntly, “I'm in trouble, Pop.”

  Jedidiah Baker looked at the boy's somber expression and saw the eyes so like his own were filled with worry and confusion. “Tell me about it,” he invited as he led him outside to sit at the picnic table on the veranda. Matt wasn't one to share his problems so the older man knew it had to be something serious. Since his eldest was such a hellion, it could be just about anything. Jedidiah braced himself for the worst.

  “I've met a girl. The sweetest, most perfect girl you can imagine,” he said without preamble and saw his father’s look of surprise.

  “Ya don't say.” Jedidiah grinned in amusement because this was the last thing he'd expected to hear. Matt had never been serious about a woman in his life. Hell, he'd never even had a steady girlfriend.

  “I can't stay away from her, Pop. She's all I think about and it’s making me crazy.”

  His father remembered the emotion well. The right woman could drive a man insane. “So what's the problem?” He asked curiously.

  “She's jailbait,” he said in disgust and waited for the lecture that he knew was coming.

  Now that was an even bigger surprise since his sons damn well knew better than to play around with a minor. Instead of lecturing him, he asked warily, “Matt, how old is she?”

  “Sixteen,” was confessed grimly.

  His eyebrows rose at that announcement. His eldest usually preferred older, more experienced females, but Jedidiah knew with absolute certainty that the heart didn't take things like age into consideration. It looked like his son had discovered that as well. “How does she feel about you?”

  “The same,” Matt confessed with a frown because now he knew without a doubt that Harley wanted him too, dammit. “We've been sneaking around for a couple of months and I can't take it anymore, Pop. I want her too damn much to wait until she's an adult.”

  The fact that his son had managed to keep his hands off of her for this long said a lot. Matt wasn't known for his patience and he was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it. “So you just wanna sleep with her and get it out of your system,” he said just to see what the reaction would be.

  “Hell, no,” Matt growled as he stood up and began to pace. “She's a lady, dammit.”

  More than satisfied with that, Jedidiah asked, “Then what's the problem? And don't swear, dammit.”

  “She's the kind of girl you marry,” he complained and leaned against a column, more than a little surprised that the old man hadn't already chewed his ass out. “I don't know what to do with a girl like that.”

  Jedidiah laughed in genuine amusement. “You marry her,” he informed him with a grin and received a baleful glare in response. “I never regretted a minute that I had with your mama, but I sure as hell do regret the time we wasted while I kept pushin' her away,” he assured the younger man. “If you're sure she's the one, quit pussyfootin' around and claim her before somebody else does.”

  Black as night eyes narrowed dangerously at the thought of Harley with another man and that was all it took to make his mind up. Damn straight, he was gonna marry her. “I'd kill him,” he growled.

  Yeah, she was the one alright. Nothing less than love would make his eldest possessive over a woman. “So what are you waitin' for, Son?”

  “I told her to take a few days and make sure she knows what she wants.” Matt admitted. “Once she's mine, there's no way in hell I'll give her up.”

  “Her parents might have something to say about that, Matt.” Jedidiah warned the boy seriously.

  “I don't think that will be a problem,” he said confidently. After everything she'd been through with Harley's dad, Matt was pretty sure Claire Abbot wouldn't raise hell when he told her he was going to marry her daughter.

  “When do I get to meet her?”

  “Soon, Pop.” Matt grinned. “Real soon.” The smile faded. Now he just had to survive without her for a few more days without losing his mind. Dammit! Why the hell had he told her to wait?


  Harley was a bundle of nerves when she arrived at Timmy's party. She had no idea how Matthew would react to being seen with her in public, so she had worn a feather tufted mask that hid most of her face and made it impossible to tell who she was. If he was ready to come out of hiding, she could take it off; otherwise they still had the option of secrecy.

  Once she walked inside, she began searching through the crowded house looking for her man. Her smile grew brilliant when she saw him. Looking every inch the bad boy his reputation proclaimed, Matthew was dressed in faded jeans and a black leather jacket. He looked so handsome that her heart skipped a beat. The knowledge that he was hers filled her with intense feminine pride and indescribable joy.

  When he turned and she saw that he was dancing with a woman dressed like a Playboy bunny, her heart nearly stopped. She stared incredulously as the woman said something that caused him to laugh and shake his head before she grasped his butt with both hands and pulled his lower body flush against hers.

  Harley stared at the couple slack jawed with disbelief. She could not believe what she was seeing with her own eyes, but there was no denying the truth. The same day that he had told her that he was all hers, that she was the only woman he wanted, Matthew was with another woman! It seemed his reputation was well deserved after all. He really was a bad boy who refused to settle for one woman when he could have them all.

  Confronted with the evidence of his betrayal, Harley turned away from the unbearable sight and staggered unsteadily through the crowd until she found herself in the powder room. Locking the door, she shoved the mask atop her head with a shaky hand and simply stood there staring in shock at her ashen face in the mirror.

  The pain in her chest became so piercing that she bent over double and had to fight to draw air into her lungs. The sound that accompanied it echoed like a tortured sob of despair in the tiled bathroom. He lied, her broken heart screamed and the knowledge was devastating. Oh, God! Matthew didn't love her, she realized in anguish. There was no way that he could love her and be with another woman.

  He'd seemed so sincere that she'd had no reason to doubt him. She'd believed every word that had come out of his mouth and trustingly given him her heart. Why, her tormented soul cried as tears filled her eyes and she gripped the edge of the counter as she sank to her knees. Why would Matthew pretend that he loved her when he didn't give a damn about her?

  But he hadn't, she realized in hopeless agony. Matthew had admitted that he wanted her, but he'd never said he loved her. Harley had foolishly twisted his words into what she'd wanted to believe. She'd woven a fairytale romance out of nothing. This afternoon when he'd told her that if she was smart, she'd stay away from him, he'd been warning her.

  When he'd said everyone would know that she belonged to him, Matthew hadn't meant that they would be together forever. He'd just been reminding her that the whole town would be gossiping about them having sex. Harley flushed with shame as she recalled the way she had thrown herself at him. She'd told him that she wanted him to touch her, to make love to her. She groaned in agony and covered her tear stained face with her hands.

  Now she understood why Matthew had insisted she think about it for a few days. He knew that she was in love with him and hadn't wanted to hurt her. Like he hadn't wanted to hurt Cheryl. And just like Cheryl, Matthew wanted her, but he didn't love her. The knowledge nearly destroyed her as her heart shattered into a million pieces.

  The pain she felt was unbearable as she sat there on the floor and cried out her heartbreak until someone began pounding on the door. Pulling herself to her feet, Harley wiped away the tears, replaced the mask and walked despondently out of the powder room. Not knowing where to turn, she just stood there in the midst of the revelry until someone shoved a drink in her hand.

  Harley had never drunk
alcohol before, but her sister assured her that it had a habit of making people forget things they'd rather not remember. She sure as hell didn't want to remember what a fool she'd been to believe Matthew loved her, so she took a swallow and gasped as the fiery liquid burned its way down her throat and heat filled her body. Somehow she managed to choke the rest of it down without throwing up.

  Praying fervently that she wouldn't see Matthew again, she walked bleakly out the back door into the cool night air, her only thought to escape the crowd and lick her wounds in private. The patio was just as crowded as the house and she had to push her way through the crush of people. Blinded by fresh tears, she walked right into a tub of ice and looked down to see that it was filled with bottles of beer.

  Intent on drowning her sorrow and forgetting about him, she grabbed two bottles and walked dejectedly across the yard to where an empty gazebo and privacy beckoned. Forcing herself not to cry, she sank onto the swing and stretched her legs out across the seat. Placing one bottle beside her and twisting the second one open, she drained half the contents in one bitter swallow and barely managed not to gag. It didn't burn like the alcohol had, but it tasted just as bad.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” a familiar voice said and she focused on a shadow that separated itself from the darkness. In the light of the moon, Harley recognized Mark dressed as Zorro and tears spilled from her eyes because he looked like the man she was trying to forget.

  “Don't tell me. Let me guess. You came dressed as the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Harley laughed in spite of her misery. Her crushed ego appreciated the compliment because she knew he meant it. Mark had never made a secret of the fact that he wanted her and she sure as hell was sick of secrets.

  “Mind if I join you?” He asked hopefully.

  “Why not?” She shrugged, her voice slightly slurred, and gestured to the swing with the bottle.

  Thrilled at the invitation, Mark lifted her long legs and placed them in his lap when he sat next to her, his hands caressing the supple leather the way he longed to touch what lay beneath. God, he wanted Harley so much he ached, and had for as long as he could remember. He couldn't believe that he was actually sitting here touching her like he'd dreamed of doing for so long. “I like the leather. It's sexy as hell.”

  “It's hot,” she said as she unzipped the jacket and revealed a black lace camisole underneath. The alcohol was making her entire body feel overly warm even though the crisp autumn air was cool on her face.

  The view was getting better by the minute and Mark could not believe his luck. For once Harley wasn't ignoring him. “Why'd you leave the party?”

  He'd been surprised when he saw her walk out the back door because Harley didn't usually attend parties like this. Timmy's parties were always wild, and guaranteed to be the talk of the town for weeks to come. The only rule was, anything goes, and it usually did. Mark had made his way through the crowd to her as quickly as he could. Harley looked too damn good to be alone and he was gonna do everything he could to change that.

  “It was too hot inside,” she fabricated before she drained the bottle, dropped it on the floor and reached for the second one.

  The way she was chugging beer, it was no wonder she was hot. The glassy eyes peering out from behind the mask assured him that she'd had more than enough already. “Wanna share?” Harley chugged half the bottle and handed it over. The coach would raise hell if he knew Mark was drinking during the season, but what the hell? He was well on his way to being hammered already. He drained the bottle and placed it on the floor.

  “Hey, you drank it all,” she complained as a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped her like a blanket.

  “I'll get you another one,” he promised, “If you'll dance with me.”

  “Why the hell not?” She asked more to herself than him. After all, she had come to the party to dance, so she might as well do it with someone who really was interested in her. No one had any doubts that Mark wanted her, Harley included and right then she desperately needed someone genuine.

  She swung her legs to the floor and nearly fell out of the swing. Mark caught her around the waist and steadied her as they rose. She held onto his broad shoulders and smiled up at him without any real concern. “I think I'm a lil' bit drunk.”

  “Just a little,” he agreed with an indulgent smile. “I didn't think you drank, Harley.”

  “How'd you know it was me?” She asked in surprise that he had recognized her.

  “Honey, I'd know those legs anywhere,” he assured her seriously as his hand slid sensuously down the outside of her thigh. God knows he'd been lusting over having them wrapped around his body for as long as he could remember. “They look damn good in leather.”

  “It's nice to be 'preciated,” she slurred and shoved the mask on top of her head. There was no need for secrecy now. Mark sure as hell wouldn't mind being seen with her.

  “You have no idea how much I appreciate you,” he assured her huskily as he stared down at her in the moonlight. She was so damn beautiful and he wanted to kiss her so bad he ached.

  Feeling completely reckless thanks to the amount of alcohol she had consumed, Harley smiled up at him and suggested, “Why don't you show me, Mark?”

  Mark never hesitated. He placed one hand behind her head and covered her mouth with his. When Harley responded, he deepened the kiss and pulled her even closer, his other hand sliding down to pull her flush against the evidence of his desire for her. Sweet Jesus! He couldn't believe this was really happening. He finally had Harley in his arms where he'd wanted her forever.

  Harley reveled in the passion that Mark was lavishing on her. She needed to know that she was desirable, that someone really wanted her. Her hand slid down his back to grasp his muscular buttock and she heard his growl of pleasure. Acting purely on instinct, she lifted her leg and hooked it around his, pressing her pelvis firmly against him in a silent plea for more. Harley was vaguely aware that she was leading him on, but dammit, right then she needed Mark to want her.


  Flashes of brilliant light surrounded them as Alan Edison began snapping pictures for the yearbook and some that would never make it that far. These were definitely in the latter category and too good to pass up. The Warrior's star quarterback was in a clinch with a blonde goddess in black leather that practically steamed up the camera lens.

  “Smile for the camera,” he laughed as the pair pulled slightly apart and he got a close up of both their faces. “Damn, Harley, you're lookin' good!” Allen enthused as he recognized her.

  “Get lost, Alan.” Mark growled possessively and turned her away from the camera. Dammit, he finally had Harley where he wanted her. The last thing he needed right then was an interruption.

  “You the man, Mark,” Alan laughed knowingly and left them alone. His friend had finally caught the girl of his dreams and clearly did not want to be disturbed. These pictures were gonna be pure dynamite and he couldn't wait to get them developed. The close-up would make a great shot for the yearbook, if the faculty would let him use it. The caption could read, Warriors Quarterback Scores Again.

  Completely unconcerned about Alan or anything else for that matter, Harley laid her head on Mark's shoulder and said, “I'm thirsty.”

  She'd had enough alcohol, he was certain of that. Mark knew for damn sure that Harley Abbot would never behave like this unless she was already hammered. Deciding to press his luck while he had the chance, he suggested hopefully, “What do you say we get out of here?”

  Leaving the party so she wouldn't have to see his brother with the playboy bunny again sounded like a helluva good idea. At this point, Harley didn't know if she'd burst into tears or just beat the hell out of both of them if she saw them together again. Either option would cause more gossip than she wanted to deal with, and she wasn't willing to take any chances. “Okay,” she readily agreed.

  “Thank you, God!” Mark whispered in quiet exultation and placed his arm firmly around her waist to lead
her down the steps.

  When she stumbled, he scooped her into his arms and she laughed in delight, draping her arms around his shoulders. His chivalrous gesture was so sweet that she just had to say, “You make me feel like a princess.”

  “Does that mean I'm your knight in shining armor?” He teased. Mark looked up when he heard his name being called and flashed that bad boy grin at the cheering crowd. His older brother and their friends were calling out their approval as he carried Harley to his car.

  Completely oblivious to the commotion going on around them, the smile disappeared and she looked up at him sadly. “Will you slay my dragons, Mark?” Harley asked wistfully and fervently hoped that he could make her forget the man who had broken her heart.

  She looked so damn sweet and vulnerable that it struck a chord deep inside of him. Mark really did want to slay her dragons. “Every damn one,” he promised as he smiled down at her tenderly.

  Now that he finally had a real chance with her, Mark would do anything to make Harley his. Hell, he'd even be faithful to her if that’s what it took. Somehow he knew it wouldn't be that much of a sacrifice. Harley was all the woman any man could want. He just had to convince her that he was the man she needed. Mark gently deposited her in the passenger seat before he ran around to the driver’s side, got in and drove away with her held possessively against his side.

  When he had promised to slay her dragons, there had been something in Mark's eyes that had assured her that she could trust him. Something that she'd never seen there before, and she desperately wanted to believe it was real. That there was a man she could trust not to hurt her, a man who would love her forever. She found herself wondering if Mark really could be that man.

  Harley was perfectly content to sit with her head on his shoulder during the ride but when they stopped, she looked up and asked sleepily, “Where are we?”


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