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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

Page 28

by Tonya Brooks

  “Because of our son,” she explained. “Matthew said he'd managed to acquire everything in order to provide for Jed's future, and since I'm responsible for giving him a son, he felt like I deserved half of it.”

  “It could only be one of two things,” the attorney mused cynically. “Either he wants custody of Jed, or he wants you back.” The guilty look assured him it was the later. “Tough,” he said callously. “He had his chance and blew it.”

  “About that,” Harley said with some relief that he had brought the subject up. “We did discuss reconciliation.”

  “You can't be serious?” Donald scoffed arrogantly. “You'd actually consider giving up the life that we could have together to go live in some backwater burg? And for what? A man that you wouldn't even sleep with while you were married?”

  “Matthew happens to be my husband and the father of my child,” she informed him indignantly.

  “No, he's not.” Donald assured her. “And he hasn't been for twelve years.”

  Harley stared at him in shock. “But... you said the annulment was never recorded.”

  “I lied,” he confessed without an ounce of shame at the deception.

  Harley could not believe this was happening. He had to be joking, but he looked so serious that she knew it was true. “Donald, why would you do something so completely insane?” She asked in disbelief.

  “When you refused to have sex with me until after we were married, I deduced it was because you needed some type of closure with your ex-husband,” he explained in a perfectly reasonable tone, as if his deception was entirely justified. “So I lied about the annulment in the hopes that seeing him again would make you appreciate our relationship more. Obviously, that didn't work out like I'd planned.”

  “You let me believe... My God! How could you?” She demanded, incredulous that he had planned such an elaborate deception just to get her in his bed.

  “I'm a divorce lawyer, Harley. I had to be sure you weren't bringing baggage into our marriage that could ruin it,” he pointed out calmly. “I do have a reputation to protect.”

  “What about my reputation?” She growled. “Everyone in Lakeside thinks we're still married. Do you know what will happen when they find out it was a lie?”

  He shrugged as if the repercussions were of little consequence. “I don't see the relevance since you don't live there.”

  “Matthew lives there,” she informed him angrily. “And my son...” Dear Lord, Jed would be devastated! “Do you even care what this will do to Jed?”

  “He's young. He'll get over it. Children are extremely resilient.” Donald assured her. “Once we're married I plan to adopt him, so he never has to go back either.”

  Harley's mouth dropped open as she realized that she had never really known the man seated across from her, and she sure as hell didn't want to. Removing the engagement ring from her purse, she placed it on the table between them as she said coldly, “Goodbye, Donald.”

  “Sit down and let’s discuss this reasonably, Harley,” he commanded when she stood. “We're far too compatible to let a trifling matter like this ruin our relationship.”

  Trifling matter? How dare he belittle her feelings for Matthew in such a manner, she thought furiously. There was nothing trifling about it. Matthew was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She loved him with all of her heart and always would. Before Harley even realized what she was doing, she had punched him square in the face. Donald recoiled from the blow and both he and the chair fell backward, slamming against the floor with a bang.

  “You can go to hell!” She shouted at his incredulous expression and stormed out of the restaurant oblivious to the stares and whispers that her public display had caused. Harley was still shaking with anger when she reached the car that he had given her and she kicked the tire in an effort to vent her wrath. Unfortunately, the sandals offered her toes little protection.

  “Ouch, dammit!” She yelped and hopped around on one foot before she slid inside the car to inspect her throbbing foot. “I should have kicked him,” she muttered grimly. The phone rang and she closed her eyes in despair. How the hell was she going to explain this to Matthew? “Hello,” she growled in answer.

  Matt knew all too well what his wife sounded like when she was angry, so he demanded, “Harley, what's wrong?”

  “He lied to me, Matthew,” she wailed miserably and pounded her fist against the steering wheel in frustration.

  “Who lied?”

  “Donald,” Harley spat the word as if it were an oath. “That arrogant, deceitful son of a bitch! I would have never believed him capable of being that manipulative. The bastard is even more devious than Mark! But he admitted it, bold as brass and without an ounce of shame.”

  “Baby, calm down and tell me what he did.” Matt urged soothingly and smiled happily because she was really pissed with her former fiancé.

  “He lied about the annulment,” she informed him furiously. “It was legal and he let me believe we were still married. My God. Everybody believes it and we've been divorced the whole time!”

  “What?” Matt asked hoarsely as the bottom fell out of his world. They weren't married? That meant he had no legal ties to Harley, nothing to bind her to him and make her his. Like hell he didn't! Legal or not, she was his wife and the mother of his child, and he'd be damned if a piece of paper would change that.

  “It was all just an elaborate hoax to try and get me to sleep with him. Can you believe it? Good Lord. I've never heard of anything so underhanded,” she fumed and wished she'd hit him harder.

  Matt could fully understand the other mans motivation since he'd been just as desperate and more than willing to use any means at his disposal to get her into his bed. The ploy about signing the divorce papers attested to that. He was just thankful the plan had backfired on the other man. But, the bastard’s lies and manipulation had brought Harley back to him, and that was all that really mattered. Maybe he should send good old Donald a case of scotch as a thank you.

  “What are we going to tell people?” She moaned in despair. “Jed will be devastated when he finds out. Not to mention the gossip...”

  “Have you told anyone but me?” He cut into her tirade.

  “No. I just found out, and I'm dreading...”

  “Then no one else has to know.” Matt injected. “If we don't say anything, they won't know.”

  “You want to pretend we're married?” She asked in astonishment.

  “I want to get married.” he corrected.

  She literally growled at his obtuseness. “Just how the hell do you propose we explain that to everyone who thinks we already are?” Harley demanded. “The object is to prevent further gossip, Matthew. Not stir it up again.”

  “Our anniversary is coming up,” he recalled with a grin because she hadn't said no. “We could say we're renewing our vows for a new beginning.”

  “You'd go that far to stop people from gossiping?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Hell, no,” Matt didn't give a damn about the gossip, even though he understood why she did. “But I'd do anything to have you as my wife. I love you, Harley.”

  “Oh, Matthew,” she sighed longingly. “I love you so much it hurts.”

  Matt had waited fifteen long, painful years to hear that. He closed his eyes as her words filled his heart and soul. “Baby, you have no idea how much that means to me. I wish you were here so I could show you.”

  “So do I,” she admitted huskily.

  “It's settled then,” he decided with satisfaction. “We're getting married again.”

  As much as she wanted to say yes, Harley couldn't bring herself to do it. “I'm scared, Matthew,” she confessed quietly.

  Matt could understand that after everything she'd been through. “Don't be. I won't push for more than you're ready to give, baby,” he promised. “Hell, you can even have your old room until you're comfortable sharing mine.”

  If possible, she loved him even more for the selfless gestu
re. “That's not the problem.”

  “Well, you won't ever have to worry about another woman, Harley. I've got the only woman I want,” he hastily assured her.

  “I'm glad to hear it,” she smiled.

  “And the all night drinking binges are a thing of the past.” Matt promised. “I'm too damn old to act like a fool.”

  “Until you lose your temper,” she couldn't resist pointing out.

  “There won't be any more fighting,” he swore. “I've learned my lesson.” A night in jail was a powerful deterrent, and he had no intentions of winding up there again. Not when he could be at home in bed with his wife.

  “Thank God,” she agreed fervently. “But none of that concerns me.”

  “Then what's the problem?” He asked in genuine confusion.

  “The last few days with you have been perfect... for the most part.” Harley amended. “I'm terrified of losing what we have and going back to the way we were.”

  “That won't happen.” Matt vowed. “There were too many secrets and misunderstandings between us for our marriage to work the first time. But we've got everything out in the open now and there's nothing to stop us from having a wonderful life together.”

  “How can you be so sure?” She asked doubtfully.

  “Because, I've loved you since the night I met you, Harley. In spite of all the hell we've been through, that has never changed and it never will.”

  “Oh, Matthew,” she sighed tremulously. “I'm too afraid of losing what we have, to try and have more.”

  Which didn't make a damn bit of sense. “Then we'll just live together.”

  “We will not!” She gasped; shocked that he would even suggest such a thing. “Good Lord, Matthew, what kind of an example would that be for Jed?”

  “He thinks we're married, baby. Hell, everybody thinks we're married, so there wouldn't be any gossip. And since you don't want to get married, I don't see how we have any other options.” Matt pointed out in frustration.

  “I didn't say I didn't want to get married,” she corrected him. “I said I was afraid of losing what we already have if we did.”

  “So what the hell do you propose we do about it?”

  “I don't know, Matthew.” Harley admitted and had managed to confuse herself. “I just know I can't live without you anymore.”

  That was what he wanted to hear. “Dammit, Harley, we're getting married and that's all there is to it.” Matt decided with finality. “When and how is up to you, but tomorrow morning I'm going to hire a contractor to start building our house.”

  “What house?”

  “On the lot at the river.”

  “Oh,” she said dully.

  “You don't want to live there?” Matt deduced and then offered, “We can build someplace else. Hell, you can even design the house.”

  “I'd rather live with the old man.” Harley said honestly.

  “Here?” He asked in disbelief. “You wanna live here?”

  “I love that house.”

  “It's kind of old.”

  “It has character.”

  “And too damn many people.” Matt complained. Privacy was an issue in a house full of people. He wanted Harley all to himself.

  “If we can't live there you can just forget the whole idea, Matthew,” she insisted stubbornly.

  “We can live here,” he hastily agreed, as that was the closest she had come to agreeing to marry him.

  “Do you think the old man might let me redecorate the place?” Harley asked hopefully.

  Ah, hell. That could be a problem. “You can ask,” he suggested.

  “You can ask,” she countered.

  “Come on, baby.” Matt cajoled. “You know Pop can't refuse you anything.”

  “Apparently his son can,” she pointed out dryly.

  “I'll ask,” he agreed in resignation. The worst the old man could do was refuse. Which he probably would. “So what do I tell the family? About the wedding?”

  “I like the idea about renewing our vows on our anniversary,” she confessed. “It sounds romantic.”

  “Baby, if its romance you want, you've got the right man,” he assured her wickedly and then became completely serious. “I want to do it right this time, Harley. I want a church wedding with all the trimmings.” Matt wanted the biggest, most publicized wedding this town had ever seen. He wanted everyone to know that Harley was his and always would be this time around.

  “Seriously?” She asked in disbelief.

  “If you get to pick the house, I get to pick the wedding,” he countered.

  “Deal,” Harley readily agreed. “Since he's the closest thing I've ever had to a father, do you think Pop would give me away?”

  “I think he'd be honored,” he smiled. “Maybe Jed would like to be my best man.”

  “Oh, Matthew, he'd love it,” she laughed in delight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wednesday, May 29, 2013

  Matt joined his family in the kitchen that morning and announced, “Harley and I are going to renew our vows.”

  “What does that mean?” Jed asked curiously.

  “It means your mom and I aren't getting a divorce, Champ. We're gonna be a real family,” he said with a triumphant grin.

  “Alright, Dad!” The boy shouted exuberantly and launched himself at his father for a hug.

  “'Bout damn time,” Jedidiah grinned and hugged his son proudly.

  “Way to go, bro.” John enthused.

  “Thank God.” Mark said in genuine relief.

  Ah, hell, Luke sighed. It looked like he was gonna have to tell him. “Congratulations, Matt.”

  “So, when's the wedding?” Their father asked cheerfully.

  “I suggested our anniversary,” he explained. “Harley thought it was romantic.”

  “And a lot less complicated than remembering two different dates,” John said shrewdly.

  “We're gonna have a formal church wedding this time around.”

  “Hot damn, I look good in a tux.” Mark joked.

  “You ain't getting me in one of them damn monkey suits.” Jedidiah flatly refused.

  “Pop, since you're the only father Harley has ever known, she'd like you to give her away.” Matt informed him. “But you gotta wear a tuxedo or she'll raise hell.”

  Jedidiah's chest swelled with pride even as he scowled and said, “I'll wear the damn thing if it'll make her happy.” His sons hid grins because they knew the old man wouldn't refuse to do something that would make his Harley gal happy.

  “Champ, how would you like to be my best man?” Matt asked hopefully.

  “I don't have to kiss anybody, do I?” The boy asked warily.

  “Just your mom,” Matt laughed.

  Kissing his mom wasn't that bad, and it was a special occasion. “Okay,” his son agreed.

  “Harley did have a few conditions that I had to agree to.” Matt informed them.

  “No more women.” Mark said sternly.

  “Or drinking,” John nodded in agreement.

  “Don't forget the fighting.” Luke added seriously.

  When Matt just shook his head and laughed at his brothers warnings, their father asked curiously, “What does she want, Son?”

  “To live here. With our family,” he admitted and saw tears in the old man’s eyes.

  “As she should,” Jedidiah nodded his approval and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief. “Harley's a Baker. She knows where she belongs.”

  “There was one more thing, Pop,” Matt added hesitantly. “She wants to redecorate the place.”

  The boys looked at their father and saw he looked as if he'd swallowed a lemon. They all knew that he had kept the house exactly as his beloved Gigi had left it and had refused to make the slightest change over the years unless absolutely necessary. Ah, hell. It looked like the old man really was going to refuse to do something that would make his Harley gal happy.

  “Harley's the woman of the house now.” Jedidiah said at long last. “She's
got a right to feather her nest the way she sees fit.” And then his expression became mutinous. “But my kitchen stays the same.”

  “New curtains would be nice.”

  “The cabinets are kind of banged up.”

  “The floor could use some help.”

  “Mom's got great taste.”

  “I'm paying for it.” Matt sighed.

  “My kitchen stays the same,” was growled ominously and the subject was effectively dropped. That was one battle that Harley would have to fight on her own.


  “You got a minute, bro?” Luke asked that evening after dinner.

  One look at his serious expression told Matt that he wasn't going to like this. “Yeah,” he agreed and followed his brother outside to the veranda. “What's wrong?”

  “Matt, I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but you and Harley...”

  “Aren't married,” he finished for him.

  Wide eyed, Luke asked, “How the hell did you...”

  “Let's just say the fiancé isn't as slick as he thought he was.”

  “So you know you'll actually have to get married again.”

  “That's why we're renewing our vows,” the oldest agreed. “But Harley doesn't want people to know it’s a real ceremony. You can imagine the gossip this would cause.”

  He nodded solemnly and understood his sister-in-law's aversion to gossip. “I'm glad everything worked out for you both.” Luke said sincerely.

  Matt draped his arm around his brother’s shoulders and hugged him. “Little brother, you have no idea how happy I am that it worked out.”

  “Just make damn sure you treat her right this time, Matt,” he said seriously. “I'll kick your ass if you hurt Harley again.”

  They both knew the likelihood of that happening was nil, but Matt appreciated the sentiment none the less. “Make damn sure you do.”

  Luke grinned and stated with absolute certainty, “You really love her.”

  Matt nodded solemnly and admitted, “Since she was sixteen.”

  Okay, that came as a surprise, but it did explain why Matt had taken advantage of the situation and made love to Harley the night she got drunk at the graduation party. “Then why the hell did you file for the annulment?” He asked in bewilderment.


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