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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

Page 29

by Tonya Brooks

  “I didn't. Harley did.”

  The attorney shook his head. “That's not what it says,” he denied and pulled out the copy he'd made. “Didn't you read it before you signed it?”

  “No. After all the hell I'd put her through, I just signed the damn thing.” Matt was shocked at what he read. It clearly stated that he had petitioned for the annulment on the grounds of being forced into marriage against his will. “This is all wrong.” Matt insisted. “Harley filed and the grounds were that the marriage had never been consummated.”

  “About that,” Luke said regretfully. “I discussed it with the judge yesterday and he said that Harley had planned the entire thing the day she realized that she was pregnant.”

  “Planned what?” Was asked in confusion.

  “Harley didn't want her child to be illegitimate like she was, so she went to see Judge Daniels for advice and he told her that she'd have to marry you,” he began to explain. “When she asked how long she had to be married before it could be annulled, he told her that she needed to stay married until the baby was born. There was no legal precedent for that, but he'd hoped if the two of you stayed together for a while, that you might be able to work things out. He also told her that she didn't have legal grounds for an annulment.”

  “But our marriage was never consummated.” Matt interrupted.

  “That only applies if someone is incapable of consummating it, and that wasn't the case,” he clarified. “Well, we know now that Harley wasn't capable, and why, but she didn't tell the judge that. So, the only option left was to force you into marrying her against your will, which she very publicly did. That gave you legal grounds.” Luke pointed out. “Once Jed was born, the judge agreed to draw up the annulment since everyone in town knew the two of you were miserable together. He said he asked you if this was what you wanted.”

  He'd never forget that day. Matt had gone to the judge's office to sign the papers and the man had asked, 'Are you sure this is what you want, son?' Hell, no, it hadn't been what he'd wanted, but he'd merely growled back, 'Where do I sign?' Judge Daniels had handed him the document and he'd signed his name and walked out without a word. “After all the hell I put her through, it was the least I could do.” Matt confessed.

  “You gotta give her credit, Matt. Harley managed to ensure that Jed was legitimate, that you wouldn't be stuck with her, and still stayed out of your bed. It was a brilliant plan and devious as hell,” the attorney said in admiration. It was exactly the kind of plan he'd expect Mark to come up with. It appeared that Harley had learned from the master.

  Matt was shocked at what he'd discovered and couldn't get over the lengths that Harley had gone to. She had swallowed her pride and publicly demanded that he marry her so everyone would know that she was forcing him to do it. Then when he'd agreed to the marriage, she had refused to sleep with him, knowing that he'd never be willing under those circumstances.

  She had left herself wide open to gossip every step of the way and especially when she'd told everyone that they had separate bedrooms. No one had blamed him for cheating on her, but they sure as hell had ridiculed her for it. And now he knew that she had done it all deliberately. My God. She'd planned the whole thing from the beginning and made damn sure their marriage would be annulled as she'd promised.

  He'd known she hated being labeled a bastard, and she'd told him that her child would not suffer the same stigma. Matt ached inside at what she'd suffered through just to make sure their son was legitimate. At what he'd put her through. And he loved her more now than ever. “She's a hell of a woman,” he said in awe.

  Luke nodded his agreement and warned, “Don't you forget it.”


  Harley shared the rape as well as the attempted attack with her roommates. They were horrified at what she had been through and the three women cried together as they offered their compassion as well as their encouragement for the upcoming trial. Once she told them that she and Matthew were planning to reconcile, the tears began to flow again. They were thrilled for their friend and saddened by the knowledge that she and Jed would be leaving them. The three of them had formed a deep and abiding bond as they had raised their children together over the last twelve years, and she would be sorely missed.

  Josie was her mother’s cousin, and the only member of the family that Claire had kept in touch with after she had run away from home. Her husband had been killed in an industrial accident fifteen years ago and the judge had awarded Josie and her daughter a decent settlement when it went to court. The money had paid off their house, provided for Cynthia's education and still left them with a small nest egg. But since the widow had never been anything but a wife and mother, finding a job with any sort of real income had been a difficult task.

  She had jumped at the idea of opening her home to Harley when Claire had broached the subject, and knew that she had found a way to support herself as well. She would turn the rambling Victorian into a bed and breakfast and do what she did best, cooking and taking care of a home. Josie was amazed at the number of people who preferred a B&B to a hotel and was more than pleased at the repeat business when satisfied guests returned time and time again. Her home was listed as one of the top ten B&B's in the state and she gave credit to Harley's eye for detail for making it a warm and inviting place to stay.

  Since Josie was twenty years older than Harley, she had been like a second mother to her and to her other full time resident, Desiree. Desi had been raised by an abusive, alcoholic stepfather after her mother had died in a car accident. They had been dirt poor since he spent all of his money on alcohol, when he was able to hold down a job, and she had been working since she was thirteen just to survive. At seventeen, she had met a handsome, charming young man from a wealthy and influential family and fallen madly in love.

  Unfortunately, the man had been using her as a summer fling and when she became pregnant, he had been furious. Kyle's father had given her twenty thousand dollars and told her to get an abortion and disappear permanently. Desi had taken the money because it would allow her to finally escape from her stepfather, but there was no way she was going to have an abortion. Not knowing what to do or where to go, she boarded the first bus out of town and when it stopped, she just sat in the terminal until Harley found her.

  Harley had recognized the desolate look in the other woman’s eyes since it was the same one she had seen in the mirror countless times, and asked if she could help. When Desi explained as much of the situation as she was able to, the sympathetic woman had taken her home to Josie and she had been with them ever since. Her daughter Kylie was a year younger than Jed and the two of them were the best of friends. Josie had kept Kylie while Desi worked and attended night school to get her GED and when she had gone to culinary school to learn how to be a chef.

  Over the years they had laughed and cried together and leaned on each other for support. Harley loved them dearly and she knew she would miss being with them every day. But nothing could compare to the joy that Harley felt as she looked forward to being with her husband and son as a real family.


  Mark walked into his bedroom and nearly choked on the scent of bleach. He opened the French doors to air the room out and knew it would take hours. Deciding to sleep in Matt's old room, he opened that door and discovered the same damn thing. Moving on down the hall, he realized that every empty bedroom in the house reeked of bleach. Just freakin' great.

  The only choice left was the punishment room, as the brothers had dubbed it. Whenever the boys had gotten into a fight with each other as children, Jedidiah had forced the offenders to sleep in the same room together until the issue was resolved.

  He opened the door, flipped the light on and was surprised to see Matt in one of the twin beds. Ah, hell. The old man was meddling. They exchanged a knowing look before Mark flipped the light off and sat down on the edge of the empty bed to remove his shoes. “Pop bleached your room too,” he deduced.

  “He said he was spring cle
aning before the wedding.” Matt said dryly. He should have known what the old man was up to when this was the only place to sleep that didn't reek.

  Mark removed his clothes and threw the covers back to slide into the bed. His feet hung off the end and he sighed in disgust. Deciding to get it over with, he asked, “What do you wanna know?”

  “Why'd you do it?” Matt asked without preamble.

  His brother didn't even pretend not to know what he was talking about. “I thought you were playing with Harley and I cared about her too much to let her get hurt.”

  “I was serious.” Matt confessed. “She had me so tied up in knots that I couldn't stay away from her.”

  “I'm sorry, bro. I didn't know.” Mark said sincerely. “I wish I could say it would have made a difference if I had known how you felt. I was so crazy about Harley that I'm not sure it would have mattered. At least not in the beginning.”

  Matt couldn't blame him for that. Hell, he'd known how his brother felt about Harley even before he had met her, and it hadn't deterred him a bit. “How'd you do it?” He asked curiously.

  Mark understood that one as well. “You were the one she wanted Matt. I never had a chance at being more than her best friend,” he admitted. “I took a lot of cold showers and when that didn't work, I found a substitute.”

  “Like Darla,” he deduced and then leaned up on his elbow to ask, “What about those claw marks?”

  “That was just to torment you.” Mark grinned in remembrance. “Misery does love company.”

  “Ain't that the damn truth,” the older sibling commiserated and then had to know, “Mark, are you alright with us getting back together?”

  Mark sat up and turned the lamp on. He gave his brother a level look and replied, “Harley is the best friend I ever had, Matt. I love her like a sister, and I told her when she stopped by the bar the other day, that she couldn't have picked a better man than you. You two should have been together all along and I regret the role I played in keeping you apart.”

  “That means a lot, puppy.” Matt said sincerely. “I couldn't have been as noble in your place.”

  “You're in love with the woman, bro.” Mark pointed out. “I just wanted her body.”

  Remembering his brothers reaction the night she had walked in the bar, Matt asked gruffly, “Did you get over that?”

  Mark knew exactly what his brother was referring to. “The second I realized who she was,” he grinned. “And even if I hadn't, there's no way in hell I'd try and get between you two again, big dog.”

  “If you hadn't been my brother, I would have killed you.”

  “I knew that, and so did Harley,” he admitted. “That was why she agreed to play the game. I offered her a measure of protection from the big, bad wolf since she knew she wouldn't be able to resist you if you kept coming around.”

  “I should have kicked your ass.” Matt grumbled without heat as he lay back down.

  “You should have.” Mark agreed as he turned out the light. “Just make damn sure you don't break her heart this time, Matt. Harley's a special lady and she deserves the best.”

  “That's all I plan to give her.” He assured his brother and they both settled into the too small beds for an uncomfortable night’s sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Wednesday, July 3, 2013

  Harley had her hands full as she tried to plan a wedding long distance, finish up her current clients projects and still pack her possessions and Jed's for transport. Thank God they didn't have any furniture. She was amazed at the amount of stuff she and her son had managed to accumulate over the years, and was relieved when the moving company arrived and hauled everything except the bare necessities away.

  She worked like a demon every day and was constantly on the phone with her mother, the florist, the caterer and coordinating with the bridal shop that she was using locally, as well as the one in Lakeside. Much to her surprise, her old friend Suzie Reynolds owned the bridal shop and was truly excited to hear that she and Matthew were getting back together. Harley was looking forward to renewing their friendship and promised that the two couples would get together for dinner when she got back home.

  Harley fell into bed each night in a state of exhaustion and talked to Matthew until she fell asleep and dreamed of him. When the day of her departure finally arrived, she was so tired she could barely drag herself out of bed when the clock went off at four A.M. Three hours into the trip, her old BMW broke down and she sat on the side of the road for almost an hour before the tow truck arrived. When she called Matthew to tell him the extent of the repairs the mechanic was insisting on, he demanded to speak to the man. Much to her surprise, her car was fixed in half the time for a lot less money than the estimate had been.

  Angry because the mechanic had tried to take advantage of her, she got back on the road and was furious when her car broke down again two hours later. He hadn't fixed it at all; she realized and was tempted to sic the BBB on him. The Bad Baker Boy’s that is. This time she was nearly in tears when she called Matthew, but he found a reputable mechanic in the area and sent them out to her. Her car was running like a new one in no time and she was back on the road again in a much better frame of mind, but no less exhausted.

  When she finally pulled into the driveway that night it was almost eleven and she didn't even have the energy to get out of the car. Matt was waiting for her on the veranda and he lifted her out of the car as gently as if she were a child. “Welcome home, baby,” he said and hugged her fiercely.

  “Made it,” she smiled sleepily up at him and laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes drifting closed of their own volition.

  Matt carried her into the house past his father. “I'm taking Harley to bed, Pop.”

  “Won't be the first time you jumped the gun,” the older man laughed.

  “To sleep,” Matt said dryly as he mounted the stairs. “She's too tired for anything else.”

  “Then you ain't doin' it right,” his father assured him with a wicked grin.

  Matt placed her on the bed in her old room and undressed her. The sight of all that beautiful flesh beckoned him to touch, but he forced himself not to. “Do you have something to sleep in?” He asked hopefully.

  “No.” Harley sighed as she snuggled comfortably into the bed.

  Matt groaned and knew he couldn't sleep knowing that she was naked just one room away. Not when it had been too damn long since he'd made love to her. Needing to cover her with something and quick, he removed his shirt and put it on her as if he were dressing a child. The sight of her in his shirt filled him with a deep sense of possession and she looked so damn appealing that he had to cover her with the sheet to block the temptation.

  “Hold me.” Harley murmured sleepily. Matt stretched out beside her on top of the cover and pulled her into his arms, content to just hold her, but wanting so much more. “Love... you.”

  “I love you,” he whispered and just lay there staring at her beautiful face until he was certain that she was asleep. He slid out of bed, careful not to disturb her, and went back downstairs to bring her luggage in. Noticing his father's look of amusement, Matt tried to explain, “Harley needed something to sleep in, so I gave her my shirt.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “It's true, dammit.”

  “Oh, I believe you.” Jedidiah nodded seriously. “Not another soul would, but I do.” He knew how crazy his son was about his wife and there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. He'd even deny himself the opportunity to make love to her because she was exhausted. “Need a hand with the luggage?”

  “Thanks Pop. I've got a feeling she didn't pack lightly.”

  “Not when she's planning to stay this time,” his father agreed happily.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thursday, July 4, 2013

  Harley woke feeling refreshed and stretched languidly. She looked around in the early morning light and was surprised to find herself in the room that she had occupied so long ago. Smiling at Matthew's th
oughtfulness, even though it was completely misplaced, she slid out of bed and padded barefoot into the connecting bathroom.

  Staring at herself in the mirror, she wondered how she had wound up in his shirt, and then realized that Matthew had undressed her and put her to bed. The smile became wicked as she decided to go join him in bed. She walked across the hall to his room, stepped through the open door, and much to her disappointment, the covers were rumpled but the bed was empty.

  Checking her watch, she realized that Matthew wouldn't be back for at least an hour unless his routine had changed. Every morning at five, he went to the gym and worked out for an hour before he went for a thirty-minute run. Not wanting to wait that long to see him, she crept silently down the back stairs and out the kitchen door to the old carriage house.

  Harley eased the door open and her smile became one of pure appreciation as she saw him lying on the weight bench in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. The muscles of his arms and chest rippled and flexed as he hefted the weights above him with a fluid motion before bringing them back down just as easily. The sight of all that gorgeous muscle made her mouth go dry and she ached to touch him again. “Good morning, Matthew,” she said huskily as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

  “You're up.” Matt smiled as he placed the weights back on the rack with practiced ease and sat up. Harley was still wearing his shirt and it revealed her long beautiful legs to his hungry gaze. “Damn, you look good in my shirt.”

  Walking past her room this morning had been sheer temptation because he had wanted nothing more than to wake Harley up with a kiss and make love to her. But he knew she needed rest after the kind of hours she'd been putting in and the long trip yesterday, so he had forced himself to come to the gym instead.

  “I was surprised when I woke up in it,” she admitted as she walked over to him.


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