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Page 3

by S Raven Storm

  “Well, do you know what’s wrong with me? I mean, is there a cure or what?” Tatum asked, hoping for guidance and relief from his misery. His stomach growled, and a sharp pain attacked his midsection as they continued to walk along the meadow.

  “Shit,” he hissed as he bent over in pain. “I need food.”

  “You have the hunger.” Gamma Tate said smiling as though a joke had been shared.

  “That’s what I just said, I’m hungry, I need food.”

  “No, my son, you have a wolf’s hunger, it will not end until you find your soulmate and make her your own.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Tatum shouted, causing the birds nesting in the nearby tree to scatter to the skies.

  “It’s very rare, but when it happens, it’s a blessing for the ages. It’s when you find your true soulmate for life. She becomes one with you and you with her. She carries your scent and you feel what she feels and vice versa.” He smiled, remembering his Noreen.

  “Bullshit, that’s just another folk tale, fantasy, legend passed down through the ages.” Tatum growled, wanting a real reason to his real problem.

  “It’s not bullshit! I went through the very same thing. It’s rare, but once you accept it and mate it becomes total bliss.” Gamma Tate grinned.

  “If you don’t know what’s wrong with me, just say so and spare me this nonsense about a wolf’s hunger. The one thing I don’t have is time to waste, especially on some dried up, outlandish folklore. This was clearly a waste of time.” Tatum growled wanting to take the old man by the collar and throw him across the meadow.

  “Time will tell who’s right and who’s wrong.” Gamma Tate laughed.

  Tatum looked back at Gamma Tate, shook his head and preceded to take long angry strides back to his place. He shook his head in disgust when he saw Luke sitting on the porch. Tatum didn’t know why he was in such a foul mood, but damn if he wasn’t, everything irritated the hell out of him. All his wolf wanted to do was run free, instead he was trapped playing the alpha game.

  “What is it now, Luke,” Tatum asked as he walked up the stairs.

  “I’ve notified the guards to be on high alert.” Luke announced.

  “Good, also have a few scouts go out periodically to search the perimeter. I’m going for a run.”

  “Can I tag along? Luke asked.

  “What! Why?” Tatum asked looking at Luke as if he’d grown another head.

  “Why not? I feel like a run too.” Luke cited, confused by Tatum’s behavior. He couldn’t put his finger on it but Tatum was acting stranger by the day.

  “It’s a sad day when a man can’t go for a run by himself. Suit yourself.”

  When they got to the outskirts of town, Tatum was still puffed up about Luke tagging along. Within a blink of an eye Tatum shifted into his wolf and took off running. Luke shifted and bounded after Tatum, by the time they cleared the edge of town, Luke was tired. However, Tatum never faltered in his speed. Tatum spotted a bear cub in the distance. Before Luke could stop him, Tatum ran across the meadow, jumping over downed trees and dodging everything in his path until he captured the cub and began to tear it apart. Tatum couldn’t explain it. Nevertheless, it was as if he hadn’t eaten all day. Even when his stomach felt as if it couldn’t digest another morsel, he wanted more.

  Luke failed miserably trying to keep up with Tatum. When he reached Tatum, he was surprised by his behavior. Every time he tried to get Tatum’s attention or draw near, Tatum would bare his teeth and release a loud growl. That in itself would be enough to tell him something was amiss, however, after all the years of knowing Tatum, he’d never witnessed him devouring so much meat in one sitting. He was amazed that Tatum could consume the entire cub by himself. Luke began to get nervous, looking around carefully as not to be caught off guard if and when the mother bear showed up to take her retaliation out on Tatum. Luke, like all betas, was there to protect and help his alpha, he stood on watch as Tatum completed his meal.

  Let’s go back, you’ve eaten, so let’s go.

  I’m not ready to go back, but you can! he shouted as he took off running.

  No, I’m sticking with you, Luke said, not understanding anything that was taking place.

  Tatum had no idea where he was going, but his wolf felt free and happy running at breakneck speed. Suddenly it hit him. The pain so severe it knocked him to his knees. The sensations were overwhelming. His stomach felt as if it was in knots, cramping each time he tried to stand. His hands shook and sweat poured from his brow, as he blinked his eyes trying to get his blurred vision to clear. His penis was hard as a rock, and his sack heavy. He felt a mixture of fear and excitement, hunger and thirst, however, it was a different kind of hunger and a different kind of thirst.

  When Luke caught up to Tatum and found him lying in the dirt, he became frantic. Still speaking in their pack’s language, he inquired, are you okay? What the fuck is going on, Tatum? Luke examined Tatum, making sure he had no injuries.

  Suddenly Tatum began to moan as if in pain. Inhaling deeply, he began to howl, it was a long, deep howl that echoed beyond the trees. Tatum slowly gained his legs and began to run around in circles, leaping, jumping, his frantic conduct was scaring the shit out of Luke.

  Do you smell her? Tatum asked, as he continued to leap about. His wolf was like a caged animal finally set free. Tatum took off running again, catching Luke off guard.

  Smell who, damnit! You’re scaring the shit out of me, Tatum.


  Bristol was tired, but promised she’d continue walking until dark, which was hours from now. The moment she crossed the little creek, she smelled the presence of other wolves, she quickly looked for cover, yet, there was none.

  “Well, well what do we have here?” One of the men asked as he approached Bristol.

  “Stay away from me!” Bristol shouted, holding her fighting stick like her mother taught her. She looked from man to man, waiting for one to make a move. The three men looked menacing, however, the thought of being in unknown territory and alone didn’t help the matter. She was confident…more than confident she could take the scrawny young man and maybe another, but not all three. No, there was no certainty in that.

  “What are you doing out here all by your pretty, little self?

  “I’m meeting my brother.” She lied, hoping the thought of her brother arriving soon would frighten them away. “I’m sorry to be trespassing, but he told me to take this shortcut.” She lightened the tone of her voice, and rested her stick along the side her hip, yet her dark brown eyes turned black, shining like onyx, as she cautiously looked for anything of an aggressive nature from the men.

  “Funny, that’s exactly what you’ve done. Trespassed. There’s a penalty for trespassers around these parts, even for pretty ones like you.” The larger man said in a slow drawl, as he proceeded to lick his lips obscenely.

  “Again, I apologize, I never meant to break your laws. Yet, the truth is my brother is just over that ridge, if you let me pass, I will be more than grateful.” She announced, but could see they had no intentions of letting her pass. Slowly spreading her legs apart, she was ready to do battle.

  “What territory am I in? Maybe I could speak to the alpha and explain.” She inquired.

  The young man and the one who’d been talking, answered collectively, and neither answer matched. Bristol took a step back and placed her fighting stick back across her chest.

  A fourth man approached, announcing, “I haven’t seen anyone, I don’t think this side of the ridge is protected by the Blackstone Pack.” Then he looked at Bristol and asked, “What’s going on here?”

  “She’s our sweet prisoner, I think she’d be the perfect gift for Seth.” The mouthpiece of the group laughed.

  “I don’t know who the hell Seth is, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be his or anyone else’s gift.” She took a step back, prepared to fight to the death. Hell, two, three, four, it didn’t matter, she would not go without
a fight.

  “Who is she? Maybe we can ransom her off.” The new guy said.

  “Shut up, I’m in charge and I said we’re taking her to Seth.”

  “Like I said, I’m not going anywhere!” Bristol shouted.

  The man with the big mouth turned to the younger one and barked, “get her!”

  The second the young man got within range, Bristol slapped him along side his temple with the metal wolf end of her fighting stick, then flipping it to the pointy side she stabbed him in the eye, pushing the eye socket into the back of his skull. He fell to the ground as blood shot out from his eye and along side his head. Bristol, dismissing the blind man, looked up with narrowed eyes at the other three. She knew if they rushed her she’d be a goner, but if they choose to attack individually, she might stand a chance of surviving. She wasn’t so lucky as two men approached, one grabbing her by the hair, then jumping back screaming, as he looked at the blood pouring from his hand. Somewhere in her mind she could hear a voice saying, ‘hold on, I’m coming.’ She began to beat the other man about his torso, trying to get a good, clean shot to take him down.

  Bristol didn’t know if she was losing her mind or if her inner spirit was speaking to her, perhaps it was her wolf telling her to shift into her wolf form and fight. Whatever it might be it was giving her strength and confidence.


  She’s in trouble! Tatum shouted as he bolted up the steep, rocky terrain.

  Who’s in trouble? Luke shouted back in response.

  Tatum couldn’t answer. How could he, when he didn’t know the answer himself? All he knew was someone, something was pulling at him. His desire to be with her was overwhelming. His basic instincts were pulling the strings and Tatum simply followed, for he was without control, yet, in every other way he was in total control. Reaching the top of the ridge, he saw her, his heart felt as if it was being torn out of his chest. She was beautiful, the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Her skin was a rich cocoa color, with shiny bronze tones that illuminated her skin, her hair jet black, worn in a thick braid that rested across her shoulder. She was tall, taller than any female he’d seen in the region. Her body was that of a warrior. The hackles on his back were standing straight up, as his lips rose high, baring nothing but sharp teeth... The beauty was outnumbered, but with the moves of an alpha he witnessed her take one of the men out in only a few moves. Everything about her gripped him like an iron vise. His dick was hard and throbbed to be inside her. He felt protective, angry, and hungry to spill blood. The blood of the men before him.

  Tatum leaped from the ridge onto the largest man standing. He gave no mercy as he ripped the man’s chest open with one slap of his claws. The man tried to shift but he was unable to complete the transformation before Tatum tore his throat out.

  When Bristol saw the huge wolf ambush the big mouthed man she wanted to stop and watch, but one of the men had grabbed her arm. She jabbed her stick into his midsection and swung at his head, but he was too close to get an accurate swing, therefore he was able to avoid her attack. Bristol lost her balance and fell backwards, striking her head against a rock. She tried to sit up, when she did, darkness took over and the sounds around her became muffled until they finally ceased to be heard.

  When the two saw their pack member in battle they instantaneously let their wolf out, preparing to do battle against Tatum.

  When Tatum saw Bristol go down, a howl like no other escaped from deep within his soul. The sound so haunting and ominous it stopped the others in their tracks. Even Luke was struck with the uncertainty of what was taking place when he reached the top of the ridge. The alarming sound and the intimidating look in Tatum’s wolf’s eyes caused the others to submit. Both immediately tucked in their tails, lifted their heads, exposing their necks in submission. Tatum continued to growl, baring his teeth in a deep and sinister snarl.

  Luke, communicating with Tatum said, let them go, they are of no threat to you.

  He continued to growl, with his tail on his back and his hackles still standing, he walked around the two, and approached the woman lying on the ground. He sniffed around her lifeless body and let out another howl. The renegade wolves ran for their lives down the mountain side. Luke advanced towards Tatum and the unresponsive body on the ground. It was at that moment Tatum growled and snipped Luke’s shoulder.

  She’s mine! Tatum shouted, looking Luke in the eyes.

  I don’t want her, I was just trying to help. He said switching back to his human form, examining the broken skin on his shoulder.

  Tatum shifted, showing remorse for attacking Luke. Examining Bristol more closely Tatum was relieved to find her still alive. He couldn’t explain the feelings that engulfed him. Her scent alone was so powerful, it was making him dizzy. He could feel her heart beating in his chest.

  “Is she dead?” Luke asked, not wanting to get too close. He’d never seen his friend and alpha act so irrational. Yet he didn’t want to take the chance on Tatum attacking him again.

  Tatum, sensing Luke’s mood, answered calmly, “she’s alive, just unconscious. We need to get her some help. We need to get her to Jax, fast.” Tatum surmised. He bent down and picked Bristol up into his arms. She weighed a little more than he expected and for some reason that pleased him. He saw her in action and he felt an overwhelming amount of pride at her resilience. Luke retrieved the stick lying beside her, admiring its workmanship. Tatum ran as fast as he could on two legs. The moment he got into town, he made a beeline to his house, giving Luke instructions, “bring Jax, now!”

  Tatum kicked the door open, dislodging the knob from the door jam. He took large steps to his bedroom, placing her still frame on the over king-size bed. The bed, because of his height, had been custom made as well as the mattress. Looking at Bristol lying on his bed reminded him of a small child. But she was no child, no, she was all woman, and she was his. He shook his head trying to figure out what was happening to him. With his pack connection he asked, Jax, where the hell are you?

  On my way up the steps, at the door, Jax, replied seconds before entering the room. He stopped long enough to take a deep breath and place his black bag on the nightstand.

  “What happened?” Jax asked as he washed his hands.

  “She fell while being attacked. I think she hit her head on a rock or something,” Tatum said, running his fingers through his hair as he paced the floor.

  “Who is she?” Jax asked as he bent down to examine her, and stopped when he heard Tatum’s wolf growl.

  “Tatum, I need to examine her if I’m going to be able to help her.” Jax said, careful not to move until he received an okay. Luke had filled him in on what took place, mainly about Tatum nipping his shoulder.

  “Go ahead, Jax.” Tatum said as he stood on the other side of the bed.

  Jax turned Bristol onto her side and began to examine the back of her head. “She has a little goose egg back here. I need to clean the area, there’s some dried blood. I need to make sure there’s no laceration that could get infected.” Jax said to Tatum.

  “Luke, bring some hot water in a large bowl.” Tatum bellowed.

  “I need some soap, too.” Jax called out to Luke.

  Jax was satisfied that the cut wasn’t anything to be concerned about. “let her rest and I will check on her tomorrow.” He said.

  Tatum wanted to run, to hunt, but he didn’t want to leave her alone, and he refused to let anyone else watch her. Her scent was making his head swim with images of them mating. His dick was making it known that it, too, was hungry. Even wearing loose sweat pants felt constricting. Being a shifter, clothes had never been an issue. Nudity was looked upon as being in a second skin, almost.

  Tatum stood vigilant over Bristol, making sure her breathing was normal. He didn’t want to leave her side, regardless of how much pain and discomfort it bought him. His wolf wanted her, he wanted her. Her scent was trapped in his senses and driving him mad. Tatum tried to take his mind off his feelings, but it all c
ame back full circle. Luke tried to get him to eat, but he had no appetite. Instead, he grabbed a bottle of scotch and drank until her scent was no longer on his tongue, only the bitter taste of liquor. Now all he wanted was for sleeping beauty to wake up and give him some answers. To explain where she’s been all his life, and why she was here now.

  Tatum fell asleep in the recliner, and woke to the sunlight filtering through the curtains. Looking over at the still figure, he watched her chest rise and fall. His eyes caught hold of the fighting stick Luke had propped against the wall. Tatum walked over to the stick, picked it up, appreciating the workmanship, for it was extraordinary. The solid silver wolf’s head was truly a work of art. The balance, light but with enough weight to do damage.

  “It’s a generational gift, passed down from my grandmother, to my mother, and from my mother to me...” A small voice sang sweetly in his ears.

  When Tatum turned he saw her beautiful eyes focused on him. He felt as if he’d stopped breathing. She was lying on her side with her head resting in the palm of her hand. He wanted her so bad, he was afraid to move. If he got too close, he would surely lose all reserve and take her.

  “Beautiful,” he said, meaning her, but then holding up the fighting stick he said, “great workmanship.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for helping me out and bringing me here.” She said, laying her head back against the pillows.

  “Are you alright? I can call Jax, our healer if you wish.” Tatum said, a little concerned about her need to lay back down, closing her beautiful eye, denying him the pleasure of looking in them.

  “I have a splitting headache, and I’m very thirsty, sir.” She announced.

  “You have a bump on her head with a small cut on it, not much I can do for you there. But maybe some aspirin for the headache, and a glass of water to quench your thirst.” He smiled, needing some fresh air because her scent was driving him mad. “By the way, my name is Tatum, not sir. I’m the alpha of the Blackstone pack. You are in my home.” He said as not to alarm her.


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