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Page 4

by S Raven Storm

  “Thank you for your hospitality, and I apologize for my trespassing. I am Bristol, the daughter of the late alpha Midas of Rolling Hill pack. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Looking at Tatum reminded her of the dream she had. It was him, the stranger in her dream. He was tall, well over six feet. Even taller than her father. He was more than handsome with his square jaw. She noted his dark hair needed a cut, but his eyes, those sexy, haunting eyes is what made him stand out. The way the light hit them made them hypnotic. She could see the color change every time he looked at her. His left eye a clear blue and the right a mysterious gray. Bristol could smell his desire for her and it was causing a hot, itchy feeling between her legs. Even her nipples felt tender and swollen. She wanted to remove the clothing that was suffocating her.

  Yeah, you must have bumped your head really hard.

  “Rolling Hill pack? You’re a long way from home.” He said trying to remember who mentioned that name recently. “What brings you this far south?”

  “I’m looking for my friend, Scotty.” Bristol said, holding her head, she asked, “can I get that aspirin now?”

  When Tatum went into the kitchen, he stopped, taking a deep breath, he tried to calm the wolf in him. Bristol, the name popped in his head and just saying the name out loud made his manhood rise. She belongs to Scotty, Scott the newbie to the pack. I’ll fight him and anyone else that tries to take her from me. Bristol is mine, all mine, he shouted to himself. His wolf was on the prowl, ready to do battle.

  Tatum knew his behavior was irrational, not only to others, but to himself. Yet, it was impossible to deny, she belonged to him, and he to her. Tatum prayed she felt the same way. Looking at the clock on the wall he saw it was time for all to rise and shine. Stepping onto the porch he called for Dirk, the young omega who was on watch and told him, “go tell Jax the patient is awake and then tell Gamma Tate I need him right away.”

  Tatum placed the aspirin in Bristol’s hand and they both watched the two tablets fall onto the floor. The electrical shock they both received was undeniable. Time stood still as their wolves connected briefly. Bristol found it hard to breath, as she felt the palpitations of her heart increase. Bristol could see by the look on Tatum’s face he was experiencing the same thing. Before Tatum could say anything, there was a knock at the front door.

  Opening the screen door, Tatum said, “she’s awake. Everything’s fine, except for a splitting headache. I gave her two aspirins, I hope that was okay?”

  “Yes, I would’ve prescribed the same. Good, good,” He said walking into the bedroom.

  “Hello, Miss, I’m Jax, sort of the local fixer upper around here. Tatum tells me you’ve quite the headache, which is normal in your case.” Jax smiled brightly, as he pulled the small stool to the side of the bed.

  “It appears I’m very lucky, she said looking into Tatum’ gray and blue eyes. She was drawn to him like a bee to honey. Bristol couldn’t stop the feeling that came crashing down on her, she wanted to kiss his sweet lips. Even from far away she could taste him on her tongue, instinctively she licked her lips. His every movement was a rhythmic dance, as his biceps rippled in effect. She felt the warmth on her cheeks, happy her dark skin didn’t display her blush.

  Tatum’s eyes locked with Bristol, he was immediately lost in the dark pools of rich chocolate and wondered if she knew what she was doing to him. He was well past the feeling of desire, he needed her, no, she was his lifeline. He wanted her to be his forever and a day. Tatum’s wolf was turning around in circles, jumping like a caged animal. It was at that moment Gamma Tate knocked on the small strip of wood along side the screen door, bringing him back to the present.

  “I called your name three times, where were you?” Gamma Tate asked, looking Tatum up and down.

  “You told me when I found the woman that was making me sick I’d be healed.” Tatum whispered but the irritation was as strong as if he yelled the words. His gray and blue eyes were like a winter storm, dark and dangerous.

  “I told you no such thing! I would never tell you she was making you sick or agree to that ludicrous terminology.” He shook his finger back and forth. “I told you once you found your soulmate the hunger would cease when you became one and mated.” Gamma Tate cocked his head to the side.

  “Same damn thing. There she is…” Tatum pointed towards Bristol and stated, “and I’m still sick.”

  Gamma Tate began to laugh. He was laughing so hard that tears ran down his ruddy cheeks. Seeing the seriously stern look Tatum was giving him only made him laugh even more...

  “Get out, and don’t come back until you can talk to me like the elder gamma of this pack and not before.” Tatum broadcasted as the older man walked down the stairs. He turned and looked at Tatum and started laughing all over again, causing Tatum to slam the heavy wooden door.

  In his mind Tatum could still hear Gamma Tate laughing. Maybe if the situation was different or happening to someone else he, too, would find the situation amusing. Tatum leaned against the door, and watched Jax in the other room complete his examination of Bristol. He could hear Jax ask, “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  Bristol took a minute to respond, finally her sweet voice said, “can you arrange for me to have a bath, I’m afraid I’m in need of one, and maybe some clean clothes?”

  “I can’t, but I know who can.” Jax smiled, looking over his shoulder at Tatum.

  Tatum moved out of Jax’s eye shot, grabbed an onion as he decided to busy himself in the kitchen, but his ears were tuned into the conversation.

  “I’ll have Maisie come help you, she’s one of our elders,” laughing he said, “and my mother.”

  “Are there many females here?” She was wondering if Tatum had someone special in his life. As alpha, she knew he would have a lot of female attention. The fact that he was drop dead sexy as hell only increased the odds. He was nothing like that piece of shit Rex, even Scotty paled in comparison.

  “Most of the pack is made up of family. Tatum received this part of his territory from another pack that was dying out and so his territory has increased ten-fold.”

  Jax, you talk too much. Do your job and go.

  Jax shook his head, “he’s telling me I talk too much.”


  “You communicate with a pack link?” She asked surprised, thinking her father and her pack discovered that perfect way of communication. She realized just how sheltered she’s been.

  “Yes, didn’t your pack?”

  “Yes. Growing up as I did… well, you believe your father is responsible for every great thing present. Sounds silly? Yet, for some reason I thought we were the only ones capable of linking.” Bristol stated to Jax, then stopped when she caught sight of Tatum.

  “You know he thinks you’re his soulmate.” A pan dropped in the kitchen. You’ve gone too far Jax, get out.

  “I know he does. So, do I. So, I guess I am.”

  Tatum froze amid chopping an onion. Did I hear her correctly?

  “Why do think he’s your mate?

  “Because I have a wolf’s hunger and so does he.”

  “A wolf’s hunger? I’ve heard tale of the folklore stories, but that’s all they are.”

  “Some say magic, folklore, but I believe it to be generational information.” She smiled showing beautiful pearl white teeth. “I’m a believer, a true believer in the ancient ways. My gamma always said I had an old soul.”

  “Then you should talk with Gamma Tate, he’s all knowing and a believer of the ancient ways. Some say because he is ancient.” Jax laughed, however tears began to stream down Bristol’s face.

  “I’m sorry did I say something to upset you?

  Before she could respond, Tatum came busting into the room, lifting Jax from the stool, slamming him against the wall. “What did you do to her?” he shouted, his wolf fighting to get out.

  “Tatum! Tatum,” Jax shouted, he could hear Tatum’s wolf growling and begging to be set free.

Bristol called his name, and he and his wolf became immobilized, just by the sweet sound of her voice.

  “Let him go. I’m fine.”

  Tatum released Jax from his iron tight grip. He knelt down in front of Bristol, he saw sadness in her dark eyes, then catching a single tear with his finger, he asked soothingly, “Why are you crying? Are you hurt?”

  Bristol shook her head and commenced to cry even harder, whispering, “I miss my mother, my home.” The stormy eyes softened becoming light and clear.

  “Why did you leave home?”

  Bristol shook her head, “It’s a long story. The short version is, I had to leave. Even Gamma Rhone said I had to go to complete my destiny and restore the pack. Whatever that means.”

  “I hate gammas and their double talk. Always saying one thing, meaning another.”

  Bristol laughed when she realized Tatum was serious. Bristol ran her fingers through Tatum’s hair. To her surprise it was soft, yet thick, thicker than her own. Her fingertips brushed against his scalp, and she quickly jerked her hand away. She heard him, she heard his wolf wailing, which made her juices flow, wetting her panties, as her desire to make love to him engulfed her.

  Tatum laid his head on her lap and could smell her essence. His wolf was going crazy, for the first time in his life, fear took hold of him. He wanted to ravish her body, pierce has soul and become one with her mind. Jumping to his feet up, he ran out of the house. Tatum was in his wolf’s skin before his paws touched the ground. The wind in his face seem to cool the fire burning inside him, as he sprinted across the yard, trying to clear his head. As he ventured further through his land, he marked the terrain with his urine and scat, letting any renegade and rogue wolf know he was alpha and in total control. He was in a good mood, even happy, until the pain started ripping through his body. Shit, what now? He laid upon the ground, finally he shifted into his human form. He tried to walk it off, but the pain was too strong. He was hungry, he realized he hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Shifting back into his wolf, Tatum placed his head down and his nose to the ground. His nose led him to a small den holding two adolescent foxes, without ceremony he crushed the necks of both foxes, devouring them within minutes, his hunger didn’t respond to the snack and he set out to find a larger, heartier prey. It didn’t take long for him to find a second meal. Once he finished, he laid beneath a large tree, listening to the sounds around him. He was tired and wished he hadn’t travelled so far from home.

  When Maisie came to help, Bristol realized the old woman, had the gift of sight. “Are you the gamma here?”

  “Child, no!” she exclaimed, surprised by the question.

  “But you have the gift, I can see it in your eyes.”

  “The people here except Gamma Tate as their spiritual adviser, not me. They like having a man in leadership positions.”

  “What do you see,” Bristol touched the aging woman’s hand.

  “I see you are now home, and will experience a great love from your soulmate. You will be a strong and formidable she-wolf, but danger is present and until it is removed, you will never find true peace.”

  “Thank you.” Was all Bristol said, accepting the words given to her.

  Tatum took his time going home. He made plans to show Bristol around if she was up to it. He wanted her to meet his people and they her. After all, she would soon be the packs she-wolf, its female alpha, his mate. When he reached the end of the village, he stopped to make amends with Gamma Tate. He wasn’t surprised to see the elderly man sitting on the porch, drinking blackberry wine, sunbathing.

  “Come on up and join me, sonny.”

  “I came to apologize.”

  “For what?”

  “This morning. I had no right to speak to you as I did.”

  “Of course, you did. You’re my alpha, and you’re confused about your hunger situation.”

  Tatum laughing, said, “you make even apologizing difficult. Funny, Bristol seems to believe in a wolf’s hunger, she told Jax that she knew I was her mate because of the hunger we both share.”

  “Smart girl. Well, this makes your task a lot easier than I envisioned.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “You don’t have to convince her the two of you belong together, she already knows it and will be open to mating with you.”

  A big smile broke across Tatum’s face. He hadn’t thought of it that way. This hunger thing was making him dense. The two sat for some time discussing life, the past, present, and future, when suddenly Tatum heard Bristol’s voice singing sweetly, ‘When are you coming home, I’m hungry and afraid to go out alone.’

  Gamma Tate took note of the look on Tatum’s face and the fact he stopped speaking while in the middle of a story.

  “What is it?”

  “Bristol. She just asked when I was coming home, because she’s hungry and wants to go out hunting.” Tatum ran his fingers through his long hair then tied it in a knot at the nape of his neck. How? How can she use our pack’s link?

  “She’s joining with you, sonny, soon the two of you will be one. It’s been like that for some time now. The fact you felt her in danger, and when she’s near your body craves her, and your wolf has a hunger for her. When she’s too far away you feel the pain of separation and your wolf is incomplete.” He laughs, “I thought I told you all this before.”

  Tatum shot him a look, then shook his head, and replied to Bristol, “On my way.”


  When Tatum got home he walked in the house expecting to see Bristol lying in bed, instead she was standing before him in one of his shirts. Her long bare legs made him buckle at the knee. He wasn’t sure if he had died, since his breathing had stopped. She’d combed her hair, and the sexy thick braid that sat upon her shoulder was begging him to wrap his hand around it and pull her to him. When their eyes met, everything in the room disappeared. Tatum inhaled deeply to take air into his immobilized body. Everything about her was beautiful. His wolf was running around, unable to contain himself.

  Bristol could see the look in Tatum’s eyes and knew immediately what he was thinking. Her pulse began to race, and her entire body felt as if it were on fire. She walked up to him and place her hand on the side of his face, and he exhaled, making a hissing sound as if her touch burned his flesh. She stepped closer, looking into his eyes and she could see his wolf, big, strong, and fierce, unlike any she’d seen before. He was grey with black markings. He was magnificent, and he was hers. Bristol leaned in on her tippy-toes, lifting her head she placed a kiss gently upon his lips. They were soft, smooth, yet firm to the touch.

  Tatum’s large hands wrapped her waist easily, as he lifted her off the ground, bringing her eye to eye with him. Holding her tightly he kissed her, letting his tongue open her sweet, tender lips. What started as a gentle kiss, progressed to one that demanded a response. Tatum’s tongue dueled feverishly with Bristol’s, fanning the fire that had been smoldering since they met. He could smell her heat, and wanted to rip his shirt off her back. When the kiss broke off, he placed small kisses along her neck. A knock at the door interrupted his next move to capture one of the hard nipples he saw outlining themselves under the shirt, his shirt. Reluctantly, Tatum let her slowly slide down against his body, knowing she would feel how much he wanted her. Her smoky brown eyes, almost black, mirrored his craving. He gave her a quick peck on her lips. His way of saying we’re not finish.

  Tatum snatched open the door, ready to take the head off the person on the other side.

  “Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you, but Gamma Tate wanted me to tell you to bring Bristol by after your hunt, and Luke said they found signs of rogue wolves on the northern ridge.” Dirk announced breathlessly, revealing the fact he’d ran a distance to deliver the messages.

  Tatum ruffled the youngster’s wild, untamed hair and said, “tell Gamma Tate, I will do that and then go to Luke and tell him to handle it, I trust his judgment, and when he finishes to meet me at Gamma Tate’s.”

>   When Tatum turned back to Bristol he said, “We have unfinished business, but unfortunately it’s going to have to wait.”

  “Good, because I’m starving.” She smiled.

  Tatum simply shook his head. “Couldn’t you find any pants?” He asked looking at her long legs and shapely thighs. Thank God, she had small breasts keeping the shirt loose across her chest, even though he could see her erect nipples pressing firmly against the fabric.

  “Do you really think a pair of your pants would fit me? Really!

  “I’ll kill the first beast that looks at you!” He said in a matter of fact tone.

  Bristol smiled, she was old enough to have been in contact with the opposite sex, but unfortunately never experienced having someone wanting her and she want them in return, but for some reason she felt seasoned, bold, and uninhibited with Tatum. “Okay, but let’s eat first,” she joked as she grabbed her fighting stick.

  As they walked through town, Bristol could see how the pack loved Tatum. The children all ran to him and held on to his legs or hands, whichever one they could reach. She smiled when she heard several of them call him father alpha. They also acknowledged her. Some simply waved while others took their time to speak. The older ones told her she was beautiful and thanked Tatum, telling him what a great job he was doing as alpha. There was one thing they all had in common, other than their love and respect for Tatum, it was their curiosity about her, she could see it in their eye as well as hear the whispers. The town was spectacular compared to Rolling Hill. Blackstone seemed like another world, it wasn’t dirty, wild, and untamed. Instead, it was the total opposite. It was as if someone took the middle parts of the forest and cleared it away. The streets were made of smooth dirt and grass. The oak, willow, and maple trees stood tall on both sides, small cottages and log houses was fanned out, all scattered here and there. Some close together, some spaciously separate. She noticed Tatum’s house sat in the middle of the town at the end of a long winding path. In the catty-corner of the town sat two large buildings, one said schoolhouse, the other storage house. She was in awe of the advancement she saw, wishing her father could’ve envisioned something like this for Rolling Hill.


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