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Aedan Of Highever

Page 9

by Milton Garby

  "Are you alright, miss?" Alistair asked.

  "Y-yes, I'm fine." She answered. "Before you came along a templar came to try and help me, but they ran him through from behind! He was only trying to help me!" She pointed to the body of a man holy plate armor.

  There was nothing Aedan could do for the man, so he searched him for anything that would indicate his name or maybe next of kin. He found a locket with a worn painting of a pretty woman inside. Who this woman was to him was impossible to tell, but it was obvious she meant a lot to this man. "Did you know this man's name, m'lady?" Aedan asked.

  "I believe he was called Ser Henric." She answered.

  Aedan sighed sympathetically. He didn't think much of Templars as a rule, but this man died trying to do a knightly deed. "You said you were trying to get home? Please, let us escort you and along the way maybe you can tell us what's been happening?"

  "I'll answer as best as I can, ser." She answered.

  "Please, my name is Aedan." Aedan insisted. "Might I have your name?"

  "My name is Bethany."

  Bethany led them to a small but prosperous farm on the outskirts of the village, it was actually quite out of the way. And as they walked she informed them of Teryn Loghain's accusations of the Grey Wardens killing the king and that he placed a hefty bounty on any who survived. Lothering was in dire straits, Loghain came through and demanded that the local bann lend him soldiers to help cover his retreat as well as to reinforce what he lost, leaving the village an easy target for bandits. Everyone was desperately trying to flee the approaching horde and many were resorting to desperate acts.

  Aedan remained silent but he knew that this was ultimately Loghain's fault. If he hadn't retreated King Cailan would've won the battle and this village wouldn't be in imminent danger of being slaughtered by the darkspawn! Loghain had forsaken their king and their people.

  As they approached Bethany's farm a grey haired, matronly woman ran out to meet them. Bethany ran up to meet her crying 'mother' as she went. "Oh, my baby!" The woman cried. "When you didn't come back after so long I feared the worst."

  Bethany hugged her mother closely, trying to comfort both of them. "Mother, those bandits outside the village attacked me."

  Bethany's mother almost went pale with shock and fright. "Oh, Bethany! You didn't use any…?"

  "No, mother. These good people came along and helped me before things got worse."

  The woman walked up to Aedan and bowed his head in respect. "You saved my little girl, ser?"

  "It was no trouble, my lady." Aedan was taken by surprise when the woman hugged him.

  "Oh, thank you so much!" she sobbed. "I was so worried when she didn't come home."

  "It-it was no trouble, my lady." He heard Alistair snicker behind him.

  "Please let me give you something as thanks."

  "That is not necessary…"

  "Please, I insist." Bethany's mother pleaded.

  Aedan relented "As you wish, my lady."

  "Please, call me Leandra."

  She motioned Aedan to follow her into the house, Morrigan and Alistair stayed outside and waited. Leandra had Aedan wait in the den while she reached into a trunk on the far side of the room. She pulled out a small lockbox and handed it to Aedan. He opened the box and what was inside he could scarcely believe. It was a large vial of a dimly glowing, deep red liquid. Aedan carefully grabbed it and he could feel it pulse faintly in his hands.

  "Ma'am. Do you have any idea what this is?" Aedan asked in disbelief.

  "I don't really know." Leandra answered. "Ten years ago members of the local Chasind tribe came to my husband, Malcolm, and asked for his help. I don't know what help he gave them, but he came back with that vial and told me that they gave it to him as payment for his assistance. Malcolm intend to give it to our eldest son when he was old enough."

  "Then you should give this to him." Aedan insisted.

  "Both of my sons were at Ostagar. I don't know if they are even still alive." Leandra explained with her voice cracking.

  "Leandra, what's in this vial is worth more than gold in certain circles. You can't just give it away without knowing its real value."

  "Malcolm didn't tell me what it is and I never asked him. I certainly don't need to know now. You saved my little girl. Please take it as thanks."


  "You are a Grey Warden, aren't you?" Leandra inquired seriously.

  "Yes, I am." Aedan answered quietly.

  "And is it not your duty to end the Blight?"

  Aedan nodded solemnly.

  "Then please take it. Perhaps it can help you on your quest. It will be of more help to you now than to my son."

  Aedan finally relented. "As you wish, my lady. Thank you."

  "No. No, thank you." She whispered sadly.

  Aedan and his companions left lady Leandra's farm and made their way back to the village. They still had a ways to go.

  "So…What did she give you? Money? Cheese? Pie? A cheesy pie?" Alistair guessed.

  "Power." Aedan answered.

  Morrigan and Alistair stopped for a second in disbelief. What could a simple farmer like Leandra give to someone like Aedan that he would consider power?


  The four of them finally walked into the village. "Well, there it is Lothering. Pretty as a picture."

  "Ah so you finally decide to rejoin us then? Did falling on your sword in grief seem like too much trouble?" Morrigan jeered.

  "Is my being upset so hard to understand? Have you never lost anyone that matters to you? What would you do if your mother suddenly died?"

  "Before or after I stopped laughing?" The witch chuckled.

  "Right very creepy forget I asked."

  These two argued like little children it was starting to become annoying. "Morrigan, leave him alone." Aedan spoke.

  "But how can I? He is standing right there eyes wide open like a hare-brained calf." She teased.

  "Oh, I get it. This is where we're shocked to learn that you've never had a friend your whole life, is it?"

  "I can be friendly, when I choose to be. Alas, being intelligent takes precedence."

  Aedan's eye twitched. "Friendliness does not negate intelligence, Morrigan." He told her sharply.

  "I've been led to believe otherwise." Morrigan scoffed.

  "When you find yourself in new grounds it's always wise to keep your mouth silent and your ears open." Aedan quoted angrily.

  "Is that little bit of wisdom from your Chant of Light?"

  "Actually it's an Avvar saying." Aedan informed. "I know another more appropriate verse we use back in my hometown: Talk shit, get hit!"

  "Anyway." Alistair interjected. "I was thinking about what our next course of action should be."

  Aedan looked off into the distance. After leaving Bethany's and seeing mother and daughter be reunited, all he could think about was his brother. He could still be alive out there and if he was Aedan should make the effort to find him. "I need to find Fergus, he could still be out there." Aedan finally answered.

  "That's your brother, right?" Alistair asked sympathetically. "The king said he was out scouting in the Wilds."

  "Then he is most certainly dead." Morrigan spout rather callously drawing a glare from Aedan.

  "Very sensitive." Alistair chided.

  "If he was out in the Wilds when the horde past through, then there is certainly no way he could have survived." She explained. "You wish to do this brother of your? Avenge him! See it to it that those responsible pay for his demise."

  Aedan loomed dangerously over her, his eyes filled with anger. "You know, it's really fucking funny how you think you actually have a say in the matter, Morrigan!"

  Morrigan could feel the murderous intent emanating from him. He was not going to let this go. "I am merely being practical, Warden." The insolence had left her voice. "It would take us weeks to scour the Wilds in the mere hopes of finding him."

  Alistair reluctantly agreed. "She…
she's right, Aedan. We don't have that kind of time when have Loghain and the Blight to contend with."

  Aedan sighed angrily. They were both right. Fergus would want him to perform his duty first and foremost. "Fine. Only because I know that's what my brother would want. But, Morrigan, don't you ever speak of my brother with such disrespect again. Or else."

  Morrigan quirked her eye curiously. "Or else…what? You'll…kill me?"

  "No." Aedan answered dangerously. "I'm not that merciful."

  Alistair could see that this was getting a little out of hand. "If I could direct our attention back to the matter at hand?"

  Aedan took his eyes off Morrigan and turned his attention to Alistair. "I was thinking what Flemeth suggested earlier might be the best idea. The treaties…have you looked at them?"

  "Yes, I have."

  "The Wardens made a pact with the three most powerful factions in Fereldan before their exile from the country. The Dwarves of Orzammar have always been our staunchest allies and the Circle of Magi have also been pivotal against the darkspawn. And then of course there's also the Dalish Elves in the Brecillian forest. I also think Arl Eamon is our best source of help. Against both Loghain and the darkspawn."

  "Well, then it looks like we have long trip ahead of us. And with the horde advancing we're going to have to go beyond just the call of duty." Aedan confirmed. "Come on let's go."

  They walked through Lothering and acquired some more essential and equipment, as well as doing some assignment for the Chanter's board for some extra cash. After turning in the assignment for taking care of the local bear problem Aedan walked toward the local tavern called 'Dane's Refuge'.

  "Why a tavern?" Morrigan asked with disdain.

  "Two reasons Morrigan." Aedan explained. "One: we need information about what's happening and that kind information almost always passes through highway inns like this one. And two most importantly: Alistair and I have had nothing to eat except darkspawn blood since we first met you in the Wilds. A hot meal and a stiff drink would be really nice right about now."

  "Ya might not wanna go into the tavern right now. Inn's full as it is, and those soldiers are causing a mess of trouble." A man outside the tavern told.

  "Tell me about the soldiers." Aedan asked.

  "Hmph! They aren't here to protect us if that's what you're asking! After taking all the bann's men Teryn Loghain left these men behind on some 'speacial assignment'. But so far all they've done is get drunk and bully everyone who gets in their way. One man who tried to tell them to leave got his head cracked! 'Interfering with a royal investigation' they called it. You'd think they'd drive of those damned bandits, but that would distract them from their 'special assignment'." The man spat on the ground when he done talking about them.

  "Oh, don't worry about the bandits." Aedan assured. "They're the Makers problem now."

  "What you killed them? Good on you! Hey everyone, this is the man that drove those thieving bastards off! Ha!"

  They were in the tavern less than a minute when those soldiers that man mentioned walked up to them. Red-faced with liquor, totally drunk and looking for trouble. Figures.

  "Well, men it seems we've been blessed." Said their leader. His breath reeked of cheap ale.

  "Uh-oh. Loghain's men. This could be trouble." Alistair observed.

  "Didn't we spend half the morning asking after a man who fits this description?" Asked one of his men. "And everyone said they didn't see him?"

  "It seems we were lied to." The commander growled as he glared dangerously at all the tavern's patrons.

  Aedan knew there was about to be trouble. Hell, everyone in the inn knew trouble was going to start. The once loud and bustling inn was rendered completely silent. Everyone who had eyes in their head had them directed at Loghain's soldiers and the Wardens, none dared to move. The tension in the air was so thick you could chop it with an ax. The only one who seemed the most dismayed was the the innkeeper; he knew there was going to be a huge mess and a lot of broken furniture.

  So Loghain left these men behind to arrest any Wardens who survived? Bastard. Aedan felt his sword hand twitching. Suddenly a red-haired young woman in chantry robes, obviously a sister walked between them. "Gentlemen," She addressed in a lilting Orlesian accent, "surely there's no need for trouble. These are no doubt more poor souls come here seeking refuge."

  "They are more than that!" the captain barked. "Now stay out of our way, Sister. You protect these traitors, you'll get the same as them!"

  "Sister, unless you're willing to get some blood on that clean robe of yours I suggest you stand back." Aedan warned.

  "I don't want anyone's blood spilled on anything." The sister insisted. "But these men will blindly follow their master's orders no matter who gets hurt."

  "I am not the one who's blind!" The captain protested "I proudly serve Teryn Loghain and after what the traitorous Warden killed King Cailan I'll gladly kill every Warden I find."

  "Alright, time to die." Aedan stated.

  Aedan and Alistair drew their weapons and Morrigan charged a spell and engaged their aggressors. They were drunk and their technique was shit, but the Sister was a different story entirely. She whipped out a stiletto from her sleeve, moving a like a red blur, she quickly hit the chinks and nicks in their armor and stabbed their hands! In less than a minute the petite Sister effectively disabled them.

  "Alright! You've won! We surrender!" The captain pleaded.

  "Good. They've learned their lesson and we can all stop fighting." The sister announced.

  The captain's deplorability and the Sister's naïveté was astonishing to Aedan. "You surrender? I'm just going to kill you on principal, you son of a bitch!"

  "Please, wait!" the captain begged.

  "They have surrendered!" The Sister pleaded. "They are no danger to you now. Let them be!"

  "They were going to kill you for just speaking against them, Sister!"

  "Yes, but they failed. These men never stood a chance; killing them serves no purpose! And I do not wish death on anyone."

  "Like I said, Sister, it's principal. No one calls me a traitor and lives!" Aedan pointed his sword at the captain. "You got a prayer? Say it!"

  "P-please I-aghk!" Aedan swung his sword and separated the upper half of his head from his lower jaw right in mid-sentence. The Sister watched in dismay as the rest tried in vain to fight back, but in the end Aedan knocked all their heads off. One. By. One.

  As soon as Aedan was don executing Loghain's men the Sister approached Aedan. "I apologize for interfering but I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

  Aedan took a good long look at the Sister. She was definitely a curiosity. Her features were most certainly Fereldan, fair skin with green eyes. Her hair was bright red with several locks tied into knots. Perhaps she was from the Hinterlands? But her accent was unmistakably Orlesian. An Orlesian Chantry Sister. Two things he hated rolled into one, the only redeeming quality he could see so far was her apparent ability to fight. But even that could be called into question. "Your apologies are unnecessary, Sister."

  "Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Leliana, one of the Lay Sisters of the Chantry here in Lothering. Or I was."

  Aedan quirked an eyebrow. "Was? Did you do something wrong?"

  "Oh, no, nothing like that. I just found a higher calling is all. Those men said you're a Grey Warden. Your duty is to combat the Blight, yes?"

  "You make it sound so easy, but yes."

  "Well, there you have it. There is my higher calling."

  Aedan couldn't help but laugh at such a foolish notion. "Ha! And what makes you think that?"

  "Well, the Maker told me to. Surely He wouldn't do so without good reason." Leliana stated as a matter of fact.

  Alistair and Morrigan looked at eachother in disbelief. Aedan was dumbfounded and suddenly had the urge to back away very slowly. "Well, it was nice meeting you…Leliana was it? But, you know, I have a Blight to fight and people to murder, so I'll be leaving now."
br />   "No! Please, wait!" She urged. "I know that sound absolutely insane…but it's true! I had a dream…a vision!"

  "Urge to leave. Rising." Aedan said impatiently.

  "Look at the people here. They are lost in their despair, and this darkness, this chaos…it will spread. The Maker doesn't want this. What you do, what you're meant to do is the Maker's work. Let me help!"

  "Lady, why should I give two nug-shits about what your pale god wants?"

  "He is not just my god. The Maker has love for all!"

  Aedan's patience was running thin. "Alright theological dementia aside, let's get just few things straight. You're a Sister of the faith?"


  "And you're an Orlesian?"

  "Well, yes." There was a look of confusion on the Sister's face.

  "Alright, that makes you twice as useless."

  "Please. I can fight! I can do more than fight!" Leliana argued. "As I said, I wasn't always a lay sister. I put that life aside when I came here, but now….if it's the Maker's will, I will take it up again. Gladly. Please let me help you."

  Aedan spat a quick and rather condescending sounding sentence to her in impeccable Orlesian. Leliana's eyes quickly went from shock to grim disappointment.

  Alistair barely understood a word of Orlesian, but he needed no interpreter to know what Aedan said to her. And it wasn't very nice. Something about "useless" and "Maker", something that sounded like "go sit on a claymore"?

  "B-but, I…." The face Leliana made was almost tear jerking. Like the look on a child's face when his first puppy runs away.

  "Oh, come on, Aedan!" Alistair shouted. "Look at her! You're about to make her cry!"

  "Alistair, she's a couple cards short of a full house!"

  "I know she seems…strange? But you saw what she did to those men! She has skills that we can make use of, and it's probably going to take more than just us to combat the Blight. And besides, hers is the brand of crazy the Wardens are always looking for!" Alistair argued.

  Leliana crossed her arms and gave Alistair a certain look. She didn't like how he said "crazy".


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