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Aedan Of Highever

Page 10

by Milton Garby

  Aedan grunted in extreme frustration. "Fine, Alistair. If you really think she'll be of use, we can bring her along."

  Leliana's eyes lit up like a lamp. "Thank you! Oh, thank you so much! I promise you want regret it!"

  "I certainly hope not." Said Aedan, his voice stern "But I highly recommend you leave this childish reliance on your god behind." Aedan flashed his sword at her. "Where we're going, this is the only god you can rely on."

  During the commotion with the guards a table suddenly became free. They all sat down and had a quiet meal while Dane whined and begged at their feet. When they were finished the now four companions left the inn and made their way through the village aiming to leave it behind them.

  As they walked Aedan heard something that so completely caught him off guard he thought his hearing was shot.

  "Shok ebasit hissra. Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun. Maraas shokra. Anaan esam Qun."

  Qunlat? This far south? Where the hell was it coming from? Aedan looked just to the west of him and saw a giant cage. Inside was a man taller than Ser Argyle was. He was grey-skinned and physically robust with white hair. This was no human, but a qunari from the north, though he had no horns like Aedan was led to believe. On the front of his cage was written "murderer". The reason for his being there was obvious yet unknown to Aedan.

  The massive creature noticed Aedan staring at him. "You are not one of my captors." He observed. "I will amuse you no more than I have the other humans. Leave me in peace."

  "What is qunari doing this far south?" Aedan.

  "I am standing in a cage. Is what I am doing not obvious?" The foreign giant asked rhetoric sarcasm. "I am a prisoner placed here by the Chantry. And I am Sten of the Beresaad—the vanguard—of the qunari peoples. Does that satisfy you curiosity?"

  Aedan had researched the qunari during his studies of foreign warfare. The beresaad were the ones who led the qunari armies into Thedas when they first arrived on the northern shores. If anything he read was true this creature's training would have been very impressive and very useful. "Okay, smartass, how's this? Why is a vanguard of the qunari peoples standing in a cage in remote village in southern Fereldan?"

  "I have been convicted of murder. Have the villagers not spoke of it?"

  "The Revered Mother says he slaughtered an entire family." Leliana answered solemnly. "Even the children."

  "It is as she says." Sten commented. "I suggest you leave me to my fate."

  Aedan felt the rage spike within him. These foreigner so willingly admitted his guilt like it was truly nothing. Aedan felt the urge to kill the creature spark, but noted the faint glimmer of regret in his eyes. "Why did you murder an entire family?"

  "Does it matter? I am guilty of the act and have accepted my punishment."

  "Do you feel no regret for what you've done?"

  "Either you've have an enviable memory or a pitiful life to know nothing of regret, human."

  "I could end it for you right now if you prefer." Aedan's offer was for his own gratification as well as for this foreigner's mercy.

  "No, I shall decline. The Revered Mother has decided my fate and I shall abide by it." He spoke as though he were turning down a job offer rather than a death sentence.

  "Aedan, surely you're not going to let this stand?" Morrigan interrupted. "This is a proud a powerful creature if you can't see a use for him, then you should release him for mercy's sake alone."

  "Murderers should be rot in a cage and be treated like vermin!" Aedan spat. He stared at Sten and gave hard thought to what he would do. This foreigner and his qun represented everything he hated, and on top of that he murdered a whole family! But, on the other hand, Aedan knew that soldiers of the Beresaad were the elite of the qunari and were strong enough to continuously attack Tevinter. Aedan knew he was clutching at straws but he knew he would need all the help he could get against Loghain. For as much as he hated the qunari, he hated Loghain even more. "I find myself in the need of skilled help. Perhaps in joining me you can find redemption."

  Sten's contempt almost matched Aedan's "What could be done that would redeem me for the people I killed?"

  "Saving this whole country from the Blight."

  That caught the foreign giant's attention. "The Blight? Are you a Grey Warden, then?"

  "Alistair and I are." Aedan answered truthfully.

  "Strange. My people have heard legends of Grey Warden's strength and skill. I suppose not every legend should be taken seriously."

  Aedan ignored his backhanded comment. "So will you join with us or not?"

  "Perhaps if could convince the revered mother that the Grey Wardens are in need of assistance? Perhaps then she'd feel more inclined to hand over the key to my cage."

  "I'll see what I can do."

  "Farewell, then."

  "To be left her to starve or to be taken by the darkspawn." Said Leliana sympathetically "No one deserves that."

  Well that was plain disgusting. "No, Leliana." Aedan commented. "They deserve worse!"

  When they arrived in chantry courtyard there was a demented Chasind Wilder spouting nonsense about their "impending doom" and the "encroaching evil". Aedan didn't give a damn about his words, but he was putting the high strung local into panic induced frenzy. When he saw Aedan his attention and his bullshit became directed at him.

  "There! One of their minions is already amongst us!" he screamed. "This man bears their vile stench! Can you not see the evil that radiated off of him!?

  "Why don't you shut your mouth, Chasind? Before I drop my foot in it." Aedan threatened.

  "I watched the black horde tear my people apart! I will not be silenced!"

  "Please stop! Somebody make him shut his mouth!" A villager begged.

  "But isn't he right." Another one said hopelessly. "The bann left us defenseless. We're all dead."

  "This minion is but the first of those who will destroy us!" The Chasind continued.

  "Wrong Chasind! Dead wrong!" Aedan yelled. "The darkspawn can be beaten, and they have been beaten! Many times before!"

  "No!" The wilder yelled. "You're wrong no one people has ever beaten the darkspawn."

  "He's right!" cried the hopeless villager. "The king is dead and the Grey Wardens too! What can we do?"

  These men were actually making Aedan ashamed to be Fereldan! They needed to be reminded of who they are. "We fight back!" Aedan answered with vigor. "We are sons of Hafter! Descendants of Dane!" Everyone in the courtyard and outside it were now listening. "Maric drove out the Orlesian Empire! Andraste chased the Tevinter Imperium to the heart of its capital! And Hafter drove the darkspawn from the bannorn back into to the darkness from whence they came!" Everyone was now looking at him with awe, their courage returning. "No one has ever taken the valley from us, not so long as one of us still breaths. Muster your courage! Fight for our homeland! And we can drive the darkspawn once more from the fertile valley."

  The Chasind Wilder was shocked and silent, he knew Aedan's word rang true. "I-I have…dishonored my people, and my ancestors. Please forgive me." The uttered as walked away.

  "The stranger's right." Said one of the villagers. "We can't just lay down and die. We didn't do it for the Orliesians and we're not going to for the darkspawn.

  "Thank you, stranger." Said the hopeless villager. "It's good to be reminded of what we Fereldans can do."

  Leliana laughed quietly. "Well, I'm impressed. I didn't realize our dear Warden was such an eloquent speaker."

  "Yes, it was eloquently spoke." Morrigan said sarcastically. "'Tis all for naught, though. When the darkspawn come through here many of them will die. And eloquent words can't change that."

  "I know." Aedan said grimly. "That's why it's up to us to make those words truth."

  Aedan and company entered the chantry to get the key to Sten's cage so they can finally leave. While there Alistair was astonished to find Ser Donnal, a knight of Redcliffe. Donall informed them of Arl Eamon's dire health and how the Arlessa's despera
tion to cure her husband led him and his fellow knight Ser Henric to the Lothering Chantry in the hopes of finding clues to the Urn of Sacred Ashes. It seemed like a pointless endeavor to Aedan, finding the burnt remains of a long dead barbarian woman. By now they would be fortunate if there was even any dust left from those ashes. With his fellow knight dead Donnal decided to make his way back to Redcliffe and hope that his fellow knights had better fortune than he did. Donnal urged them both to come to Redcliffe as soon as possible and meet with Bann Teagan, he could probably help give them the assistance they needed. Aedan made sure to make it a priority.

  Thanks to Leliana's assurances to the revered mother, they were able to procure the key to Sten's cage. But Aedan felt a more apprehensive to want to let Sten out after he learned that the family he murdered were also his rescuers, he would have died if the hadn't saved him. Aedan tried not to think about how much that reminded him of Arl Howe. He made his way back to the cage and it looked like Sten had barely moved since he left.

  "You returned." Sten pointed out.

  "Yes, I have. And I have the key to your cage."

  "I confess, I didn't believe the revered mother would part with it. Or that you would even remember. I thought were too busy giving civic speeches." The qunari's tone was genuinely impressed

  "You heard that?"

  "I believe the darkspawn heard it."

  "Look, I have the key to your damned cage and the revered mother agreed to release you in to my custody. Do you want to help me or do you want to stand in that cage and bitch all day?"

  "Very well. I will follow you against the darkspawn and in so doing I shall find my atonement."

  "Right. And if you make me regret this, Sten, I'll kill you myself." Aedan promised.

  "You may try."

  "Sten, the only reason you breathe is because I allow it. For as long as you're around me your life is in my hands."

  Later that night….

  When they left Lothering they rescued a dwarven merchant, Bodahn, and his son, Sandal, from darkspawn scouts and in return for their rescue Bodahn decided to stay with them and provide services as a vendor in exchange for their protection. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  The others were getting settled around their campsite. Most of them set their tents close to one another around a fire, except Morrigan. She made her tent and her own fire on the far side of the campsite away from everyone else. Aedan supposed that since she lived most of her life in seclusion she saw no reason for that to change.

  Aedan approached Bodahn's wagon carrying his family's sheathed sword. "What can I do for you, ser." Bodahn asked.

  "I need to ask a very important favor of you Bodahn." Aedan spoke solemnly.

  "Oh, of course, ser. How can I help you?"

  Aedan presented his family's sword. "I would be eternally grateful if you would be so kind as to hold on to this sword form."

  Bodahn gently accepted the sword from Aedan and carefully inspected the blade. "Warden, this is high quality blade. You're certain you don't want to keep hold of it? It could certainly assist you more than me."

  "This sword has been in my family for the past five hundred years. I want to make sure that it will be well cared for."

  "Warden! You can't let someone as humble as me hold such a treasure! You should be carrying this." Bodahn insisted

  "I can't, Bodahn. I am not worthy of carrying my family's sword." Aedan explained with his voice full of melancholy.

  "Then, I make sure no harm comes to this blade. Your family's treasure is safe with me, Warden. I promise."

  Aedan sat by himself near the fire with a piece of parchment in his hands. He had just finished drawing a picture of his whole family. He had never been so grateful as to have the skill to draw and paint so skillfully as he did right now. Because now it was the only way he could see his family again. Tears unconsciously streamed down his face as he looked at their smiling faces again. He could see them bet he would never hold or hear them again.

  He lacked so much right now to do anything. He barely had coin, no army to combat the Blight, let alone stand a chance against Loghain! He had no way of saving his country, much less avenge his family. Aedan needed power.

  Wait. Power? That was it! Aedan reached into his satchel and carefully pulled out the glowing red vial Leandra gave him earlier. This would give him the power he needed!

  The Avvar taught him the ritual, he had seen firsthand the power this ritual bestows. He kneeled before the fire and drew the runes around him in the ashes and began to chant the words that would awaken the power sleeping in this vial.

  Aedan's actions caught the attention of the others in the camp. Even Morrigan took the extra steps to see what Aedan was doing. They all gathered around him, wondering what was going on with him.

  "Aedan are you alright?" Alistair asked, but Aedan was completely deaf to him as he continued chanting. "What's he doing?"

  "I don't know." Said Leliana. "Perhaps he is praying?"

  "No. Aedan made it perfectly clear that he worships no one's god." Alistair reminded. "This is something else."

  "What tongue is that?" Sten asked.

  "It''s Avvar." Morrigan answered.

  Alistair put his hand out in front of him to block the wind out of his face. "Can you understand what he's saying?"

  Aedan's cryptic chanting continued.

  "Not fully. He's calling to someone? Something?" Morrigan tried to listen to the strange words Aedan spoke.

  Aedan continued to chant.

  "No. No, he wants something to wake up."

  Aedan's chanting grew louder and the wind began to howl.

  "Should we stop him?" Leliana was worried.

  "I do not think we could." Morrigan answered.

  Aedan's chanting became more like yelling, like he was demanding to be heard. The wind began to blow stronger and the runes around him lit like fire with a shield of energy surrounding him. The very air around him grew dark and ominous, as if something heard his call. Aedan raised the dark red vial above his head. It was pulsing with life!

  His companions tried to reach out to him, but the wind howled louder and it felt as if it was keeping them from getting closer. "What is that?!" Alistair screamed.

  The vial burned crimson with life. And shattered the seal containing it.

  "Dragon's blood." Morrigan whispered, but they all heard.

  Aedan opened his jaw wide and welcomed the burning liquid into his maw, into his very being! He quaffed every last drop of it down even as it spilled over him. The pain was more intense than the Joining. His eyes burned and his skin was on fire! He convulsed in horrifying agony, but he would not scream! His veins went black as the blood boiled in them! But he WOULD. NOT. SCREAM!

  The runes exploded, the fire was burnt out and the wind stopped howling. The pain had stopped and his flesh no longer burned. It was done. Aedan stood up and dusted the ash off of him and inhaled deeply.

  "A-Aedan?" Alistair called. "Are you alright?"

  Aedan looked to his fellow Warden smiling ominously. His eyes were now pitch black with burning coals in them. He picked up a rock near him and crushed it into dust like it was nothing. "Alistair, I feel great! I guess you could say I feel like a new man."


  I am Hafter, slayer of darkspawn and leader of the Alamarri. No dog nor wolf alive frightens me. I have taken the greatest of your men from you and taken your weapons as my own. If you ever rise against me or my sons again, we will take more than that.

  -From tales of the Alamarii, author unknown.

  Crossing the Line



  Rendon Howe strode through the castle halls with complete confidence, his smug smile plastered to his face, behind Howe walked a hooded figure that followed him like a shadow. Loghain had seen fit to grant Howe the position of Teyrn in the north even after Howe wiped out the Cousland line and with all the chaos going through the country Queen Anora was in no
position to deny him his rightful claim. And he just finished leading a purge against the elven filth in the Alienage, when mongrels bite their master it's always best to put them down. It was a good day.

  Outside the doors of Loghain's war room stood two men in drably colored robes. They stood like a pair of statues on either side of the door, their face blank and solemn. These weren't brothers of the Chantry Howe noticed. Who could these peasants be? Then he noticed the badge on their roped belts, two mabari back to back against a black tome. These were monks from the Order of the Line. Little more than beggars and dirt farmers as far as Howe was concerned. They prided themselves about maintaining the purest breed of mabari in their run down monastery. It seemed pointless to Howe, after all, you could find dogs in plenty in this country, but the insipid masses still insisted to think that these stinking monks brought some sort of pride to their nation.

  Howe could hear Loghain arguing on the other side of the door. He walked into the room and saw the regent trading verbal blows with the head abbot of The Line. In the corner of the room was a pure bred mabari sitting in dignity while the two humans fought. Even Howe had to admit, it was one of the finest specimens he'd ever seem. Apparently this mabari was the center of their argument.

  "We've lost countless mabari and Ash Warriors at Ostagar! And now you're demanding that we just give you our most prized hound!?" The abbot yelled.

  "The mabari is the symbol of Fereldan royalty!" Loghain argued. "It can be used to help unite the people back under the crown so we may face this threat!"

  "The symbol of our people is not a smokescreen for you to hide behind when you've failed! The mabari chooses who leads her and our country does the same!"

  "I am the acting regent. Queen Anora expects…!"

  "What you and the queen want is irrelevant! You do not come into another's land and make demands, no matter what title you have! This is not Orlais! This conversation is over!" The abbot turned and around and stormed out the door, the mabari and his two acolytes trailing behind him.

  Loghain slammed his fist onto the table. The teryn didn't take to being denied very well.


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