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Aedan Of Highever

Page 11

by Milton Garby

  "Problems, sire?" Howe observed.

  "We are in the midst of war and that monk thinks to tell me how to fight for this country." The teyrn seethed angrily.

  "The nerve of him. But then, The Line has never been known for their enlightenment. They'd rather be breeding with their dogs than accomplish anything that actually matters."

  "What have your spies learned, Howe?"

  "Well, sire, my spies tell me that there are demands from the bannorn that you step down from the regency. I am told they are gathering their forces, as are your allies. It seems it will be civil war despite the darkspawn horde. Pity."

  Loghain said nothing, but the scowl on his face screamed his displeasure.

  "There is also word that there are Grey Wardens who survived Ostagar." Howe continued with a dismal look on his face. "How I don't know, but they will act against you."

  "Are you sure about this information?"

  "Yes. The soldiers you posted at Lothering found them but were quickly killed. And a group of peasants tried to capture for the bounty but were also killed. I've arranged for a…solution. With your leave."

  The figure behind Howe removed his hood and revealed himself. He was an elf, swarthy skinned with dirty-blonde hair, the tattoos on his face marked his guild. "The Antivan Crows send their regards." he greeted in a lilting Antivan accent

  "An assassin?" Loghain questioned.

  "Against Grey Wardens, we need the very best, sire." Howe assured.

  "Ha-ha-ha. And the most expensive." The crow laughed.

  "Just get it done." Loghain ordered.

  The crow bowed and left the room. Howe decided use this moment to gain more favor with the angered regent. "Sire, if you're still determined to present that purebred bitch to your daughter as a symbol of her rightful claim I can arrange for some of my best men to…acquire it."

  An incredulous scowl swiped across Loghain's face at the mention of that suggestion. "Attacking an envoy for the Monastery of the Line, Howe?"

  "As I said before, civil war is inevitable. Your daughter will need a strong symbol to maintain the loyalty of the masses, and many revere the image of the mabari." Howe insisted.

  Loghain stood there contemplating, his scowl never leaving his face. "Very well, Howe, do it. But leave no evidence of your involvement."

  "I assure you, sire. No one will ever know we were there."

  Later in the Bannorn…

  The party of Wardens were leaving westward from Lothering to begin their long quest of attaining allies in their fight against the darkspawn. As they walked the imperial highway Aedan noticed Dane acting rather oddly. Normally he's trot next Aedan with a happy presence around, but now his walk was slowed and he kept looking off into the distance rather than where they were going. Something was distracting him. "Dane? Is something wrong, boy?"

  Suddenly on a nearby hill another mabari bursted out of nowhere! Dane stopped dead in his tracks and perked his ears, his attention set solely on the fellow mabari. He sniffed the air and barked excitedly and the stranger barked in response. The stranger took off over the hill and Dane bounded after her.

  Everyone with an opposable thumb stood there with a dumb look on their face as the mabari raced over the hill.

  "We'll I guess he's made a friend." Said Alistair.

  "Oh, please, can't we just leave him?" Morrigan complained. "I think he'll be happier here with one of his kind."

  Aedan said nothing and chased after his dog. Dane ran like the devil was at his heels! Aedan had never seen him move so fast! When he finally caught up with him he and the other dog were at a ruined upon a caravan being raided! There were about ten bandits and they were pulling robbed monks out of the wagons and killing them! They were holding one at sword point and demanding to know where something was.

  Aedan approached the bandits from behind not bothering to hide his presence. The carriage they were raiding was very simple in design, but it bore a symbol on the side. Son of a bitch! How dare they!?

  One of the bandits spotted Aedan. "Oy, piss off! This is none of your affair, stranger!"

  The others arrived behind Aedan. "Insolent bastards! You dare assault an emissary of The Line!?"

  "This is official business of Teyrn Howe! I suggest you leave or I'll have your guts for garters!"

  Teryn Howe!? "You serve him!? You're DEAD!" Aedan charged forward, not even bothering to draw his weapons. The leader threw the abbot to the side and engaged him.

  The two mabari pounced on top of their prey and ripped them apart while Alistair and Sten advanced on the soldiers, cutting of their heads and impaling them, while Morrigan and Leliana granted them cover fire with arrow and lightning. Morrigan performed a chain-lightning spell that quickly fried almost all the men while Aedan killed his targets with his bare hands, breaking their bodies and crushing their skulls.

  Aedan approached the final one, the leader. He had some skill, using a longsword he managed to place several deep on Aedan's face, but Aedan didn't even bother to evade. The soldier was shocked to see how the gashes on Aedan's face didn't even bother him, like they weren't even there! He lunged at Aedan in an attempt to run him through! Leliana shrieked in horror, the man actually succeeded! But more horrifying, Aedan let him!

  The man let go of his sword and thought that was the end of it but Aedan just stood there like the sword didn't bother him. He looked down at the three feet of steel sticking out of his torso like it was nothing. Aedan pulled the sword from his chest without any sign of pain or even discomfort and tossed it to the side.

  Aedan approached the man with the distorted face of a demon! His eyes burning and his teeth fanged! The soldier screamed and tried to run but Aedan grabbed and threw his to the ground. He reached for his hunting knife. "Now. Now, I think I'll have your guts for garters." Aedan told him. He stabbed him the stomach and sliced across his belly! And he reached his hand into the gash he created and yanked out the man's intestines! The man screamed in horrendous agony! Music to Aedan's ears. Aedan stuffed his victim's entrails right down his own throat! Aedan smiled in twisted glee as he watched the man choke to death on his own guts!

  Even amongst the Chasind Morrigan had never seen so much cruelty in one man to kill another in such a way. They deserved to die, of course. Anyone foolish enough to raise arms against them have it coming. But still did he have to kill him so…grotesquely? Was what these men did really warrant such an effort?

  Parshaara, that is disgusting. Sten thought to himself. The temessran had taught him that all baas were barbarians, but he did not expect such gross display of barbarism from the man who was supposed to be their leader. If there was ever such a land that needed the wisdom of the Qun it was Fereldan.

  Sweet, holy Andraste! Leliana intensely fought the urge to vomit. Never before had she seen such cruelty. They may have been bandits killing priests but surely they didn't deserve that! And what was he doing letting the man inflict such grievous wounds on him? He could have finished him at will! Did he let him attack simply to inflict such horror on him!?

  Alistair really liked sausages. They were his favorite thing to eat right next to cheese. Last night Alistair really wanted some sausages. Now he can never look at another sausages the same way again. Thanks Aedan you ruined sausages for me. He thought to himself. You've raped my love for sausages with a piece of broken glass and set it on fire, leaving nothing behind but ashen disappointment. And no more sausages.

  Aedan watched as his victim slowly die and felt the entropic energies of his prolonged death heal his wounds. Finally the man stopped choking, he gurgles a little and his blood stopped flowing, he was dead.

  The Abbot stood up and brushed the dirt from his robes and regained his dignified posture. "Well, that was disgusting, ser." He pointed out.

  "It was no more than what he deserved." Aedan defended.

  "Oh, no doubt. Anyone who would attack simple monks is more than likely capable of doing far worse crimes. I'm just pointing out the fact that that was
disgusting. I'm sure everyone else is thinking the same thing." Everyone nodded in agreement.

  "And you, ser…?" Aedan asked.

  "Ah, yes, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Luwin, Head Abbot of the Monastic Order of The Line. At your humble service." The abbot bowed respectfully to his rescuer.

  Aedan nodded his head in respect. "Abbot Luwin, it is an honor."

  "The honor is all mine, ser. A shame you couldn't save my fellow monks. I shall make sure they are returned to the monastery for a proper burial."

  "Abbot Luwin, why would these soldiers attack you?" Alistair asked.

  The abbot pointed to his mabari, who was currently playing around with Dane. "For Isulde there. She is the reason they attacked me. Teyrn Loghain called me to the capital to inspect our most prized hound. Naturally, I complied, after all he was a hero in the war. When she didn't imprint to him he demanded that I just give her to him like she was a piece of furniture. I refused. He merely wanted her as a status symbol, but I think you know that a mabari is more than that."

  Aedan looked over to Dane and nodded in agreement. "You can't make a mabari choose their master, they need to decide that for themselves."

  "Exactly, just like our people. Now as grateful as I am for assistance, why would you cross someone like Howe to save a simple monk?"

  Aedan scowled at the mention of Howe's name. "He has grievously wronged me. And I will stab at him in any way I can until I have my revenge."

  The abbot whistled towards the dogs and they both trotted to him. Isulde sat next to him while he petted Dane. Dane affectionately licked the monks hand as he inspected him. "You're a Grey Warden, aren't you?" The abbot asked.

  Aedan quirked an eyebrow. How could he have known? "Yes, Alistair here and I are both Wardens. How did you know?"

  "Your mabari bears the taint in him and he follows you. So it stands to reason that you are a Warden. How fortuitous."

  "How so?" Aedan inquired.

  "Well, it just so happens that my fellow monks and I were transporting some of our relics back from Denerim to our monastery and some of these relics were used by the Ash Warriors who served King Calenhad during his final battle with Teyrn Simeon. Perhaps they can be of some use to you." Abbot Luwin opened the trunks that Howe's soldiers took from the carriage and presented them to Aedan. Inside was a single set of arms and armor. The suit was a set of Ceremonial Armor forged of pure red steel and engraved with images of the mabari all over it. Aedan donned it with honor.

  While Aedan placed the armor on, Luwin painted Dane with the Kaddis of The King's Hounds, a design used by the war hounds of King Calenhad. "The armor suits you well, ser." Luwin complimented. "And I think this weapon will suit you just as well."

  He presented Aedan with a powerful great-axe. Along the haft were images of charging mabari and ancient runes. The bottom of the haft was like a four bladed spearhead to act as a counter balance. The shaft of the blade was thin and widened into bearded blade and had a knotted design engraved on it. On the back of the blade was a hammer head that intricately designed into the shape of a snarling mabari. This fearsome weapon reminded Aedan of Ser Argyle's "Bear's Maul".

  "This axe was one of the first weapons to break down the front gates at Denerim and allowed King Calenhad to breach the city to defeat Teryn Simeon." Luwin explained. "It is called 'The Hound's Teeth'."

  What a strange name for an axe. "Why is it called that?"

  "Because whatever it bites into it destroys."

  Aedan looked at the awesome weapon and smiled in agreement.

  "Now, Grey Warden. I am afraid I must be off now. I must take the bodies of my brothers and make sure that my order can replenish the ranks of our nation's mabari to combat the darkspawn. When you are ready I swear you will all the hound we can muster and train."

  "You will lend us the aid of your order?"

  "Of course! Like the Ash Warriors, we are king's men. And if what is being said about Loghain is true, we will not support the man who abandoned our king to his death. I will also spread the word about what he tried to do here. With any luck that will lose him more support from the bannorn."

  "Farewell, Abbot Luwin."

  "Before I leave might, I say what a magnificent hound you have? Perhaps when this is done you could bring to the monastery? Any sires of his would be incredible hounds."

  "I don't think he'd mind that."

  Dane barked and pranced around happily.

  The abbot got back into his wagon and continued on his way. With his new arms and armor Aedan and the other proceeded to continue their way. Now Aedan had power and he had the weapons to utilize it. Now came the daunting task of finding their allies and stopping Loghain.

  Know Your Company


  The company of Grey Wardens were back at camp they had made their necessary preparations and gathered what supplies they needed. Now that they were prepared they needed to decide where they were going. Aedan sat by the fire once more with pencil and parchment in his hands, illustrating the faces of his companions. Before going any further Aedan decided that it was important to first know everyone traveling with him. His father and Argyle both told him that it was vital for any leader to know the people who served him. Teryn Bryce himself knew the names and faces of every servant and soldier in their house. Aedan realized that despite Alistair probably being the only other Warden in the country, he knew next to nothing about him so he decided to speak with him first. "Alistair, how are you doing?"

  "I'm alright?" The former Templar answered hesitantly.

  "That's not what I mean. We haven't really spoken about what happened to Duncan and I know it's eating at you."

  "It's…it's alright." Alistair's answered trying to maintain his composure, but the sorrow in his voice revealed how he truly felt. "I know you didn't know him as long as I did, Aedan."

  "That doesn't mean I don't feel his loss. It takes a special kind of man to dedicate himself to a cause like the Wardens."

  "It's just that…anyone of us could die in battle. I-I should have handled it better."

  Aedan looked at Alistair for a moment. "You're an orphan aren't you?"

  "Not quite, but near enough. How could you tell?"

  "The way you mourn the loss of Duncan is the same way I mourn the loss of my father."

  "Yes. I guess you could say he was the closest thing I had to a father. He did more for me than my real father ever did."

  "How were near enough to an orphan if you were raised by Arl Eamon?"

  "Oh, did I say that? I meant uh, the uh, dogs raised. Yes that's it. A whole pack of them from straight from the Anderfels!"

  "That's not what you said at Flemth's hut. You said you know Arl Eamon, how is that?"

  "Well, if you really want to know," Alistair sighed in defeat, "I'm a bastard and before you make any jokes, I mean that in the literal sense. My mother died when I was still an infant and Arl Eamon took me in. He was good to me and he didn't have to be. I respect the man and I know that he's a reliable ally."

  "Were you and the arl close?"

  "Yes, a bit. His brother Teagan and I actually got along very well. Eamon and Teagan have a large age gap between them and Teagan would often treat me like the little brother he never had."

  "If Arl Eamon raised you how did you end up being raised by the Chantry?"

  "Oh, and that's where it got a little a complicated. You see the arl eventually married a young woman from Orlais. Which caused a little friction with the king and Loghain 'cause it was so soon after the war."

  Aedan could already see where this was going.

  "She heard the rumors that I was Eamon's bastard. They weren't true of course but they were still there. She felt threatened by me and she urged the arl to send me away. Eventually Arl Eamon relented and sent me of the monastery in Dererim at age ten. And before I left she made it adamantly clear that the castle was no longer my home."

  Typical Olesian noblewoman. Alistair didn't seem pissed.
How could he not be pissed? This wasn't even Aedan's life story and he was getting pissed. "Weren't you angry?"

  "Well, of course I was angry. I was pissed! I mean I was only ten years old, I didn't ask to be a bastard, I didn't want to be shipped off to some monastery like somebody's trash. But I learned that being angry at everything that's happened to you never helps, it can only make you feel like crap."

  That was surprisingly wise of Alistair. But it wasn't any advice Aedan would every listen to. He had too much anger.

  "Did you ever see Arl Eamon again after that?"

  Alistair sighed deeply in regret. "Only a few times. He came by the monastery to check on me and see how I was doing. They…weren't happy visits. I felt like Eamon cast me off and I was determined to be bitter. After one visit I was particularly vocal about how angry I was and I blamed him for how bad my life was and how I never wanted to see him again. He stopped visiting after that."

  "You had every right to be angry!"

  "Maybe, but that never helped me. After he stopped visiting I realized how much I actually missed him. Eventually I heard that he and the arlessa had a son named Connor and I knew that the chance of him visiting me again was probably never. I regretted what I said ever since. And so I stayed at the monastery and I eventually had to become a Templar."

  Aedan never understood what other men meant when they acted like they had little choice in what they chose to be. "Why did you have to become a Templar?"

  "Well, when you're raised by the Chantry they only give so many choices. It was either be a Templar or be a chanter. At least as Templar I didn't have to get scolded for missing every third line in the Chant of Light."

  "You certainly don't strike me as the religious type."

  "You got that right. Even in my Templar training I kept getting sent to kitchen duty for 'not taking my duty to the Maker seriously'."

  "Well, at least you got something useful out of the Templar Order. That's how you got Duncan to notice you, right?"

  "Yes. Shortly before I had to take my vows Duncan came to the abbey looking for recruits. He saw me in the training courtyard and asked me if I wanted to join. It was the first time in my life that anyone ever actually asked me about what I wanted. I thought I could do more good as a Grey Warden than as a Templar so I joined. But the Grand Cleric refused to let me go."


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