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Aedan Of Highever

Page 34

by Milton Garby

  Eamon was always staunch ally, a kind man and a beloved leader. Loghain had no doubt that under his tutelage, Maric's bastard would've grown into a fine man worthy of the Theirin blood. But then Eamon got married to that Orlesian woman, Isolde. He had heard that Isolde thought that Alistair was Eamon's bastard and convinced her husband to send him away to be raised by the Chantry. An interesting solution to have Alistair not be a threat to Maric's memory or Cailan's reign, but if Eamon could be so easily convinced by his lady wife to send the son of their beloved king to the Chantry, could she have also convinced him to allow the chevaliers' return? That was why Logain sent Jowan to poison Eamon, the threat that the Arl of Redcliffe posed was too high to take any chances.

  Loghain never really thought of Alistair again until he saw him at Ostagar, a Grey Warden recruit and under the apprenticeship of Duncan no less. Now he knew he couldn't trust Maric's second son, either. Loghain saw how Alistair looked up to Duncan and no doubt the Warden Commander had filled Alistair's head with Grey Warden rot that was actually Orlesian propaganda. Remembering Alistair reminded Loghain that Maric's bastard wasn't the only noteworthy recruit he met that day.

  Aedan Cousland. Thinking about that boy made Loghain's head just want to explode. He never would've thought Bryce's second son would turn into such a nemesis when he first met him at Ostagar.

  Bryce Cousland.

  He remembered when he served with him during the war. A brave man; dutiful, wise, but also charming and humorous. Loghain was surprised by how many lords wanted Bryce to be king after Maric disappeared, but Bryce never volunteered himself for the throne. The regent didn't fully believe what Howe had said about the Couslands being Orlesian collaborators, as the Arl had no proof. The Couslands however were ardent royalists and would have opposed him at every turn, and who was to say they weren't consorting with the Orlesians? Every other year or so Bryce would frequently visit the Orlesian Empire and make nice with them as if everything they fought for meant nothing.

  That's when Loghain's heart began to race again, and he remembered why he had to either end the darkspawn threat himself, or kill what's left of the Wardens. Because of what Howe did, Aedan, the supposed rightful heir to the Teyrnir of Highever, would have never supported Loghain for having Howe as his adviser. So now, for the sake of his revenge, rather than the good of their country Aedan had taken up the Wardens' cause to bring back Orlesian influence into Ferelden and was shaping Alistair into being a puppet king for those sycophants across the Frostback Mountains.

  No, Loghain had to end this threat and soon. If he could get the bannorn to support him, they could defeat the Blight themselves proving to the whole world that Ferelden will always stand on its own, without the support of outside influence. That is the course that they are set on. First he must bring the nobles back into line, then they'll finish what's left of the horde, and if Aedan and Alistair haven't left for the Anderfels or the deep roads to rot away with the rest of their needless Order, then Loghain will make them both wish they had died at Ostagar with all the other traitors.

  Loghain decided to turn in for the night. As he rested his head upon his pillows his mind flashed back to the moment when he first met Aedan at Ostagar; a strapping young man who already had a reputation for being a fearsome warrior, it was most impressive for someone so young. Then he remembered the terrible death Aedan swore he would inflict upon Howe. That he would kill Howe with his teeth. If Aedan was willing to inflict that much violence on Howe, what kind of fate would the young usurper have on him? Loghain dismissed that thought from his mind, it will never come to that.

  Back at Soldier's Peak….


  Aedan and his company had just returned to Soldier's Peak, after treding up the hills Aedan was pleased with what he saw when he reached the top. Dwarves and Avvar all preparing together, training together, and even drinking together.

  "Hey, everyone." Aedan called to his companions. "Take this time to rest, I'm going to see how this army is shaping up."

  All of his companions were more than relieved that they finally got some time to settle down after the harsh journey down the mountains, through the valleys, and back up the hills again. Dane followed his master around the yard. Oghren joined his fellow dwarves in a drinking game. Leliana decided to go sing on one of the castles towers with her lute, and tried to keep the dwarves from eating her new best friend, Schmooples. Sten walked off to the far end of the yards to brood by himself. Shale went to go hide indoors away from the filthy birds. Alistair went to the keeps library to ponder by himself and Wynne joined, hoping to console the potential king. Zevran went to go find a pretty woman…or man, he was so pent up right now he didn't care what gender or race it was so long as they were adventurous and experienced. Bodahn and Sandal went over to Levi to ask permission to sell their wares, and maybe convince the old trader to buy something as well. Morrigan decided that this was the best time to fully read her mother's Grimoire.

  After Aedan had spoken to the Dwarven generals and Avvar battle leaders, he decided go find Mikael Dryden immediately. Aedan needed to have a weapon made out of this star metal. Aedan approached the forge where Levi's brother, Mikael, was tending to his craft. Mikael, unlike the rest of his family who soft skinned, Mikael was hard and strong from years of working the forge. And whereas the rest of the Drydens were glib and had laugh marks going across their faces, Mikael was stoic with a burnt-patched beard on his face, and had that thousand yard stare in his eyes. Mikael had told Aedan, without boasting, that he was a master smith that could forge weapons out of practically anything, and with an army settling at his family's new home they were going to need as much weapons they could get their hands on. But Aedan needed Mikael to forge a new type of blade from a matieral that will probably never be seen again.

  "Warden." The smith acknowledged.

  Aedan returned the greeting, then reached into his pack and revealed the heavenly treasure. "In my travels I found this." Aedan presented the war bright stone to Mikael. "I was told it came from a fallen star, can you make anything out of this?"

  The smith looked both shocked and awed. "This….this is Star Metal!" Mikael gasped. "If you give this to me I can craft for you a thing of legend!"

  Aedan could barely contain his excitement but first things first. "How much will it cost to make?"

  "Nothing, my family owes you much Warden."

  Aedan was a little surprised. "If you can forge a weapon of legend, as you say you can, you should at least be compensated your work."

  "Please, Warden." Mikael beckoned. "You've done so much for my family, and you're working hard to stave off a Blight. Just making a great weapon for you out of material such as this is reward enough. I won't accept any coin from for this blade."

  Aedan was humbled by this smith's gesture.

  "Now tell me, what kind of weapon do you seek?" Mikael urged.

  "A greatsword."

  "And the blade's balance?"

  "Power. One stroke, one kill."

  "A sword such as this must reflect the one who wields it. Tell me, how shall this blade reflect you?"

  Aedan thought for a moment. "Let it represent the love and pride I have for my country, and my family."

  "And so it be." Mikael took the starmetal ore and set to work on it in his forge. Aedan was amazed with the ease the smith seemed to have with his craft. It was as if the very forge was an extension of his very will. Aedan decided to let the smith forge this great blade in peace while he checked up on his companions.

  All of his companions were in the main hall, enjoying fresh food instead of the dried up rations they had taken to since leaving the Avvar. Aedan noticed all of his companions were there, except Oghren who was still outside and, along with many other dwarves, was passed out in a large puddle of alcohol and puke. Morrigan wasn't there either but Aedan was sure she'd turn up later.

  Aedan sat across from Alistair, who was sitting next to Wynne, and Dane rested himself next to Aedan's leg

  "So." Alistair began. "Are we going to do this or not?"

  He was referring to Ostagar.


  On their way over to Soldier's Peak they ran into small band of mercenaries chasing an unarmed man. Aedan recognized the man as Elric Maraigne, a member of King Cailan's honor guard, and the soldiers as Bann Loren's men. Before Aedan and his companions could intervene the bastards ran Elric through.

  Aedan, with his companions returned the favor and slaughtered the soldiers. Wynne went over to Elric to see if she could heal, while Aedan and Alistair went over to the last surviving soldier to get answers.

  "What is the meaning of this!?" Aedan demanded.

  "That bastard's a bloody traitor and a prisoner of Bann Loren's!"

  "This man was King Cailan's personal bodyguard!" Retorted Alistair.

  "And now he's a dead man!" the filthy bastard sneered. "This is what will happen to anyone betrays King Loghain!"

  Aedan stomped on the cretins left kneecap, crushing it! He heard the bones pop and break while the soldier howled in agony. "What did your call Loghain!?"

  "Mercy, milord, mercy!" the coward begged.

  "Why were you keeping this man prisoner!?" demanded Aedan

  "Bann Loren was promised by Teryn Howe that if he kept the traitor a prisoner he'd be rewarded for it!" the pathetic soldier cried.

  Bann Loren. Aedan remembered that sniveling bastard, he was Lady Landra's husband. Loren was reputed for being fluid with his loyalties and having a spine made of butter. Aedan knew he would bend over for any stronger lord that leaned on him, but how could he accept anything from Howe, the man that murdered Loren's wife and son!?

  Having heard enough Aedan grabbed the soldier by his throat, dragged him over to the edge of the high hill they were standing on, threw him off and watched his skull splatter on the rocks below. Aedan turned his attention to the critically injured guard to see what he could do.

  Despite Wynne's best efforts, even she couldn't heal a mortal wound. The guard told them of the Royal Arms chest that contained, not only King Maric's legendary sword and shield, but also corresponding letters between King Cailan and Empress Celene of Orlais.

  Back at the present….

  Aedan was finished contemplating.

  "Alistair, you and I will be heading back to Ostagar to retrieve those correspondence letters and, if possible, the Theirin royal arms."

  "You'll be taking me along, of course." The matronly mage interjected. "The events of Ostagar still haunt me as well."

  Dane began barking loudly at Aedan, obviously he wanted to go as well.

  "We will be bringing everyone else?" Alistair inquired.

  Aedan paused for a moment, then he stood up to address the rest of his company.

  "Listen everyone, tomorrow Alistair, Wynne, Dane, and I are going back to Ostagar to take care of some… unfinished business." Aedan informed "The rest of you will stay here and oversee the army's preparations."

  Everyone looked at him with surprise. They were all quiet for a moment until the golem broke the silence.

  "Ostagar was where the rest of its order was killed, was it not?" Shale inquired. "Try not dying there yourselves then."

  "Thanks for the concern, Shale."

  "I'm not going to question your reasoning for going back, but what if you're killed back there?" Leliana asked.

  "We won't be." Aedan answered confidently.

  "So you're going back to last respects to your brother and king, eh?" Oghren slured, barely half sober. "I can understand that, do what'cha gotta do."

  "Thanks, Oghren."

  "Well, I certaintly won't try to convince you not to go, but it sounds awfully dangerous. Just in case you perish on this little venture, how about you and I have memorable night together Wynne?" The perverted elf solicited.

  "I'd sooner be tied to a stake and burned." Wynne informed grimly.

  "Well, just in case you don't return, I just want you to know I shall always mourn what could have been between you and me, my dear Wynne!"

  The Senior Mage groaned in disgust.

  "Interesting. Tell me, Warden, how do you plan to move this army forward when you are going backwards?" The Qunari asked with contempt.

  "I don't have to explain myself, least of all to you, Sten. You who know nothing of us or our values." Aedan responded with anger.

  "Your duty is to combat the Blight not look after a dead man's husk. If you die all this effort you've made will have been for nothing." Sten argued.

  "Are you a Fereldan, Sten?" Aedan vented.

  "No." Sten answered dismissively.

  "Are you a Grey Warden?"


  "Do you actually know how to interact with the people of this country so that they will listen to you?"


  "And are you not in my custody?"


  "Good. Now. Shut. Up. I know my duty and unlike you, I have yet to fail at it." Aedan reminded the giant.

  Sten continued looking at Aedan with his grim stone-faced expression. "Do what you wish."

  "We'll be leaving in the morning, I suggest everyone get some rest."

  With that, the company of the Grey Wardens left the dining hall. Levi's nephew informed they had a room prepared for him on one of the upper floors passed the library. As Aedan made his way through, he couldn't help but marvel at the majesty of Soldier's Peak now that it was reclaimed and demon free. As he was making his way to the library Morrigan walked approached him, and he noticed she had a forlorn and disturbed look on her face.

  "Morrigan? Is something wrong?" Aedan asked with concern.

  "I…I have been studying Mother's Grimoire. Do you wish to know what I've discovered?" The witch asked anxiously.

  "What have you discovered?"

  "'Tis…not what I expected. I had hoped for a collection of spells, a map of the power Flemeth commands. But this is not it."

  Aedan could see that his lover was shaken by whatever she found in the pages of that book and tenderly grabbed her hand in an attempt to comfort her. "Yet you look disturbed."

  "Disturbed? Yes, I suppose that is the best word for it. One thing in particular written in her book disturbs me the most." The witch admitted. "Here, in great detail, Flemeth has written down the means by which she has survived the centuries."

  "So, what? Does she…eat the hearts of children? Bathe in the blood of virgin women?"

  "That is closer to the truth than you may think." Morrigan answered grimly. "Flemeth has raised many daughters of her long lifetime. There are tales of these many witches told amongst Chasind legends, and yet I have never seen any sister of mine and I have always wondered why not." Morrigan explained "Now I know why. They are all Flemeth."

  "What? How…how is this possible?"

  "When Flemeth's body has become old and wizened, she raises a daughter. And when the time is right, she takes her daughter's body for her own." Morrigan answered. "And when that body comes to the end of its lifetime she must seek out another…host and start the cycle anew."

  "Like some kind of twisted parasite." Aedan commented in disgust.

  "A parasite and an abomination." Morrigan confirmed.

  Aedan could scarcely believe his ears. No, he could, but that is what disturbed him the most. How could anyone do this to their own flesh and blood? "What do you intend to do?"

  "There is only one thing to be done: Flemeth must die." Morrigan declared. "I will not sit about like an empty sack waiting to be filled." Morrigan looked desperately into her lover's eyes. "I…need you to go back to Wilds and confront her…without me. You must slay her quickly, and even then I doubt she will be truly dead. When it is done I must have her real Grimoire. With it I can defend myself for her power should she ever return in the future."

  Aedan held her hand firmly in his and looked at her with promise in his eyes. "I will do whatever it takes to make sure she won't harm you, Morrigan."

  As Morrigan loo
ked into Aedan's deep blue eyes. The fact that he was so willing to face a powerful malifecar solely for her sake made Morrigan's heart flutter inside her breast. Before this confounding sensation could completely take over her mind she averted her eyes from his and turned from him. "I…am grateful, Aedan. The sooner this can be done the sooner I'll be at ease." She quickly turned from him and scurried back to her room before Aedan could see the flush turning her face crimson, her heart still fluttering and her knees feeling weak. Why did she feel this way? Not a moment before she was seething with anger, but now? Now she didn't know how she felt.

  The next morning when Morrigan woke she still could not shake the feeling of anxiety and frustration that gripped her heart, and it became worse as she watched Aedan and the others prepare to leave. Why did she feel this way? Going against her better judgment, Morrigan finally worked up her courage and walked up to Aedan before his departure. "I have something for you." She declared abruptly, trying very hard to cover up the emotional torrent going on inside her.

  "Oh? What is it?"

  "'Tis a ring." She answered causing Aedan to quirk his eye in surprise. "Now, before you get any foolish notions, let me explain. Flemeth once gave me the ring so that she may find me wherever I went, in case I was captured by hunters or Templars. I disabled it power as soon as we left the Wilds. Recently, however, I thought to change it. Now, I will be able to find the one who wears it instead."

  Aedan smiled thar sly grin of his. "Oh. I'm touched, Morrigan. It's a sweet gift, thank you."

  "'Tis not given out of sentimentality!" Morrigan defended, her cheeks blushing. "I…I simply think you are too important to risk. If you were captured or lost I could use this ring to find you."

  Aedan held the ring in his fingers. It was band of twisted rosewood, the grain seemed to shift one moment to the next in the forms of animals and people. Aedan had never seen such a ring before but thought it was beautiful in its uniqueness. "Does it do anything else?"

  "Flemeth once told me that it created a link between us, one that I presumed worked both ways."


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