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Aedan Of Highever

Page 35

by Milton Garby

  "So I could use this to find you if need be?"

  "It is possible, I am uncertain. As I said I never fully tested it."

  Aedan smile grew wider. "Morrigan the more you describe this ring the more intimate it becomes. I'm glad to see you care."

  "I…! You….Now you are simply mocking me. Do you wish the ring or not?" Morrigan sputtered embarresdly. "I am tempted to just simply keep it."

  "Thank you, Morrigan."

  "You…are welcome." It felt so strange for her to say that and actually mean it. "Perhaps it will useful someday." Morrigan turned away from him to leave but was stopped when he wrapped his arms around her.

  "I promise, I will come back, Mo Siuile Orge Whurnin. And you will be safe." He whispered in her ear. He turned her to face him and kissed her so deeply and lovingly she feared her knees would give out beneath her. Once again that strange feeling took hold of her heart and would not let go.

  As Aedan walked out the doorway Morrigan fought the urge to just run to him and hold him, tell him not to go back to the Wilds and face Flemeth. But instead, Morrigan fled back to her room and locked the door like a coward. What was possessing her to feel this way? Aedan was already hers, yet she found herself wanting more from him. She sat on her bed and rummaged through her sack and found the gem-encrusted mirror he had given her. Morrigan hugged the mirror to her chest and found how oddly comforted she felt as his gift calmed her heart down. She looked into the mirror and saw that her eyes were on the verge tears. How could she be so weak?

  As Aedan and the others were about to depart Aedan was approached by one of Levi's nephews. "Sir, my Uncle Mikael wants to see you."

  Aedan made his way to the forge and was greeted by Mikael and several of his nephews who were also his apprentices. Mikael looked exhausted, his eyes bagged and bloodshot and one his nephews had to hold him up. One of the apprentices' emerged from the forge carrying a sword wrapped in cloth.

  Aedan unwrapped the sword and was in awe of it. The sword was a single-edged kriegmesser with only a slight curve in the blade. The handle was wrapped in tightly knit leather straps and curved inward towards the edge of the sword to give more cutting power, the pommel was fashioned in the shape of a snarling mabari head. The hilt was a straight-cross design with a ring on either side of it to protect the wielders hands. The blade was sky blue with streaks of white shining through, the edge of the blade was the color of white-hot steel and stamped upon the ricasso was the heraldry of House Cousland. Aedan gently waved the sword through the air, testing the feel of it in his hands. He heard the sword's song, and it was beautiful.

  "This…is beautiful." Aedan announced.

  "I call this blade Starfang. Use it well." Said Mikael.

  "And so I shall, Mikael, and so I shall." Aedan gave the master smith his thanks and joined with Wynne, Alistair, and Dane on their return to Ostagar.

  Back in The Wilds….


  The fight all throughout Ostagar wasn't as arduous as everyone thought it would be, but trekking back down to through the Hinterlands, however, that was tough on them. For Wynne and Alistair, coming back here was about getting closure but Aedan? He got more than what he thought he would get.

  As they gave King Cailan his funeral pyre, Aedan began to clutch the correspondence letters in his hands. It would appear that Cailan had plans to set aside Queen Anora in favor of a more….fertile bride, more specifically Empress Celene I of Orlais! Was this the real reason why Loghain abandoned his king in his hour of need? Even if that was the case Loghain is still a traitor and a regicide of the highest caliber.

  The irony of this whole situation, however, was so thick it was practically laughable. For Cailan to hand them back over to Orlais so soon after they had regained their independence? Unthinkable. Celene would've seen Ferelden as an extension of her own borders, not as allies or even citizens, and Anora? Well, Anora was at least a bitch he knew. Had Cailan lived and actually divorced Anora for the Empress, Aedan would've been the first one to pound on Cailan's door and demand his head. He, along with many of the lords and citizens of Ferelden would've seen this as the gravest of betrayals. In death, however, Aedan was risking life, limb, and liberty to avenge him. Oh, the irony. Oh, well. It does no one any good to think about what could've been, all we can do is move forward with what we have. His father told him that once.

  Aedan looked over to his companions. Alistair looked mournfully at his half-brother's smoldering body, but his eyes were full of resolve. Alistair was now wearing the ornate royal armor of King Cailan, he looked so much like his deceased sibling it was scary. Placed in his sheath and strapped to his arm was the shield and sword of King Maric the Savior. Aedan thought it would be appropriate for him to wield the arms of his family to avenge them. The sword was something magnificent; the blade was made of highest quality dragonbone and while the blade appeared to of ancient elven design, it was etched with magical dwarven runes. Just who could've made such a wonderful blade? There was a word etched towards the center of the crossguard, Katriel? The name was most definitely elven. Was this the name of the sword or was it the name of someone important to King Maric?

  He looked over to Wynne and indeed she was looking younger, all of this adventuring outside the Circle must've been good for her health. Held in her hand was that staff Aedan found in the tunnels beneath the Tower of Ishal. It appeared to be made of red burnished metal, at first glance it didn't look all that impressive, but they could all feel the great and even sickly power that was emanating from it. Aedan decided it was best not to leave it just lying around in case it fell into the wrong or just stupid hands. Both Wynne and Aedan agreed that once the Blight was done the staff had to be either hidden away or destroyed.

  After collecting the king's ashes they turned to leave from these ruins, adorned with various corpses with carrion happily feasting on them.

  "So, back to Soldier's Peak I take it?" Alistair asked with tire and humor in his voice.

  "No." Aedan said abruptly. "I have one last piece of business to take care of."

  "What business could you possibly still have here?" asked Wynne.

  Aedan looked into the wilds that Ostagar overlooked and then looked at Alistair with grim smile on his face.

  "Alistair, remember the way to Flemeth's hut from here?"

  Immediately the blood drained from Alistair face.

  Deep in the Korcari Wilds…


  The Noble, the Knight, the Mage, and the Hound had made it through the frostbitten swamps. Alistair still couldn't understand why they were going to kill Flemeth. Don't get him wrong, Alistair thought she was a creepy old hag that talked too much, but didn't she save them from the darkspawn? And more importantly, didn't she give Aedan a pretty apostate to warm his tent with? Wynne didn't question him, she trusted Aedan's reasons, but if this was the Flemeth of legend Wynne hoped she was a powerful enough mage to contend with the shapeshifter and skilled enough a healer to keep her companions alive. Dane was just happy to be outside with all his best friends.

  As they approached the witch's abode Aedan noticed that the atmosphere of the wilds had changed dramatically and it wasn't because there was snow and ice all over the swamps. The air was more still, silent, as if nature itself feared the great power of the mage that made this terrible place her home. There was another feeling in the air, something Aedan had become all too familiar with: death.

  They came atop the hill that overlooked Flemeth's hut and the first thing Aedan noticed was the pieces of flesh were no longer hanging from the trees. Perhaps she ate them already? As the came over to the hut Aedan for the first time was beginning to feel nervous, after all what plan did he actually have to kill this powerful abomination?

  They were only a few yards from her front door, and just outside of it was the legendary abomination herself. She was standing there in full confidence with a devious grin across her ancient face. Aedan noticed she was wearing what looked like battle armor with a tou
ch of animal leathers and bird feathers. Had she been expecting them?

  "And so you return." the hag practically laughed. "Lovely Morrigan has at last found someone willing to dance to her tune. Such lovely music she play, wouldn't you agree?" Flemeth asked with craftiness in her eyes trying to repress her urge to cackle at the top of her lungs.

  Aedan glowerd at the old crone. "So I should dance to your tune instead?" he snorted.

  "Why dance at all? Why not sing!" Flemeth let out a long cackle that seemed to echo all throughout the wilds. "What has Morrigan told you, hmm? What little plan has hatched against me this time?"

  "Does it matter? You deserve to die no matter what the reason."

  "True." The witch agreed. "There are many, many reasons to kill poor Flemeth."

  "Good. Then you won't mind me piking your head back on the walls of Castle Highever."

  Flemeth stared at Aedan with astonishment and death in her eyes. "You threaten me in my own place of power? My, but you are brave."

  "You knew what I was and what I was capable of when you plucked me out of that tower."

  "Yes. I suppose I cannot expect anything less, but let us get to the point, shall we? If I had to guess Morrigan has discovered something terrifying and leaps to you, her man, to defend her." Flemeth continued. "Ah, but it is a tale Flemeth has heard before, even told. Let us skip right to the end shall we? Do you slay the old wretch as Morrigan bids, or does the tale take a different turn?" the witch inquired.

  "Oh, this should be good, what do you propose?" The Warden asked mockingly.

  The witch sneered at them "Morrigan wishes my Grimoire? Take it as a trophy, tell her I'm slain."

  She'd actually give them real grimoir? Didn't see that coming, but the witch couldn't be trusted. "You think she'll actually believe that shit?" Aedan asked disbelievingly.

  "We believe what we want to believe, it's all we ever do." Flemeth responded.

  "What we believe or don't believe in is irrelevant." Aedan reminded. "When circumstances rise all we can do is act."

  The witch cackled once more at the warrior's repeated answer. "Ah. Now there it is. An open mind. Not one full of mush."

  The cackling was beginning to get on everyone's nerves, but they might as well her the rest of Flemeth's "deal". "What happens to you should I do this?"

  "I go." The crone simply. "Maybe I'll surprise Morrigan one day…maybe I'll just watch. It would be interesting to see what she does with her freedom, enlightening even. Would you do an old woman this?"

  Aedan stared hard at her. "I need Morrigan, I have no choice in any of this."

  "There are always choices." Flemeth spat at him. "There is power in choices and also lies, especially when there is so much to be gained."

  "There is power in choices, and in lies, but there are also consequences, and you've had yours coming for far too long." Aedan responded with Starfang pointed at Flemeth.

  Flemeth stared at him for a moment and then said "A shame, now what will you do?"

  Aedan gave her a threatening grin. "Now? I think I'll kill you and, just for good measure, I'm going to cut off your head and feed you to my dog." Dane barked viciously at the witch.

  "Sounds appetizing." The witch smiled. "Come you'll earn what you what you take, I'd have it now other way." Flemeth said walking away from them and her hut into the snow filled clearing of the wilds. The witch raised her hands into the air and then a flash of light appeared, engulfing her. She was changing into something, Aedan and his companions drew their arms to prepare for what she was about to become, but what she changed into caught them all of guard….A High Dragon!

  Aedan gazed upon the epic creature and could scarcely believe that this legendary monstrosity was the same haggard old crone he just threatened. She tried to stomp on Aedan but he dodged out of the way and slashed at her thick limb with Starfang. Wynne shot a ball of energy from her staff at the dragon's horned face, while Alistair flanked her side and attacked her ribs. Flemeth beat her massive wing, launching a massive gust of wind that knocked her attackers back off their feet. Flemeth breathed fire at them, Wynne and Aedan were saved by the magical barrier she created, while Alistair hid behind his father's shield, it was good to discover that the shield was not purely decorative. There was no way they could beat her in her own territory. Only one thing to do in a situation like this. "FALL BACK! Get to the trees!"

  Aedan's companions ran under to the canopy of the nearby trees for cover, while the warrior stood his ground to cover them. The dragon reared back its serpentine head and lunged at Aedan, aiming to chomp the warrior in half! Aedan held firm, Starfang held firmly in his grip and swiped the newly forged blade across the dragon's snout. The beast threw back its head and roared in agony and anger, giving Aedan enough time to follow his comrades into the swamp.

  Flemeth extended her mighty wing and flapped them, causing a powerful gale to almost knock the nearby trees over. She lunged into the air and glided over the swamp's canopy, searching for her prey. The three humans stuck to a large tree and watched as Flemeth searched for them. None of them saw this coming, they needed a plan. "Well, I certainly didn't see this coming. Any plans?" Alistair gasped.

  "We can't let her stay airborne." Aedan answered. "We need a distraction to bring her down and someone to keep her down." The longer this battle drew out the more likely it would be for them to be killed by the dragon. Aedan quickly devised a plan and told them how they would execute it.

  Wynne cast a protection spell around Aedan, hopefully it would give him enough protection against the dragon's fire. The warrior ran back out into the clearing where the dragon could see him. "Hey! I'm right here you frigid swamp-slut!" He yelled instantly getting her attention. The massive lizard dove down at Aedan at an alarming speed, inhaling the air and preparing to roast the young Alamarri. Alistair and Wynne watched from the edge of the trees waiting for their opening. Wynne cast a spell over Alistair's sword, hopefully this would give it the extra kick it needed. Flemeth was getting closer, she was right in Alistair's sight. He prayed that he wouldn't let his friend down and that his father's sword wasn't just for show. The dragon was almost down upon Aedan! Alistair held his father's sword firmly in his grip, swung his arm back as far as he could and threw the sword straight at the oversized lizard!

  Wynne's enchantment carried the blade through the air like a bird, the dragonbone sword deeply pierced Flemeth's thick hide and the enchantments on blade caused an ungodly amount of pain to surge through her body and caused her to hurdle right out of the air. Wynne reached into the Fade and connected it to the earth, bending it to her will and made jagged spikes of rock catch Flemeth as she landed, ripping her wings and shredding her hide.

  The plan worked almost too well. Flemeth's massive, draconian body smashed the earthen spikes, she crashed to the earth, almost landing on Aedan! Wynne put a protective barrier of rock and earth shielding him from Flemeth's mass as she slid for about a hundred yards and finally came to a crashing halt. Aedan broke out of the earthen shield and cautiously proceeded to the dragon's body. The beast seemed stunned, this was the perfect opportunity to finish her off. That is until the bitch suddenly woke up!

  She hauled her battered, lethargic body from the earth, whipping her tail at Aedan as she turned to face him. She breathed fire at him, Aedan ducked in to one of the crevices she made into the earth. Wynne and Alistair raced over to try and help their comrade, but Flemeth spat a burning barrier that spererated them from the fight. She had Aedan in her sights, she would not burn him; it'd be too easy. No, she would devour him and savor his taste. Once again she coiled her horned head back on her serpentine neck and lunged at the warrior: This would be the end.

  Suddenly Dane jumped out of nowhere at the dragon's gargantuan head and leapt right into her eye! Dane clasped her scaly eyelid in his powerful jaws and furiously clawed at the gleamed eye. Flemeth screamed in horrifying anger and pain as she whipped her head around trying to shake the massive dog of her head! Finally she w
hipped her head hard enough that it sent Dane into the nearby pond with a loud plunk! Aedan heard the dog whimper in pain and was pissed! "Nobody! Hurts! My Dog!" With her head still reeled back in pain, Aedan charged the shapeshifting bitch and sliced her throat right at the base of her neck! Her head fell back to the earth with a resounding crash, but Aedan wasn't finished yet. He took Starfang, and buried every in of it through Flemeth's skull and right into her brain!

  Wynne and Alistair hurried to Aedan and where amazed at the sight. Very few men had ever encountered a High Dragon, let alone slay one. But Aedan not only killed one, but this one happened to be Flemeth! The Witch of the Wilds! Aedan ran past Wynne and Alistair and hurried over to Dane who was limping towards him. Aedan hugged the giant war hound like he never hugged him before. "Good boy, Dane! Good boy! When we get to Denerim I'm going to get the fattest, juiciest steak they got in the whole damned city." Dane barked in happiness at his master's promise while Wynne tended to his wounds.

  Aedan yanked Starfang out of the dragon's thick skull, whipped the creature's crimson blood off and, as promised, began to cut the bitch's head off. The craftsmanship and material of the sword was incredible. It only took Aedan three powerful strokes to fully cut through the dragon's thick neck and decapitate her.

  Not wanting to let anything go to waste, especially this perfect opportunity to degrade and defile his enemy's body, Aedan proceeded to fleece the scales from Flemeth's draconian body and fed her flesh to Dane, which the dog at happily. He also hacked off her forelegs and shredded the flesh, muscle and sinew off of them to collect the bones. Dragonbone was a very prized material and would fetch a very high price. When he was done Aedan went into the hut and found Flemeth's true Grimoire and with it Morrigan would be able to protect herself. Aedan was tempted to burn the hut down, but decided that it was best to not linger any more than they already had, so instead, he burned what was left of Flemeth's eviscerated corpse and they all got out of there, carrying Flemeth's bones, scales and Grimoire with them.


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