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Aedan Of Highever

Page 49

by Milton Garby

  After the disaster at Ostagar Anora trusted her father to keep the kingdom safe, but it seemed every step he made to go forward just set them back two more steps. Whenever she tried to council her father or have a say in his decisions he shooed her away like she was still a child. Damn it, she was supposed to be the queen! She should have full knowledge of what her father was doing! She knew of his actions against the bannorn, it was unfortunate but it was necessary. In times as dire as these a nation must fall under the authority of its leader, and for the past five years that has been her. Cailan wore the crown but it was always her authority behind it, and right now her father was endangering that, his authority almost superseded hers. She needed him to listen to reason and if not from her, then perhaps someone whose council he did heed. "Erlina. Fetch my cloak and traveling clothes. We are going out."

  "Yes, my lady." The elven handmaiden obliged in her heavy Orlesian accent. "Shall I call for your entourage?"

  "No." Anora answered sharply. "I don't want my father to know what we're doing. You and I will go alone."

  "Go where, milady?"

  "To Teryn Howe." Anora answered grimly. "If my father won't listen to his daughter, then perhaps he will listen to his top advisor."

  The two ladies donned simple clothes and hoods, and made their way from the royal castle and through the Palace District to the Arl of Denerim's manor. Anora was surprised by all the angry members of the Crafters Guild Hall packed outside the front door demanding that Howe address them. Apparently the state was in poor repair and Howe hadn't been very prompt in paying his workers. Anora was able to convince the guards at the front gate who she was and they took her to meet with their lord. Perhaps now she finally had a way for her words to reach her father's ear.

  Arl Howe met her in the solar. Judging from all the finery he wore, it was obvious why he couldn't pay the carpenters and masons outside his door. His tunic was fine deep blue velvet that bore the Bear of Amaranthine on its breast. His cloak was a yard of pure satin with golden trimmings held by a bejeweled chain around his collar. And on his hands he wore a gilded ring on each finger, three in particular stood out. One was a silver band with a bear's paw stamped on it signifying the Arling of Amaranthine. The second was a golden ring with shield bearing a verdant sunburst on argent below a green border with triple white diamonds marked on it, with a ruby on either side of the shield, the signet ring of the Arl of Denerim. The final one was a simple band of iron with knotted designs that were worn and faded from centuries of age, and had two verdant spears crossing before a pale dew drop carved into it. This was the symbol of the Teyrnir of Highever.

  "How can I be of service, your majesty?" Howe bowed respectfully but with that glint of arrogance in his eyes.

  "You can assist me, Arl Howe, by telling me what my father has been doing to answer the call of the Landsmeet." Anora answered authoritatively.

  "It's 'Teryn Howe', my lady." Howe reminded spitefully. "I do reign over the north and the lands of Highever. And as for what your father is doing, I'm not at liberty to say."

  Anora maintained her calm demeanor as Erlina slinked into the shadows with the other elven servants. "As your queen I give you leave to speak on behalf of my father and regent. Tell me, why is it I had to hear from one of my handmaidens about a plague breaking out in the alienage? And why is it this seems to go unnoticed by you?"

  Howe's face soured like old milk into an ugly scowl. "What are a few elves? If a few of them go missing here or there in the alienage it just means what less knife-ear to put down in the next purge."

  Anora wasn't going to be put off. "That doesn't answer my question, Howe. I have yet to officially recognize any of these titles my father has, for whatever reason, seen fit to bestow upon you. And if you wish to keep them I suggest you do as your queen commands." The queen warned dangerously.

  Howe flashed her a defiant, angry gaze. "I don't answer to you, woman! You think just because your husband's rotting in some field you have authority? In this kingdom I answer to the only authority that matters, and in this house I'm the only authority that matters!" Howe clenched his jeweled fingers into fists and bared his teeth in an angry glare at the young queen.

  That was the last straw. Anora would not be spoken to in the manner. "Very well, Howe. If you and my father refuse to adhere to my authority than perhaps Arl Eamon and the Wardens will. I'm sure with the Landsmeet approaching they would accommodate a royal welcoming."

  The vein in Howe's head was pounding like a war drum. How dare this up-jumped widow think she can threaten him? Him!? "You brazen bitch!" he screamed as he grabbed the queen by her hair. "You think you can speak treason to me and get away with it!?"

  "Ackh!" the queen cried as Howe's fingers yanked her golden locks. "How dare you!? I'm the queen! You must—Uhn!" The back of Howe's hand smacked across her face and his rings left red marks on her cheek.

  "You little slut!" Howe growled. "You're no more a queen than Cailan was a king! You're just another pawn to move like your dead husband was! And you will not take from me what's rightfully mine!" The furious nobleman motioned two of his guards over to him. "Here! Take the traitorous slattern away! Lock her in one of the rooms while I decide what to do with her!"

  Howe's lackeys obediently grabbed the monarch by the arms and dragged her away. "How dare you!? I am you queen!" she yelled as they shoved her into the room and locked the door behind them.

  Anora was not one to just sit around in a situation like this. She looked around the room for anything she could use. There was plenty of furniture and some vases. Perfect! She could use these to try and pry the door open or knock out whoever came in to check on her. Anora listened and heard someone speaking on the other side of the door. This was her chance! What was being said was faint and hard to make out. Suddenly there was a shimmering barrier covering the door and prevented her from touching it. Damn it! Howe must have had a mage place some kind of spell on it, and if what she understood was correct it would only be deactivated if the mage willed it or was killed. "My lady! My lady!" someone called.

  It was Erlina! Thank the Maker! "Erlina! What's going on?"

  "My lady, I've been listening to what Teryn Howe says to his men, and I fear the worse!" the elf answered frantically. "I believe he intends to murder you and blame it on the Wardens."

  This couldn't be happening. Anora had to remain calm. "Erlina, listen carefully. I need you to go get some help here right away."

  "I can go back to the palace and your soldiers, my lady." The handmaiden suggested.

  "No!" Anora rejected. "That could cause more problems than it would solve. If my father or Howe see royal soldiers marching here they may kill me immediately."

  "What about you father? Surely Howe wouldn't do something so damning as to bring the teryn's wrath down on him?"

  It pained Anora, but she couldn't trust her father. "No, Erlina. I can't rely on my father's state of mind right now. I fear that if my father thinks that I've betrayed him then he may go through with Howe's plan to have me killed."

  "Then what shall we do?" Erlina asked panic-stricken.

  Anora thought for a moment and realized there was only one hope for rescue. The very subject that got her locked in here in the first place. "Go to Arl Eamon." Anora finally instructed. "Go to him and ask for Aedan Cousland. Ask for him directly and tell him what has happened."

  "Aedan Cousland, milady?"

  "If what I've heard is correct, Aedan Cousland is alive and he's traveling with my husband's half-brother." Anora explained. "If anyone would come to a royal's rescue under dire circumstances it would be him. Go there now."

  "I'll come back soon as I can, my queen." The elf promised faithfully. "I'll bring the Warden here immediately."

  Anora sat on her bed and contemplated her situation. And Aedan Cousland. Eleanor Cousland was one of her best tutors and she would often bring her children to the capital with her. Fergus was around her age but he would often stay close to his father to learn the
duties of being a teryn, so she saw Aedan more than him. Aedan was unlike any man she had ever seen before. Cailan was charming, charismatic and completely dashing, but he was also childish, brash and easy to manipulate either by charm or by his own unwillingness to care. Fergus Cousland was almost the same way, in fact, he and Cailan got along well on almost anything. But Aedan was different. Almost frighteningly so. Aedan was grim, uncouth and extremely violent. Anora found him incredibly frustrating because unlike the other boys she interacted with, Aedan would not be charmed or swayed by a mere batting of the eyes or pouting of the lips. He was not one to be moved by any other will but his own. In fact, she remembered a scandal amongst the castle's chantry sisters that he had renounced the Maker. Indeed, such a man so crass as to do something as execrable as to deny the Maker couldn't have many redeeming qualities. But he did. Aedan was honorable and possessed a love for this country that could almost rival her father's. Anora's thought's went blank for a moment as she trailed her soft finger along her delicate lips and remembered something she hadn't thought of in years.

  Seven Years Ago….

  It was late autumn in Denerim. Light rains pattered the landscape the night before making the air smell fresh and filled with a bracing chill. The harvest had been gathered and the year had been kind, so Arl Urien Kendells called for a tournament to be held in the capital to celebrate another good year. Lords from all over the country had been gathered to watch. Young nobles, older veterans and green soldiers entered the lists to test their mettle. On the day of the tournament the air was heavy with disappointment that Teryn Loghain, King Maric and Prince Cailan would not be attending. The king was overseeing this year's winter harvest, while the teryn was out training the soldiers, and the prince had come down with a nasty cold from trying to prove his manliness by training in the rain. So, Anora was the only royal overseeing the tournament, much to everyone's dismay. After all, they all came to see the Hero of River Dane, Maric the Savior or the crowned prince, not many of them even knew of Anora yet. Not willing to let her presence be the source of disapproval, Anora stood from her seat in the podium to address the spectators. "On behalf of my father and the king." She called gathering everyone's attention. "I thank you all for attending this tournament and wish the best of luck to all its participants."

  The crowd clapped modestly for her words, but that wasn't enough for Anora. "This tournament is being held to celebrate another year's good harvest as well as to celebrate another year of our liberation from foreign occupation. So let us give thanks to Arl Urien for arranging this well-deserved jubilation." The crowd cheered and even raised their glasses, it was still not enough to get them to remember who she was. A stroke of feminine wiles passed through her mind. "And as a special reward." Anora declared. "I promise to give a kiss to the winner of the tournament!" Anora's promise drew a loud ovation of cheers from the crowd and a renewed sense of purpose from all the participants. Anora sat back down with the other nobles who applauded her generosity.

  She smiled to herself knowing that this would help cement her reputation amongst the nobility. Anora looked around and observed the other nobles that had gathered. Arl Bryland's daughter sat excitedly on her father's lap while he tried to get her to calm down. Alfstanna Eremon, who had been recently appointed bann since her brother, Irminric's abdication to join the Chantry, was participating in the archery contest. Urien toasted Anora's speech while Arl Wulff laughed as he watched his two younger son's play with wooden swords. Anora's attention was drawn to her former tutor, Eleanor Cousland, as she walked hand-in-hand with her husband to their seat. "Eleanor!" Anora called. "I'm so glad you could make it."

  Eleanor hugged the young lady affectionately. "Anora, my dear girl! How lovely you look today."

  "I'm sorry my father isn't here to greet you himself."

  "Nonsense, girl. If I wanted to see your father I'd go to the Landsmeet. I'm happy to see what beautiful young woman you've become."

  "And what of your sons?" Anora inquired. "Have they come to watch the tournament as well?"

  "Ha! Fergus couldn't wait to show Orianna around the capital along with my future grandchild." Eleanor looked over to her oldest son who had his arm wrapped around his Antivan spouse's waist. Orianna's belly was modestly round with child. "Aedan, on the other hand, can't turn down a chance to test his sword-arm, so he's one of the late entries into the lists. Oh, look there he is now!" Anora's eyes were guided down to the tourney field and saw Eleanor's youngest. Aedan was tall and very handsome for someone who was still just a lad. He wore simple splint-mail with a thick fur collar lined around his neck, a wolf's pelt draping around his shoulders, and armed with a simple battle axe. His appearance was simple but slightly fearsome. The young Cousland boy had already cemented a reputation as a skilled and fearsome warrior during his time as a squire. Unlike the other participants of the tourney, Aedan's face was grim and humorless, like he stepped on to a field of battle rather than a tournament of celebration.

  As the tournament progressed many warriors who came on to the field pledged to win their battle to gain Anora's favor. Noble sons swore that when they won the tournament they would win her heart. Knight's begged her favor in their upcoming fights and veterans swore to fight in honor of House Mac Tir. Anora's plan to get their attention and fealty worked wonderfully on all of them. All except one: Aedan Cousland. Round after round the young lord won each duel and contest he set after in utter silence and complete ferocity. Aedan swore no promises of victory in her name, and begged no favor from her as if her prize to the victor meant nothing to him.

  The only time Anora saw a break in his fearsome demeanor was when a young Orlesian lass, who Anora recognized as the woman who sold flowers in the Market District, held out her sash along with all the other ladies in the stands, hoping that a handsome participant would win the match in her honor. Anora always felt that such a custom was sexist and foolish. Yet she couldn't help but feel a slight of jealousy sting when Aedan accepted the woman's favor and won all his duels after that for her. And that stinging sensation was intensified when Aedan kissed the flower girl's sash a he returned it to her as if it were some holy treasure. The woman practically fainted when Aedan handed it back.

  At the end of the day, there were several winners of the tournament's events. Bann Alfstanna Eremon put every man in Denerim to shame when she effortlessly dominated the archery contest. Bann Teagan Guirren won the best mabari contest. The strong man contest was once more won by Arl Gallagher Wulf, for the third year in a row. But the winner of the melee and ultimately the winner of Anora's prize was Aedan. As the future queen donned the winner's tartan on to Aedan's chest, she was apprehensive to follow through with her promise after realizing how young Aedan actually was, and after seeing him mercilessly annihilate his competitors with his axe. Instead Aedan's hand gently cusped her soft cheek as one would touch a lover and gently brought her face to his. The cheers from the roaring crowd were drowned out as Anora felt electricity surge through her whole body with her heart pounding in her chest, and her knees growing weak. Anora finally gave in to the kiss and grabbed the cloth on Aedan's chest and pulled closer, deepening their embrace. When it was over the young lord respectfully bowed to her and turned back towards his family.

  "Aedan! You sly dog, you!" Fergus complimented with gusto. "Kissing the prince's fiancée in front of the whole capital? What will people say?"

  "Fergus, be respectful!" Eleanor scolded. "Instead of teasing your brother, you should be considerate of your future queen's generosity!"

  The Couslands all walked off into the celebration talking and laughing just like any other family. Anora never knew such companionship not that she ever needed it. Still she found it hard to take her eyes off Aedan, but he never looked back at her. Why was this so aggravating?

  Present Time….

  Of course, it wasn't until later that she learned that Aedan frequented the women at The Pearl and realized that was probably where he learned how to kiss like that.
Anora told Cailan about the kiss and he just laughed about how if he'd been there he'd have won that kiss from her. But she never told her how that kiss from Aedan's lips had excited her. Of the feeling that Aedan incited from her inner-being. In fact, Anora worked very hard to forget about that kiss, and was successful at it. But now that she was counting on Aedan's help to rescue her, she couldn't help but remember how that kiss made her feel. All she could do now was hope that Aedan had changed over the years and would serve the crown as loyally as his mother and father did.

  At Teryn of Gwaren's Estate….

  Howe was striding into the royal palace in a dismal mood. Not only was that traitorous cunt, Anora, becoming a problem, but with the loss of all of those silver bars that were meant to replenish his wealth back in Highever, Howe had lost all means to pay the Crafter's Hall and now he might have no other choice but to pay those filthy peasants with his own coin. To make things worse, Captain Chase had failed! Earlier in the month Howe had a prominent noble's son kidnapped so they could extort the miserable bastard for coin from his rich father, now instead Captain Chase had been killed and someone had taken the son from him before he had a chance to collect the ransom. There was no use in thinking about it now, he had to address the regent with and try to convince him with a proposal that could finally rid them of all opposition of the Teryn's bid to become king. As Howe entered the Royal Council Chambers that flea, Sergeant Kylon, was just leaving the room. Teryn Loghain and Ser Cautherine had a severly displeased look on their faces. "Tell me, Howe…" the regent glared at the city's new arl. "How is it that after everything I have given you, you have been incapable of keeping order within this city?"


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