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Aedan Of Highever

Page 50

by Milton Garby

  "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, sire." Howe defended nervously.

  "I mean this Dark Wolf, Howe." Loghain growled. "The rogue that has been turning this entire city on its head!"

  Howe had heard of this new troublemaker but he was the city guard's problem not his, but their gross incompetence was making it his problem. The Dark Wolf had also made him a victim but there was no way he could let anyone know how he was smuggling the Crown's wealth to his new estate in Highever, so for the sake of keeping his head attached to his neck he had to play ignorant. "I've heard the rumors, sire. This Dark Wolf is a vagabond masquerading around like the Black Fox, nothing more."

  "Yes, well this 'Vagabond' has been causing trouble for the more wealthy nobles in this city, most of them were supporters of the regent." Cautherine informed fervently. "Now, instead of coming to him with support, they are coming to him with complaints about how you are not keeping this city safe."

  "Hmph, surely these lords exaggerate." Howe said half-ignorant, but also half hoping he wasn't the only one that got robbed by this filty peasant.

  "Oh, really, Teryn Howe?" Ser Cautherine quirked her eyebrow like she was looking at the village idiot. "Bann Franderel says this Dark Wolf has stolen all of the wealth that he had banked here in Denerim. Lady Sophie was robbed of all her jewels from her room at the Gnawed Noble Tavern. And Ser Nancine was literally robbed naked right in the middle of the Wonders of Thedas! Need I go on, my lord?"

  Now this was truly embarrassing, but maybe they can still do something about this thief and still save their image. "We could try setting a trap for him, once we have him we can reveal who he is and execute him in public to show what happens when to thieves who steal from the Fereldan nobility."

  "The Dark Wolf is the Warden." Loghaine informed with aggravation. The teryn saw that this little revelation caught both of his advisors of guard. Cautherine looked bewildered whereas Howe looked furious.

  "Are you certain, your grace?" The knight asked.

  "Yes. When the Dark Wolf stole my crown from my seneschal at the Gnawed Noble Tavern. His guards saw who he was, and instead of trying their luck at attempting to kill him they ran away and the seneschal followed suit, but not before handing the crown over to that traitor." Loghain explained.

  "In that case we should raid Eamon's estate and kill everyone for their crimes!" Howe exploded with anger. He cared more that Aedan had stolen his hard earned wealth rather than the fact that he was the Dark Wolf. "Nobody steals from me…er, the crown and gets away with it!"

  "Don't be stupid, Howe, and think for a moment." Loghain said nonchantaly. "By now they would've have already sold it, if we go to Arl Eamon's estate without any hard proof we would just be giving the Warden's more power to use against us in the Landsmeet."

  "But the seneschal and his guards saw him." Cautherine protested.

  "It will just be a baseless accusation without evidence." Loghain continued. "The Warden's will just say that we put the guards and the seneschal up to accusing them and they in turn will bring up how we are unable to maintain order in this city. Let them have this small victory before it embarrasses us even further." In truth, however, this just made Loghain feel like an ass. That crown was made to be a symbol of the new, free and independent Ferelden that stood on its own without outside influence. Instead it was stolen by the Wardens masquerading as this Dark Wolf and now they look like heroes to the commoners and they look like fools to the nobles.

  Howe decided now was probably the best time lay down more bad news. "There is more news I'm afraid, sire. We have just received a letter from King Bhelen of Orzammar. Apparently, Ambassador Gainley suffered a fatal accident."

  "You mean he was assassinated." Loghain surmised.

  "Not that the dwarf king will admit it, but yes, apparently he 'slipped' and fell into a lava pit." Howe went on. "And apparently the Kadan Fe mercenary group have just…disappeared."

  "What do you mean they just 'disappeared'?" The regent asked disbelievingly.

  "I mean just that, sire. When my men went to go meet with them towards the outskirts of the Brecillian forest all they found was scattered weapons and dead fires. I can only assume that they were killed and there is no chance of us finding their bodies."

  "The Wardens." Loghain concluded. "They harass me and try to cripple me at every turn I take. The Orlesians chose well. "

  "I'm afraid it gets worse, my lord." This time it was Ser Cautherine's turn to be the bearer of bad news. "This morning I had to speak with the Grand Cleric, and she was furious."

  "What? Have I done something to offend the Chantry?" Loghain asked blithely.

  "No, more specifically Howe has." The knight answered while shooting the arl a disrespectful eye, catching Howe by surprise. "Apparently there was a very large infestation of maleficarum right here in the heart of Denerim. The Grand Cleric wants to know why it was the Wardens who learned of their presence here and not the city's arl."

  "Apostates are the Chantry's concern not mine." Howe pointed out uncaringly. "That makes it the Grand Cleric's fault or her Templars. And, point of fact, I did know of them, but honestly I thought they were working with Caladrius."

  "How can you be so careless!?" Cautherine spouted. "If the Wardens can find out about a large group of blood mages festering in the city, what's to stop them from finding out about the operations going on in the Alienage?"

  "Enough!" Loghain yelled out. "We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and start thinking of a way to make sure we have enough support to win the Landsmeet or, at the very least, prove that the Wardens cannot be trusted."

  "Speaking of trust, sire." Howe added on. "There is a greater concern now to the country's security

  "What is it this time, Howe?" The teryn inquired growing weary of the mounting problems.

  "It's you daughter, sire. I'm afraid Queen Anora is becoming…a problem. Earlier today she came to my estate and demanded details from me about what you have been doing to keep our country safe and secure." Loghain frowned at Howe. What did Anora hope to accomplish by going to Howe's estate? He had already told her that everything was being handled and didn't need to worry herself.

  "What do you mean?" Loghain asked in a concerned tone.

  "When I told her I wasn't at liberty to discuss matters of state with her she became frantic. She began accusing me of treason and said that if I didn't tell her she would go to Eamon and give her support to the Wardens." Howe lied masterfully.

  Loghain's eyes widened with terror. "Why would she be doing this?"

  "I'm afraid it's her grief, sire." Howe explained. "Apparently she hasn't let her mourning run its course, and now with all of these continuing hazards that are affecting the country it's all taking a toll on her rationality, you know how women are."

  Ser Cautherine took offense to that statement but said nothing, she could see that this news greatly distressed her lord. "What do you intend to do, my lord?"

  Loghain sat down and thought for a moment. He couldn't allow his own daughter to destroy everything that he had worked so hard to achieve. If she went and supported the Wardens because she didn't trust him anymore then all the sacrifices he made to keep Ferelden free will have been in vain. "Ser Cautherine, leave us."

  The knight obediently bowed her head to her lord and took her leave without saying a word. Howe was impressed by how Loghain had a warrior of such great prowess such as Ser Cautherine at his heel like a well-trained dog. "Your grace, with your leave I can keep her as a prolonged…guest at my estate until she is of a more…clear mind."

  Loghain was still tasting what a bitter pill this situation was to swallow. He didn't want to do this to his only child but he couldn't let her destroy their country either. He heaved a heavy sigh and made his decision. "See to it that she remains unharmed. When the time comes I will speak to her myself."

  "Of course, my lord." Howe said as if pleased with this descision.

  "Now leave me." The regent commanded.

bsp; The Arl bowed his head and turned from the room with a ruthless grin on his face. No he could deal with that difficult bitch himself. With this he could finally end the Wardens and secure Loghain's bid for kingship.

  Loghain sat there by himself thinking about how dire this whole ordeal was. Now he was at a point where may even had to think of his own daughter as an enemy. Loghain, however, couldn't afford to be selfish. He had sacrificed so many other sons and daughters for the sake of this country's freedom so he has to be willing to perhaps sacrifice his own as well, but he prayed to the Maker on high that it wouldn't come to that.

  That was easier than I thought. Howe thought to himself. His entourage led him back to his estate, but was forced to take the back entrance in to avoid the Crafter's Guild plaguing his front door. This was embarrassing. The most powerful man in the north shouldn't have to hide from peasants like a common criminal. When Loghain became king he would have all of these craftsmen executed to show all the other feeble-minded serfs who truly ruled this city. That would have to wait of course, first he had to frame the Wardens of murdering that traitorous cunt, Anora. As he thought of how he would have to kill Anora his thoughts drifted over to that miserable bastard, Aedan. Anora was a greater threat than Bryce's green whelp could ever have been, but just thinking that boy's name made Howe feel nauseous. Soon the whole of Ferelden would demand his head on a pike and he could finally have all the power and wealth that he so richly deserved. The power that was rightfully his and he'd be damned first before he let some untried, cowardly, husk of a brat steal everything that should've been his to begin with. And if it should come down between him and Bryce's second-born Howe had no doubts that he would be the victor. After all, Howe had fought against the chevaliers of Orlais, he was a tried and proven combatant that was decorated by King Maric himself. Aedan's only experience in warfare came from winning petty tourneys, being trained by that shaved bear, Argyle, and fighting mindless ghouls. Perhaps it would be best if Howe fought the miserable Cousland brat himself. He could finally end Bryce's petulant legacy with his own hands.

  At Arl Eamon's Estate….

  Aedan knelt in the manor's training yard meditating intensely with Starfang sitting in his lap. Argyle taught him that meditation was one of the most important things a warrior must do before the eve of battle. A warrior, especially the likes of a Berserker and a Reaver, must contemplate death and all the ways it can be inflicted. The warrior must picture himself being riddled with arrows, impaled upon spears and stoned by giant rocks. He must even think that being burned alive, mauled by animals and being drowned as a possibility of his demise. When a warrior contemplates his own death he can face not just the battlefield, but life in general without fear. But it wasn't his own death Aedan was concentrating on. It was Howe's. Aedan pictured Howe's smug face in his mind and imagined all the horrible things he could and would eventually do to him. Hanging, beheading, even being burned at the stake was too good for him! Aedan wanted to hear him scream, hear him beg! He wanted to Howe to yearn for death! Aedan was deep in his meditations that he couldn't hear someone saying his name.

  "Aedan! Aedan!?" Alistair couldn't believe this. Was he out cold or something? "Aedan are you drunk, deaf, or dead!?" Alistair attempted shake his fellow Warden awake, but before he could even touch him Aedan grabbed Alistair's wrist and neck in vice-like grip. Aedan's eyes shot open menacingly and growled like a pissed off dog. "Ackh. Sorry was I interrupting something?" Alistair wheezed nasally.

  Realizing what he was doing, Aedan quickly released his grip on his friend. "Sorry, Alistair. I was meditating."

  Alistair rubbed his sore neck and realized that it kind of hurt to swallow. "Do you always try to strangle people who try to wake you up?"

  "That was a reflex." Aedan defended. "And you shouldn't bother a warrior in the middle of his meditations, anyway."

  "Oh, well, just excuse me then." Alistair rebuffed sarcastically. "But I think that whatever's going on with Arl Eamon is more important than whatever it is you're meditating on."

  At this point nothing was more important to Aedan than thinking on Howe's death. "That's a matter of opinion, I think. What's going on?"

  "Arl Eamon wants us both to meet with him in his study immediately." Alistair answered. "Apparently something very important has happened."

  The two Wardens made their way to the Arl's study and found Eamon alone with a young, dark haired elf maiden standing next to him. "Oh, good you're here." The arl sighed. "And not a moment too soon. I'm afraid things may have taken a dire turn. This young lady is…."

  "My name is Erlina." The elf interrupted. "I am the queen's handmaiden. She sent me here specifically to ask for Aedan Cousland's aid."

  "Or perhaps the young lady wishes to speak for herself." Eamon finished.

  Aedan's nostrils flared in anger. "Speak quickly, woman. Or I'll send you back to Loghain in a jar."

  "I am not here for Loghain!" Erlina retorted. "I serve the queen, and it is by her will that I am here."

  "Loghain or Anora, I don't see the distinction between father and daughter." Aedan shot. "Get to the point. What does she want?"

  "I believe the queen is terrible danger." The elf answered. "She loved her husband, no? And trusted her father to protect him. But when her father comes home with no king and only dark rumors what is she to think?"

  "What she thinks and what she does are two totally different matters." Aedan interjected. "And so far all she's done is nothing."

  "She tries to speak with her father but he doesn't listen!" Erlina explained. "He tells her not to trouble herself, to let him handle this war and for a while she did. But now there are darker rumors surrounding her father and he refuses to listen to her council."

  "You're talking, but so far I've yet to hear what 'help' you need from us." Aedan pointed annoyingly.

  "So she goes to Howe." Erlina finally answered getting Aedan's attention. "Howe is privy to all of Loghain's secrets and is not as subtle as he likes to think. So she goes to Howe's manor. Surely a visit from the queen to the Teryn of the North is only customary, no? And she demands answers."

  The mentioning of Howe being called Teryn of the North set Aedan's blood on fire. "So she goes over to that murderous piece of shit? And Cailan was supposed to be the stupid one?"

  "He calls my lady every sort of name. Traitor being the kindest." The elf said angrily. "And locks her in a guest room."

  "Tragic…. What the fuck does this have to do with us?" Aedan asked indignantly. "She's got soldiers let them set her free."

  "No! No soldiers!" Erlina shot down. "If Howe sees soldiers coming he may do something…drastic. I believe her life is danger. I overheard Howe say that she would make a better martyr than a queen. Especially if her death could be blamed on Arl Eamon."

  Aedan stared down the elven handmaiden for minute, processing what she told him. "Am I the only one here who smells a setup?"

  "I fear if this is a trap we are already drawn in." Eamon answered. "Few would believe our word over Loghain's. But the queen is well loved, and she might make a useful ally."

  "So what are we supposed to do?" Alistair asked.

  "Please you must rescue my queen from Howe's manor and I swear she will reveal all at the right moment and time." Erlina answered. "She may be the best chance your have against Loghain."

  "Aedan. Please, don't let your need for vengeance cloud your judgment." Eamon implored. "Your revenge cannot take precedence over the queen's rescue. Anora must come first if we're to have any success against Loghain."

  "I'll get the fucking queen." Aedan answered dangerously. "But that isn't going take precedence over my revenge, Eamon. Nothing will."

  "Then you will help my lady?" The elf asked urgently.

  "Yes." Aedan finally answered. "And this had better not be some kind of setup. I won't risk my life or the lives of my companions for nothing."

  "She will not, I swear my life on it." Erlina promised.

  "I accept your promise.
Now how do we get into Howe's manor?"

  "I have some guard uniforms that you can use. They should be able to get you in."

  "And you don't think Howe's men won't notice a few strangers waltzing into his house?" Alistair pointed out.

  "Most of Howe's men are out in the field with Teryn Loghain. The only ones in his manor right now are his most trusted guards and new recruits." Erlina explained. "And believe me, Howe's best are not the brightest."

  It was now or never. Aedan would not let his purpose be postponed any longer. "Alistair. Get everyone ready to leave in five minutes. We're going to pay my old friend, Howe, a little visit."

  A Short Time Later at Howe's Manor….

  Aedan thought it was pathetic, typical and incredibly hilarious that Howe was being forced to hide in his stolen manor like a child hiding under the bed. The massive crowd gathered outside the main doors was made up of a lot of pissed off workers from the Carpenter's, Mason's and Weaver's Crafthalls all demanding that Howe come out and pay his the expenses he incurred. Aedan smiled to himself knowing that without that stolen silver Howe was embezzling there was no way he could ever pay these people with his own money, and no one ever wanted to be on the Guild Hall's bad side if they ever wanted services again.

  Erlina didn't have enough uniforms to give to all of them, so Aedan came up with a plan. One that would work greatly in their favor and keep eyes off of them. Aedan watched as Wynne and Morrigan approached the front doors with Shale wadding through the crowd behind her.

  "Halt!" The guard demanded. "What in the bloody breath of the Maker is that walking statue?"

  "This, good ser, is a golem." Wynne answered politely. "Made by the Dwarven Smith's Guild and enchanted by the Circle of Magi. We have been instructed to present it to the new Arl of Denerim as a gift."

  "What's it do?" The guard questioned.

  "What's it do?!" Oghren rebutted. "Son, what doesn't it do? This is the greatest piece of dwarven engineering to ever come out of Orzammar! It-it'll break siege lines, smash down gates, crush enemy soldiers, and make a good coat rack!" the dwarf bragged "I hear it'll even do the dishes for ya!"


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