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Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her - A Sweet Historical Western Romance (Faithful Mail Order Bride Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Rose Dumont

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well never mind that. I’m glad you two could resolve your problems, especially for Jenni and the baby’s sake.”

  “Yes, we’re glad too.” Cheryl took Grayson’s hand and squeezed it tight.

  Just then, Jarrod came through the door. “What’s going on? Everybody’s smiling. Are those happy tears, Cheryl?”

  “We’re having a baby!”

  “Baby? Well I’lllll be.” Jarrod turns to Grayson, “I reckon by the looks of things, you and Cheryl will be staying together then?”

  “That’s right. ‘Til death do us part.”

  “Good.” Jarrod was happy for them, especially since he was becoming more interested in Charlotte.

  Cheryl was relieved that Grayson forgave her and wanted to stay with her, but she also wanted Charlotte’s forgiveness. She felt horrible what she had done and didn’t want her sister to leave on such bad terms. She decided she would go into town tomorrow morning and speak with her.


  Jarrod walked confidently into the dining room wearing his best shirt and vest and black ribbon neck tie. “Good evening, Miss Charlotte.”

  “Good evening, Jarrod. Why how nice you look.”

  “Yep, I clean up real good. And you look as beautiful as always.”

  “Why thank you.”

  “Have you ordered yet?”

  “No. I just got here and wanted to wait until you arrived. I wasn’t sure you would come.”

  “Not come? Nothing would have stopped me from coming. And besides that, if I tell you something or make a promise, I always make good on it. A man’s word is everything.”

  “Well that’s good to know. I’ve been disappointed many times before by men, present time included.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about what happened between you and my brother. You have to know that he feels bad about it and all. And things might have gone differently if you got here before he married Cheryl and especially now that she’s with child.”

  “With child?”

  “Oops. That kind of slipped out. I reckon Cheryl should have been the one to tell you that.”

  “How long has she known?”

  “Oh, not until just yesterday. She had been feeling ill for quite some time and didn’t know why. Miss Jean took her to the Doc’s and he confirmed it.”

  “Well that definitely changes everything.” Charlotte looked down at the table in contemplation.

  “Did you think you and Grayson would get back together?”

  “No. Not really. In some ways I was hoping, but not after what he said the other day. I knew he was just going to decide whether or not to stay with Cheryl, not whether he would be with me.”

  “Well, he’s definitely gonna stay with Cheryl now.”

  “I guess I should be happy for them, but it’s hard for me to think that way right now. First I found out that she stole my fiancé and now she’s in the family way by him.”

  “I know it must be hard for you to be here. But I think Cheryl wants to make things right with you.”

  “I don’t know if I can forgive her.”

  “She certainly has done you wrong. I can’t argue with that. But she is your sister. Grayson and I don’t always get along, but I’m sure glad I have a brother that will always have my back.”

  “I suppose I can sit down and talk with her a few more times before I leave.”

  “In some ways, I hope you don’t work things out with your sister by the end of the week.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “’Cause I’d like you to stay longer.”

  “Well even if I do work things out with my sister by then, would you ask me to stay?”


  “Just maybe?”

  “I can’t lie, Charlotte. You intrigue me. And yes, maybe I’d like to get to know you better, if you would stay.”

  “What do you think Grayson would think about all this?”

  “Oh, I already asked him and he said it was fine by him.”

  “Fine? I guess he really doesn’t care about me anymore.”

  “It’s not that, Charlotte. I’m sure he cares. Otherwise he wouldn’t have asked me to see you or put you up for the week to make things right with your sister. If he really didn’t care, he would have put you on the first stage out of here.”

  “I guess I need to move on then. And Jarrod, I do like you. You seem like a very kind man with a good heart.”

  “Don’t tell any of the guys that though.”

  “Well I can see you’re also a very strong, confident man that can protect his woman and family if need be.”

  “That’s right. That’s me. I’m strong all right.” Jarrod looked down at his arm, brought his hand to his lower abdomen, made a fist and tightened his arm to somewhat subtly flex his muscles.”

  “Why, what big muscles you have.” Charlotte said with a delicate, impressed voice.

  “It’s what many long days of hard ranch work will do to a man.”

  Jarrod and Charlotte enjoyed having another long meal together, just talking about their pasts, their likes and dislikes, never bringing up Cheryl or Grayson in the conversation again. Charlotte was heartbroken over Grayson, but was enjoying her time with Jarrod. She wasn’t falling in love. It was too quick for that. But she was enjoying the attention Jarrod was giving her and his company.

  “Well, it’s getting late and I need my beauty rest you know.”

  “You couldn’t possibly need any beauty rest. You’re as beautiful as can be. Anything more would make you an angel.”

  “My, my. Jarrod Lee. You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you. How many times have you said line that to a woman?”

  “Only once. Only when I meant it.”

  “So I’m the second?”

  “The first and only.”

  “Yes, quite the charmer. I shall say goodnight to you then. Thank you for dinner. I had a lovely time again with you.”

  Jarrod didn’t want the night to end. “Hey, would you like to ride out just to the edge of town with me. It’s a clear night and I bet you don’t have near as many stars to look at in that city of yours as we do here.”

  “Look at the stars?”


  “Well how novel. I’ve never really done such a thing.”

  “So now’s your chance.”

  “Well alright. But will you protect me from all the night creatures you have out here?’

  “You know I will.” Jarrod flexes his muscles again, this time more boastfully.

  “Okay, let’s go, muscle man.”

  Jarrod drove the wagon out into the sagebrush, away from the noise of the town, where it was quiet and dark.

  “Why I’ve never seen so many stars before. Look at how they sparkle, like little diamonds. It is beautiful. Thank you for taking me out here, Jarrod. I would have never imagined it would’ve been so beautiful.”

  “Still not as beautiful as you.”

  “Now stop that already. You’ve made me blush so many times in the last few hours that I haven’t any more blood left in my cheeks.”

  They both laughed. “Well I just want you to know that despite the reason you came out here, I’m glad you stayed and are with me at this very moment.”

  “Me too, Jarrod. Me too.”

  Jarrod placed a blanket from the back of the wagon around Charlotte. “Here, you look cold.”

  “Thank you.” Charlotte was still sad about losing Grayson to Cheryl, but she knew she didn’t have any chance with him anymore, especially now that Cheryl was expecting. She did like Jarrod, but what would that mean? Would she stay to get to know him better? How could she stay here and not only be in the same town with Grayson and Cheryl, but also with his brother? It was almost too much for her to think about.

  “Can we go back now?”

  “Oh sure. Are you getting too cold?”

  “Yes, and tired. It’s been a long couple days.”

  Jarrod took his jacket off
and laid it across Charlotte’s lap. “I’ll get you back to the hotel in no time. This jacket might help keep the breeze off a little better.”

  “Thank you. And thank you again for the stars.”

  “I’d give you the stars and anything else you would like, Charlotte.” Jarrod turned the wagon around and headed back into town. He helped Charlotte off and walked her back to her room.

  “Will I see you again?”

  “Of course. But I think you and Cheryl need to talk some more. She was going to come see you today, but she was feeling too ill. Grayson said she would come into town tomorrow to see you.”

  “Fine. Goodnight, Jarrod.”

  “Goodnight, Charlotte.”

  Charlotte tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep. Her mind raced with thoughts about Cheryl, Grayson and Jarrod.

  Jarrod, on the other hand, fell asleep quickly with sweet dreams about Charlotte as his wife.


  Charlotte heard a knock on the door. She didn’t expect it to be Jarrod, but was hoping it was. She opened the door and to her disappointment, saw Cheryl standing there.

  “Good morning, Charlotte.”

  “Morning Cheryl.”

  “Can we talk?”

  “Yes, I guess we must.”

  “Why don’t we go downstairs and have breakfast together?”

  “I suppose we could.” Charlotte closed the door behind her and they both walked down to the dining room.

  Cheryl was nervous about talking with Charlotte, mostly about telling her that she was with child. She wasn’t aware that Jarrod had already told Charlotte the night before. “How have you been?”

  “I can’t say this has been the happiest time of my life. I’ve been betrayed and worst of all, by my own sister.”

  “I know this was the worst thing I could have done. I was only thinking of myself when I took your letters and came out here to marry Grayson. I didn’t even stop to think about how you would feel. To tell you the truth, I kind of blocked you out of my mind so I wouldn’t feel bad about it. But since you’ve arrived, it’s nearly all I’ve thought about. Oh Charlotte, I’m so sorry. Could you every forgive me?” Cheryl put her head down and began to cry.

  “Oh, stop that. Don’t cause a scene. Perhaps one day I can forgive you, but it’s not today. And I certainly will never forget what you’ve done. You have no idea how much you have hurt me, Cheryl.”

  “I’m so sorry. It’s all I can say. I don’t know what else to do.”

  “I think for now, you can leave. I’m still too upset to talk to you.”

  “Before I leave, I need to tell you something.”

  “If it’s about you being in the family way, I already know. Jarrod slipped last night and told me during dinner.”

  “Oh.” Cheryl looked down and paused. “And how do you feel about it?”

  “I don’t feel anything. I know though that you and Grayson must stay together now.”

  “Yes, we will.”


  “I hate to leave you here all alone. I want to be able to talk to you again.”

  “Before the week’s up, I’m sure we will. I’m just not in the mood right now. I’m too upset. But don’t worry about me being alone. Jarrod has been nice enough to spend some time with me and I appreciate it very much.”

  “Do you like Jarrod?”

  “Why yes. I think he is a kind man.”

  “I think he likes you too.”

  “It would be nice to see him again before I leave.”

  “I don’t think that will be a problem. He talks about you all the time.”

  “Good. I enjoy our conversations.” Charlotte was curt with her answers, not wanting to let Cheryl know too much about her feelings about Jarrod, mostly because she wasn’t sure herself.

  “I will let him know.”

  “No, don’t. If he wants to come see me, he can do so without being persuaded.”

  “Alright then. I will see you again sometime this week.” Cheryl rose from the table and pushed her chair in. “Goodbye, Charlotte.”

  “Goodbye, Cheryl.” Charlotte looked immediately down at her cup of coffee so Cheryl wouldn’t have any more reason to speak.

  Cheryl was somewhat relieved now that Charlotte knew about the baby and that she had no chance to be with Grayson anymore. She still hoped that they would work things out and that she and her sister would be on good terms before she left for Boston.


  Jarrod rode into town the next day with the sole purpose of seeing Charlotte. As he pulled the buggy in front of the hotel, Charlotte happened to be walking out the door.

  “Well this is good timing.”

  “I was just stepping outside to get some fresh air. What are you doing here?”

  “As if you didn’t know. I’ve come to see you and take you back to the ranch.”

  “To the ranch? Isn’t Cheryl and Grayson there?”

  “Yes. But that doesn’t matter, does it?”

  “Perhaps it does. Why do you want to take me to the ranch?”

  “Well I know Grayson brought you there already, but you didn’t really get a chance to see much. I want you to see where I live and how I make my living. And besides that, it’s a beautiful place. Much nicer than this dusty, old town. Aren’t you getting tired of staring at those four walls in your room?”

  “Why yes, I am. But can’t we go somewhere besides your ranch? I’m not sure I’m ready to see Grayson again. Especially not see the two of them together.”

  “Well it’s not like we’re going to spend time with them. It’s a big ranch. We probably won’t even see them. And they’re certainly not going to be hugging on each other or anything like that, if that’s what you’re worried about. And besides, wouldn’t you like to spend some time with me other than eating a meal?”

  “Okay. You’ve convinced me. I’ll go.”

  Jarrod was ecstatic that Charlotte agreed. He hopped out of the buggy grinning ear to ear and helped her up into the seat.

  “Next stop, Wind River Ranch.”

  “I hope I don’t regret this.”

  “Oh no you won’t, Miss Charlotte. I guarantee it. When you’re with me, only good things happen.”

  “Why aren’t you the confident one. I will never say you lack self-confidence.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do.” As they went down the road, they exchanged small talk, but nothing too serious. Charlotte was enjoying the scenery and Jarrod was simply enjoying her next to him. He wanted to impress Charlotte and make sure this afternoon was a pleasant experience for her. The week was almost over and he wanted her to stay longer, but it would take some convincing. He had to make an offer she couldn’t refuse.


  Jarrod stopped the buggy in front of the barn.

  “All of this is yours?” Charlotte was impressed by all the buildings and all the land Jarrod pointed out as theirs as they rode into the ranch. It was still dark the previous morning when she rode in with Grayson and didn’t get to see as much.

  “Yes, Ma’am. Well, me and my brother’s.”

  “Grayson mentioned a little bit about the ranch in his letters, but I had no idea is was this big.”

  “He’s not one to brag. And he would have liked you to come because of him more so than because of the ranch.”

  “Of course. And I did. Well I would have, that is.”

  “Here, let me show you around.” Jarrod helped her out of the buggy, then showed her the barn and some of their farm animals and horses.”

  “I’ve always like horses. I never rode one myself. I see them mostly in Boston tied to the fancy carriages, pulling the wealthy folk around town.”

  “Would you like to ride one?”

  “Yes. One day I’d like to give it a try.”

  “Why not now?”

  “Oh, heavens no. I’m not appropriately dressed and I would be afraid of falling off.”

  “Well how about we both ride on
e together? I’ll steer and keep things in control. You don’t have to worry. I won’t let you fall. We can take a ride down to the stream under the trees. It’s a real pretty spot.”

  “Well, I don’t know Jarrod…”

  Before she could refuse, Jarrod saddled and bridled his horse. “This is Clover, my lucky charm.”

  Jarrod’s gelding was born to the same mare and stallion as his brother’s the following year. At first glance, it looked identical to Grayson’s horse, Buck, but stood a little taller at exactly fifteen hands. Jarrod instantly wanted the colt so he could be just like his older brother. The horses looked so much alike, even their father couldn’t tell which of the brothers were riding up to the house until they stopped to open the gate. The only difference was Jarrod’s horse had a small white pattern on the right front foot that resembled a four-leaf clover. Jarrod felt he was lucky to have such a horse, and so named him Clover.

  Jarrod patted the horse on the side of his neck. “I’ve had him since I was a young boy. I trust him with my life. He won’t ever buck you off, especially since he knows how special you are.”

  “How does he know I’m special?”

  “’Cause I told him so. C’mon. Here, let me help you up.”

  “Well I insist on riding sidesaddle. I cannot sit astride in this dress.”

  “No problem.” Jarrod then quickly lifted her up before she could object.

  “Oh! I feel like I’m going to fall off!”

  “Just hold onto that horn for a second while I get on.” Jarrod hopped onto the horse, sitting just behind the cantle. He then reached around Charlotte to grab a hold of the reins. “There now. With my arms around you like this, you won’t fall off. Feel better?”

  “No. Not really.”

  Jarrod then gave Clover a firm kick and before Charlotte could scream, they were off in nearly a full gallop.

  “Aaaahhh! Slow down, Jarrod! Slow down this second!”

  Jarrod pulled up on the reins to slow down Clover to a trot and finally a much smoother walk. “Sorry. I just wanted to show you that you were safe. Now that we got that out of the way, you can enjoy the rest of the ride.”

  “Scaring me half to death is not an appropriate way to introduce me to horseback riding.”

  “But you feel safe now, don’t you?”


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