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Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her - A Sweet Historical Western Romance (Faithful Mail Order Bride Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Rose Dumont

  “Safe would not be my first choice of words to describe how I’m feeling right now.”


  “I suppose that’s closer.”

  “Good. I knew you would like it.”

  Charlotte was frightened at first, but maybe exhilarated was a good choice of words to describe how she was feeling. She was having a good time being with Jarrod and having her first ride on a horse in this most beautiful meadow. She took a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent of all the blooming flowers. There was a light breeze caressing her hair and she could hear the faint melodic song of meadowlarks in the distance. It was something she had never experienced.

  “Here’s the place. It’s one of my favorites on the ranch. I love to fish here or just listen to the stream and sit under the shade of the cottonwood trees. This is where…” Jarrod almost slipped again and said where Grayson and Cheryl got married.

  “Where what?”

  “Uh, this is just where I like to come to clear my mind. That’s all.”

  “It is a lovely spot.”

  Jarrod had thrown an extra blanket under the saddle with the hopes that Charlotte would sit with him. He took the blanket and spread it under a large cottonwood tree next to the stream.

  “Do you always carry an extra blanket with you?”

  “Only when I want to sit with a lovely young lady like yourself.” Jarrod took her hand and guided her over to the blanket. “Please Madam, would you kindly sit with me on this here woolen blanket, chosen especially for you and your comfort?”

  “Why thank you, sir. I do believe I will.”

  They both laughed and sat down together. The air was slightly cooler under the shade tree, especially by the cold-water stream. It babbled down through the rocks, creating a soothing sound that Charlotte never heard before and especially enjoyed.

  “The meadow is so beautiful and the stream so serene and comforting. I now know why this is one of your favorite places here. It would be mine too.”

  “It can be yours, too.”

  “I certainly will remember it, but I’ll be leaving soon for Boston, remember?”

  “But you don’t have to.”

  “Well I can’t live in a hotel in Laurel Springs forever. I have to get on with my life. I don’t have any reason to stay here. At least in Boston, I still have some family, my Aunt and Uncle, and I know I can find a job. What would I do here?”

  “Be with me.”

  “Be with you? What do you mean?”

  “Oh, Charlotte. I knew there was something special about you the first time I saw you. No one as beautiful as you has ever been to this town.”

  “What about my sister? Remember? She’s my twin. She looks just like me.”

  “Yeah, but I knew from the start she was Grayson’s so I never looked at her that way. Besides that, and don’t tell her or Grayson this, but I think you’re much prettier anyway.”

  “Flattery might not work this time, Jarrod. And how could you possibly know you want to be with me? We just met. We’ve only had a couple meals together.”

  “Oh, I know. But I can get to know you better if you would just stay. And you could get to know me. It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me. I just want you to stay so we can know if it we were meant to be. I would have to chase you to Boston if you don’t.”

  “Really? You would follow me all the way to Boston?”

  “Yes I would.”

  Charlotte liked Jarrod, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to be in a courtship with him, especially so soon after Grayson.

  “I am flattered by your interest in me, Jarrod, but I cannot make such a decision so soon. I need more time to think about things. I need to go back to Boston, by myself.”

  “Please, don’t. What do I need to do to convince you?”

  “You have been near perfect, aside from that crazy gallop ride you just took me on. I mean what I said about you. You are a gentleman whom any woman would be foolish to turn down.”

  “Then why are you?”

  “Because I don’t have those feelings right now for you. My heart won’t allow it yet. Let me go back to Boston and think things through. I will write to you and I hope you will write back. And then, if it’s right, I will return to Laurel Springs and Wind River Ranch when my heart can be yours and only yours.”

  Jarrod was disappointed by her words, but didn’t want to push her any further. “Okay, Charlotte. If that’s how it must be.”

  “Yes, it must. I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be sorry. I’ll be here waiting for you when you return.”

  “You’re confidence is uncanny.”

  “It’s my best attribute.”

  “One of them.” Charlotte smiled and grabbed his arm. He lifted her up from the blanket and they returned in a slow walk on Clover back to the barn.


  When they got back to the barn, Jarrod invited Charlotte to stay for dinner, but she declined. She just wanted to have one last conversation with Cheryl before she left on the stage tomorrow morning. Charlotte waited on the porch while Jarrod went inside to get Cheryl.

  “Hi, Charlotte. I’m glad you wanted to talk again.” Cheryl sat down in the chair next to her sister.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow so I just wanted to see you before I left. I need to say this without interruption, so please bear with me.” Cheryl nodded.

  “I have decided that I must forgive you. I cannot bear this anger and carry it with me from now until eternity. You are my sister and I love you. As twins, we share a bond that should never be broken. And as I said before, I cannot forget what you did, but I will learn to accept it in due time. I did not want to leave without you knowing this. I want to still communicate with you through letters. I want to know how you’re doing and how your new baby is. I wish you and Grayson all the best and I hope one day we can all sit down and break bread together as a family, but it is not today. I wish you well, my sister.” Charlotte stands up to offer Cheryl a hug.

  “I love you, Charlotte. God bless you.” Cheryl hugs her sister and they both cry.

  “I love you too, Cheryl. I need to go now.”

  “I thought you might stay. I thought Jarrod would ask you too.”

  “He did, but I am not ready to stay. I need to return to Boston.”

  “But when will I see you again?”

  “In due time. Goodbye, Cheryl.”

  “Goodbye, Charlotte.”

  Charlotte called over to Jarrod who was out at the barn. She wanted to leave and not have to see or speak to Grayson.

  Jarrod jogged over to the buggy where Charlotte was already seated. “Ready?”

  “Yes, let’s go please.” Jarrod pulled the buggy away from the cabin as Cheryl gave Charlotte a final wave goodbye. Charlotte waved back and then quickly looked forward as she saw Grayson out of the corner of her eye, coming from the far pasture on his horse. “Can you go any faster?”

  “Oh sure, now you want to go faster?”

  “Yes, please!”

  Jarrod just then saw Grayson and understood now why Charlotte was in such a hurry. He whipped the reins a few times and they disappeared quickly out of sight, leaving behind only a dust trail by the time Grayson arrived at the house.


  Almost a year had passed since Charlotte left Laurel Springs and returned to Boston. Since then Cheryl had given birth to her baby boy, Michael.

  Cheryl and Jarrod did keep in contact with Charlotte through letters. Jarrod had asked in nearly every one for her to return, but Charlotte always replied that she wasn’t ready yet.

  Because they had more time to correspond and because she had already met Jarrod in person, she felt more close to him than she ever did while corresponding to Grayson. But she just didn’t want to rush into anything this time.

  Charlotte did desire a husband and wanted to have a family, but wanted to make sure Jarrod was the right one. She didn’t want to choose him by default. And she wanted to make sure sh
e could be part of his family, alongside Grayson and Cheryl, without having any regretful feelings.

  The entire time Jarrod wrote to Cheryl, he not once thought about being with any other women. Jarrod was handsome and wealthy, so there was never a shortage of women who were interested in him. But he was only interested in his lovely Charlotte who, unfortunately, was thousands of miles away.

  Jarrod thought about going to Boston to be with her and convince her to return with him, but he knew he couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to. He also knew he couldn’t live in a city, so he would just have to wait for her to return to him. He never gave up hope that she would. In fact, not long after Charlotte left, he began to build a separate cabin on the ranch for them.


  Grayson came trotting up on his horse to find Jarrod putting the last few shingles on the roof. “Looks like it’s almost finished.”

  “Yep. Do you think Charlotte will like it?”

  “Of course. But she still hasn’t said anything to you about coming back, has she?”

  “No. Not yet. But she will.”

  “You’re confident about that, aren’t you?”

  “It’s one of my best traits, you know. Charlotte even said so.”

  “Well, if nothing else, you have a nice place to sleep until she comes back. Better than that old shack you had before.”

  “Yeah. It will be nice to have my very own place again. Now I don’t have to be so careful and clean and be in Cheryl’s way over in the main house. I can kick my boots off wherever I like.”

  “I’m sure both Cheryl and Miss Jean will appreciate that. Heck, I think I will too.”

  “Ha. Ha. And I love Jenni and Michael, but sometimes I just want to snooze and it’s hard with young’uns running all over the house. But hey, I’m still coming over for meals.”

  “Yeah, I figured that much.”

  “Well Cheryl and Miss Jean are cooking meals anyway for you and the kids, so it’s no big deal if I eat with y’all too.”

  “No. No it isn’t. Aside from having to add another pound of food to the pot for you.”

  “Well I think I earn my keep here. Remember, besides you I also help raise all this beef around here.”

  “Just kidding you, brother. Of course you do. And I do hope one day that Charlotte returns. Sounds like she has your heart.”

  “She does. She’s the only one for me.”

  “Well I’m happy that you feel like that about a woman. For awhile there, I thought you never would again. It’s kind of weird to me, it being Charlotte and all, but if she’s the one that’ll make you happy, then I’ll accept that and be happy for you.”

  “I know it’s weird. But I figure after awhile, we’d all get over it. I reckon me and you have the same taste in woman, us both liking twin sisters and all.”

  “I guess it’s kind of special. Two brothers marry two sisters.”

  “Well I hope I get the chance to marry her. First I need to convince her to leave that wicked city of Boston.”

  “I don’t see after being out in this beautiful country of ours, how someone could want to live in a crowded, dirty city like that. Just keep writing the right words to her, have faith and in due time she’ll just have to come back to you.”

  “I hope and pray everyday.”

  “Well I’ll see you later. I gotta go to town to pick up some things for Cheryl and the baby. You need anything?”

  “Just Charlotte.”

  “If it was that easy, I’d bring her home for you.”

  “Yeah, I know. Naw. I don’t need anything. But can you stop by the post office and see if there are any letters for me?”

  “Will do.” Grayson turned Buck around and headed back down the trail into town.


  Every time Jarrod galloped through the meadow down to the stream, all he could think about was Charlotte. He always liked to go down there and fish, but the place was even more special now since he had memories of her being there with him.

  As he got to the top of the hill and could see across the flowering field to the stream, he noticed something different. He could make out a figure down under the cottonwoods by the creek, but it was too far away to see who it was. He trotted a little faster until finally he could see it was a woman sitting on a blanket.

  He could see the long, blonde hair draped over the back of her shoulders. Then she turned to look towards him and stood up. Jarrod instantly knew it was Charlotte. His lovely Charlotte had returned.

  She waved to him in the distance and he waved back. Jarrod galloped as fast as he could until he reached her. He stopped short and in one continuous motion, swung off the horse and then grabbed Charlotte and swung her around in the air. “You’re here! You’re here! I just knew you would come back. But why didn’t you tell me? How did you get here?”

  “I just woke up one morning and realized I wanted to be with you in Laurel Springs more than by myself in Boston. I got on a train that afternoon and here I am. A few days into the trip I was beginning to doubt my decision. Not about wanting to be with you, but not telling you or asking you ahead of time through a letter. I wondered what if I show up and you changed your mind?”

  “Not one moment since you left have I not wanted you to return. I’m so happy you did. But how did you get here, to the ranch and here next to the river?”

  “I stayed at the hotel the first night. The next morning, Sid told me Grayson was at the blacksmith’s getting new shoes made for Buck. He was surprised to see me too, but gladly offered me a ride back to the ranch. He said you were out moving cattle to the upper grazing area and wouldn’t be back for awhile. So I asked him to bring me down here so I could surprise you…Surprise!”

  “You certainly did surprise me. I thought it was funny Grayson telling me to come down here. He made up some story about seeing a stray cow and its calf going over the hill this way and for me to go and fetch them back. He said he couldn’t do it himself ‘cause he had to help Cheryl with something. It sure was a nice surprise to find you here instead of a couple of cows.”

  “Well I hope so. I know you and Grayson love your cattle, but I hope you love, or will love, me more.”

  “I certainly do. I do love you Charlotte.”

  “I love you too, Jarrod.”

  The two embraced. They didn’t let go, but slowly pulled back from each other and gazed into each other’s eyes. Jarrod moved in closer and then gave Charlotte a light, gentle kiss. “Charlotte, I know there is no other woman I would want to be with than you. I wasn’t prepared for you to be here today or to ask this question, but it only feels right.” Jarrod got down on his knee and held Charlotte’s hands. “Miss Charlotte Abbey Chadwick, will you marry me?”

  Charlotte was stunned. “I…I was not expecting this at all.”

  “Well will you?”

  Charlotte paused, looked at Jarrod and then quickly shook her head up and down. “Yes!”

  Jarrod stood up and gave Charlotte another big hug and kiss. “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring for you right now. Like I said, I didn’t know I was gonna ask you. But I’ll get you one right away. Anything you want.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. A ring is not as important as your words and intentions right now. I want to marry you for who you are, not because of a ring.”

  “My Charlotte, that’s why I love you so much! Now let’s get back to the cabin and let everyone know.” Jarrod helped Charlotte up on Clover.

  “This time I wore appropriate under garments so I can sit astride.” She swung one of her legs over the other side of the saddle. “But that doesn’t mean you can take us into a full gallop again!”

  Jarrod hopped onto Clover behind her, put his chin on Charlotte’s shoulder as he reached around to grab the reins and softly said, “Whatever you say, dear.” He kissed her on the cheek and then guided the horse back to the barn in a slow, reasonable gallop.


  Jarrod and Charlotte walked up to the porch of the
cabin where Miss Jean was sitting on the rocking chair.

  “C’mon on in Miss Jean. We have something to tell you and Grayson and Cheryl.”

  “Can’t you just tell me without me having to get up?”

  “Okay. Wait here and I’ll get Grayson and Cheryl to come out.”

  “That’s sounds better to me and my knees.”

  Jarrod opened the door to the cabin and yelled for Grayson and Cheryl, “Hey, y’all, come on out. I got something to tell you.”

  “What?” Grayson yelled down to Jarrod from upstairs.

  “Would you just come on out.”

  “Alright. Alright.”

  “I need to come too?”

  “Yeah, Cheryl. You too.”

  Grayson and Cheryl came out on the porch and saw Charlotte standing there next to Miss Jean. Grayson knew she was here, but hadn’t told Cheryl. He wanted it to be a surprise for her too.

  “Charlotte! What are you doing here?” Cheryl immediately gave Charlotte a big hug.

  “I’ll tell you everything, but first I think Jarrod has something he wants to say first.”

  “Uh, yes. Well,” Jarrod moved next to Charlotte and wrapped his arm around her. “Well, I wanted y’all to know that I asked Miss Charlotte to marry me and she said yes.”

  “Oh that’s wonderful!” Cheryl shouted out.

  “Congratulations, little brother.” Grayson shook Jarrod’s hand and patted him on the back.

  “Well it’s about time.” Miss Jean stayed sitting in her rocking chair and addressed Charlotte, “All this boy would ever talk about is you. He was beginning to mope around here like a sick puppy. Thank goodness you came back. I just about couldn’t stand it no more, his love sickness and all.”

  Charlotte reached down to give Miss Jean a hug. “Well I’m glad I could fix what ailed him, for his and yours sake.”

  Everyone laughed. “Have you shown Charlotte her surprise?” Grayson asked Jarrod.

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Surprise? Asking me to marry you was enough of a surprise. What else could you possibly have?”

  “Well come with me and I’ll show you.” Jarrod took Charlotte down the steps of the porch and into the wagon. He turned back to everyone who was still on the porch and yelled out, “We’ll see y’all later.”


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