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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

Page 5

by Alice May Ball

  Liam took a squeeze of her ass before she left. “You’d better be quick.”

  She stroked his cock, teasing, “You don’t always say that.” And she went back through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

  “If you start with the hot-tub,” he called after her, “the food will all be gone by the time you get back.”

  The waiter wheeled in the cart and Liam descended on the coffee pot before the boy had even finished removing the covers and set the table up. Declan tipped him before he left and said, “You’d better bring us another pot of coffee right away.”

  Liam drank a cup of coffee down in gulps and poured himself another. “Do you think she’s getting tired of us?”

  “Ah, what would you do if you couldn’t find anything to worry about?”

  “How would I ever not be able to find something to worry about?”

  Declan buttered a triangle of toast, added some preserves and began to crunch. “How much do you know about deLunghi?”

  “Well, I know that he’s called ‘Hammer’ and I know it’s not because of his enthusiasm for home improvement.”


  “Seriously? He was born into the Bonamasso family, and was the favorite nephew of Antonio. There were stories that Antonio’s love for his sister was a lot more than brotherly, and so his affection for young Hammer may have been more than what you might expect from a close uncle.”

  “His name’s not ‘Hammer,’ though.” Declan took another piece of toast.

  “Are you just going to stand there and graze randomly at the breakfast table?” Declan shrugged and grinned as he crunched. “No.” Liam told him, “His given name is Massimo.”

  He poured more coffee for himself. “Massimo deLunghi was Antonio’s most feared enforcer. Once when a small business owner was late on a protection payment, he nailed three of the man’s fingers to a table. He always carried a hammer with him and if he ever took it out, someone was going to be getting some nasty injury. Often ending up with final blows to the head.”

  “He doesn’t sound like a very nice man.”

  “Very good in the community, it’s said.”

  “Ah, those Catholics and their penance.”

  Liam shrugged. “People talk about how he’s all about helping the youth and improving the lot of the poor.”

  “But, would those mainly be people who are scared shitless of him?”

  “I never heard of anyone who knew him who wasn’t scared shitless of him.”

  The phone rang. Both men’s eyebrows raised. Liam took the call. Declan mouthed Arden? Liam nodded back.

  After an exchange he held the phone away. “He says there’s plenty who would be glad of the work. What should I tell him?”

  “Give him here.” Declan took the phone. He listened for a moment. “I’m sure that you’re right, Mr. Arden, sir, but, as you’re often very fond of reminding us, all the rest of them fellers are a whole lot less fucking expensive than we are. So that leaves me asking myself why it is that you didn’t go to one of them in the first place instead of us?”

  He listened again.

  “We’re going to have to discuss this more, my colleague and I. We’ll come back to you.” Another pause, “Yes. I realize there’s a need for a fast decision… yes. Yes, this morning. Most definitely.” He was about to hang up, but his eyes widened as he listened some more. “Oh. Well, that’s important to know.”

  Liam was thoughtful and quiet as he hung up. He put cereal into a bowl. “It doesn’t feel right, you know? Working in a foreign country, working with those two guys…”

  “And they’ll be on home turf as well, that doesn’t make it feel any better.”

  “But you know what? The thing that sits in the back of my mind, the thing that’s troubling me the most, is the fact that Arden wants it done at a particular time.”

  “I know what you mean.” Declan took a cup of coffee. “It’s like it’s meant to send a message or make a point of some kind.”

  Liam paced around the room. “Some sort of a display almost. Like it’s a show.”

  Declan sat at the breakfast table. Then he immediately got up again. “I’m with you there. I’ve never wanted to have our work seen as a spectator sport.”

  “It doesn’t feature at the Olympics, sure enough.”

  “And if it fucking did, you and I wouldn’t be entering.”

  Liam paused by the window. “But you have to think, what if we let the blond twins have it for themselves? And what if they make a success of it? Bring home the bacon, as it were.”

  Declan slumped into a couch. “What if they do? It’s not a competitive sport.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying. But it might mean that we might risk getting sidelined on jobs in the future. That we’d get less of the plum work afterwards. That we see it all go to the twins instead.”

  “Right enough. And I’ve a feeling that we’ve been pretty much the golden boys for some time now. Still, would it be a very bad thing? It could mean a slightly quieter life for a little while, maybe.”

  “It would be bad from the point of view of our future prosperity and general well-being. It would be from the perspective of all the pretty things and treats we’re able to provide for our lovely Miss Bouncy Beauty. And it would generally inhibit our ability to make choices and have control over our lives. Wouldn’t those all be undesirable outcomes from your particular vantage?”

  “Well, when you put it that way.”

  Courtenay came back smiling, refreshed and glowing from the shower, still with the robe draped loosely around her. And, as both men took the trouble to notice, with nothing covering her skin underneath it. Liam stepped toward her. “I am wondering what our own Miss Dairy Queen would think.” He hugged her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “What do you say, my lewd little treasure?”

  Courtenay asked what he meant and Liam outlined the conversation so far. Declan piped up, “There’s one piece of new information which may or may not bear on our thinking.” Setting his coffee down, he came to Courtenay’s other side and ran his hand down her back.

  Declan’s phone rang again. “He can’t be fucking serious.” He took the phone from his pocked and glowered at the screen. Then he frowned and looked at Liam as he answered. “Who’s this?”

  His eyes widened.

  He told Liam, “It’s Horst.” Then said, “How did you get this number?”

  Liam muttered, “There’s only one place he could have gotten it.”

  Looking up, Declan said, “Gunner’s got Carlo’s job.”

  Liam’s head snapped around and his eyebrows lifted, “Driving deLunghi?”

  Declan nodded. “Okay, well, that’s… No, we’ve not decided yet… Yes, he just called. We know. Okay, you’d better text me your number then… No, it came up ‘number withheld.’… Yes. Sure. We’ll be in touch.”

  Liam narrowed his eyes. “What’s the fucker playing at?”

  Declan’s head cocked, “Horst?”


  “Oh. Giving them our number?”

  “And getting one of them onto Hammer’s payroll.”

  “You can see the sense of it.”

  “Well, maybe. But he doesn’t get involved with operational issues.”

  “No, that’s true.”

  “It muddies the water.”

  Declan nodded. “There’s a lot of dark stuff going on here.”

  Liam sat back at the table, by his empty coffee cup, and pulled Courtenay onto his lap. “What about this damned ‘conference’ your man deLunghi’s attending? Since when do mobsters have conferences?”

  “Well, I’ve certainly never been invited to one.”

  “You’re not a mobster.”

  “I am that. Carmine Monreale told me I was an ‘honorary’ guy.”

  “Did he now? Well, that’s something I never knew about you.”

  “So what do you think, boss?”

  “I think the only times you ever call me that are whe
n you want to set me up for the blame on something.”

  “You know me too well.”

  “Well, it tells me something.”


  “It tells me that you want to do it.”

  “How can it tell you that when I’ve not yet decided myself?”

  “You see? You have. You just haven’t come to terms with it. You haven’t rationalized it. But you’ve decided, sure as eggs are eggs. And the reason I know is because that’s why you want to make sure that I’m taking the blame for it. In case it all turns out for shit.”

  “You think you’re fucking clever.”

  Courtenay picked up a peach. “He is fucking clever. So are you, though. You don’t give yourself credit.”

  Liam jigged his thigh to make her bounce. “Oh, don’t be fooled, sugar buns, he gives himself enough of that. It’s just when it comes to it, he wants to avoid blame more than he wants to stand in line for credit.”

  “Mm.” Declan’s eyes narrowed. “You do know me too well.”

  “Ah, it goes both ways.”

  “Does it?”

  Liam just grinned.

  “So,” Courtenay looked from Declan to Liam to her peach, “What are you going to do, boys? What’s it to be?”

  Liam looked up, smiling, “What would you think, Miss Main Street and Behind?”

  She thought about it and frowned. “I wouldn’t tell you boys what to do. Not in your business. Not for anything.” And she watched them as she sank her teeth into the peach. She jumped and clapped her other hand to her chin as the juice exploded around her lips.

  “No, and we love you for it.” Declan squeezed her. “But I think still we’d both like to know what you think. What your instinct is about it.”

  “I think she may be a little reticent, our own special gobbler, because she has some feelings about seeing the two blond barnstormers. I think she’d like to get inside their lederhosen.”

  “Or maybe get what’s in them out.”

  “Stop it!”

  Y CLOTHES WERE all over the bed and the chairs in the bedroom. The three of us dressing at the same time took up the whole hotel suite. Sinks, mirrors, closets, drawers, not to mention brushes, blades, powders and scent. I had dressed and fixed my face and my hair. I got through fast enough that was I able to watch Declan slide into his impeccable dark suit.

  Liam was dressing. I swear, watching those two men grooming themselves into their clothes was almost as much of a thrill as seeing them burst out later. I watched from behind and in the mirror as he hauled his belt into the heavy silver buckle, pulled it tight and straightened his pants.

  The muscular clench of his ass made me sigh when it was in his suit pants, almost as much as when it wasn’t.

  His eye caught mine in the mirror. “When the Teutonic twins set up a meeting, I’d like you to come along.” I was surprised.

  “This is different from how you usually do things.”

  “It’s business.” But there was a sparkle in his eye.

  I said, “Why would you want me there?”

  “It could make a difference to you,” he told me as he crafted the knot on his tie. I stepped nearer. He turned and I leaned against him to feel the heat of his chest. I adjusted the knot. Pretending that was why I was pressed against him.

  The knot had been perfect as it was, but I took any excuse to be near Liam, or Declan. The tug of his smile at the corners of his eyes inflamed me.

  He held my waist. “Have you been to Germany before?” I shook my head. “Do you want to go?” I nodded. “So. Come along.”

  “Really,” Declan stepped up behind me and said, “We want you to watch and listen.”

  “But I don’t know anything.” I squirmed, pressed in between the two men. I licked my lips. “Not about any of it.”

  Liam pulled back to slip on his suit jacket. As he did I lurched, like a kitten does if you rub her. She leans against your hand then, when you take your hand away, she lurches. Liam and Declan looked so fine. They had such beautiful suits and they looked so hot, they always made me want to climb them. All the time. Everywhere.

  Inside their fine-cut, hand-stitched suit, in the crisp linen shirts, there were animals. Hot. Pumping. Ready to pounce any moment. Every moment. But dressed, they looked so perfect. So impeccable. The contrast made me wet and achy.

  “We don’t mean for you to come along because of what you know, or what you don’t know.” He said.

  “No,” Declan said, “But you’re a great judge of people.”

  Liam nodded with emphasis. Declan went on, “I want your take on whether we can trust them. What they’re hiding. If they’re telling us the truth or if they’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes.” Declan was pretty persuasive. “You’re great on all of that. You read people.”

  I was absolutely certain that these two men were past masters at reading themselves, seeing what someone meant when it was different from what the person said. They made games, played with words and made jokes out of things like that, so I thought they were perfectly able to judge the twins without any help from me.

  But, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have an interest in seeing the twins again. They were pretty hot themselves. Like Liam said, I wouldn’t be disloyal in any way. But I could look. There’s no harm in that. Is there?

  “And do you want me to blow you under the table while we’re there?”

  Declan’s laugh was a loud rattle like a snake and it made me even hotter. “Why ever would you be thinking of that?”

  Liam’s hand grabbed my ass and slid between my thighs. “What would give you such a very bad thought, Miss Primly Fuckable? Where does your filthy mind go when there’s no one to guard it?”

  His fingers traced my folds through my thin wet panties and pressed them apart.

  Declan said, “We’re going to get all thrown out of schedule,” and I knew he was right when I heard the buzz of his zipper.

  Liam said, “You know we shouldn’t be doing this now.”

  Declan’s hands slid up my thighs and lifted my skirt as he pulled me back against him. The chill of the air met my quivering cheeks, and they pressed back against the hot pulse of his velvety rod.

  “We should be out doing the research.” The ridge in his pants dragged against my ass.

  Liam’s eyes blazed as he reached up to my hair. I had spent more than an hour on my hair. He knew it. I saw it in the curl of his lip as he pushed his fingers right into it. He pulled, gently at first as he closed his fist and grabbed me.

  The thickness of Declan’s cock was between my shaking thighs. Liam grasped me by my perfectly arranged hair and tugged my head back. “I believe you’re right, my friend.” With his free hand, Liam’s finger traced the line of my exposed throat. “I’m always distracted by the loveliness of our beauty here.”

  “And she’ll need time to change.” My knees weakened and shook as the hard head of Declan’s cock drug against my hood and pressed my clit. The back ridge sawed against my fattening lips.


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